#' @title ggplotmc
#' @description Plots the empirical cumulative distribution function of a [mcnode]
#' or a [mc] object ("`0`" and "`V`" nodes) or the empirical cumulative distribution
#' function of the estimate of a [mcnode] or [mc] object ("`U`" and "`VU`" nodes) based on
#' [ggplot2::ggplot] package.
#' @param x and `mc` or an `mcnode` object
#' @param prec the precision of the plot. 0.001 will provide an ecdf using the 0.000, 0.001, .002, ..., 1.000 quantiles.
#' @param stat the function used for estimates (2D `mc` or `mcnode`). By default the median.
#' @param lim a vector of numbers (between 0 and 1) indicating the envelope (2D `mc` or `mcnode`) . Maybe NULL or empty.
#' @param na.rm Should `NA` values be discarded
#' @param griddim a vector of two integers, indicating the size of the grid of the graph. If NULL, the grid is calculated to produce a "nice" graph.
#' @param xlab vector of labels for the x-axis. If `NULL`, the name of the node is used.
#' @param ylab vector of labels for the y-axis.
#' @param main vector of main titles of the graph
#' @param paint Should the envelopes be filled?
#' @param xlim x coordinate range. `xlim` is either a vector of length 2, used for each graph, or a list of vectors of length 2, whose ith element is used for the ith graph. By default, the data range is used as xlim.
#' @param ylim y coordinate range. `ylim` is either a vector of length 2, used for each graph, or a list of vectors of length 2, whose ith element is used for the ith graph. By default, the data range is 0-1.
#' @param which An argument used for an `mcnode` with multivariates. Can specify which variate plot to display. When variates are more than one, the output will be saved in a plot list by default or use the number of which variate to display.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to [ggplot2::stat_ecdf()]
#' @aliases
#' @aliases ggplotmc.mcnode
#' @returns a ggplot object.
#' @author Yu Chen and Regis Pouillot
#' @seealso []
#' @examples
#' data(total)
#' # When mcnode has one variate
#' ggplotmc(xV)
#' # Post process
#' ggplotmc(xV) + ggplot2::ggtitle("post processed")
#' # When mcnode has two variates
#' gplots <- ggplotmc(xVUM) #will save two plots in a list
#' gplots[[1]] # show the first variate plot of xVUM mcnode
#' ggplotmc(xVUM, which = 1) #directly show the first variate plot of xVUM mcnode
#' @rdname ggplotmc
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
ggplotmc <- function(x,...){
#' @rdname ggplotmc
#' @method ggplotmc mcnode
#' @exportS3Method ggplotmc mcnode
ggplotmc.mcnode <- function(x, prec=0.001,
stat = c("median","mean"),
lim = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.75, 0.975),
na.rm=TRUE, griddim = NULL,
xlab = NULL, ylab = "Fn(x)",
main = "", paint=TRUE,
if(inherits(x,"mcnode")==TRUE) {
x <- quantile.mcnode(x, probs=seq(0,1,prec),lim = lim, na.rm=na.rm, lnames=xlab)
y <- x # for a correct return
stat <- match.arg(stat)
beau <- function(n){
nr <- round(sqrt(n)) # plots layout
nc <- round(sqrt(n))
while (nr*nc<n) {
if ((nr-nc)==0){
nc <- nc+1
} else {
nr <- nr+1
noms <- names(rapply(x,function(x) 1)) #moche mais efficace
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- noms
n <- length(noms)
if(!is.null(ylim) & ((is.list(ylim) & length(ylim)!= n)|(is.vector(ylim) & length(ylim)!= 2))) stop("ylim should be NULL, a vector of 2 elements or a list of length the number of nodes")
if(!is.null(xlim) & ((is.list(xlim) & length(xlim)!= n)|(is.vector(xlim) & length(xlim)!= 2))) stop("xlim should be NULL, a vector of 2 elements or a list of length the number of nodes")
main <- rep(main,n)
xlab <- rep(xlab,n)
ylab <- rep(ylab,n)
if(is.null(griddim)) griddim <- beau(n)
i <- 1
env <- environment()
plotlist <- list()
LEPLOT <- function(y,...){
if(nrow(y) != 1) {
if(stat=="median") y <- y[-2,,drop=FALSE]
else y <- y[-1,,drop=FALSE]} #Retrait median or mean
nr <- nrow(y)
i <- get("i",envir=env)
xlima <- if(is.null(xlim)) range(y,na.rm=TRUE) else
xlima <- if(is.list(xlim)) xlim[[i]] else xlim
if(xlima[1]==xlima[2]) xlima <- xlima + c(-0.5,0.5)
ylima <- if(is.null(ylim)) c(0,1) else
ylima <- if(is.list(ylim)) ylim[[i]] else ylim
#ggplot ecdf
ggp <- ggplot2::ggplot()+
ggplot2::stat_ecdf(ggplot2::aes(unlist(y[1,])),geom = "step",na.rm = FALSE,...)+
colorlist <- list()
if(nr > 1){
rankplot <- 1 + order(-abs(lim-0.5))
for(j in rankplot) {
colorlist <- c(colorlist,grey(abs(lim[j-1]-.5)+.25))
df <- data.frame(x = unlist(y[j,]))
ggp <- ggp +
ggplot2::stat_ecdf(data=df, mapping=ggplot2::aes(x=x),
geom = "step",na.rm = FALSE,...)
ggbuild <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(ggp) #can achieve data
ti.l <- ggbuild$data[[1]]$x[-length(ggbuild$data[[1]]$x)] #Points for the polygon used to fill the envelope
ti.r <- ggbuild$data[[1]]$x[-1L]
y50 <- ggbuild$data[[1]]$y[-length(ggbuild$data[[1]]$y)]
thex50 <- rev(as.vector(rbind(ti.l,ti.r)))
they50 <- rev(as.vector(rbind(y50, y50)))
for (j in 1:length(lim)){
ti.lp <- ggbuild$data[[j+1]]$x[-length(ggbuild$data[[j+1]]$x)]
ti.rp <- ggbuild$data[[j+1]]$x[-1L]
yp <- ggbuild$data[[j+1]]$y[-length(ggbuild$data[[j+1]]$y)]
thexp <- as.vector(rbind(ti.lp,ti.rp))
theyp <- as.vector(rbind(yp, yp))
df <- data.frame(x=c(thexp,thex50), y=c(theyp,they50))
ggplot2::geom_polygon(data=df, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y),
#Add some aesthetics
ggp <- ggp +
ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5))
plotlist <<- c(plotlist, list(ggp))
if (is.null(which)){
warning("There are more than one variate in this mcnode. Output is a plotlist. You can get a specific variate plot by using list[[n]] (see Example)")
} else {return(plotlist[[which]])}
} else {
#' @rdname ggplotmc
#' @method ggplotmc mc
#' @exportS3Method ggplotmc mc <- function(x, prec=0.001,
stat = c("median","mean"),
lim = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.75, 0.975),
na.rm=TRUE, griddim = NULL,
xlab = NULL, ylab = "Fn(x)",
main = "", paint=TRUE,
if(inherits(x,"mc")==TRUE) {
x <-, probs=seq(0,1,prec),lim = lim, na.rm=na.rm, lnames=xlab)
y <- x # for a correct return
stat <- match.arg(stat)
beau <- function(n){
nr <- round(sqrt(n)) # plots layout
nc <- round(sqrt(n))
while (nr*nc<n) {
if ((nr-nc)==0){
nc <- nc+1
} else {
nr <- nr+1
noms <- names(rapply(x,function(x) 1)) #moche mais efficace
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- noms
n <- length(noms)
if(!is.null(ylim) & ((is.list(ylim) & length(ylim)!= n)|(is.vector(ylim) & length(ylim)!= 2))) stop("ylim should be NULL, a vector of 2 elements or a list of length the number of nodes")
if(!is.null(xlim) & ((is.list(xlim) & length(xlim)!= n)|(is.vector(xlim) & length(xlim)!= 2))) stop("xlim should be NULL, a vector of 2 elements or a list of length the number of nodes")
main <- rep(main,n)
xlab <- rep(xlab,n)
ylab <- rep(ylab,n)
if(is.null(griddim)) griddim <- beau(n)
i <- 1
env <- environment()
plotlist <- list()
LEPLOT <- function(y,...){
if(nrow(y) != 1) {
if(stat=="median") y <- y[-2,,drop=FALSE]
else y <- y[-1,,drop=FALSE]} #Retrait median or mean
nr <- nrow(y)
i <- get("i",envir=env)
xlima <- if(is.null(xlim)) range(y,na.rm=TRUE) else
xlima <- if(is.list(xlim)) xlim[[i]] else xlim
if(xlima[1]==xlima[2]) xlima <- xlima + c(-0.5,0.5)
ylima <- if(is.null(ylim)) c(0,1) else
ylima <- if(is.list(ylim)) ylim[[i]] else ylim
#ggplot ecdf
ggp <- ggplot2::ggplot()+
ggplot2::stat_ecdf(ggplot2::aes(unlist(y[1,])),geom = "step",na.rm = FALSE,...)+
colorlist <- list()
if(nr > 1){
rankplot <- 1 + order(-abs(lim-0.5))
for(j in rankplot) {
colorlist <- c(colorlist,grey(abs(lim[j-1]-.5)+.25))
df <- data.frame(x=unlist(y[j,]))
ggp <- ggp+
ggplot2::stat_ecdf(data=df, mapping=ggplot2::aes(x=x),geom = "step",na.rm = FALSE,...)
ggbuild <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(ggp) #can achieve data
ti.l <- ggbuild$data[[1]]$x[-length(ggbuild$data[[1]]$x)] #Points for the polygon used to fill the envelope
ti.r <- ggbuild$data[[1]]$x[-1L]
y50 <- ggbuild$data[[1]]$y[-length(ggbuild$data[[1]]$y)]
thex50 <- rev(as.vector(rbind(ti.l,ti.r)))
they50 <- rev(as.vector(rbind(y50, y50)))
for (j in 1:length(lim)){
ti.lp <- ggbuild$data[[j+1]]$x[-length(ggbuild$data[[j+1]]$x)]
ti.rp <- ggbuild$data[[j+1]]$x[-1L]
yp <- ggbuild$data[[j+1]]$y[-length(ggbuild$data[[j+1]]$y)]
thexp <- as.vector(rbind(ti.lp,ti.rp))
theyp <- as.vector(rbind(yp, yp))
df <- data.frame(x=c(thexp,thex50), y=c(theyp,they50))
ggp <- ggp +
ggplot2::geom_polygon(data=df, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y),
#Add some aesthetics
ggp <- ggp+
ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5))
plotlist <<- c(plotlist, list(ggp))
gga <- ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist = plotlist,ncol=griddim[2],nrow=griddim[1])
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