
Defines functions cornode

Documented in cornode

cornode <- function(...,target, outrank=FALSE, result=FALSE, seed=NULL)
  #TITLE Builds a Rank Correlation using the Iman and Conover Method.
  #KEYWORDS multivariate
  #This function builds a rank correlation structure between columns of a matrix or between \samp{mcnode} objects
  #using the Iman and conover method (1982).
  #{\ldots}<<A matrix (each of its \samp{n} columns but the first one will be reordered)
  #or \samp{n mcnode} objects (each elements but the first one will be reordered).>>
  #{target}<<A scalar (only if \samp{n=2}) or a \samp{(n x n)} matrix of correlation.>>
  #{outrank}<<Should the order be returned?>>
#{result}<<Should the correlation eventually obtained be printed?>>
#{seed}<<The random seed used for building the correlation. If \samp{NULL} the \samp{seed} is unchanged.>>
#The arguments should be named.
#The function accepts for \samp{data} a matrix or:
#{*}<<some \samp{"V" mcnode} objects separated by a comma;>>
#{*}<<some \samp{"U" mcnode} objects separated by a comma;>>
#{*}<<some \samp{"VU" mcnode} objects separated by a comma. In that case, the structure is built columns by colums (the first column of each \samp{"VU" mcnode}
#will have a correlation structure, the second ones will have a correlation structure, ....).>>
#{*}<<one \samp{"V" mcnode} as a first element and some \samp{"VU" mcnode} objects, separated by a comma.
#In that case, the structure is built between the \samp{"V" mcnode} and each column of the \samp{"VU" mcnode} objects.
#The correlation result (\samp{result = TRUE}) is not provided in that case.>>
#The number of variates of the elements should be equal.
#\samp{target} should be a scalar (two columns only) or a real symmetric positive-definite square matrix.
#Only the upper triangular part of \samp{target} is used (see \code{\link{chol}}).</>
# The final correlation structure should be
#checked because it is not always possible to build the target correlation structure.</>
#In a Monte-Carlo simulation, note that the order of the values within each \samp{mcnode} will be changed by this function
# (excepted for the first one of the list).
#As a consequence, previous links between variables will be broken.
#The \samp{outrank} option may help to rebuild these links (see the Examples).
#If \samp{rank = FALSE}: the matrix or a list of rearranged \samp{mcnode}s. </>
#If \samp{rank = TRUE}: the order to be used to rearranged the matrix or the \samp{mcnodes} to build the desired correlation structure.
#x1 <- rnorm(1000)
#x2 <- rnorm(1000)
#x3 <- rnorm(1000)
#mat <- cbind(x1,x2,x3)
### Target
#(corr <- matrix(c(1,0.5,0.2,0.5,1,0.2,0.2,0.2,1),ncol=3))
### Before
#matc <- cornode(mat,target=corr,result=TRUE)
### The first row is unchanged
#all(matc[,1] == mat[,1])
###Using mcnode and outrank
#cook <- mcstoc(rempiricalD, values=c(0,1/5,1/50), prob=c(0.027,0.373,0.600), nsv=1000)
#serving <- mcstoc(rgamma, shape=3.93, rate=0.0806, nsv=1000)
#roundserv <- mcdata(round(serving), nsv=1000)
### Strong relation between roundserv and serving (of course)
###The classical way to build the correlation structure 
#matcorr <- matrix(c(1,0.5,0.5,1),ncol=2)
#matc <- cornode(cook=cook,roundserv=roundserv,target=matcorr)
### The structure between cook and roundserv is OK but ...
### the structure between roundserv and serving is lost
###An alternative way to build the correlation structure
#matc <- cornode(cook=cook,roundserv=roundserv,target=matcorr,outrank=TRUE)
### Rebuilding the structure
#roundserv[] <- roundserv[matc$roundserv,,]
#serving[] <- serving[matc$roundserv,,]
### The structure between cook and roundserv is OK and ...
### the structure between roundserv and serving is preserved
#CREATED 08-01-08
#Iman, R. L., & Conover, W. J. (1982). A distribution-free approach to inducing rank correlation among input variables. \emph{Communication in Statistics - Simulation and Computation}, 11(3), 311-334. 
  iman <- function(mat){  #Fonction de base de calcul
    R <- sapply(1:p,function(i) sample(phi,nvar))
    Rr <- apply(R,2,rank,ties.method="random")
    Ret <- Rr %*% P
    Rret <- apply(Ret,2,rank,ties.method="random")
    Xr <- apply(mat,2,order)
    rang <- sapply(1:p, function(i) (Xr[,i])[Rret[,i]])
    rang <- rang[order(rang[,1]),]
    if(outrank) return(rang)
    return(sapply(1:p, function(i) mat[rang[,i],i]))
  data <- list(...)
  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  if(!is.matrix(target)) target <- matrix(c(1,target,target,1),ncol=2)
  if(length(data)==1) { # A matrix
    data <- data[[1]]
    if(!is.matrix(data)) stop("data should be a matrix or a list of mcnodes")
    p <- ncol(data)
    nvar <- nrow(data)
    if(p < 2) stop("the matrix should have at least 2 columns")
    if(!is.matrix(target) || any(dim(target)!=c(p,p))) stop("target should be a matrix of correct dimension")
    phi <- qnorm((1:nvar)/(nvar+1))
    P <- chol(target)
    resu <- iman(data)
    colnames(resu) <- colnames(data)
    {cat("Spearman Rank Correlation Post Function\n")
  # mcnodes
  list.names <- function(...) {
    l <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
    nm <- names(l)
    fixup <- if (is.null(nm)) seq(along = l) else nm == ""
    dep <- sapply(l[fixup], function(x) if (is.symbol(x)) as.character(x) else "")
    if (is.null(nm))
    else {
      nm[fixup] <- dep
  noms <- list.names(...)
  p <- length(data)
  if(p < 2) stop("the list should have at least 2 mcnodes")
  mcn <- sapply(data,inherits,"mcnode")
    stop("the list should be a list of mcnode objects")
  if(!is.matrix(target) || any(dim(target)!=c(p,p)))
    stop("target should be a matrix of dimension l*l where l is the number of mcnodes in the list")
  tmcn <- sapply(data,attr,which="type")
  if(!(all(tmcn=="U") | all(tmcn %in% c("V","VU"))))
    stop("incorrect combination of mcnode: either 'U' or a combinaison of 'V' and 'U'")
  if(tmcn[1]=="U") {
    tmcd <- sapply(data,dim)
    for(i in 1:p) {
      data[[i]][] <- aperm(data[[i]],perm=c(2,1,3))
      dim(data[[i]]) <- tmcd[c(2,1,3),i] }                            # permute without change of structure
    if(any(tmcn=="VU") && any(tmcn=="V")){
        warning("impossible to provide the correlation result")
        result <- FALSE
      if(sum(tmcn=="V")!=1 && tmcn[1]!="V")
        stop("Valid if only one 'V' node in the first position is combined with 'VU' nodes")
  tmcd <- sapply(data,dim)
  nvar <- max(tmcd[1,])
  nunc <- max(tmcd[2,])
  nvariates <- max(tmcd[3,])
  if( !all(tmcd[1,] %in% c(1,nvar)) || !all(tmcd[2,] %in% c(1,nunc)))
    stop("incorrect dimension of mcnodes")
  if( any(tmcd[3,] != nvariates)    )
    stop("incorrect number of variates in mcnodes")
  res   <- data
  datai <- matrix(NA,ncol = p,nrow = nvar)
  phi <- qnorm((1:nvar)/(nvar+1))
  P <- chol(target)
  if(result) {corobs <- array(NA,dim=c(p*p,nunc,nvariates))}
  for(k in 1:nvariates){
    for(i in 1:nunc){
      ir <- ifelse(tmcd[2,1]==1, 1, i)
      datai[,1] <- data[[1]][,ir,k]
      for(j in 2:p) datai[,j] <- data[[j]][,i,k]
      sortim <- iman(datai)
      for(j in 2:p) res[[j]][,i,k] <-  sortim[,j]
      if(result) corobs[,i,k] <- cor(sortim,method="spearman",use="pairwise")
    if(nunc > 1)
    { corobs <- apply(corobs,c(1,3),function(x) c(mean=mean(x),quantile(x,c(0.5,0,1))))
    cat("summary of output Rank Correlation obtained accross the uncertainty dimension for each variates\n")}
    {corobs <- aperm(corobs,perm=c(2,1,3))
    cat("output Rank Correlation per variates\n")}
    for(i in 1:nvariates){
  if(outrank) res[[1]][] <- 1:nvar
  if(tmcn[1]=="U") {
    for(i in 1:p) {
      res[[i]][] <- aperm(res[[i]],perm=c(2,1,3))
      dim(res[[i]]) <- tmcd[c(2,1,3),i] }                            # repermute without change of structure
  names(res) <- noms

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