
Defines functions qqTest.default qqTest.mcmcse qqTest batchSize_old arp_approx adjust_matrix mcseR

## Calculates the multivariate BM and MSV estimator for the covariance marix
## chain = MCMC output, matrix of size n x p
## method = which method to use. 
mcseR <- function(x, method = c("bm", "wbm", "bartlett", "tukey"), size = "sqroot", g = NULL, alpha = 0.90, warn = FALSE)
  chain <- as.matrix(x)
  if (is.function(g))
    chain <- t(apply(x, 1, g))

  ## Setting dimensions on the mcmc output. 
  n = dim(chain)[1]
  p = dim(chain)[2]
  method = match.arg(method)

  ## Initializing b_n 
  if(size == "sqroot")
    b = floor(sqrt(n))
  else if(size == "cuberoot") {
    b = floor(n^(1/3))
  else {
    if (!is.numeric(size) || size < 1 || size == Inf) 
        stop("'size' must be a finite numeric quantity larger than 1.")
    b = floor(size)
  a = floor(n/b)

  if (a < p) {
      if (warn) 
          warning("Too few samples. Estimate need not be positive definite")
      if (n < 10) 
  ## Overall means of the mcmc output
  mu.hat <- colMeans(chain)
  ## Setting matrix sizes to avoid dynamic memory 
  sig.sum = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
  ## only does bm and obm
  if(method != "bm" && method != "bartlett" && method != "tukey")
    stop("No such method available")
  ## Batch Means
  if(method == "bm")
    a = floor(n/b)
    y.bar <- matrix(0,nrow = a, ncol = p)
    y.bar <- apply(chain, 2, function(x) sapply(1:a, function(k) mean(x[((k-1)*b+1):(k*b)])))
    for(i in 1:a)
      sig.sum = sig.sum + tcrossprod(y.bar[i,] - mu.hat)
    sig.mat <- b*sig.sum/(a-1)
    c <- exp(log(p) + log(a-1) - log(n) - log(a-p) + log(qf(alpha, p, a-p)))

  if(method == "wbm")
    a = floor(n/b)
    y.bar <- matrix(0,nrow = a, ncol = p)
    y.bar <- apply(chain, 2, function(x) sapply(1:a, function(k) mean(x[((k-1)*b+1):(k*b)])))
    for(i in 1:a)
      sig.sum = sig.sum + tcrossprod(y.bar[i,] - mu.hat)
    sig.mat1 <- b*sig.sum/(a-1)

    b <- b/2
    a = floor(n/b)
    y.bar <- matrix(0,nrow = a, ncol = p)
    y.bar <- apply(chain, 2, function(x) sapply(1:a, function(k) mean(x[((k-1)*b+1):(k*b)])))
    for(i in 1:a)
      sig.sum = sig.sum + tcrossprod(y.bar[i,] - mu.hat)
    sig.mat <- 2*sig.mat1 -  b*sig.sum/(a-1)

    c <- exp(log(p) + log(a-1) - log(n) - log(a-p) + log(qf(alpha, p, a-p)))
  ## Modified Bartlett Window

  if(method == "bartlett")
   chain <- scale(chain, center = mu.hat, scale = FALSE)
    dummy <- lapply(1:(b-1), function(j) (1 - j/b)*(  t(chain[1:(n-j), ])%*%chain[(j+1):n, ] 
                       + t(chain[(1+j):(n), ])%*%chain[1:(n-j), ]  ) )

   sig.sum <- t(chain)%*%chain + Reduce('+', dummy)

   sig.mat <- sig.sum/n
   c <- exp(log(p) + log(n-b) - log(n) - log(n - b - p +1) + log(qf(alpha, p, n - b - p + 1)))

  if(method == "tukey")
   chain <- scale(chain, center = mu.hat, scale = FALSE)
   dummy <- lapply(1:(b-1), function(j) ((.5)*(1 + cos(pi * j/b))*t(chain[1:(n-j), ]))%*%chain[(j+1):n, ] 
                      + ((.5)*(1 + cos(pi * j/b))*t(chain[(1+j):(n), ]))%*%chain[1:(n-j), ])

   sig.sum <- t(chain[1:(n), ])%*%chain[(1):n, ] + Reduce('+', dummy)
   sig.mat <- sig.sum/n
   c <- exp(log(p) + log(n-b) - log(n) - log(n - b - p +1) + log(qf(alpha, p, n - b - p + 1)))
  dummy <- log(2) + (p/2)*log(pi*c) - log(p) - lgamma(p/2)
  log.det.sig <- sum(log(eigen(sig.mat, only.values = TRUE)$values))
  volume.sig <- exp(dummy + (1/2)*log.det.sig)
  volumes <- (volume.sig)^(1/p)
  return(list("cov" = sig.mat, "nsim" = n, "vol" = volumes))

### Function adjusts a non-positive definite estimator to be PD

adjust_matrix <- function(mat, N, epsilon = sqrt(log(N)/dim(mat)[2]), b = 9/10)
  mat.adj <- mat
  adj <- epsilon*N^(-b)
  vars <- diag(mat)
  corr <- cov2cor(mat)
  eig <- eigen(corr)
  adj.eigs <- pmax(eig$values, adj)
  mat.adj <- diag(vars^(1/2))%*% eig$vectors %*% diag(adj.eigs) %*% t(eig$vectors) %*% diag(vars^(1/2))

### Function approximates each column of the output by an AR(p)
### and estimates Gamma and Sigma to calculate batch size

arp_approx <- function(x)
  # Fitting a univariate AR(m) model
  ar.fit <- ar(x, aic = TRUE)
  # estimated autocovariances
  gammas <- as.numeric(acf(x, type = "covariance", lag.max = ar.fit$order, plot = FALSE)$acf)
  spec <- ar.fit$var.pred/(1-sum(ar.fit$ar))^2  #asym variance
  if(ar.fit$order != 0)
    foo <- 0
    for(i in 1:ar.fit$order)
      for(k in 1:i)
        foo <- foo + ar.fit$ar[i]*k*gammas[abs(k-i)+1]
    Gamma <- 2*(foo + (spec - gammas[1])/2 *sum(1:ar.fit$order * ar.fit$ar)  )/(1-sum(ar.fit$ar))
  } else{
    Gamma <- 0
  rtn <- cbind(Gamma, spec)
  colnames(rtn) <- c("Gamma", "Sigma")

### Functions estimates the "optimal" batch size using the parametric
### method of Liu et.al
batchSize_old <- function(x, method = "bm", g = NULL)
  chain <- as.matrix(x)
  if(!is.matrix(chain) && !is.data.frame(chain))
    stop("'x' must be a matrix or data frame.")
  if (is.function(g)) 
    chain <- apply(chain, 1, g)
      chain <- as.matrix(chain)
      chain <- t(chain)
  n <- dim(chain)[1]
  ar_fit <- apply(chain, 2, arp_approx)^2
  coeff <- ( sum(ar_fit[1,])/sum(ar_fit[2,]) )^(1/3)
  b.const <- (3/2*n)*(method == "obm" || method == "bartlett" || method == "tukey") + (n)*(method == "bm")
  b <- b.const^(1/3) * coeff
  if(b <= 1) b <- 1
  b <- floor(b)

qqTest <- function(x) {

qqTest.mcmcse <- function(mcse.obj)
  mu <- mcse.obj$est
  n <- mcse.obj$nsim
  p <- length(mcse.obj$est)
  if(sum(names(mcse.obj) == "Adjustment-Used"))
      covmat <- mcse.obj$cov.adj
      covmat <- mcse.obj$cov
    covmat <- mcse.obj$cov
  decomp  <- svd(covmat)
  inv.root <- decomp$v %*% diag( (decomp$d^(-1/2)), p) %*% t(decomp$u)

qqTest.default <- function(mcse.obj)
  mu <- mcse.obj$est
  n <- mcse.obj$nsim
  p <- length(mcse.obj$est)
  if(sum(names(mcse.obj) == "Adjustment-Used"))
      covmat <- mcse.obj$cov.adj
      covmat <- mcse.obj$cov
    covmat <- mcse.obj$cov
  decomp  <- svd(covmat)
  inv.root <- decomp$v %*% diag( (decomp$d^(-1/2)), p) %*% t(decomp$u)

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