
Defines functions MetaForest

Documented in MetaForest

#' Conduct a MetaForest analysis to explore heterogeneity in meta-analytic data.
#' MetaForest uses a weighted random forest to explore heterogeneity in
#' meta-analytic data. MetaForest is a wrapper for \link[ranger]{ranger}
#' (Wright & Ziegler, 2015). As input, MetaForest takes the study effect sizes
#' and their variances (these can be computed, for example, using the
#' \code{\link[metafor:rma.uni]{metafor}} package), as well as the moderators
#' that are to be included in the model. By default, MetaForest uses
#' random-effects weights, and estimates the between-studies variance using a
#' restricted maximum-likelihood estimator. However, it may be beneficial to
#' first conduct an unweighted MetaForest, and then use the estimated residual
#' heterogeneity from this model as the estimate of \code{tau2} for a
#' random-effects weighted MetaForest.
#' @param formula Formula. Specify a formula for the MetaForest model, for
#' example, \code{yi ~ .} to predict the outcome \code{yi} from all moderators
#' in the data. Only additive formulas are allowed (i.e., \code{x1+x2+x3}).
#' Interaction terms and non-linear terms are not required, as the random
#' forests algorithm inherently captures these associations.
#' @param data A data.frame containing the effect size, moderators, and the
#' variance of the effect size.
#' @param vi Character. Specify the name of the column in the \code{data} that
#' contains the variances of the effect sizes. This column will be removed from
#' the data prior to analysis. Defaults to \code{"vi"}.
#' @param study Character. Optionally, specify the name of the column in the
#' \code{data} that contains the study id. Use this when the data includes
#' multiple effect sizes per study. This column can be a vector of integers, or
#' a factor. This column will be removed from the data prior to analysis.
#' See \code{Details} for more information about analyzing dependent data.
#' @param whichweights Character. Indicate what time of weights are required.
#' A random-effects MetaForest is grown by specifying \code{whichweights =
#' "random"}. A fixed-effects MetaForest is grown by specifying
#' \code{whichweights = "fixed"}. An unweighted MetaForest is grown by
#' specifying \code{whichweights = "unif"}. Defaults to \code{"random"}.
#' @param num.trees Atomic integer. Specify the number of trees in the forest.
#' Defaults to 500.
#' @param mtry Atomic integer. Number of candidate moderators available for each
#' split. Defaults to the square root of the number moderators (rounded down).
#' @param method Character. Specify the method by which to estimate the residual
#' variance. Can be set to one of the following: "DL", "HE", "SJ", "ML", "REML",
#' "EB", "HS", or "GENQ". Default is "REML". See the
#' \code{\link[metafor:rma.uni]{metafor}} package for more information about
#' these estimators.
#' @param tau2 Numeric. Specify a predetermined value for the residual
#' heterogeneity. Entering a value here supersedes the estimated tau2 value.
#' Defaults to NULL.
#' @param ... Additional arguments are passed directly to \link[ranger]{ranger}.
#' It is recommended not to use additional arguments.
#' @return List of length 3. The "forest" element of this list is an object of
#' class "ranger", containing the results of the random forests analysis. The
#' "rma_before" element is an object of class "rma.uni", containing the results
#' of a random-effects meta-analysis on the raw data, without moderators. The
#' "rma_after" element is an object of class "rma.uni", containing the results
#' of a random-effects meta-analysis on the residual heterogeneity, or the
#' difference between the effect sizes predicted by MetaForest and the observed
#' effect sizes.
#' @details For dependent data, a clustered MetaForest analysis is more
#' appropriate. This is because the predictive performance of a MetaForest
#' analysis is evaluated on out-of-bootstrap cases, and when cases out of the
#' bootstrap sample originate from the same study, the model will be overly
#' confident in its ability to predict their value. When the MetaForest is
#' clustered by the \code{study} variable, the dataset is first split into two
#' cross-validation samples by study. All dependent effect sizes from each study
#' are thus included in the same cross-validation sample. Then, two random
#' forests are grown on these cross-validation samples, and for each random
#' forest, the other sample is used to calculate prediction error and variable
#' importance, see \doi{10.1007/s11634-016-0276-4}.
#' @import stats
#' @import ranger
#' @import metafor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Example 1:
#' #Simulate data with a univariate linear model
#' set.seed(42)
#' data <- SimulateSMD()
#' #Conduct unweighted MetaForest analysis
#' mf.unif <- MetaForest(formula = yi ~ ., data = data$training,
#'                       whichweights = "unif", method = "DL")
#' #Print model
#' mf.unif
#' #Conduct random-effects weighted MetaForest analysis
#' mf.random <- MetaForest(formula = yi ~ ., data = data$training,
#'                         whichweights = "random", method = "DL",
#'                         tau2 = 0.0116)
#' #Print summary
#' summary(mf.random)
#' #Example 2: Real data from metafor
#' #Load and clean data
#' data <- dat.bangertdrowns2004
#' data[, c(4:12)] <- apply(data[ , c(4:12)], 2, function(x){
#'   x[is.na(x)] <- median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
#'   x})
#' data$subject <- factor(data$subject)
#' data$yi <- as.numeric(data$yi)
#' #Conduct MetaForest analysis
#' mf.bd2004 <- MetaForest(formula = yi~ grade + length + minutes + wic+
#'                                meta, data, whichweights = "unif")
#' #Print MetaForest object
#' mf.bd2004
#' #Check convergence plot
#' plot(mf.bd2004)
#' #Check summary
#' summary(mf.bd2004, digits = 4)
#' #Examine variable importance plot
#' VarImpPlot(mf.bd2004)
MetaForest <- function(formula, data, vi = "vi", study = NULL,
                       whichweights = "random",
                       num.trees = 500, mtry = NULL, method = "REML",
                       tau2 = NULL, ...) {
    if(grepl("(\\*|:|-)", formula[3])){
      stop("MetaForest only accepts additive model formulae. The underlying regression trees algorithm inherently captures interactions and non-linear effects as a sequence of consecutive splits on the interacting variables, so no interaction terms need to be specified.")
 # browser()
    cl <- match.call()
    args <- as.list(cl)[-1]

    df <- get_all_vars(formula, data = data)
    # Ensure that the first var is the dependent variable. Not sure if this is
    # necessary, but I'm going to use the position of the dependent variable
    # elsewhere.
    if(!names(df)[1] == all.vars(formula)[1]){
      df <- df[, c(all.vars(formula)[1], names(df)[-match(all.vars(formula)[1], names(df))])]

    if(vi %in% names(df)) df <- df[-match(vi, names(df))]
    args[["v"]] <- data[[vi]]
    args[["vi"]] <- NULL
    args[["formula"]] <- paste(formula[2], formula[3],sep = " ~ ")
    args[["data"]] <- NULL
      args[["df"]] <- df
      output <- do.call(MF, args)
    } else {
      if(study %in% names(df)) df <- df[-match(study, names(df))]
      args[["df"]] <- df
      args[["id"]] <- data[[study]]
      args[["study"]] <- NULL
      output <- do.call(MF_cluster, args)
    output$call <- cl

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metaforest documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:38 a.m.