
# Copyright 2014 Patrick O. Perry
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Compute 'sufficient statitics' for estimating fixed coef mean using moment method.
# Usually it will be used separately on each cores.
moment.est.mean.mapper <- function(coefficients, nfixed, subspace, precision, dispersion, start.cov = NULL)

    ngroups <- nrow(coefficients)
    dim <- ncol(coefficients)
    nrandom <- dim - nfixed
    names <- colnames(coefficients)

    fixed <- seq_len(nfixed)
    random  <- nfixed + seq_len(nrandom)

    if (is.null(start.cov))
        start.cov <- diag(nrandom)

    # compute mean estimate and covariance bias correction
    weight11.sum <- matrix(0,  nfixed, nfixed)
    weight1.coef.sum <- matrix(0,  nfixed, 1)

    for (i in seq_len(ngroups)) {
        u <- subspace[[i]]
        u1 <- u[fixed,,drop=FALSE]
        u2 <- u[random,,drop=FALSE]
        l <- precision[[i]]

        sigma2 <- dispersion[i]
        r <- length(l)

        if (r == 0L) {

        s <- sqrt(l)
        us <- u %*% diag(s, r, r)
        u1s <- us[fixed,,drop=FALSE]
        u2s <- us[random,,drop=FALSE]

        cov22 <- t(u2s) %*% start.cov %*% u2s
        w.inv <- cov22 + diag(sigma2, r, r)
        #    R.w.inv <- chol(w.inv)
        #    R.u1s.t <- backsolve(R.w.inv, t(u1s), transpose=TRUE)
        #    R.u2s.t <- backsolve(R.w.inv, t(u2s), transpose=TRUE)
        #    w11 <- t(R.u1s.t) %*% R.u1s.t
        #    w12 <- t(R.u1s.t) %*% R.u2s.t

        # pseudo.solve is more robust against 0 eigenvalues
        w11 <- u1s %*% pseudo.solve(w.inv,t(u1s))
        w12 <- u1s %*% pseudo.solve(w.inv,t(u2s))

        w1b <- (w11 %*% coefficients[i,fixed]
                + w12 %*% coefficients[i,random])

        weight11.sum <- weight11.sum + w11
        weight1.coef.sum <- weight1.coef.sum + w1b

    return(list(ngroups = ngroups,
                weight11.sum  = weight11.sum ,
                weight1.coef.sum  = weight1.coef.sum ))


# Estimate fixed effect's coefficient.
# Usually used as the 'combine' function in foreach function.
moment.est.mean.reducer <- function(ret, fixef.rank.warn)

    #  ret <- list(...)
        stop("The input is empty.")

    ngroups <- 0
    wtot <- 0
    meanSum <- 0

    for(i in seq_len(length(ret))){
        ngroups <- ngroups + ret[[i]]$ngroups
        wtot <- wtot + ret[[i]]$weight11.sum
        meanSum <- meanSum + ret[[i]]$weight1.coef.sum
    wtot <- wtot / ngroups
    meanSum <- meanSum / ngroups

    mean <- pseudo.solve(wtot, meanSum)
    if (attr(mean, "deficient") & fixef.rank.warn) {
        warning("cannot solve fixed effect moment equation due to rank deficiency")
    mean.cov <- pseudo.solve(wtot) / ngroups
    attr(mean, "deficient") <- attr(mean.cov, "deficient") <- NULL

    est.mean <- list(mean = mean, mean.cov = mean.cov)

# Compute 'sufficient statitics' for estimating ranef cov using moment method.
# Usually it will be used separately on each cores.
moment.est.cov.mapper <- function(coefficients, nfixed, subspace, precision, dispersion,
                                  start.cov = NULL, diagcov = FALSE, mean)

    dim <- ncol(coefficients)
    ngroups <- nrow(coefficients)
    nrandom <- dim - nfixed
    fixed <- seq_len(nfixed)
    random  <- nfixed + seq_len(nrandom)

    names <- colnames(coefficients)

    if (is.null(start.cov))
        start.cov <- diag(nrandom)

    # compute mean estimate and covariance bias correction
        bias.sum <- matrix(0, nrandom, 1)
        weight22.2.sum <- matrix(0,  nrandom, nrandom)
        weight22.coef.2.sum <- matrix(0, nrandom, 1)
    } else {
        bias.sum <- matrix(0,  nrandom, nrandom)
        weight22.2.sum <- matrix(0,  nrandom^2, nrandom^2)
        weight22.coef.2.sum <- matrix(0,  nrandom, nrandom)

    VWV12 <- as.list(rep(NULL,ngroups))
    VWV22 <- as.list(rep(NULL,ngroups))

    for (i in seq_len(ngroups)) {
        u <- subspace[[i]]
        u1 <- u[fixed,,drop=FALSE]
        u2 <- u[random,,drop=FALSE]
        l <- precision[[i]]

        sigma2 <- dispersion[i]
        r <- length(l)

        if (r == 0L) {

        s <- sqrt(l)
        us <- u %*% diag(s, r, r)
        u1s <- us[fixed,,drop=FALSE]
        u2s <- us[random,,drop=FALSE]

        cov22 <- t(u2s) %*% start.cov %*% u2s
        w.inv <- cov22 + diag(sigma2, r, r)
        #    R.w.inv <- chol(w.inv)
        #    R.u1s.t <- backsolve(R.w.inv, t(u1s), transpose=TRUE)
        #    R.u2s.t <- backsolve(R.w.inv, t(u2s), transpose=TRUE)
        #    w12 <- t(R.u1s.t) %*% R.u2s.t
        #    w22 <- t(R.u2s.t) %*% R.u2s.t

        # pseudo.solve is more robust against 0 eigenvalues
        w12 <- u1s %*% pseudo.solve(w.inv,t(u2s))
        w22 <- u2s %*% pseudo.solve(w.inv,t(u2s))

        #    R2.u2s.t <- backsolve(R.w.inv, R.u2s.t)
        R2.u2s.t <- pseudo.solve(w.inv,t(u2s))

            B <- sigma2 * apply((R2.u2s.t)^2,2,sum)
            B <- sigma2 * t(R2.u2s.t) %*% R2.u2s.t

        bias.sum <- bias.sum + B

            diff <- (t(w12) %*% (coefficients[i,fixed] - mean)
                     + w22 %*% coefficients[i,random])

            weight22.2.sum <- weight22.2.sum + w22^2
            weight22.coef.2.sum  <- weight22.coef.2.sum + diff^2
        } else {

            weight22.2.sum <- weight22.2.sum + kronecker(w22, w22)

            diff <- (t(w12) %*% (coefficients[i,fixed] - mean)
                     + w22 %*% coefficients[i,random])
            weight22.coef.2.sum <- weight22.coef.2.sum + diff %*% t(diff)

        VWV12[[i]] <- w12
        VWV22[[i]] <- w22

    ret <- list(ngroups = ngroups,
                weight22.2.sum = weight22.2.sum,
                weight22.coef.2.sum = weight22.coef.2.sum,
                bias.sum = bias.sum, VWV12 = VWV12, VWV22 = VWV22)


# Estimate ranef covariance matrix, if control$diagcov is TRUE, i.e. only estimate diagonal element in covariance matrix.
# Usually used as the 'combine' function in foreach function.
moment.est.cov.reducer <- function(ret, diagcov, cov.rank.warn, cov.psd.warn)

    #  ret <- list(...)
        stop("The input is empty.")

    ngroups <- 0
    wtot2 <- 0
    wt.cov <- 0
    wt.bias <- 0

    for(i in seq_len(length(ret))){
        ngroups <- ngroups + ret[[i]]$ngroups
        wtot2 <- wtot2 + ret[[i]]$weight22.2.sum
        wt.cov <- wt.cov + ret[[i]]$weight22.coef.2.sum
        wt.bias <- wt.bias + ret[[i]]$bias.sum

    nrandom <- nrow(wt.bias)

        LHSinv <- pseudo.solve(wtot2)
        diag_1 <- LHSinv %*% wt.cov
        diag_2 <- LHSinv %*% wt.bias

        idx.use <- diag_2 !=0
        if( any(idx.use)){
            gamma <- min(min(diag_1[idx.use] / diag_2[idx.use]),1)
        } else {
            gamma <- 0

        #  cov <- diag( c(diag_1 -  diag_2) , nrow = nrandom)
        cov.adj <- diag( c(diag_1 - gamma * diag_2) , nrow = nrandom)

    } else {
        # construct an orthonormal basis for the space of symmetric
        # matrices
        q <- nrandom
        F <- matrix(0, q^2, q * (q + 1) / 2)
        j <- 0
        for (k in seq_len(q)) {
            for (l in seq_len(k)) {
                j <- j + 1
                f <- matrix(0, q, q)
                if (k == l) {
                    f[k,l] <- 1
                } else {
                    f[k,l] <- 1/sqrt(2)
                    f[l,k] <- 1/sqrt(2)
                F[,j] <- as.vector(f)

        # solve the moment equations
        tF.wtot2.F <- t(F) %*% wtot2 %*% F
        cov.vec <- pseudo.solve(tF.wtot2.F, t(F) %*% as.vector(wt.cov))
        bias.vec <- pseudo.solve(tF.wtot2.F, t(F) %*% as.vector(wt.bias))

        if (attr(cov.vec, "deficient") & cov.rank.warn) {
            warning("cannot solve covariance moment equation due to rank deficiency")

        # change back to original space
        cov <- matrix(F %*% cov.vec, nrandom, nrandom)
        bias <- matrix(F %*% bias.vec, nrandom, nrandom)

        # remove asymmetry arising from numerical errors
        cov <- 0.5 * (cov + t(cov))
        bias <- 0.5 * (bias + t(bias))

        eigen.cov <- eigen(cov, symmetric=TRUE)
        l <- eigen.cov$values
        u <- eigen.cov$vectors[,l > 0, drop=FALSE]
        l <- l[l > 0]

            cov.adj <- diag(0,nrow = nrandom)
        } else {
            s <- sqrt(l)
            s.u.t <- t(u) * s
            sinv.u.t <- t(u) / s
            cov.bias <- sinv.u.t %*% bias %*% t(sinv.u.t)
            eigen.cov.bias <- eigen(cov.bias, symmetric=TRUE)
            l.bias <- eigen.cov.bias$values
            u.bias.t <- t(eigen.cov.bias$vectors) %*% s.u.t
            scale <- max(1, l.bias[1])
            cov.adj <- (t(u.bias.t)
                        %*% diag((scale - l.bias) / scale, length(l.bias))
                        %*% u.bias.t)

    cov <- proj.psd(cov.adj)  # ensure positive definite
    if (attr(cov, "modified") & cov.psd.warn)
        warning(paste("moment-based covariance matrix estimate is not positive"
                      , " semi-definite; using projection"
                      , sep=""))
    attr(cov, "modified") <- NULL



moment.est <- function(coefficients, nfixed, subspace, precision, dispersion,
                       start.cov = NULL, parallel = FALSE, diagcov = FALSE,
                       fixef.rank.warn = FALSE, cov.rank.warn,
                       cov.psd.warn = TRUE)

    logging::loginfo("Estimating moments", logger="mbest.mhglm.fit")
    ngroups <- nrow(coefficients)
    dim <- ncol(coefficients)
    names <- colnames(coefficients)
    if (ngroups == 0L || dim == 0L){
        cov <- matrix(0, dim, dim)
        dimnames(cov) <- list(names, names)

    logging::loginfo("Computing mean estimate", logger="mbest.mhglm.fit")
    i <- NULL

    # fixef
        #    est.mean <- foreach(i=seq_len(ngroups), .combine = 'moment.est.mean.reducer', .multicombine=TRUE ) %dopar% {
        mean.info <- foreach(i=seq_len(ngroups)) %dopar% {
            moment.est.mean.mapper(coefficients[i,,drop = FALSE], nfixed,
                                   dispersion[i], start.cov = start.cov)

    } else {
        mean.info <- list(moment.est.mean.mapper(coefficients, nfixed, subspace,precision,
                                                 dispersion, start.cov = start.cov))

    est.mean <- moment.est.mean.reducer(mean.info, fixef.rank.warn)

    # ranef
    logging::loginfo("Computing covariance estimate", logger="mbest.mhglm.fit")
        #      est.cov <- foreach(i=seq_len(ngroups), .combine = 'moment.est.cov.reducer.exact', .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar%{
        #      est.cov <- foreach(i=seq_len(ngroups), .combine = 'moment.est.cov.reducer.diag', .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar%{
        cov.info <- foreach(i=seq_len(ngroups)) %dopar%{
            moment.est.cov.mapper(coefficients[i,,drop = FALSE], nfixed,
                                  start.cov = start.cov, diagcov = diagcov,
                                  est.mean$mean) }
    } else {
        cov.info <- list(moment.est.cov.mapper(coefficients, nfixed,
                                               start.cov = start.cov, diagcov = diagcov,

    est.cov <- moment.est.cov.reducer(cov.info, diagcov, cov.rank.warn, cov.psd.warn)

    list(mean=est.mean$mean, mean.cov=est.mean$mean.cov, cov=est.cov, mean.info = mean.info, cov.info = cov.info)


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mbest documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:14 p.m.