
Defines functions mgMap

Documented in mgMap

mgMap <-
  function(coords, memgene, wid = NULL, hei = NULL, dev.open = FALSE, add.plot = FALSE, legend = FALSE, ...) {

    ## included here to support MEM analyses
    sr.value <- function(dfxy, z, xax = 1, yax = 2, method = c(
                         ), zmax = NULL, csize = 1, cpoint = 0, pch = 20,
                         clegend = 0.75, neig = NULL, cneig = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
                         grid = TRUE, addaxes = TRUE, cgrid = 0.75, include.origin = TRUE,
                         origin = c(0, 0), sub = "", csub = 1, possub = "topleft",
                         pixmap = NULL, contour = NULL, area = NULL, add.plot = FALSE) {

      # Slightly modified version of ade4's s.value() graphical function.
      # Draws round instead of square bubbles in some plots when argument
      # "bubble" is called.
      # License: GPL-2
      # Author of the original function s.value: Daniel Chessel
      # Modification: Francois Gillet, 25 August 2012
      dfxy <- data.frame(dfxy)
      if (length(z) != nrow(dfxy)) {
        stop(paste("Non equal row numbers", nrow(dfxy), length(z)))
      opar <- par(mar = par("mar"))
      par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
      coo <- scatterutil.base(
        dfxy = dfxy, xax = xax, yax = yax,
        xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, grid = grid, addaxes = addaxes,
        cgrid = cgrid, include.origin = include.origin, origin = origin,
        sub = sub, csub = csub, possub = possub, pixmap = pixmap,
        contour = contour, area = area, add.plot = add.plot
      if (!is.null(neig)) {
        if (is.null(class(neig))) neig <- NULL
        if (class(neig) != "neig") neig <- NULL
        deg <- attr(neig, "degrees")
        if (length(deg) != length(coo$x)) neig <- NULL
      if (!is.null(neig)) {
        fun <- function(x, coo) {
          segments(coo$x[x[1]], coo$y[x[1]], coo$x[x[2]], coo$y[x[2]],
            lwd = par("lwd") * cneig
        apply(unclass(neig), 1, fun, coo = coo)
      method <- method[1]
      if (method == "greylevel") {
        br0 <- pretty(z, 6)
        nborn <- length(br0)
        coeff <- diff(par("usr")[1:2]) / 15
        numclass <- cut.default(z, br0, include.lowest = TRUE, labels = FALSE)
        valgris <- seq(1, 0, le = (nborn - 1))
        h <- csize * coeff
        for (i in 1:(nrow(dfxy)))
          symbols(coo$x[i], coo$y[i],
            circles = h / 2,
            bg = gray(valgris[numclass[i]]),
            add = TRUE, inches = FALSE
        scatterutil.legend.circle.grey(br0, valgris, h / 2, clegend)
        if (cpoint > 0) points(coo$x, coo$y, pch = pch, cex = par("cex") * cpoint)
      } else if (method == "bubble") {
        coeff <- diff(par("usr")[1:2]) / 15
        sq <- sqrt(abs(z))
        if (is.null(zmax)) zmax <- max(abs(z))
        w1 <- sqrt(zmax)
        sq <- csize * coeff * sq / w1
        for (i in 1:(nrow(dfxy)))
          if (sign(z[i]) >= 0) {
            symbols(coo$x[i], coo$y[i],
              circles = sq[i] / 2, bg = "black",
              fg = "white", add = TRUE, inches = FALSE
          } else {
            symbols(coo$x[i], coo$y[i],
              circles = sq[i] / 2, bg = "white",
              fg = "black", add = TRUE, inches = FALSE
        br0 <- pretty(z, 4)
        l0 <- length(br0)
        br0 <- (br0[1:(l0 - 1)] + br0[2:l0]) / 2
        sq0 <- sqrt(abs(br0))
        sq0 <- csize * coeff * sq0 / w1
        sig0 <- sign(br0)
        if (clegend > 0) scatterutil.legend.bw.circle(br0, sq0, sig0, clegend)
        if (cpoint > 0) points(coo$x, coo$y, pch = pch, cex = par("cex") * cpoint)
      } else if (method == "circlesize") print("not yet implemented")
      if (!add.plot) box()

    scatterutil.legend.bw.circle <- function(br0, sq0, sig0, clegend) {
      br0 <- round(br0, digits = 6)
      cha <- as.character(br0[1])
      for (i in (2:(length(br0)))) cha <- paste(cha, br0[i], sep = " ")
      cex0 <- par("cex") * clegend
      yh <- max(c(strheight(cha, cex = cex0), sq0))
      h <- strheight(cha, cex = cex0)
      y0 <- par("usr")[3] + yh / 2 + h / 2
      ltot <- strwidth(cha, cex = cex0) + sum(sq0) + h
      rect(par("usr")[1] + h / 4, y0 - yh / 2 - h / 4,
        par("usr")[1] + ltot + h / 4, y0 + yh / 2 + h / 4,
        col = "white"
      x0 <- par("usr")[1] + h / 2
      for (i in (1:(length(sq0))))
        cha <- br0[i]
        cha <- paste(" ", cha, sep = "")
        xh <- strwidth(cha, cex = cex0)
        text(x0 + xh / 2, y0, cha, cex = cex0)
        z0 <- sq0[i]
        x0 <- x0 + xh + z0 / 2
        if (sig0[i] >= 0) {
          symbols(x0, y0,
            circles = z0 / 2, bg = "black", fg = "white",
            add = TRUE, inches = FALSE
        } else {
          symbols(x0, y0,
            circles = z0 / 2, bg = "white", fg = "black",
            add = TRUE, inches = FALSE
        x0 <- x0 + z0 / 2

    scatterutil.legend.circle.grey <- function(br0, valgris, h, clegend) {
      if (clegend <= 0) {
      br0 <- round(br0, digits = 6)
      nborn <- length(br0)
      cex0 <- par("cex") * clegend
      x0 <- par("usr")[1] + h
      x1 <- x0
      for (i in (2:(nborn)))
        x1 <- x1 + h
        cha <- br0[i]
        cha <- paste(cha, "]", sep = "")
        xh <- strwidth(cha, cex = cex0)
        if (i == (nborn)) break
        x1 <- x1 + xh + h
      yh <- max(strheight(paste(br0), cex = cex0), h)
      y0 <- par("usr")[3] + yh / 2 + h / 2
      rect(par("usr")[1] + h / 4, y0 - yh / 2 - h / 4, x1 - h / 4, y0 + yh / 2 + h / 4,
        col = "white"
      x0 <- par("usr")[1] + h
      for (i in (2:(nborn)))
        symbols(x0, y0,
          circles = h / 2, bg = gray(valgris[i - 1]), add = TRUE,
          inches = FALSE
        x0 <- x0 + h
        cha <- br0[i]
        if (cha < 1e-05) cha <- round(cha, digits = 3)
        cha <- paste(cha, "]", sep = "")
        xh <- strwidth(cha, cex = cex0)
        if (i == (nborn)) break
        text(x0 + xh / 2, y0, cha, cex = cex0)
        x0 <- x0 + xh + h

    ## mgMap specific code

    memgene <- as.matrix(memgene)

    if (!legend) {
      clegend <- -1
    } else {
      clegend <- 0.75

    if (is.null(wid) && is.null(hei) && (ncol(memgene) == 2) && !add.plot) {
      sideBySide <- TRUE
    } else {
      sideBySide <- FALSE

    if (sideBySide) {
      if (!dev.open) {
        dev.new(width = 9, height = 4.5)
      par(mfcol = c(1, 2))
      par(mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
      plot(coords, type = "n", main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "")
      sr.value(coords, memgene[, 1], add.plot = TRUE, clegend = clegend, ...)
      plot(coords, type = "n", main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "")
      sr.value(coords, memgene[, 2], add.plot = TRUE, clegend = clegend, ...)
    } else {
      if (is.null(wid)) {
        wid <- 7
        hei <- 7
      for (i in 1:ncol(memgene)) {
        if (!add.plot) {
          if (!dev.open) {
            dev.new(width = wid, height = hei)
          par(mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
          plot(coords, type = "n", main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "")
          sr.value(coords, memgene[, i], add.plot = TRUE, clegend = clegend, ...)
        } else {
          sr.value(coords, memgene[, i], add.plot = TRUE, clegend = clegend, ...)

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memgene documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:55 p.m.