# Sensitivity Analysis for Multiple Mediators
#' Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis for Multiple Causal Mechanisms
#' 'multimed' is used for causal mediation analysis when post-treatment
#' mediator-outcome confounders, or alternative mediators causally preceding the
#' mediator of interest, exist in the hypothesized causal mechanisms. It
#' estimates the average causal mediation effects (indirect effects) and the
#' average direct effects under the homogeneous interaction assumption based on
#' a varying-coefficient linear structural equation model. The function also
#' performs sensitivity analysis with respect to the violation of the homogenous
#' interaction assumption. The function can be used for both the single
#' experiment design and the parallel design.
#' @details This function implements the framework proposed by Imai and Yamamoto
#' (2012) for the estimation and sensitivity analysis for multiple causal
#' mechanisms. It estimates the average causal mediation effects (indirect
#' effects) with respect to the mediator of interest ('med.main'), i.e., the
#' portion of the treatment effect on the outcome that is transmitted through
#' that mediator, as well as the average direct effects, i.e., the portion of
#' the treatment effect on the outcome that is not transmitted through the
#' main mediator. Unlike the "standard" causal mediation analysis implemented
#' by \code{\link{mediate}} and \code{\link{medsens}}, this framework allows
#' the existence of post-treatment covariates that confound the relationship
#' between the main mediator and the outcome, or equivalently, alternative
#' mediators ('med.alt') that causally precede the main mediator.
#' When the parallel design was used for the experiment (i.e. when the
#' experiment contained an additional randomly assigned group for which both
#' the treatment and the mediator were randomized), there is no need to
#' specify a particular post-treatment confounder, for any such confounder
#' (observed or unobserved) is allowed to exist by virtue of the design.
#' Similarly, no observed covariates need to be included. The function instead
#' requires an additional variable ('experiment') indicating whether the
#' mediator was randomly manipulated for the unit.
#' The estimation and sensitivity analysis are both based on a
#' varying-coefficient linear structural equations model, which assumes
#' additivity but allows for an arbitrary degree of heterogeneity in model
#' coefficients across units and thus is substantially more flexible than a
#' traditional SEM framework. For details see Imai and Yamamoto (2012).
#' The function produces two sets of results. First, point estimates of the
#' average causal mediation effects and the average direct effects are
#' calculated, along with their (percentile) bootstrap confidence intervals.
#' These estimates are based on the "homogeneous interaction" assumption, or
#' the assumption that the degree of treatment-mediator interaction is
#' constant across all units. The estimated total treatment effect is also
#' reported.
#' Second, the bounds on the average causal mediation effects and the average
#' direct effects are also estimated and computed for various degrees of
#' interaction heterogeneity (i.e., violation of the identification
#' assumption), which are represented by the values of three alternative
#' sensitivity parameters. These parameters are: (1) sigma, the standard
#' deviation of the (varying) regression coefficient on the interaction term,
#' (2) R square star, the proportion of the residual variance that would be
#' explained by an additional term for interaction heterogeneity, and (3) R
#' square tilde, the proportion of the total variance explained by such a
#' term. The confidence region is also calculated, using the Imbens and Manski
#' (2004) formula with bootstrap standard errors. Further details are given in
#' the above reference.
#' Note that rows with missing values will be omitted from the calculation of
#' the results. Also note that the treatment variable must be a numeric vector
#' of 1 and 0 and that both mediators and outcome variable must be numeric.
#' The pre-treatment covariates can be of any type that \code{\link{lm}} can
#' handle as predictors.
#' @param outcome name of the outcome variable in 'data'.
#' @param med.main name of the mediator of interest. Under the parallel design
#' this is the only mediator variable used in the estimation.
#' @param med.alt vector of character strings indicating the names of the
#' post-treatment confounders, i.e., the alternative mediators affecting both
#' the main mediator and outcome. Not needed for the parallel design.
#' @param treat name of the treatment variable in 'data'.
#' @param covariates vector of character strings representing the names of the
#' pre-treatment covariates. Cannot be used for the parallel design.
#' @param experiment name of the binary indicator whether 'med.main' is randomly
#' manipulated or not. Only used under the parallel design.
#' @param data a data frame containing all the above variables.
#' @param design experimental design used. Defaults to 'single'.
#' @param sims number of bootstrap samples used for the calculation of
#' confidence intervals.
#' @param increment for the "R square tilde" parameter, i.e. the
#' sensitivity parameter representing the proportion of residual outcome
#' variance explained by heterogeneity in treatment-mediator interactions.
#' Must be a numeric value between 0 and 1.
#' @param conf.level level to be used for confidence intervals.
#' @param weight name of the weights in 'data'.
#' @return \code{multimed} returns an object of class "\code{multimed}", a list
#' contains the following components. The object can be passed to the
#' \code{summary} and \code{plot} method functions for a summary table and a
#' graphical summary.
#' \item{sigma}{ values of the sigma sensitivity parameter at which the bounds
#' and confidence intervals are evaluated.}
#' \item{R2tilde}{ values of the R square tilde parameter.}
#' \item{R2star}{ values of the R square star parameter.}
#' \item{,,}{ lower bounds on the average causal mediation
#' effects under treatment, control, and the simple average of the two,
#' respectively, corresponding to the values of the sensitivity parameters
#' listed above. Note that the first elements of these vectors equal the point
#' estimates under the homogeneous interaction assumption.}
#' \item{d1.ub, d0.ub, d.ave.ub}{ upper bounds on the average causal mediation
#' effects.}
#' \item{,,}{ confidence intervals for the average causal
#' mediation effects at different values of the sensitivity parameters.}
#' \item{,,}{ lower bounds on the average direct effects
#' under treatment, control, and the simple average of the two, respectively,
#' corresponding to the values of the sensitivity parameters listed above.
#' Note that the first elements of these vectors equal the point estimates
#' under the homogeneous interaction assumption.}
#' \item{z1.ub, z0.ub, z.ave.ub}{ upper bounds on the average direct effects.}
#' \item{,,}{ confidence intervals for the average direct
#' effects at different values of the sensitivity parameters.}
#' \item{tau}{ point estimate of the total treatment effect.}
#' \item{}{ confidence interval for the total treatment effect.}
#' \item{conf.level}{ confidence level used for the calculation of the
#' confidence intervals.}
#' @author Teppei Yamamoto, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
#' \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.multimed}}
#' @references Tingley, D., Yamamoto, T., Hirose, K., Imai, K. and Keele, L.
#' (2014). "mediation: R package for Causal Mediation Analysis", Journal of
#' Statistical Software, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 1-38.
#' Imai, K. and Yamamoto, T. (2012) Identification and Sensitivity Analysis
#' for Multiple Causal Mechanisms: Revisiting Evidence from Framing
#' Experiments, Unpublished manuscript.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Replicates Figure 3 (right column) of Imai and Yamamoto (2012)
#' # Note: # of bootstrap samples set low for quick illustration
#' data(framing)
#' Xnames <- c("age", "educ", "gender", "income")
#' res <- multimed("immigr", "emo", "p_harm", "treat", Xnames,
#' data = framing, design = "single", sims = 10)
#' summary(res)
#' plot(res, type = "point")
#' plot(res, type = c("sigma", "R2-total"), tgroup = "average")
#' # Parallel design example using the simulated data of Imai, Tingley and Yamamoto (2012)
#' data(boundsdata)
#' res.para <- multimed(outcome = "out", med.main = "med", treat = "ttt", experiment = "manip",
#' data = boundsdata, design = "parallel", sims = 10)
#' summary(res.para)
#' plot(res.para, tg = "av")
#' }
multimed <- function(outcome, med.main, med.alt = NULL, treat,
covariates = NULL, experiment = NULL,
data, design = c("single", "parallel"),
sims = 1000, = 0.01, conf.level = 0.95, weight = NULL){
if(!is.null(weight) & !is.character(weight)){
stop("weight must be character string for weights in 'data'")
} else {
varnames <- c(outcome, treat, med.main, med.alt, experiment, covariates, weight)
n.w <- length(med.alt)
data <- na.omit(data[,varnames])
design <- match.arg(design)
if(design == "single"){
if (is.null(covariates)){
f.y <- as.formula(paste(outcome, "~", treat, "+", med.main, "+",
paste(treat, med.main, sep=":"), "+",
paste(med.alt, collapse=" + "), "+",
paste(treat, med.alt, sep=":", collapse=" + ")))
f.ytot <- as.formula(paste(outcome, "~", treat))
f.m <- as.formula(paste(med.main, "~", treat))
f.w <- as.list(rep(NA, n.w))
for(k in 1:n.w){
f.w[[k]] <- as.formula(paste(med.alt[k], "~", treat))
} else {
f.y <- as.formula(paste(outcome, "~", treat, "+", med.main, "+",
paste(treat, med.main, sep=":"), "+",
paste(med.alt, collapse=" + "), "+",
paste(treat, med.alt, sep=":", collapse=" + "), "+",
paste(covariates, collapse = " + ")))
f.ytot <- as.formula(paste(outcome, "~", treat, "+",
paste(covariates, collapse = " + ")))
f.m <- as.formula(paste(med.main, "~", treat, "+", paste(covariates, collapse = " + ")))
f.w <- as.list(rep(NA, n.w))
for(k in 1:n.w){
f.w[[k]] <- as.formula(paste(med.alt[k], "~", treat, "+", paste(covariates, collapse = " + ")))
} else if (design == "parallel"){
if (!is.null(covariates)){
warning("covariates currently cannot be used for the parallel design; option ignored")
f.y <- as.formula(paste(outcome, "~", treat, "+", med.main, "+",
paste(treat, med.main, sep=":")))
f.ytot <- as.formula(paste(outcome, "~", treat))
f.m <- as.formula(paste(med.main, "~", treat))
} else {
stop("design unsupported by the multimed procedure")
# Compute sensitivity parameters
R2.s <- seq(0, 1, by =
data.1 <- switch(design,
single = data,
parallel = subset(data, data[[experiment]] == 1))
ETM2 <- mean(data.1[,treat] * data.1[,med.main]^2)
model.y <- lm(f.y, data=data.1)
VY <- var(data.1[,outcome])
} else {
ETM2 <- weighted.mean(data.1[,treat] * data.1[,med.main]^2, w = data.1[, weight])
model.y <- lm(f.y, data=data.1, weights = data.1[, weight])
VY <- Hmisc::wtd.var(data.1[, outcome], weights = data.1[, weight])
sigma <- summary(model.y)$sigma * sqrt(R2.s/ETM2)
R2.t <- ETM2 * sigma^2/VY
# Bootstrap ACME values
ACME.1.lo <- ACME.0.lo <- ACME.1.up <- ACME.0.up <-
ACME.ave.lo <- ACME.ave.up <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(sigma), ncol=sims)
ADE.1.lo <- ADE.0.lo <- ADE.1.up <- ADE.0.up <-
ADE.ave.lo <- ADE.ave.up <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(sigma), ncol=sims)
tau <- rep(NA, length = sims)
for(b in 1:(sims+1)){
## Resample
data.b <- data[sample(1:nrow(data), nrow(data), replace=TRUE),]
if(b == sims + 1){ # final iteration is original data
data.b <- data
# Subset data for parallel design
data.b.0 <- switch(design,
single = data.b,
parallel = subset(data.b, data.b[[experiment]] == 0))
data.b.1 <- switch(design,
single = data.b,
parallel = subset(data.b, data.b[[experiment]] == 1))
## Fit models
model.y <- lm(f.y, data=data.b.1)
model.ytot <- lm(f.ytot, data=data.b.0)
model.m <- lm(f.m, data=data.b.0)
if(design == "single"){
model.w <- as.list(rep(NA, n.w))
for(k in 1:n.w){
model.w[[k]] <- lm(f.w[[k]], data=data.b)
} else {
wgt <- data.b[, weight]
wgt1 <- data.b.1[, weight]
wgt0 <- data.b.0[, weight]
model.y <- lm(f.y, weights = wgt1, data=data.b.1)
model.ytot <- lm(f.ytot, weights = wgt0, data=data.b.0)
model.m <- lm(f.m, weights = wgt0, data=data.b.0)
if(design == "single"){
model.w <- as.list(rep(NA, n.w))
for(k in 1:n.w){
model.w[[k]] <- lm(f.w[[k]], weights = wgt, data=data.b)
beta3 <- coef(model.y)[treat]
kappa <- coef(model.y)[paste(treat, med.main, sep=":")]
if(design == "single"){
xi3 <- coef(model.y)[med.alt]
mu3 <- coef(model.y)[paste(treat, med.alt, sep=":")]
# E(M|T=t)
mf.m1 <- mf.m0 <- mf.m <- model.frame(model.m)
mf.m1[,treat] <- 1
mf.m0[,treat] <- 0
EM.1 <- mean(predict(model.m, mf.m1))
EM.0 <- mean(predict(model.m, mf.m0))
} else { ### model.m from data.b.0 -> wgt0
EM.1 <- weighted.mean(predict(model.m, mf.m1), w = wgt0)
EM.0 <- weighted.mean(predict(model.m, mf.m0), w = wgt0)
# V(M|T=t)
VM.1 <- sum(model.m$residuals[mf.m[,treat]==1]^2)/(sum(mf.m[,treat]) - length(coef(model.m)))
VM.0 <- sum(model.m$residuals[mf.m[,treat]==0]^2)/(sum(1-mf.m[,treat]) - length(coef(model.m)))
} else { ### mf.m from model.m, which is from data.b.0 -> wgt0
VM.1 <- Hmisc::wtd.var(model.m$residuals[mf.m[,treat]==1], weights = wgt0[mf.m[, treat] == 1])
VM.0 <- Hmisc::wtd.var(model.m$residuals[mf.m[,treat]==0], weights = wgt0[mf.m[, treat] == 0])
# E(W|T=t)
if(design == "single"){
mf.w1 <- mf.w0 <- as.list(rep(NA, n.w))
EW.1 <- EW.0 <- rep(NA, n.w)
for(k in 1:n.w){
mf.w1[[k]] <- mf.w0[[k]] <- model.frame(model.w[[k]])
mf.w1[[k]][,treat] <- 1
mf.w0[[k]][,treat] <- 0
EW.1[k] <- mean(predict(model.w[[k]], mf.w1[[k]]))
EW.0[k] <- mean(predict(model.w[[k]], mf.w0[[k]]))
} else { ### model.w from data.b -> wgt
EW.1[k] <- weighted.mean(predict(model.w[[k]], mf.w1[[k]]), w = wgt)
EW.0[k] <- weighted.mean(predict(model.w[[k]], mf.w0[[k]]), w = wgt)
## Bounds
if(b == sims + 1){
tau.o <- coef(model.ytot)[treat]
WXterms <- switch(design,
single = (xi3 + mu3) %*% EW.1 - xi3 %*% EW.0,
parallel = 0)
ADE.0.up.o <- beta3 + kappa*EM.0 + sigma*sqrt(VM.0) + as.vector(WXterms)
ADE.1.up.o <- beta3 + kappa*EM.1 + sigma*sqrt(VM.1) + as.vector(WXterms)
ADE.0.lo.o <- beta3 + kappa*EM.0 - sigma*sqrt(VM.0) + as.vector(WXterms)
ADE.1.lo.o <- beta3 + kappa*EM.1 - sigma*sqrt(VM.1) + as.vector(WXterms)
ACME.1.lo.o <- tau.o - ADE.0.up.o
ACME.0.lo.o <- tau.o - ADE.1.up.o
ACME.1.up.o <- tau.o - ADE.0.lo.o
ACME.0.up.o <- tau.o - ADE.1.lo.o
P <- mean(data.b[,treat])
} else { ### data.b -> wgt
P <- weighted.mean(data.b[,treat], w = wgt)
ACME.ave.lo.o <- P * ACME.1.lo.o + (1-P) * ACME.0.lo.o
ACME.ave.up.o <- P * ACME.1.up.o + (1-P) * ACME.0.up.o
ADE.ave.lo.o <- P * ADE.1.lo.o + (1-P) * ADE.0.lo.o
ADE.ave.up.o <- P * ADE.1.up.o + (1-P) * ADE.0.up.o
} else {
tau[b] <- coef(model.ytot)[treat]
WXterms <- switch(design,
single = (xi3 + mu3) %*% EW.1 - xi3 %*% EW.0,
parallel = 0)
ADE.0.up[,b] <- beta3 + kappa*EM.0 + sigma*sqrt(VM.0) + as.vector(WXterms)
ADE.1.up[,b] <- beta3 + kappa*EM.1 + sigma*sqrt(VM.1) + as.vector(WXterms)
ADE.0.lo[,b] <- beta3 + kappa*EM.0 - sigma*sqrt(VM.0) + as.vector(WXterms)
ADE.1.lo[,b] <- beta3 + kappa*EM.1 - sigma*sqrt(VM.1) + as.vector(WXterms)
ACME.1.lo[,b] <- tau[b] - ADE.0.up[,b]
ACME.0.lo[,b] <- tau[b] - ADE.1.up[,b]
ACME.1.up[,b] <- tau[b] - ADE.0.lo[,b]
ACME.0.up[,b] <- tau[b] - ADE.1.lo[,b]
P <- mean(data.b[,treat])
} else { ### data.b -> wgt
P <- weighted.mean(data.b[,treat], w = wgt)
ACME.ave.lo[,b] <- P * ACME.1.lo[,b] + (1-P) * ACME.0.lo[,b]
ACME.ave.up[,b] <- P * ACME.1.up[,b] + (1-P) * ACME.0.up[,b]
ADE.ave.lo[,b] <- P * ADE.1.lo[,b] + (1-P) * ADE.0.lo[,b]
ADE.ave.up[,b] <- P * ADE.1.up[,b] + (1-P) * ADE.0.up[,b]
ACME.ave.lo.var <- apply(ACME.ave.lo, 1, var)
ACME.1.lo.var <- apply(ACME.1.lo, 1, var)
ACME.0.lo.var <- apply(ACME.0.lo, 1, var)
ACME.ave.up.var <- apply(ACME.ave.up, 1, var)
ACME.1.up.var <- apply(ACME.1.up, 1, var)
ACME.0.up.var <- apply(ACME.0.up, 1, var)
ADE.ave.lo.var <- apply(ADE.ave.lo, 1, var)
ADE.1.lo.var <- apply(ADE.1.lo, 1, var)
ADE.0.lo.var <- apply(ADE.0.lo, 1, var)
ADE.ave.up.var <- apply(ADE.ave.up, 1, var)
ADE.1.up.var <- apply(ADE.1.up, 1, var)
ADE.0.up.var <- apply(ADE.0.up, 1, var)
ACME.ave.CI <- ACME.1.CI <- ACME.0.CI <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=length(sigma))
ADE.ave.CI <- ADE.1.CI <- ADE.0.CI <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=length(sigma))
for(i in 1:length(sigma)){
ACME.ave.CI[,i] <- IMCI(ACME.ave.up.o[i], ACME.ave.lo.o[i],
ACME.ave.up.var[i], ACME.ave.lo.var[i], conf.level = conf.level)$ci
ACME.1.CI[,i] <- IMCI(ACME.1.up.o[i], ACME.1.lo.o[i],
ACME.1.up.var[i], ACME.1.lo.var[i], conf.level = conf.level)$ci
ACME.0.CI[,i] <- IMCI(ACME.0.up.o[i], ACME.0.lo.o[i],
ACME.0.up.var[i], ACME.0.lo.var[i], conf.level = conf.level)$ci
ADE.ave.CI[,i] <- IMCI(ADE.ave.up.o[i], ADE.ave.lo.o[i],
ADE.ave.up.var[i], ADE.ave.lo.var[i], conf.level = conf.level)$ci
ADE.1.CI[,i] <- IMCI(ADE.1.up.o[i], ADE.1.lo.o[i],
ADE.1.up.var[i], ADE.1.lo.var[i], conf.level = conf.level)$ci
ADE.0.CI[,i] <- IMCI(ADE.0.up.o[i], ADE.0.lo.o[i],
ADE.0.up.var[i], ADE.0.lo.var[i], conf.level = conf.level)$ci
tau.CI <- quantile(tau, probs = c((1-conf.level)/2, (1+conf.level)/2), na.rm = TRUE)
out <- list(sigma = sigma, R2tilde = R2.t, R2star = R2.s, tau = tau.o, = tau.CI, = ACME.1.CI, = ACME.0.CI, = ACME.ave.CI, = ACME.1.lo.o, = ACME.0.lo.o, = ACME.ave.lo.o,
d1.ub = ACME.1.up.o, d0.ub = ACME.0.up.o, d.ave.ub = ACME.ave.up.o, = ADE.1.CI, = ADE.0.CI, = ADE.ave.CI, = ADE.1.lo.o, = ADE.0.lo.o, = ADE.ave.lo.o,
z1.ub = ADE.1.up.o, z0.ub = ADE.0.up.o, z.ave.ub = ADE.ave.up.o,
conf.level = conf.level)
class(out) <- "multimed"
## Calculates Imbens-Manski confidence set for nonparametric bounds
IMCI <- function(upper, lower, var.upper, var.lower,
A <- (upper-lower)/sqrt(max(var.upper,var.lower))
C <- seq(0,10,by=.001)
const <- abs(pnorm(C + A) - pnorm(-C) - conf.level)
Cn <- C[const==min(const)]
ci <- c(0,0)
names(ci) <- c("lower","upper")
ci <- c(lower - Cn*sqrt(var.lower), upper + Cn*sqrt(var.upper))
if ([1])) ci <- c(NA,NA)
list(ci=ci, conf.level=conf.level)
## Summary
#' Summarizing Output from Mediation Analysis with Multiple Mechanisms
#' Function to report results from the \code{\link{multimed}} function.
#' @aliases summary.multimed print.summary.multimed
#' @param object object of class \code{multimed}, typically output from the
#' \code{multimed} funciton.
#' @param x output from the summary function.
#' @param ... additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
#' @author Teppei Yamamoto, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
#' \email{}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{multimed}}, \code{\link{plot.multimed}}
#' @references Tingley, D., Yamamoto, T., Hirose, K., Imai, K. and Keele, L.
#' (2014). "mediation: R package for Causal Mediation Analysis", Journal of
#' Statistical Software, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 1-38.
#' Imai, K. and Yamamoto, T. (2012) Identification and Sensitivity Analysis
#' for Multiple Causal Mechanisms: Revisiting Evidence from Framing
#' Experiments, typescript.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Replicates Figure 3 (right column) of Imai and Yamamoto (2012)
#' # Note: # of bootstrap samples set low for quick illustration
#' data(framing)
#' Xnames <- c("age", "educ", "gender", "income")
#' res <- multimed("immigr", "emo", "p_harm", "treat", Xnames,
#' data = framing, sims = 10)
#' summary(res)
#' plot(res, type = "point")
#' plot(res, type = c("sigma", "R2-total"), tgroup = "average")
#' }
#' @export
summary.multimed <- function(object, ...){
structure(object, class = c("summary.multimed", class(object)))
#' @rdname summary.multimed
#' @export
print.summary.multimed <- function(x, ...){
clp <- 100 * x$conf.level
cat("Causal Mediation Analysis with Confounding by an Alternative Mechanism\n\n")
cat("Estimates under the Homogeneous Interaction Assumption:\n")
cmat <- c(x$[1], x$[1], x$[1], x$[1], x$[1], x$[1], x$tau)
cmat <- cbind(cmat, rbind(x$[,1], x$[,1], x$[,1], x$[,1], x$[,1], x$[,1], x$
colnames(cmat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""))
rownames(cmat) <- c("ACME (treated)", "ACME (control)", "ACME (average)", "ADE (treated)", "ADE (control)", "ADE (average)", "Total Effect")
printCoefmat(cmat[,1:3], digits=3)
cat("Sensitivity Analysis: \n")
cat("Values of the sensitivity parameters at which ACME first crosses zero:\n")
ind.d1.b <- sum(sign(x$ * sign(x$d1.ub) > 0) + 1
ind.d1.c <- sum(sign(x$[1,]) * sign(x$[2,]) > 0) + 1
ind.d0.b <- sum(sign(x$ * sign(x$d0.ub) > 0) + 1
ind.d0.c <- sum(sign(x$[1,]) * sign(x$[2,]) > 0) + 1
ind.d.ave.b <- sum(sign(x$ * sign(x$d.ave.ub) > 0) + 1
ind.d.ave.c <- sum(sign(x$[1,]) * sign(x$[2,]) > 0) + 1
smat <- c(x$sigma[ind.d1.b], x$sigma[ind.d1.c],
x$R2star[ind.d1.b], x$R2star[ind.d1.c], x$R2tilde[ind.d1.b], x$R2tilde[ind.d1.c])
smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$sigma[ind.d0.b], x$sigma[ind.d0.c],
x$R2star[ind.d0.b], x$R2star[ind.d0.c], x$R2tilde[ind.d0.b], x$R2tilde[ind.d0.c]))
smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$sigma[ind.d.ave.b], x$sigma[ind.d.ave.c],
x$R2star[ind.d.ave.b], x$R2star[ind.d.ave.c], x$R2tilde[ind.d.ave.b], x$R2tilde[ind.d.ave.c]))
colnames(smat) <- c("sigma(bounds)", "sigma(CI)", "R2s(bounds)", "R2s(CI)", "R2t(bounds)", "R2t(CI)")
rownames(smat) <- c("ACME (treated)", "ACME (control)", "ACME (average)")
printCoefmat(smat[,1:6], digits=3)
cat("Values of the sensitivity parameters at which ADE first crosses zero:\n")
ind.z1.b <- sum(sign(x$ * sign(x$z1.ub) > 0) + 1
ind.z1.c <- sum(sign(x$[1,]) * sign(x$[2,]) > 0) + 1
ind.z0.b <- sum(sign(x$ * sign(x$z0.ub) > 0) + 1
ind.z0.c <- sum(sign(x$[1,]) * sign(x$[2,]) > 0) + 1
ind.z.ave.b <- sum(sign(x$ * sign(x$z.ave.ub) > 0) + 1
ind.z.ave.c <- sum(sign(x$[1,]) * sign(x$[2,]) > 0) + 1
smat <- c(x$sigma[ind.z1.b], x$sigma[ind.z1.c],
x$R2star[ind.z1.b], x$R2star[ind.z1.c], x$R2tilde[ind.z1.b], x$R2tilde[ind.z1.c])
smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$sigma[ind.z0.b], x$sigma[ind.z0.c],
x$R2star[ind.z0.b], x$R2star[ind.z0.c], x$R2tilde[ind.z0.b], x$R2tilde[ind.z0.c]))
smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$sigma[ind.z.ave.b], x$sigma[ind.z.ave.c],
x$R2star[ind.z.ave.b], x$R2star[ind.z.ave.c], x$R2tilde[ind.z.ave.b], x$R2tilde[ind.z.ave.c]))
colnames(smat) <- c("sigma(bounds)", "sigma(CI)", "R2s(bounds)", "R2s(CI)", "R2t(bounds)", "R2t(CI)")
rownames(smat) <- c("ADE (treated)", "ADE (control)", "ADE (average)")
printCoefmat(smat[,1:6], digits=3)
## Plot
#' Plotting the Results of Causal Mediation Analysis for Multiple Mechanisms
#' Function to plot results from \code{multimed}. Most standard plotting options
#' are available.
#' @details 'type' and 'tgroup' can contain multiple character strings, in which
#' case multiple plots are produced. For the use of graphical parameters see
#' \code{\link{plot}} and the links it contains.
#' @param x object of class \code{multimed}, typically output from the
#' \code{multimed} funciton.
#' @param type type of plot(s) required. The default is to produce all, i.e.,
#' the point estimates of the effects under the homogenous interaction
#' assumpton ("point") and bounds as function of the sigma ("sigma"), R square
#' star ("R2-residual") and R square tilde ("R2-total") parameters.
#' @param tgroup treatment group(s) for which the estimates are produced. The
#' default is to plot all, i.e., the average causal mediation effect when
#' treated ("treated"), control ("control") and the simple average of these
#' two effects ("average").
#' @param effect.type a vector indicating which quantities of interest to plot
#' for the point estimates. Only plotting total effects is not available.
#' @param ask a logical value. If 'TRUE', the user is asked for input before a
#' new figure is plotted. Default is to ask only if the number of plots on
#' current screen is fewer than necessary.
#' @param xlab label for the x axis. Default labels are used if 'NULL'.
#' @param ylab label for the y axis. Default labels are used if 'NULL'.
#' @param xlim limits of the x axis. If 'NULL' default values are used.
#' @param ylim limits of the y axis. If 'NULL' default values are used.
#' @param main main title for the plot. If 'NULL', default titles are used.
#' @param lwd width of the lines used in graphs. For the "point" plot this is
#' the width of confidence bars. For sensitivity plots this is the width of
#' the lines for the bounds.
#' @param pch plotting points used for the "point" plots.
#' @param cex magnification factor for the plotting points in the "point" plots.
#' @param las style of the y axis labels in the "point" plots.
#' @param col.eff color of the points in the "point" plots and/or the bounds in
#' sensitivity plots.
#' @param col.cbar color of the confidence bars in the "point" plots.
#' @param col.creg color of the confidence regions in sensitivity plots.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to plotting functions.
#' @author Teppei Yamamoto, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
#' \email{}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{multimed}}, \code{\link{plot}}
#' @references Tingley, D., Yamamoto, T., Hirose, K., Imai, K. and Keele, L.
#' (2014). "mediation: R package for Causal Mediation Analysis", Journal of
#' Statistical Software, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 1-38.
#' Imai, K. and Yamamoto, T. (2012) Identification and Sensitivity Analysis
#' for Multiple Causal Mechanisms: Revisiting Evidence from Framing
#' Experiments, typescript.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Replicates Figure 3 (right column) of Imai and Yamamoto (2012)
#' # Note: # of bootstrap samples set low for quick illustration
#' data(framing)
#' Xnames <- c("age", "educ", "gender", "income")
#' res <- multimed("immigr", "emo", "p_harm", "treat", Xnames,
#' data = framing, sims = 10)
#' summary(res)
#' plot(res, type = "point")
#' plot(res, type = c("sigma", "R2-total"), tgroup = "average")
#' }
#' @export
plot.multimed <- function(x, type = c("point", "sigma", "R2-residual", "R2-total"),
tgroup = c("average", "treated", "control"),
effect.type = c("indirect", "direct", "total"),
ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < nplots,
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = NULL,
lwd = par("lwd"), pch = par("pch"), cex = par("cex"), las = par("las"),
col.eff = "black", col.cbar = "black", col.creg = "gray", ...){
type <- match.arg(type, several.ok = TRUE)
tgroup <- match.arg(tgroup, several.ok = TRUE)
effect.type <- match.arg(effect.type, several.ok=TRUE)
IND <- "indirect" %in% effect.type
DIR <- "direct" %in% effect.type
TOT <- "total" %in% effect.type
if(!IND && !DIR && TOT) {
stop("No support for only plotting total effect.")
show.point <- "point" %in% type
nplots <- show.point + (length(type) - show.point) * length(tgroup)
oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
eff.up <- eff.lo <- ci.up <- ci.lo <- c()
d.eff.lo <- d.eff.up <- <- <- c()
z.eff.lo <- z.eff.up <- <- <- c()
if("control" %in% tgroup){
d.eff.lo <- cbind(eff.lo, x$
d.eff.up <- cbind(eff.up, x$d0.ub) <- cbind(ci.lo, x$[1,]) <- cbind(ci.up, x$[2,])
z.eff.lo <- cbind(eff.lo, x$
z.eff.up <- cbind(eff.up, x$z0.ub) <- cbind(ci.lo, x$[1,]) <- cbind(ci.up, x$[2,])
if("treated" %in% tgroup){
d.eff.lo <- cbind(d.eff.lo, x$
d.eff.up <- cbind(d.eff.up, x$d1.ub) <- cbind(, x$[1,]) <- cbind(, x$[2,])
z.eff.lo <- cbind(z.eff.lo, x$
z.eff.up <- cbind(z.eff.up, x$z1.ub) <- cbind(, x$[1,]) <- cbind(, x$[2,])
if("average" %in% tgroup){
d.eff.lo <- cbind(d.eff.lo, x$
d.eff.up <- cbind(d.eff.up, x$d.ave.ub) <- cbind(, x$[1,]) <- cbind(, x$[2,])
z.eff.lo <- cbind(z.eff.lo, x$
z.eff.up <- cbind(z.eff.up, x$z.ave.ub) <- cbind(, x$[1,]) <- cbind(, x$[2,])
## 1. Point Estimate under Homogeneous Interaction Assumption
ma <- "Point Estimate"
} else ma <- main
xla <- "Average Effects"
} else xla <- xlab
yla <- expression(paste("Total (", bar(tau), ")"))
if("control" %in% tgroup){
yla <- c(yla, expression(paste("Control (", bar(zeta)[0], ")")))
if("treated" %in% tgroup){
yla <- c(yla, expression(paste("Treated (", bar(zeta)[1], ")")))
if("average" %in% tgroup){
yla <- c(yla, expression(paste("Average (", bar(bar(zeta)), ")")))
if("control" %in% tgroup){
yla <- c(yla, expression(paste("Control (", bar(delta)[0], ")")))
if("treated" %in% tgroup){
yla <- c(yla, expression(paste("Treated (", bar(delta)[1], ")")))
if("average" %in% tgroup){
yla <- c(yla, expression(paste("Average (", bar(bar(delta)), ")")))
if(IND && DIR && !TOT) {
yla <- yla[2:7]
if(!IND && !TOT) {
yla <- yla[2:4]
if(!DIR && !TOT) {
yla <- yla[5:7]
if(!IND && TOT) {
yla <- yla[c(1, 2:4)]
if(!DIR && TOT) {
yla <- yla[c(1, 5:7)]
} else yla <- ylab
if(IND && DIR && TOT) {
eff <- c(x$tau, z.eff.lo[1,], d.eff.lo[1,])
ci <- cbind(x$, rbind([1,],[1,]), rbind([1,],[1,]))
} else if(IND && DIR && !TOT) {
eff <- c(z.eff.lo[1,], d.eff.lo[1,])
ci <- cbind(rbind([1,],[1,]), rbind([1,],[1,]))
} else if(!IND && !TOT) {
eff <- c(z.eff.lo[1,])
ci <- rbind([1,],[1,])
} else if(!DIR && !TOT) {
eff <- c(d.eff.lo[1,])
ci <- rbind([1,],[1,])
} else if(!IND && TOT) {
eff <- c(x$tau, z.eff.lo[1,])
ci <- cbind(x$, rbind([1,],[1,]))
} else if(!DIR && TOT) {
eff <- c(x$tau, d.eff.lo[1,])
ci <- cbind(x$, rbind([1,],[1,]))
xli <- c(min(ci), max(ci))
} else xli <- xlim
yli <- c(0, length(eff)) + 0.5
} else yli <- ylim
plot(0, 0, type = "n", main = ma, xlab = xla, ylab = "",
xlim = xli, ylim = yli, yaxt = "n", ...)
for(i in 1:length(eff)){
segments(ci[1,i], i, ci[2,i], i, lwd = lwd, col = col.cbar)
points(eff[i], i, pch = pch, cex = cex, col = col.eff)
abline(v = 0)
text(y = 1:length(eff), labels = yla, srt = 45, par("usr")[1], xpd = TRUE, pos = 2)
## 2. Sensitivity analysis
yla <- as.list(rep(NA, 6))
if("control" %in% tgroup){
yla[[1]] <- c(expression(paste(bar(delta)[0], "(", sigma, ")")),
expression(paste(bar(delta)[0], "(", R^{2}, "*)")),
expression(paste(bar(delta)[0], "(", tilde(R)^{2}, ")")))
yla[[4]] <- c(expression(paste(bar(zeta)[0], "(", sigma, ")")),
expression(paste(bar(zeta)[0], "(", R^{2}, "*)")),
expression(paste(bar(zeta)[0], "(", tilde(R)^{2}, ")")))
if("treated" %in% tgroup){
yla[[2]] <- c(expression(paste(bar(delta)[1], "(", sigma, ")")),
expression(paste(bar(delta)[1], "(", R^{2}, "*)")),
expression(paste(bar(delta)[1], "(", tilde(R)^{2}, ")")))
yla[[5]] <- c(expression(paste(bar(zeta)[1], "(", sigma, ")")),
expression(paste(bar(zeta)[1], "(", R^{2}, "*)")),
expression(paste(bar(zeta)[1], "(", tilde(R)^{2}, ")")))
if("average" %in% tgroup){
yla[[3]] <- c(expression(paste(bar(bar(delta)), "(", sigma, ")")),
expression(paste(bar(bar(delta)), "(", R^{2}, "*)")),
expression(paste(bar(bar(delta)), "(", tilde(R)^{2}, ")")))
yla[[6]] <- c(expression(paste(bar(bar(zeta)), "(", sigma, ")")),
expression(paste(bar(bar(zeta)), "(", R^{2}, "*)")),
expression(paste(bar(bar(zeta)), "(", tilde(R)^{2}, ")")))
} else yla <- ylab
wh <- c("sigma", "R2-residual", "R2-total") %in% type
for(j in 1:length(wh)){
if(!wh[j]) next
ma <- ifelse(j == 1, "Sensitivity with Respect to \n Interaction Heterogeneity",
"Sensitivity with Respect to \n Importance of Interaction")
} else ma <- main
xla <- switch(j, expression(sigma),
expression(paste(R^{2}, "*")),
} else xla <- xlab
if(j == 1) xli <- range(x$sigma) else xli <- c(0,1)
} else xli <- xlim
if(IND && DIR){
yli <- c(min(c(,, max(c(,
slides <- NULL
if("control" %in% tgroup){
slides <- c(1, 4)
if("treated" %in% tgroup){
slides <- c(slides, 2, 5)
if("average" %in% tgroup){
slides <- c(slides, 3, 6)
slides <- sort(slides)
} else if (!IND && DIR){
yli <- c(min(, max(
slides <- NULL
if("control" %in% tgroup){
slides <- c(4)
if("treated" %in% tgroup){
slides <- c(slides, 5)
if("average" %in% tgroup){
slides <- c(slides, 6)
slides <- sort(slides)
} else if (IND && !DIR){
yli <- c(min(, max(
slides <- NULL
if("control" %in% tgroup){
slides <- c(1)
if("treated" %in% tgroup){
slides <- c(slides, 2)
if("average" %in% tgroup){
slides <- c(slides, 3)
slides <- sort(slides)
} else yli <- ylim
spar <- switch(j, x$sigma, x$R2star, x$R2tilde)
ci.lo <- cbind(,
ci.up <- cbind(,
eff.lo <- cbind(d.eff.lo, z.eff.lo)
eff.up <- cbind(d.eff.up, z.eff.up)
index <- 1:length(slides)
for(i in slides){
plot(0, 0, type = "n", main = ma, xlab = xla, ylab = yla[[i]][j],
xlim = xli, ylim = yli, ...)
ii <- index[i == slides]
polygon(c(spar, rev(spar)), c(ci.lo[,ii], rev(ci.up[,ii])),
border = FALSE, col = col.creg)
lines(spar, eff.lo[,ii], lwd = lwd, col = col.eff)
lines(spar, eff.up[,ii], lwd = lwd, col = col.eff)
abline(h = 0)
abline(h = eff.lo[1,ii], lty = "dashed")
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