
Defines functions employ.prep prep prep.list getImplementedPrepMethods prep.generic pinv prep.varsel prep.transform prep.alsbasecorr prep.ref2km prep.msc prep.savgol prep.norm prep.snv prep.autoscale

Documented in employ.prep getImplementedPrepMethods pinv prep prep.alsbasecorr prep.autoscale prep.generic prep.list prep.msc prep.norm prep.ref2km prep.savgol prep.snv prep.transform prep.varsel

#' Autoscale values
#' @description
#' Autoscale (mean center and standardize) values in columns of data matrix.
#' @param data
#' a matrix with data values
#' @param center
#' a logical value or vector with numbers for centering
#' @param scale
#' a logical value or vector with numbers for weighting
#' @param max.cov
#' columns that have coefficient of variation (in percent) below or equal to `max.cov` will not
#' be scaled
#' @return
#' data matrix with processed values
#' @description
#' The use of `max.cov` allows to avoid overestimation of inert variables, which vary
#' very little. Note, that the `max.cov` value is already in percent, e.g. if `max.cov = 0.1` it
#' will compare the coefficient of variation of every variable with 0.1% (not 1%). If you do not
#' want to use this option simply keep `max.cov = 0`.
#' @export
prep.autoscale <- function(data, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, max.cov = 0) {

   f <- function(data, center, scale, max.cov) {
      # define values for centering
      if (is.logical(center) && center) center <- apply(data, 2, mean)

      if (is.numeric(center) && length(center) != ncol(data)) {
         stop("Number of values in 'center' should be the same as number of columns in 'daata'")

      # define values for weigting
      if (is.logical(scale) && scale) scale <- apply(data, 2, sd)

      if (is.numeric(scale) && length(scale) != ncol(data)) {
         stop("Number of values in 'scale' should be the same as number of columns in 'daata'")

      # compute coefficient of variation and set scale to 1 if it is below
      # a user defined threshold
      if (is.numeric(scale)) {
         m <- if (is.numeric(center)) center else apply(data, 2, mean)
         cv <- scale / abs(m) * 100
         scale[is.nan(cv) | cv <= max.cov] <- 1

      # make autoscaling and attach preprocessing attributes
      data <- scale(data, center = center, scale = scale)
      attr(data, "scaled:center") <- NULL
      attr(data, "scaled:scale") <- NULL
      attr(data, "prep:center") <- center
      attr(data, "prep:scale") <- scale


   return(prep.generic(data, f, center = center, scale = scale, max.cov = max.cov))

#' Standard Normal Variate transformation
#' @description
#' Applies Standard Normal Variate (SNV) transformation to the rows of data matrix
#' @param data
#' a matrix with data values
#' @return
#' data matrix with processed values
#' @details
#' SNV is a simple preprocessing to remove scatter effects (baseline offset and slope) from
#' spectral data, e.g. NIR spectra.
#'  @examples
#'  ### Apply SNV to spectra from simdata
#'  library(mdatools)
#'  data(simdata)
#'  spectra = simdata$spectra.c
#'  wavelength = simdata$wavelength
#'  cspectra = prep.snv(spectra)
#'  par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#'  mdaplot(cbind(wavelength, t(spectra)), type = 'l', main = 'Before SNV')
#'  mdaplot(cbind(wavelength, t(cspectra)), type = 'l', main = 'After SNV')
#' @export
prep.snv <- function(data) {

   f <- function(data) t(scale(t(data), center = TRUE, scale = TRUE))
   return(prep.generic(data, f))

#' Normalization
#' @description
#' Normalizes signals (rows of data matrix).
#' @param data
#' a matrix with data values
#' @param type
#' type of normalization \code{"area"}, \code{"length"}, \code{"sum"}, \code{"snv"}, \code{"is"}, or \code{"pqn"}.
#' @param col.ind
#' indices of columns (can be either integer or logical valuws) for normalization to internal
#' standard peak.
#' @param ref.spectrum
#' reference spectrum for PQN normalization, if not provided a mean spectrum for data is used
#' @details
#' The \code{"area"}, \code{"length"}, \code{"sum"} types do preprocessing to unit area (sum of
#' absolute values), length or sum of all values in every row of data matrix. Type \code{"snv"}
#' does the Standard Normal Variate normalization, similar to \code{\link{prep.snv}}. Type
#' \code{"is"} does the normalization to internal standard peak, whose position is defined by
#' parameter `col.ind`. If the position is a single value, the rows are normalized to the height
#' of this peak. If `col.ind` points on several adjucent vales, the rows are normalized to the area
#' under the peak - sum of the intensities.
#' The \code{"pqn"} is Probabilistic Quotient Normalization as described in [1]. In this case you also
#' need to provide a reference spectrum (e.g. mean or median of spectra for some reference samples). If
#' reference spectrum is not provided it will be computed as mean of the spectra to be
#' preprocessed (parameter \code{data}).
#' @references
#' 1. F. Dieterle, A. Ross, H. Senn. Probabilistic Quotient Normalization as Robust Method to
#' Account for Dilution of Complex Biological Mixtures. Application in 1 H NMR Metabonomics.
#' Anal. Chem. 2006, 78, 4281–4290.
#' @return
#' data matrix with normalized values
#' @export
prep.norm <- function(data, type = "area", col.ind = NULL, ref.spectrum = NULL) {

   if (type == "snv") return(prep.snv(data))

   if (type == "is" && is.null(col.ind)) {
      stop("For 'is' normalization you need to provide indices for IS peak.")

   if (is.logical(col.ind)) {
      col.ind <- which(col.ind)

   if (!is.null(col.ind) && (min(col.ind) < 1 || max(col.ind) > ncol(data))) {
      stop("Values for 'col.ind' seem to be wrong.")

   if (type == "pqn" && is.null(ref.spectrum)) {
      ref.spectrum <- apply(data, 2, mean)

   pqn <- function(data, ref.spectrum) {

      if (length(ref.spectrum) != ncol(data)) {
         stop("prep.norm: 'ref.spectrum' should have the same number of values as the number of columns in 'data'.")

      # 1. unit area normalization
      ref.spectrum <- as.numeric(ref.spectrum)
      ref.spectrum <- ref.spectrum / sum(abs(ref.spectrum))

      # 2. compute  and return median quotients for each spectrum
      return(apply(sweep(data, 2, ref.spectrum, "/"), 1, median))

   f <- function(data, type, col.ind, ref.spectrum) {

      # preliminary normalize the dataset to unit sum
      if (type == "pqn") {
         data <- prep.norm(data, type = "area")

      w <- switch(
         "area" = apply(abs(data), 1, sum),
         "length" = sqrt(apply(data^2, 1, sum)),
         "sum" = apply(data, 1, sum),
         "is" = apply(data[, col.ind, drop = FALSE], 1, sum),
         "pqn" = pqn(data, ref.spectrum)

      if (is.null(w)) stop("Wrong value for argument 'type'.")
      return(sweep(data, 1, w, "/"))

   return(prep.generic(data, f, type = type, col.ind = col.ind, ref.spectrum = ref.spectrum))

#' Savytzky-Golay filter
#' @description
#' Applies Savytzky-Golay filter to the rows of data matrix
#' @param data
#' a matrix with data values
#' @param width
#' width of the filter window
#' @param porder
#' order of polynomial used for smoothing
#' @param dorder
#' order of derivative to take (0 - no derivative)
#' @details
#' The function implements algorithm described in [1] which handles the edge points correctly and
#' does not require to cut the spectra.
#' @references
#' 1. Peter A. Gorry. General least-squares smoothing and differentiation by the convolution
#' (Savitzky-Golay) method. Anal. Chem. 1990, 62, 6, 570–573, https://doi.org/10.1021/ac00205a007.
#' @export
prep.savgol <- function(data, width = 3, porder = 1, dorder = 0) {

   stopifnot("Filter width ('width') should be equal at least to 3." = width > 2)
   stopifnot("Filter width ('width') should be an odd integer number." = width %% 2 == 1)
   stopifnot("Wrong value for the derivative order (should be 0, 1, or 2)." = dorder %in% (0:2))
   stopifnot("Wrong value for the polynomial degree (should be integer number between 0 and 4)." = porder %in% (0:4))
   stopifnot("Polynomal degree ('porder') should not be smaller the derivative order ('dorder')." = porder >= dorder)

   # compute grams polynomials
   gram <- function(i, m, k, s) {
      if (k > 0) {
         return((4 * k - 2) / (k * (2 * m - k + 1)) * (i * gram(i, m, k - 1, s) + s * gram(i, m, k - 1, s - 1)) -
            ((k - 1) * (2 * m + k)) / (k * (2 * m - k + 1)) * gram(i, m, k - 2, s))
      if (k == 0 && s == 0) return(1)

   # compute generalized factorial
   genfact <- function(a, b) {
      f <- 1
      if ((a - b + 1) > a) return(f)

      for (i in (a - b + 1):a) {
         f <- f * i


   # compute weights for convolution depending on position
   weight <- function(i, t, m, n, s) {
      sum <- 0
      for (k in 0:n) {
         sum <- sum + (2 * k + 1) * (genfact(2 * m, k) / genfact(2 * m + k + 1, k + 1)) *
            gram(i, m, k, 0) * gram(t, m, k, s)

   f <- function(x, width, porder, dorder) {

      nvar <- ncol(x)
      px <- matrix(0.0, nrow(x), ncol(x))
      m <- round((width - 1) / 2)
      w <- outer(-m:m, -m:m, function(x, y) weight(x, y, m, porder, dorder))

      for (i in seq_len(m)) {
         px[, i] <- apply(x[, seq_len(2 * m + 1), drop = FALSE], 1,
            function(xx) convolve(xx, w[, i], type = "filter")[1])
         px[, nvar - i + 1] <- apply(x[, (nvar - 2 * m):nvar, drop = FALSE], 1,
            function(xx) convolve(xx, w[, width - i + 1], type = "filter")[1])

      px[, (m + 1):(nvar - m)] <- t(apply(x, 1, function(xx) convolve(xx, w[, m + 1], type = "filter")))


   return(prep.generic(data, f, width = width, porder = porder, dorder = dorder))

#' Multiplicative Scatter Correction transformation
#' @description
#' Applies Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) transformation to data matrix (spectra)
#' @param data
#' a matrix with data values (spectra)
#' @param mspectrum
#' mean spectrum (if NULL will be calculated from \code{spectra})
#' @return
#' preprocessed spectra (calculated mean spectrum is assigned as attribut 'mspectrum')
#' @details
#' MSC is used to remove scatter effects (baseline offset and slope) from
#' spectral data, e.g. NIR spectra.
#'  @examples
#'  ### Apply MSC to spectra from simdata
#'  library(mdatools)
#'  data(simdata)
#'  spectra = simdata$spectra.c
#'  cspectra = prep.msc(spectra)
#'  par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#'  mdaplot(spectra, type = "l", main = "Before MSC")
#'  mdaplot(cspectra, type = "l", main = "After MSC")
#' @export
prep.msc <- function(data, mspectrum = NULL) {

   f <- function(spectra, mspectrum) {
      if (is.null(mspectrum)) {
         mspectrum <- apply(spectra, 2, mean)

      if (!is.null(mspectrum)) {
         dim(mspectrum) <- NULL

      if (length(mspectrum) != ncol(spectra)) {
         stop("Length of 'mspectrum' should be the same as number of columns in 'spectra'.")

      pspectra <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(spectra), ncol = ncol(spectra))
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(spectra))) {
         coef <- coef(lm(spectra[i, ] ~ mspectrum))
         pspectra[i, ] <- (spectra[i, ] - coef[1]) / coef[2]

      attr(pspectra, "mspectrum") <- mspectrum

   return(prep.generic(data, f, mspectrum = mspectrum))

#' Kubelka-Munk transformation
#' @description
#' Applies Kubelka-Munk (km) transformation to data matrix (spectra)
#' @param data
#' a matrix with spectra values (absolute reflectance values)
#' @return
#' preprocessed spectra.
#' @details
#' Kubelka-Munk is useful preprocessing method for diffuse reflection spectra (e.g. taken for
#' powders or rough surface). It transforms the reflectance spectra R to K/M units as follows:
#' (1 - R)^2 / 2R
#' @export
prep.ref2km <- function(data) {
   stopifnot("Can't use Kubelka-Munk transformation as some of the values are zeros or negative." = all(data > 0))
   f <- function(x) (1 - x)^2 / (2 * x)

   return(prep.generic(data, f))

#' Baseline correction using asymetric least squares
#' @param data
#' matrix with spectra (rows correspond to individual spectra)
#' @param plambda
#' power of the penalty parameter (e.g. if plambda = 5, lambda = 10^5)
#' @param p
#' assymetry ratio (should be between 0 and 1)
#' @param max.niter
#' maximum number of iterations
#' @return
#' preprocessed spectra.
#' @details
#' The function implements baseline correction algorithm based on Whittaker smoother. The method
#' was first shown in [1]. The function has two main parameters - power of a penalty parameter
#' (usually varies betwen 2 and 9) and the ratio of assymetry (usually between 0.1 and 0.001). The
#' choice of the parameters depends on how broad the disturbances of the baseline are and how
#' narrow the original spectral peaks are.
#' @examples
#' # take spectra from carbs dataset
#' data(carbs)
#' spectra = mda.t(carbs$S)
#' # apply the correction
#' pspectra = prep.alsbasecorr(spectra, plambda = 3, p = 0.01)
#' # show the original and the corrected spectra individually
#' par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
#' for (i in 1:3) {
#'    mdaplotg(list(
#'       original = mda.subset(spectra, i),
#'       corrected = mda.subset(pspectra, i)
#'    ), type = "l", col = c("black", "red"), lwd = c(2, 1), main = rownames(spectra)[i])
#' }
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix Diagonal
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export
prep.alsbasecorr <- function(data, plambda = 5, p = 0.1, max.niter = 10) {
   attrs <- mda.getattr(data)
   dimnames <- dimnames(data)

   m <- ncol(data)
   baseline <- matrix(0, nrow(data), ncol(data))

   LDD <- Matrix::Matrix((10^plambda) * crossprod(diff(diag(m), difference = 2)), sparse = TRUE)
   w.ini <- matrix(rep(1, m))

   for (i in seq_len(nrow(data))) {
      y <- data[i, ]
      w <- w.ini

      for (j in seq_len(max.niter)) {
         W <- Matrix::Diagonal(x = as.numeric(w))
         z <- Matrix::solve(as(W + LDD, "generalMatrix"), w * y, sparse = TRUE)
         w.old <- w
         w <- p * (y > z) + (1 - p) * (y < z)

         if (sum(abs(w - w.old)) < 10^-10) break

      baseline[i, ] <- as.numeric(z)

   pspectra <- data - baseline
   pspectra <- mda.setattr(pspectra, attrs)
   dimnames(pspectra) <- dimnames


#' Transformation
#' @description
#' Transforms values from using any mathematical function (e.g. log).
#' @param data
#' a matrix with data values
#' @param fun
#' reference to a transformation function, e.g. `log` or `function(x) x^2`.
#' @param ...
#' optional parameters for the transformation function
#' @return
#' data matrix with transformed values
#' @examples
#' # generate a matrix with two columns
#' y <- cbind(rnorm(100, 10, 1), rnorm(100, 20, 2))
#' # apply log transformation
#' py1 = prep.transform(y, log)
#' # apply power transformation
#' py2 = prep.transform(y, function(x) x^-1.25)
#' # show distributions
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 3))
#' for (i in 1:2) {
#'    hist(y[, i], main = paste0("Original values, column #", i))
#'    hist(py1[, i], main = paste0("Log-transformed, column #", i))
#'    hist(py2[, i], main = paste0("Power-transformed, column #", i))
#' }
#' @export
prep.transform <- function(data, fun, ...) {
   return(prep.generic(data, fun, ...))

#' Variable selection
#' @description
#' Returns dataset with selected variables
#' @param data
#' a matrix with data values
#' @param var.ind
#' indices of variables (columns) to select, can bet either numeric or logical
#' @return
#' data matrix with the selected variables (columns)
#' @export
prep.varsel <- function(data, var.ind) {
   if (!is.null(attr(data, "exclcols"))) {
      stop("prep.varsel() can not be used for dataset with excluded (hidden) columns.")
   return(mda.subset(data, select = var.ind))

#' Pseudo-inverse matrix
#' @description
#' Computes pseudo-inverse matrix using SVD
#' @param data
#' a matrix with data values to compute inverse for
#' @export
pinv <- function(data) {
   # Calculates pseudo-inverse of data matrix
   s <- svd(data)
   s$v %*% diag(1 / s$d) %*% t(s$u)

#' Generic function for preprocessing
#' @param x
#' data matrix to be preprocessed
#' @param f
#' function for preprocessing
#' @param ...
#' arguments for the function f
prep.generic <- function(x, f, ...) {
   attrs <- mda.getattr(x)
   dimnames <- dimnames(x)
   x.p <- f(x, ...)
   x.p <- mda.setattr(x.p, attrs)
   dimnames(x.p) <- dimnames

#' Shows a list with implemented preprocessing methods
#' @export
getImplementedPrepMethods <- function() {
      # prep.snv <- function(data)
      "snv" = list(
         name = "snv",
         method = prep.snv,
         params = list(),
         params.info = list(),
         info = "Standard normal variate normalization."

      # prep.ref2km <- function(spectra)
      "ref2km" = list(
         name = "ref2km",
         method = prep.ref2km,
         params = list(),
         params.info = list(),
         info = "Transform reflectance spectra to Kubelka-Munk units."

      # prep.msc <- function(spectra, mspectrum = NULL)
      "msc" = list(
         name = "msc",
         method = prep.msc,
         params = list(mspectrum = NULL),
         params.info = list(mspectrum = "mean spectrum (if NULL will be computed based on data)."),
         info = "Multiplicative scatter correction."

      # prep.transform <- function(data, fun, ...)
      "transform" = list(
         name = "transform",
         method = prep.transform,
         params = list(fun = log),
         params.info = list(fun = "function to transform the values (e.g. 'log')"),
         info = "Transformation of data values using math functions (log, sqrt, etc.)."

      # prep.varsel <- function(data, var.ind)
      "varsel" = list(
         name = "varsel",
         method = prep.varsel,
         params = list(var.ind = NULL),
         params.info = list(var.ind = "indices of variables (columns) to select."),
         info = "Select user-defined variables (columns of dataset)."

      # prep.norm <- function(data, type = "area", col.ind = NULL)
      "norm" = list(
         name = "norm",
         method = prep.norm,
         params = list(type = "area", col.ind = NULL),
         params.info = list(
            type = "type of normalization ('area', 'sum', 'length', 'is', 'snv', 'pqn').",
            col.ind = "indices of columns (variables) for normalization to internal standard peak."
         info = "Normalization."

      # prep.savgol <- function(data, width = 3, porder = 1, dorder = 0)
      "savgol" = list(
         name = "savgol",
         method = prep.savgol,
         params = list(width = 3, porder = 1, dorder = 0),
         params.info = list(
            width = "width of the filter.",
            porder = "polynomial order.",
            dorder = "derivative order."
         info = "Savitzky-Golay filter."

      # prep.alsbasecorr <- function(spectra, plambda = 5, p = 0.1, max.niter = 10)
      "alsbasecorr" = list(
         name = "alsbasecorr",
         method = prep.alsbasecorr,
         params = list(plambda = 5, p = 0.1, max.niter = 10),
         params.info = list(
            plambda = "power of the penalty parameter (e.g. if plambda = 5, lambda = 10^5)",
            p = "assymetry ratio (should be between 0 and 1)",
            max.niter = "maximum number of iterations"
         info = "Asymmetric least squares baseline correction."

      # prep.autoscale <- function(data, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, max.cov = 0)
      "autoscale" = list(
         name = "autoscale",
         method = prep.autoscale,
         params = list(center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, max.cov = 0),
         params.info = list(
            center = "a logical value or vector with numbers for centering.",
            scale = "a logical value or vector with numbers for weighting.",
            max.cov = "columns with coefficient of variation (in percent) below `max.cov` will not be scaled"

#' Shows information about all implemented preprocessing methods.
#' @export
prep.list <- function() {
   p <- getImplementedPrepMethods()

   cat("\n\nList of available preprocessing methods:\n")
   lapply(p, function(c) {
      fprintf(" %s\n", c$info)
      cat(" ---------------\n")
      fprintf(" name: '%s'\n", c$name)

      if (length(c$params.info) == 0) {
         cat(" no parameters required\n")
      } else {
         cat(" parameters:\n")
         for (i in seq_along(c$params.info)) {
            fprintf("  '%s': %s\n", names(c$params.info)[i], c$params.info[[i]])


#' Class for preprocessing object
#' @param name
#' short text with name for the preprocessing method.
#' @param params
#' a list with parameters for the method (if NULL - default parameters will be used).
#' @param method
#' method to call when applying the preprocessing, provide it only for user defined methods.
#' @details
#' Use this class to create a list with a sequence of preprocessing methods to keep them together
#' in right order and with defined parameters. The list/object can be provided as an extra argument
#' to any modelling function (e.g. \code{pca}, \code{pls}, etc), so the optimal model parameters and
#' the optimal preprocessing will be stored together and can be applied to a raw data by using
#' method \code{predict}.
#' For your own preprocessing method you need to create a function, which takes matrix with values
#' (dataset) as the first argument, does something and then return a matrix with the same dimension
#' and same attributes as the result. The method can have any number of optional  parameters.
#' See Bookdown tutorial for details.
#' @export
prep <- function(name, params = NULL, method = NULL) {

   if (!is.null(params) && !is.list(params)) {
      stop("prep: argument 'params' must be a list with parameter names and values.")

   if (is.null(method)) {
      # assuming it is one of the standard constraints
      # 1. first check name
      item <- getImplementedPrepMethods()[[name]]
      stopifnot("prep: either name of preprocessing method is wrong or you need to provide a reference to
         function implementing the method if it is user defined." = !is.null(item))

      # 2. check the parameters
      if (is.null(params)) params <- item$params
      if (length(params) > 0 && !all(names(params) %in% names(item$params))) {
         stop("prep: provided preprocessing parameters have wrong name.")

      method <- item$method
   } else {
      # user defined method, check that it works
      res <- tryCatch(
         do.call(method, c(list(data = matrix(runif(50, 1, 10), 5, 10)), params)),
         error = function(m) stop("prep: the method you provided raises an error: \n", m),
         warning = function(m) stop("prep: the method you provided raises a warning: \n", m)

      stopifnot("prep: the method you provided does not return matrix with correct dimension." =
         dim(res) == c(5, 10))

   obj <- list(
      name = name,
      method = method,
      params = params

   class(obj) <- c("prep")

#' Applies a list with preprocessing methods to a dataset
#' @param obj
#' list with preprocssing methods (created using \code{prep} function).
#' @param x
#' matrix with dataset
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @export
employ.prep <- function(obj, x, ...) {

   stopifnot("employ.prep: the first argument must be a list with preprocessing methods" =
      is.list(obj) && class(obj[[1]]) == "prep")
   for (p in obj) {
      x <- do.call(p$method, c(list(data = x), p$params))


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