
Defines functions mc.bootstrap

Documented in mc.bootstrap

## mcBootstrap.R
## Function for computing point estimations and standard  errors
## for regression coefficients with bootstrap or jackknife method.
## Copyright (C) 2011 Roche Diagnostics GmbH
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Resampling estimation of regression parameters and standard  errors.
#' Generate jackknife or (nested-) bootstrap replicates of a statistic applied to data. 
#' Only a nonparametric ballanced design is possible. For each sample calculate 
#' point estimations and standard  errors for regression coefficients.
#' @param X Measurement values of reference method
#' @param Y Measurement values of test method
#' @param error.ratio Ratio between squared measurement errors of reference- and test method, 
#'                    necessary for Deming regression. Default 1.
#' @param method.reg Regression method.  It is possible to choose between five regression types:
#'                        \code{"LinReg"} - ordinary least square regression, 
#'         \code{"WLinReg"} - weighted ordinary least square regression,\code{"Deming"} - Deming regression, 
#'         \code{"WDeming"} - weighted Deming regression, \code{"PaBa"} - Passing-Bablok regression. 
#' @param bootstrap Bootstrap based confidence interval estimation method. 
#' @param jackknife Logical value. If TRUE - Jackknife based confidence interval estimation method.
#' @param nsamples Number of bootstrap samples.
#' @param nnested Number of nested bootstrap samples.
#' @param iter.max maximum number of iterations for weighted Deming iterative algorithm.
#' @param threshold Numerical tolerance for weighted Deming iterative algorithm convergence.
#' @param NBins number of bins used when 'reg.method="PaBaLarge"' to classify each slope in one of 'NBins' bins of constant slope angle covering the range of all slopes.
#' @param slope.measure angular measure of pairwise slopes used for exact PaBa regression (see \code{\link{mcreg}} for details).\cr   
#'          \code{"radian"} - for data sets with even sample numbers median slope is calculated as average of two central slope angles.\cr
#'          \code{"tangent"} - for data sets with even sample numbers median slope is calculated as average of two central slopes (tan(angle)).\cr
#' @return a list consisting of 
#'  \item{glob.coef}{Numeric vector of length two with global point estimations of intercept and slope.} 
#'  \item{glob.sigma}{Numeric vector of length two with global estimations of standard errors of intercept and slope.} 
#'  \item{xmean}{Global (weighted-)average of reference method values.}
#'  \item{B0jack}{Numeric vector with point estimations of intercept for jackknife samples.
#'                The i-th element contains point estimation for data set without i-th observation} 
#'  \item{B1jack}{Numeric vector with point estimations of slope for jackknife samples.
#'                The i-th element contains point estimation for data set without i-th observation} 
#'  \item{B0}{Numeric vector with point estimations of intercept for each bootstrap sample.
#'            The i-th element contains point estimation for i-th bootstrap sample.}
#'  \item{B1}{Numeric vector with point estimations of slope for each bootstrap sample. 
#'            The i-th element contains point estimation for i-th bootstrap sample.} 
#'  \item{MX}{Numeric vector with point estimations of (weighted-)average of reference method values for each bootstrap sample. 
#'            The i-th element contains point estimation for i-th bootstrap sample.}
#'  \item{sigmaB0}{Numeric vector with estimation of standard error of intercept for each bootstrap sample. 
#'                 The i-th element contains point estimation for i-th bootstrap sample.}
#'  \item{sigmaB1}{Numeric vector with estimation of standard error of slope for each bootstrap sample. 
#'                 The i-th element contains point estimation for i-th bootstrap sample.} 
#'  \item{nsamples}{Number of bootstrap samples.}
#'  \item{nnested}{Number of nested bootstrap samples.}
#'  \item{cimeth}{Method of confidence interval calculation (bootstrap).}
#'  \item{npoints}{Number of observations.}
#' @references  Efron, B., Tibshirani, R.J. (1993)
#'              \emph{An Introduction to the Bootstrap}. Chapman and Hall.
#'              Carpenter, J., Bithell, J. (2000)
#'              Bootstrap confidence intervals: when, which, what? A practical guide for medical statisticians.
#'              \emph{Stat Med}, \bold{19 (9)}, 1141--1164.
#' @author Ekaterina Manuilova \email{ekaterina.manuilova@@roche.com}, Fabian Model \email{fabian.model@@roche.com}, Sergej Potapov \email{sergej.potapov@@roche.com}

mc.bootstrap <- function(method.reg=c("LinReg","WLinReg","Deming","WDeming","PaBa", "PaBaLarge","TS","PBequi"),
						jackknife=TRUE, bootstrap=c("none","bootstrap", "nestedbootstrap"),
						X, Y, error.ratio, nsamples=1000,
                        nnested=25, iter.max=30, threshold=0.00000001, NBins=1000000, slope.measure=c("radian","tangent")) 
	method.reg <- match.arg(method.reg)
	bootstrap <- match.arg(bootstrap)
    slope.measure <- match.arg(slope.measure)

	# Check validity of parameters
    stopifnot(length(X) == length(Y))
    stopifnot(!is.na(X) & !is.na(Y))
    stopifnot(length(X) > 0)
    if(method.reg %in% c("Deming", "WDeming"))
        stopifnot(error.ratio >= 0)
        stopifnot(length(error.ratio) > 0) 
        if( method.reg == "WDeming")
            stopifnot(threshold >= 0)
            stopifnot(length(threshold) > 0)
            stopifnot(length(iter.max) > 0)
            stopifnot(round(iter.max) == iter.max)
            stopifnot(iter.max > 0)
    if( bootstrap %in% c("bootstrap", "nestedbootstrap") )
        stopifnot(length(nsamples) > 0)
        if( bootstrap == "nestedbootstrap")
            stopifnot(length(nnested) > 0)
    stopifnot(length(jackknife) > 0)

	if(method.reg %in% c("WLinReg","WDeming") & (min(X)<=0 | min(Y)<=0)) 
        stop("Weighted regression for non-positive values is not available.")
	if(method.reg %in% c("PaBa", "PaBaLarge") & (min(X)<0 | min(Y)<0)) 
        stop("Passing-Bablok regression for negative values is not available.")	
	# Number of data points
	npoints <- length(X)

	# Choice of arguments for regfun
	if(method.reg == "LinReg"){
		callfun.reg <- function(idx, X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure){
            if(sd(X[idx]) <= 0){
                ## All identical points, no estimation possible
                warning("Resampling LinReg regression: all x coordinates in subsample identical - regression coefficients undetermined!")
                list(b0=as.numeric(NA), b1=as.numeric(NA), 
								se.b0=as.numeric(NA), se.b1=as.numeric(NA), 
            mc.linreg(X[idx], Y[idx])
    }else if(method.reg == "WLinReg"){
		callfun.reg <- function(idx, X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure){
            if(sd(X[idx]) <= 0){
                ## All identical points, no estimation possible
                warning("Resampling WLinReg regression: all x coordinates in subsample identical - regression coefficients undetermined!")
                list(b0=as.numeric(NA), b1=as.numeric(NA),
								se.b0=as.numeric(NA), se.b1=as.numeric(NA),
            mc.wlinreg(X[idx], Y[idx])
    }else if(method.reg == "PBequi"){
		callfun.reg <- function(idx, X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure){
            if(sd(X[idx]) <= 0){
                ## All identical points, no estimation possible
                warning("Resampling equivariant PaBa regression: all x coordinates in subsample identical - regression coefficients undetermined!")
                list(b0=as.numeric(NA), b1=as.numeric(NA),
								se.b0=as.numeric(NA), se.b1=as.numeric(NA),
            mc.PBequi(X[idx], Y[idx],method.reg="PBequi",slope.measure=slope.measure,calcCI=TRUE)
    }else if(method.reg == "TS"){
		callfun.reg <- function(idx, X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure){
            if(sd(X[idx]) <= 0){
                ## All identical points, no estimation possible
                warning("Resampling Theil-Sen regression: all x coordinates in subsample identical - regression coefficients undetermined!")
                list(b0=as.numeric(NA), b1=as.numeric(NA),
								se.b0=as.numeric(NA), se.b1=as.numeric(NA),
            mc.PBequi(X[idx], Y[idx],method.reg="TS",slope.measure=slope.measure,calcCI=TRUE)
    }else if(method.reg == "Deming"){
		callfun.reg <- function(idx, X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure){
            if(sd(X[idx]) <= 0){
                ## All identical points, no estimation possible
                warning("Resampling Deming regression: all x coordinates in subsample identical - regression coefficients undetermined!")
            mc.deming(X[idx], Y[idx], error.ratio=error.ratio)
    }else if(method.reg == "WDeming"){
		callfun.reg <- function(idx, X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure){
            if(sd(X[idx]) <= 0){
                ## All identical points, no estimation possible
                warning("Resampling WDeming regression: all x coordinates in subsample identical - regression coefficients undetermined!")
                list(b0=as.numeric(NA), b1=as.numeric(NA), iter=0, xw=as.numeric(NA))
        	mc.wdemingConstCV(X[idx], Y[idx], error.ratio=error.ratio, 
										iter.max=iter.max, threshold=threshold)
    }else if(method.reg == "PaBaLarge"){
        callfun.reg <- function(idx, X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure){
            if((sd(X[idx]) <= 0) | (sd(Y[idx]) <= 0)){
                ## All identical points on one axis, no estimation possible
                warning("Resampling PaBaLarge regression: x or y coordinates of all data points in subsample identical - regression coefficients undetermined!")
                list(b0=as.numeric(NA), b1=as.numeric(NA), xw=as.numeric(NA))
            paba.posCor <- cor(X[idx], Y[idx], method="kendall") >= 0
            tmpRes <- mc.paba.LargeData(X[idx], Y[idx], NBins=NBins, posCor=paba.posCor, slope.measure=slope.measure)
            list( b0=tmpRes["Intercept", "EST"], b1=tmpRes["Slope", "EST"], xw=as.numeric(NA) )
    }else if(method.reg == "PaBa"){
        ## For slope matrix determine if slope 1 or -1 is expected based on full data set
        paba.posCor.global <- cor(X, Y, method="kendall") >= 0
		## Compute slope matrix once for all further computations,
        ## global estimation of posCor means global +/-Inf assignment - needs to be corrected if correlation changes due to resampling

		## Regression function
        callfun.reg<- function(idx, X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure){
            if((sd(X[idx]) <= 0) | (sd(Y[idx]) <= 0)){
                ## All identical points on one axis, no estimation possible
                warning("Resampling PaBa regression: x or y coordinates of all data points in subsample identical - regression coefficients undetermined!")
                return(list(b0=as.numeric(NA), b1=as.numeric(NA), xw=as.numeric(NA)))
            ## For actual regression determine if slope 1 or -1 is expected based on resampled data set!
            paba.posCor <- cor(X[idx], Y[idx], method="kendall") >= 0
            ## Run Passing-Bablok
            mc.res <- mc.paba(angM = NULL, X[idx], Y[idx],
									posCor=paba.posCor, calcCI=FALSE, 
			list(b0=mc.res["Intercept","EST"], b1=mc.res["Slope","EST"], xw=as.numeric(NA))
    }else stop("Unknown regression function!")

	# Calculation of regression parameters for whole data set (global coefficients)
	d <- callfun.reg(1:npoints, X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure)
	glob.b0 <- d$b0
	glob.b1 <- d$b1
	xmean <- d$xw
	if (method.reg %in% c("PaBa", "PaBaLarge")){ 
        weight <- rep(1, npoints) 
        weight <- d$weight
	if(method.reg %in% c("WDeming","PaBa", "PaBaLarge")){
		## Analytical standard errors not available for weighted Deming and Passing-Bablok
		glob.seb0 <- as.numeric(NA)
		glob.seb1 <- as.numeric(NA)
		glob.seb0 <- d$se.b0
		glob.seb1 <- d$se.b1
  	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	## Calculation of jackknife coefficients
	cal.parallel <- options()$parallel
	cores.parallel <- options()$cores
	if(jackknife == TRUE){
		if(is.null(cal.parallel) || !cal.parallel){
	     	results <- lapply(as.list(1:npoints), 
									d <- callfun.reg((1:length(X))[-z], X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure)
									d[c("b0", "b1")]
				cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()/2)
				cl <- makeCluster(cores.parallel)
			out <- clusterEvalQ(cl, library(mcr))
						varlist = c("callfun.reg", "X", "Y", "error.ratio", "iter.max", "NBins", "slope.measure"),
						envir = environment())

			results <- clusterApplyLB(cl, as.list(1:npoints), 
									d <- callfun.reg((1:length(X))[-z], X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure)
									d[c("b0", "b1")]
		B0jack <- sapply(results, function(x) x$b0)
		B1jack <- sapply(results, function(x) x$b1)
   	    if(method.reg == "WDeming"){		
            ## Use Linnet's algorithm to estimate parameter SEs	
            jackLinnetB0 <- mc.calcLinnetCI(B0jack, glob.b0, 0.05)
            jackLinnetB1 <- mc.calcLinnetCI(B1jack, glob.b1, 0.05)
            glob.seb0 <- jackLinnetB0$se
            glob.seb1 <- jackLinnetB1$se
	    if(bootstrap == "none"){
	        return(list(glob.coef = c(glob.b0,glob.b1),
						glob.sigma = c(glob.seb0,glob.seb1),
						xmean = xmean,
        	            B0jack = B0jack, B1jack = B1jack,
						npoints = npoints, cimeth = "jackknife", 
						weight = weight))
	if(bootstrap %in% c("bootstrap", "nestedbootstrap")){
	    ## Confidence intervals with Bootstrap or nested Bootstrap
    	## Bootstrap
		calc.bootstrap <- function(j, callfun.reg, method.reg, X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure, npoints, nnested, bootstrap){

			## Draw bootstrap sample
			index <- sample(1:npoints, size=npoints, replace=TRUE)
			## Regression on bootstrap sample
			d <- callfun.reg(index, X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure)
			if(method.reg != "PaBa"){ 
				MX <- d$xw
				MX <- mean(X[index])
			## Parameter SE estimation
			if(bootstrap == "nestedbootstrap"){      # Use nested bootstrap, works for all regression methods
				B0n <- B1n <- vector("numeric", length = nnested)
				## Bootstrap
				for(ii in 1:nnested){
					## Draw nested bootstrap sample
					nindex <- sample(1:npoints,size=npoints,replace=TRUE)
					## Regression on nested bootstrap sample
					d.nest <- callfun.reg(index[nindex], X, Y, error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure)
					B0n[ii] <- d.nest$b0
					B1n[ii] <- d.nest$b1
				} #end nest
				## Estimate SD from nested bootstrap results
				sigmaB0 <- sd(B0n, na.rm=TRUE)
				sigmaB1 <- sd(B1n, na.rm=TRUE)
				# Use analytical SD estimates
				if(method.reg %in% c("LinReg", "WLinReg", "Deming","TS","PBequi")){
					sigmaB0 <- d$se.b0
					sigmaB1 <- d$se.b1
				}else if(method.reg == "WDeming"){
					## Use global SE estimates according to Linnet's method
					sigmaB0 <- glob.seb0
					sigmaB1 <- glob.seb1
					sigmaB0 <- sigmaB1 <- as.numeric(NA) # No analytical SE estimates available
			list(B0 = d$b0, B1 = d$b1, MX = MX, sigmaB0 = sigmaB0, sigmaB1 = sigmaB1)
		} # end of bootstrap loop
		if(is.null(cal.parallel) || !cal.parallel){		
			results <- lapply(as.list(1:nsamples), 
								calc.bootstrap, callfun.reg, method.reg, X, Y, 
								error.ratio, iter.max, NBins, slope.measure, 
								npoints, nnested, bootstrap)
				cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()/2)
				cl <- makeCluster(cores.parallel)
			out <- clusterEvalQ(cl, library(mcr))
					varlist = c("calc.bootstrap","callfun.reg", "method.reg", "X", "Y", 
								"error.ratio", "iter.max", "NBins", "slope.measure", 
								"npoints", "nnested", "mc.deming", "bootstrap"),
					envir = environment())
			out <- clusterSetRNGStream(cl)
			results <- clusterApplyLB(cl, as.list(1:nsamples),
									calc.bootstrap, callfun.reg, method.reg, X, Y, error.ratio, 
									iter.max, NBins, slope.measure, npoints, nnested, bootstrap)
		B0 <- sapply(results, function(x) x$B0)
		B1 <- sapply(results, function(x) x$B1)
		MX <- sapply(results, function(x) x$MX)
		sigmaB0 <- sapply(results, function(x) x$sigmaB0)
		sigmaB1 <- sapply(results, function(x) x$sigmaB1)
        ## Check whether there were any invalid regressions due to drawing all identical samples
        na.mask <- !(is.na(B0) | is.na(B1))
        ## If more than 5% of bootstrap runs had invalid regressions => Error
        if(sum(!na.mask)/length(na.mask) > 0.05) stop("There were too many resamples with undetermined regression coefficients!")
    	if (!jackknife){
            ## Return non-NA bootstrap results
            return(list(glob.coef=c(glob.b0,glob.b1), glob.sigma=c(glob.seb0, glob.seb1), xmean=xmean,
    	                B0=B0[na.mask], B1=B1[na.mask], MX=MX[na.mask], sigmaB0=sigmaB0[na.mask], sigmaB1=sigmaB1[na.mask],
    	                nsamples=sum(na.mask), nnested=nnested, npoints=npoints, cimeth=bootstrap, weight=weight))
            if(any(is.na(B0jack) | is.na(B1jack))) stop("Too many identical data points!")
            ## Return non-NA bootstrap results
            return(list(glob.coef=c(glob.b0, glob.b1), glob.sigma=c(glob.seb0, glob.seb1), xmean=xmean,
                        B0jack=B0jack, B1jack=B1jack, B0=B0[na.mask], B1=B1[na.mask], MX=MX[na.mask], sigmaB0=sigmaB0[na.mask], sigmaB1=sigmaB1[na.mask],
              	        nsamples=sum(na.mask), nnested=nnested, npoints=npoints, cimeth=bootstrap, weight=weight))
    }  # end of bootstrap
} # end of mc.bootstrap

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