
Defines functions pr_invchisq pr_gig pr_gamma pr_exp pr_fixed pr_MLiG pr_normal

Documented in pr_exp pr_fixed pr_gamma pr_gig pr_invchisq pr_MLiG pr_normal

#' Create an object representing a possibly multivariate normal prior distribution
#' @export
#' @param mean scalar or vector mean parameter.
#' @param precision scalar, vector or matrix precision parameter.
#' @param labels optional character vector with coefficient labels. If specified,
#'  it should have the same size of at least one of \code{mean} and \code{precision},
#'  and in that case the normal prior with these parameters is assigned to these coefficients,
#'  while any coefficients not present in labels will be assigned a non-informative
#'  prior with mean 0 and precision 0.
#' @return An environment representing the specified prior, for internal use.
# TODO allow to not implicitly include a factor of 1/sigma_^2 in precision for gaussian model
#      including this factor only has a computational advantage in case of gaussian variance sigma^2 Sigma0, where Sigma0 is fixed
pr_normal <- function(mean=0, precision=0, labels=NULL) {
  mean <- as.numeric(mean)
  if (!is.null(labels) && all(length(mean) != c(1L, length(labels)))) stop("if 'labels' are specified, parameter 'mean' must have the same length, or be a scalar")
  if (is.vector(precision)) {
    if (!is.null(labels) && all(length(precision) != c(1L, length(labels)))) stop("if 'labels' are specified, the size of 'precision' must be compatible if it not a scalar")
    if (any(precision < 0)) stop("parameter 'precision' must be nonnegative")
    informative <- any(precision != 0)
  } else if (is_a_matrix(precision)) {
    if (!is.null(labels) && all(nrow(precision) != c(1L, length(labels)))) stop("if 'labels' are specified, the size of 'precision' must be compatible if it not a scalar")
    precision <- economizeMatrix(precision, symmetric=TRUE, check=TRUE)
    informative <- !is_zero_matrix(precision)
    # TODO check for positive semi-definiteness
  } else stop("unexpected precision parameter")
  n <- NULL
  rprior <- function(p) stop("please call method 'init' first")
  sigma <- FALSE  # does the prior variance contain (implicitly) a scalar factor sigma_^2
  init <- function(n=1L, coefnames=NULL, sparse=NULL, sigma=FALSE) {
    n <<- as.integer(n)
    if (is.null(labels)) {
      if (all(length(mean) != c(1L, n))) stop("parameter 'mean' has wrong length")
      if (all(NROW(precision) != c(1L, n))) stop("parameter 'precision' has wrong size")
      if (is.vector(precision)) {
        if (length(precision) == 1L)
          precision <<- Cdiag(rep.int(precision, n))
          precision <<- Cdiag(precision)
    } else {
      if (length(coefnames) != n) stop("'coefnames' must have length 'n'")
      m <- match(labels, coefnames)
      if (anyNA(m)) stop("non-matching labels: ", paste(labels[is.na(m)], collapse=", "))
      temp <- rep.int(0, n)
      temp[m] <- mean
      mean <<- temp
      if (is.vector(precision)) {
        temp <- rep.int(0, n)
        temp[m] <- precision
        precision <- Cdiag(temp)
      } else {
        temp <- new("dsCMatrix", p=rep(0L, n + 1L), uplo="U", Dim=c(n, n))
        temp[m, m] <- precision
        precision <- temp
    # sparse: block sampler expects sparse matrix with x-slot
    precision <<- economizeMatrix(precision, sparse=sparse, symmetric=TRUE)
    if (isTRUE(sparse) && isUnitDiag(precision)) precision <<- expandUnitDiag(precision)
    sigma <<- sigma
    if (sigma) {
      # combined conjugate prior for ordinary gaussian regression --> sigma^2 factor in coefficients' prior variance
      rprior <<- function(p) mean + drawMVN_Q(precision, sd=p[["sigma_"]])
    } else
      rprior <<- function(p) mean + drawMVN_Q(precision)
  log_prior_0 <- NULL
  log_prior <- function(p) NULL
  setup_logprior <- function(name) {
    log_prior_0 <<- -0.5 * n * log(2*pi)
    if (informative) {
      d <- diag(suppressWarnings(chol(precision, pivot=TRUE)))
      log_prior_0 <<- log_prior_0 + sum(log(d[d > 0]))
    log_prior <<- function(p) {}
    log_prior <<- add(log_prior, bquote(delta.beta <- p[[.(name)]] - mean))
    if (sigma) {
      log_prior <<- add(log_prior, quote(sigma <- p[["sigma_"]]))
      log_prior <<- add(log_prior, quote(- n * log(sigma) - 0.5 * dotprodC(delta.beta, precision %m*v% delta.beta) / sigma^2))
    } else
      log_prior <<- add(log_prior, quote(- 0.5 * dotprodC(delta.beta, precision %m*v% delta.beta)))
  type <- "normal"

#' Create an object representing a Multivariate Log inverse Gamma (MLiG) prior distribution
#' @export
#' @param mean scalar or vector parameter for the mean in the large
#'  \code{a} limit, when the distribution approaches a normal distribution. 
#' @param precision scalar or vector parameter for the precision in the
#'  large \code{a} limit, when the distribution approaches a normal
#'  distribution.
#' @param labels optional character vector with coefficient labels. If specified,
#'  it should have the same length of at least one of \code{mean} and \code{precision},
#'  and in that case the MLiG prior with these parameters is assigned to these coefficients,
#'  while any coefficients not present in labels will be assigned a non-informative
#'  prior with mean 0 and precision 0.
#' @param a scalar parameter that controls how close the prior is to independent
#'  normal priors with \code{mean} and \code{precision} parameters. The larger
#'  this value (default is 1000), the closer.
#' @return An environment representing the specified prior, for internal use.
#' @references
#'  J.R. Bradley, S.H. Holan and C.K. Wikle (2018).
#'    Computationally efficient multivariate spatio-temporal models for
#'    high-dimensional count-valued data (with discussion).
#'    Bayesian Analysis 13(1), 253-310.
pr_MLiG <- function(mean=0, precision=0, labels=NULL, a=1000) {
  if (length(a) != 1L || a <= 0) stop("parameter 'a' must be a positive scalar")
  if (any(precision < 0)) stop("parameter 'precision' must be nonnegative")
  informative <- any(precision > 0)
  n <- NULL
  rprior <- function() stop("please call method 'init' first")
  init <- function(n=1L, coefnames) {
    n <<- as.integer(n)
    if (is.null(labels)) {
      if (all(length(mean) != c(1L, n))) stop("parameter 'mean' has wrong length")
      if (all(length(precision) != c(1L, n))) stop("parameter 'precision' has wrong length")
    } else {
      if (all(length(mean) != c(1L, length(labels)))) stop("parameter 'mean' has wrong length")
      if (all(length(precision) != c(1L, length(labels)))) stop("parameter 'precision' has wrong length")
      m <- match(labels, coefnames)
      if (anyNA(m)) stop("non-matching coefficient names: ", paste(labels[is.na(m)], collapse=", "))
      temp <- rep.int(0, n)
      temp[m] <- mean
      mean <<- temp
      temp <- rep.int(0, n)
      temp[m] <- precision
      precision <<- temp
    rprior <<- function() mean + sqrt(a/precision) * rMLiG(n, a, a)
  type <- "MLiG"

#' Create an object representing a degenerate prior fixing a
#' parameter (vector) to a fixed value
#' @export
#' @param value scalar or vector value parameter.
#' @return An environment representing the specified prior, for internal use.
pr_fixed <- function(value=1) {
  n <- NULL
  rprior <- function() stop("please call method 'init' first")
  #draw <- function() stop("please call method 'init' first")
  #init <- function(n=1L, post=FALSE) {
  init <- function(n=1L) {
    n <<- as.integer(n)
    if (all(length(value) != c(1L, n))) stop("value parameter has wrong length")
    if (n > length(value)) value <- rep.int(value, n)
    rprior <<- function() value
    #if (post) draw <<- function() value
  type <- "fixed"

#' Create an object representing exponential prior distributions
#' @export
#' @param scale scalar or vector scale parameter.
#' @return An environment representing the specified prior, for internal use.
# TODO sample precision instead of variance parameters; the default value
#      for p then leads to inverse Gaussian posterior, which may be faster
#      to sample from
pr_exp <- function(scale=1) {
  if (!all(scale > 0)) stop("scale parameter must be positive")
  n <- NULL
  draw <- NULL
  rprior <- function() stop("please call method 'init' first")
  init <- function(n=1L, post=FALSE) {
    n <<- as.integer(n)
    if (all(length(scale) != c(1L, n))) stop("scale parameter has wrong length")
    rprior <<- function() scale * rexp(n)
    if (post) {
      # TODO set a=2/scale here, and default p=-1/2
      # b is typically updated
      draw <<- function(p, a, b) Crgig(n, p, a, b)
  type <- "exp"

#' Create an object representing gamma prior distributions
#' @export
#' @param shape scalar or vector shape parameter.
#' @param rate scalar or vector rate, i.e. inverse scale, parameter.
#' @return An environment representing the specified prior, for internal use.
# TODO pr_exp as special case
pr_gamma <- function(shape=1, rate=1) {
  if (!all(shape > 0 & rate > 0)) stop("shape and rate parameters must be positive")
  n <- NULL
  init <- function(n=1L) {
    n <<- as.integer(n)
    if (all(length(shape) != c(1L, n))) stop("scale parameter has wrong length")
    if (all(length(rate) != c(1L, n))) stop("scale parameter has wrong length")
  rprior <- function() rgamma(n, shape, rate)
  type <- "gamma"

#' Create an object representing Generalized Inverse Gaussian (GIG) prior distributions
#' @export
#' @param a scalar or vector parameter.
#' @param b scalar or vector parameter.
#' @param p scalar or vector parameter.
#' @return An environment representing the specified prior, for internal use.
pr_gig <- function(a, b, p) {
  if (any(a < 0)) stop("parameter 'a' must be nonnegative")
  if (any(b < 0)) stop("parameter 'b' must be nonnegative")
  if (any(a[p >= 0] == 0)) stop("parameter 'a' should not be 0 when p >= 0")
  if (any(b[p <= 0] == 0)) stop("parameter 'b' should not be 0 when p <= 0")
  n <- NULL
  draw <- NULL
  rprior <- function() stop("please call method 'init' first")
  init <- function(n=1L, post=FALSE) {
    n <<- as.integer(n)
    if (all(length(a) != c(1L, n))) stop("parameter 'a' has wrong length")
    if (all(length(b) != c(1L, n))) stop("parameter 'b' has wrong length")
    if (all(length(p) != c(1L, n))) stop("parameter 'p' has wrong length")
    rprior <<- function() Crgig(n, p, a, b)
    if (post) draw <<- function(p, a, b) Crgig(n, p, a, b)
  type <- "gig"

#' Create an object representing inverse chi-squared priors
#' with possibly modeled degrees of freedom and scale parameters
#' @export
#' @param df degrees of freedom parameter. This can be a numeric scalar or
#'  vector of length \code{n}, the dimension of the parameter vector.
#'  Alternatively, for a scalar degrees of freedom parameter,
#'  \code{df="modeled"} or \code{df="modelled"} assign a default (gamma) prior
#'  to the degrees of freedom parameter. For more control of this gamma prior a
#'  list can be passed with some of the following components:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{alpha0}{shape parameter of the gamma distribution}
#'    \item{beta0}{rate parameter of the gamma distribution}
# TODO MH parameters below should not be part of the prior...
#'    \item{proposal}{"RW" for random walk Metropolis-Hastings
#'      or "mala" for Metropolis-adjusted Langevin}
#'    \item{tau}{(starting) scale of Metropolis-Hastings update}
#'    \item{adapt}{whether to adapt the scale of the proposal distribution
#'      during burnin to achieve better acceptance rates.}
#'   }
#' @param scale scalar or vector scale parameter. Alternatively,
#'  \code{scale="modeled"} or \code{scale="modelled"} puts a default
#'  chi-squared prior on the scale parameter. For more control on this
#'  chi-squared prior a list can be passed with some of the following components:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{df}{degrees of freedom (scalar or vector)}
#'    \item{scale}{scale (scalar or vector)}
#'    \item{common}{whether the modeled scale parameter of the inverse chi-squared
#'      distribution is (a scalar parameter) common to all \code{n} parameters.}
#'  }
#' @return An environment representing the specified prior, for internal use.
# TODO sample precisions instead of variances
pr_invchisq <- function(df=1, scale=1) {
  if (is.character(df) && any(df == c("modeled", "modelled"))) df <- list()
  if (is.character(scale) && any(scale == c("modeled", "modelled"))) scale <- list()
  n <- rprior <- draw <- NULL
  if (is.list(df)) {
    if (is.null(df$alpha0)) df$alpha0 <- 2  # default in prior Gamma(alpha0, beta0)
    if (is.null(df$beta0)) df$beta0 <- 0.1  # default in prior Gamma(alpha0, beta0)
    # TODO tau, proposal, adapt: move to another object
    if (is.null(df$tau)) df$tau <- 1  # (starting) scale of MH update
    if (is.null(df$proposal)) df$proposal <- "RW"
    if (is.null(df$adapt)) df$adapt <- TRUE
    rprior_df <- draw_df <- NULL
  if (is.list(scale)) {
    defaults <- list(df=1, scale=1, common=FALSE)
    if (!all(names(scale) %in% names(defaults))) stop("invalid 'scale' options list")
    scale <- modifyList(defaults, scale)
  if (is.list(scale) || (!is.list(scale) && !is.list(df))) psi0 <- NULL
  init <- function(n=1L, post=FALSE) {
    n <<- as.integer(n)
    rprior <<- function() {}
    if (post) {
      # function draw to sample from full conditional posterior
      # assumes the invchisq prior is for variance parameters of a gaussian distribution
      draw <<- function(df.data, SSR) {}
    if (is.list(df)) {
      rprior_df <<- function() rgamma(1L, df$alpha0, df$beta0)
      formals(rprior) <<- c(alist(df=), formals(rprior))  # different signature without check NOTE
      if (post) {
        draw_df <<- function(df.current, Q.current) {}  # Q.current is current precision parameter (vector)
          RW = draw_df <<- add(draw_df, bquote(draw_df_MH_RW(.(as.numeric(n)), df.current, Q.current, df))),
          mala = draw_df <<- add(draw_df, bquote(draw_df_MH_mala(.(as.numeric(n)), df.current, Q.current, df)))
        formals(draw) <<- c(alist(df=), formals(draw))
    } else {
      if (all(length(df) != c(1L, n))) stop("degrees of freedom parameter has wrong length")
      # do not enforce df > 0 to allow improper prior for data scale variance
    if (is.list(scale)) {
      if (all(length(scale$df) != c(1L, n))) stop("degrees of freedom parameter has wrong length")
      if (all(length(scale$scale) != c(1L, n))) stop("scale parameter has wrong length")
      if (scale$common && n == 1L) scale$common <<- FALSE
      psi0 <<- scale$df / scale$scale
      if (scale$common) {
        if (length(scale$df) != 1L || length(scale$scale) != 1L) stop("scalar 'df' and 'scale' expected in common scale model")
        rprior <<- add(rprior, quote(scale <- rchisq_scaled(1L, scale$df, psi=psi0)))
        rprior <<- add(rprior, bquote(1 / rchisq_scaled(.(n), df, scale)))
      } else {
        rprior <<- add(rprior, bquote(draw_betaprime(.(n), 0.5*scale$df, 0.5*df, df/psi0)))
      if (post) {
        formals(draw) <<- c(formals(draw), alist(Q=))
        # draw 1/kappa from its full conditional posterior
        if (scale$common) {
          if (is.list(df) || length(df) == 1L)
            draw <<- add(draw, bquote(kappa_inv <- rchisq_scaled(1L, .(n) * df + scale$df, psi = psi0 + sum(df * Q))))
            draw <<- add(draw, quote(kappa_inv <- rchisq_scaled(1L, sum(df) + scale$df, psi = psi0 + sum(df * Q))))
        } else {
          draw <<- add(draw, bquote(kappa_inv <- rchisq_scaled(.(n), df + scale$df, psi = psi0 + df * Q)))
        draw <<- add(draw, quote(psi <- df * kappa_inv))
    } else {
      if (all(length(scale) != c(1L, n))) stop("scale parameter has wrong length")
      if (is.list(df)) {
        rprior <<- add(rprior, bquote(1 / rchisq_scaled(.(n), df, scale)))
      } else {
        psi0 <<- df * scale
        rprior <<- add(rprior, bquote(1 / rchisq_scaled(.(n), df, psi=psi0)))
      if (post) {
        draw <<- add(draw, quote(psi <- df * scale))
    if (post) {
      draw <<- add(draw, bquote(1 / rchisq_scaled(.(n), df + df.data, psi=psi + SSR)))
  type <- "invchisq"

#' Create an object representing an inverse Wishart prior,
#' possibly with modeled scale matrix
#' @export
#' @param df Degrees of freedom parameter. This should be a scalar numeric value.
#'  Default value is the dimension plus one.
#' @param scale Either a (known) scale matrix, or
#'  \code{scale="modeled"} or \code{scale="modelled"}, which puts default
#'  chi-squared priors on the diagonal elements of the inverse Wishart scale matrix.
#'  For more control on these chi-squared priors a list can be passed with some of the
#'  following components:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{df}{degrees of freedom (scalar or vector) of the chi-squared distribution(s)}
#'    \item{scale}{scale parameter(s) of the chi-squared distribution(s)}
#'    \item{common}{whether the modeled scale parameter of the inverse chi-squared
#'      distribution is (a scalar parameter) common to all \code{n} diagonal elements.}
#'  }
#' @return An environment representing the specified prior, for internal use.
#' @references
#'  A. Huang and M.P. Wand (2013).
#'    Simple marginally noninformative prior
#'    distributions for covariance matrices.
#'    Bayesian Analysis 8, 439-452.
pr_invwishart <- function(df=NULL, scale=NULL) {
  if (is_a_matrix(scale)) {
    n <- dim(scale)[1L]
  } else {
    n <- NULL
  if (is.null(df)) {
    if (!is.null(n)) df <- n + 1  # default number of degrees of freedom
  } else {
    if (length(df) != 1L) stop("degrees of freedom parameter for inverse Wishart must be scalar")
    # to allow improper priors, do not enforce df > n - 1
  if (!is.null(scale)) {
    if (is.character(scale) && any(scale == c("modeled", "modelled"))) scale <- list()
    if (is.list(scale)) {  # Huang-Wand prior
      if (is.null(scale$df)) scale$df <- 1
      if (is.null(scale$scale)) scale$scale <- 1
      if (is.null(scale$common)) scale$common <- FALSE  # by default (HW prior)
  init <- function(n=2L) {
    n <<- as.integer(n)
    if (n <= 1L) stop("invalid argument; n must be larger than 1")
    if (is.null(df)) {
      df <<- n + 1  # default number of degrees of freedom
    if (is.null(scale)) {
      scale <<- diag(n)
    } else {
      if (is.list(scale)) {  # Huang-Wand prior
        if (all(length(scale$df) != c(1L, n))) stop("degrees of freedom parameter has wrong length")
        if (all(length(scale$scale) != c(1L, n))) stop("scale parameter has wrong length")
        if (scale$common) {
          if (length(scale$df) != 1L || length(scale$scale) != 1L) stop("scalar 'df' and 'scale' expected in common scale model")
      } else {
        if (!identical(dim(scale), c(n, n))) stop("incompatible scale matrix")
  type <- "invwishart"

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