
## modified from profile method of bbmle package, which was modified from mle of the stats4 package
#  Copyright (C) 1995-2012 The R Core Team
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
setGeneric("profilemix.profile", function(fitted, which = 1:p, maxsteps = 100,
                                          alpha = 0.01, zmax = sqrt(qchisq(1 - alpha/2, p)),
                                          del = zmax/5, trace = FALSE, skiperrs=TRUE,
                                          std.err, tol.newmin = 0.001, debug=FALSE,
                                          prof.lower, prof.upper, skip.hessian=TRUE,
                                          try_harder=FALSE, notrials, cores, ...) { standardGeneric("profilemix.profile")})

setMethod("profilemix.profile", "mymle",
          function (fitted, which = 1:p, maxsteps = 100,
                    alpha = 0.01, zmax = sqrt(qchisq(1 - alpha/2, p)),
                    del = zmax/5, trace = FALSE, skiperrs=TRUE,
                    std.err, tol.newmin = 0.001, debug=FALSE,
                    prof.lower, prof.upper, skip.hessian=TRUE,
                    try_harder=FALSE, notrials, cores, ...) {
            ## fitted: mle2 object
            ## which: which parameters to profile (numeric or char)
            ## maxsteps: steps to take looking for zmax
            ## alpha: max alpha level
            ## zmax: max log-likelihood difference to search to
            ## del: stepsize
            ## trace:
            ## skiperrs:
            if (fitted@optimizer=="optimx") {
              fitted@call$method <- fitted@details$method.used
            if (fitted@optimizer=="constrOptim")
              stop("profiling not yet working for constrOptim -- sorry")
            Pnames <- names(fitted@coef)
            p <- length(Pnames)
            if (is.character(which)) which <- match(which,Pnames)
            if (any(is.na(which)))
              stop("parameters not found in model coefficients")
            ## global flag for better fit found inside profile fit
             if (debug) cat("i","bi","B0[i]","sgn","step","del","std.err[i]","\n")
            onestep <- function(step,bi) {
              if (missing(bi)) {
                bi <- B0[i] + sgn * step * del * std.err[i]
                if (debug) cat(i,bi,B0[i],sgn,step,del,std.err[i],"\n")
              } else if (debug) cat(bi,"\n")
              fix <- list(bi)
              names(fix) <- p.i
              if (is.null(call$fixed)) call$fixed <- fix
              else call$fixed <- c(eval(call$fixed),fix)
               start <- makestart.profilemix.metaplus(call$data$yi,call$data$sei,mods=call$data$mods,fixed=call$fixed,notrials=notrials,cores=cores)$params
              start <- unlist(start)
              names(start) <- names(call$start)
              call$start <- as.list(start)
              if (skiperrs) {
                pfit <- try(eval.parent(call, 2L), silent=TRUE)
              } else {
                pfit <- eval.parent(call, 2L)
              ok <- ! inherits(pfit,"try-error")
              if (debug && ok) cat(coef(pfit),-logLik(pfit),"\n")
              if(skiperrs && !ok) {
                warning(paste("Error encountered in profile:",pfit))
              else {
                ## pfit is current (profile) fit,
                ##   fitted is original fit
                ## pfit@min _should_ be > fitted@min
                ## thus zz below should be >0
                zz <- 2*(pfit@min - fitted@min)
                ri <- pv0
                ri[, names(pfit@coef)] <- pfit@coef
                ri[, p.i] <- bi
                ##   tol.newmin,zz<(-tol.newmin),"\n")
                if (!is.na(zz) && zz<0) {
                  if (zz > (-tol.newmin)) {
                    z <- 0
                    ## HACK for non-monotonic profiles? z <- -sgn*sqrt(abs(zz))
                  } else {
                    ## cat() instead of warning(); FIXME use message() instead???
                    message("Profiling has found a better solution,",
                            "so original fit had not converged:\n")
                    message(sprintf("(new deviance=%1.4g, old deviance=%1.4g, diff=%1.4g)",
                    message("Returning better fit ...\n")
                    newpars_found <<- TRUE
                    ## need to return parameters all the way up
                    ##   to top level
                     ## return(pfit@fullcoef)
                    return(pfit) ## return full fit
                } else {
                  z <- sgn * sqrt(zz)
                pvi <<- rbind(pvi, ri)
                zi <<- c(zi, z) ## nb GLOBAL set
              if (trace) cat(bi, z, "\n")
            } ## end onestep
            ## Profile the likelihood around its maximum
            ## Based on profile.glm in MASS
            notfinished <- TRUE
            updatefitted <- FALSE
            while (notfinished) {
              newpars_found <- FALSE
                summ <- summary(fitted)
                if (missing(std.err)) {
                  std.err <- summ@coef[, "Std. Error"]
                } else {
                  n <- length(summ@coef)
                  if (length(std.err)<n)
                    std.err <- rep(std.err,length.out=length(summ@coef))
                  if (any(is.na(std.err)))
                    std.err[is.na(std.err)] <- summ@coef[is.na(std.err)]
                if (any(is.na(std.err))) {
                  std.err[is.na(std.err)] <- sqrt(1/diag(fitted@details$hessian))[is.na(std.err)]
                  if (any(is.na(std.err))) {  ## still bad
                    stop("Hessian is ill-behaved or missing, ",
                         "can't find an initial estimate of std. error ",
                         "(consider specifying std.err in profile call)")
                  ## warn anyway ...
                  warning("Non-positive-definite Hessian, ",
                          "attempting initial std err estimate from diagonals")
                Pnames <- names(B0 <- fitted@coef)
                pv0 <- t(as.matrix(B0))
                p <- length(Pnames)
                prof <- vector("list", length = length(which))
                names(prof) <- Pnames[which]
                call <- fitted@call
                call$skip.hessian <- skip.hessian ## BMB: experimental
                call$minuslogl <- fitted@minuslogl
                ndeps <- eval.parent(call$control$ndeps)
                parscale <- eval.parent(call$control$parscale)
                nc <- length(fitted@coef)
                xf <- function(x) if (is.null(x)) NULL else rep(x,length.out=nc) ## expand to length
                upper <- xf(unlist(eval.parent(call$upper)))
                lower <- xf(unlist(eval.parent(call$lower)))
                if (all(upper==Inf & lower==-Inf)) {
                  lower <- upper <- NULL
                  ## kluge: lower/upper may have been set to +/- Inf
                  ##   in previous rounds, 
                  ##  but we don't want them in that case
                if (!missing(prof.lower)) prof.lower <- xf(prof.lower)
                if (!missing(prof.upper)) prof.upper <- xf(prof.upper)
                stop_msg <- list()
                for (i in which) {
                  zi <- 0
                  pvi <- pv0
                  p.i <- Pnames[i]
                  wfun <- function(txt) paste(txt," (",p.i,")",sep="")
                  stop_msg[[i]] <- list(down="",up="")
                  for (sgn in c(-1, 1)) {
                    dir_ind <- (sgn+1)/2+1 ## (-1,1) -> (1,2)
                    if (trace) {
                      cat("\nParameter:", p.i, c("down", "up")[dir_ind], "\n")
                      cat("par val","sqrt(dev diff)\n")
                    step <- 0
                    z <- 0
                    ## This logic was a bit frail in some cases with
                    ## high parameter curvature. We should probably at least
                    ## do something about cases where the mle2 call fails
                    ## because the parameter gets stepped outside the domain.
                    ## (We now have.)
                    call$start <- as.list(B0)
                    lastz <- 0
                    valf <- function(b) {
                      (!is.null(b) && length(b)>1) ||
                        (length(b)==1 && i==1 && is.finite(b))
                    lbound <- if (!missing(prof.lower)) {
                    } else if (valf(lower))
                    { lower[i]
                    } else -Inf
                    ubound <- if (!missing(prof.upper)) prof.upper[i] else if (valf(upper)) upper[i] else Inf
                    stop_bound <- stop_na <- stop_cutoff <- stop_flat <- FALSE
                    while ((step <- step + 1) < maxsteps &&
                             ## added is.na() test for try_harder case
                             ## FIXME: add unit test!
                             (is.na(z) || abs(z) < zmax)) {
                      curval <- B0[i] + sgn * step * del * std.err[i]
                      if ((sgn==-1 & curval<lbound) ||
                            (sgn==1 && curval>ubound)) {
                        stop_bound <- TRUE
                        stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]] <- paste(stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]],wfun("hit bound"))
                      z <- onestep(step)
                      if (newpars_found) stop()
                      ## stop on flat spot, unless try_harder
                      if (step>1 && (identical(oldcurval,curval) || identical(oldz,z))) {
                        stop_flat <- TRUE
                        stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]] <- paste(stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]],wfun("hit flat spot"),
                        if (!try_harder) break
                      oldcurval <- curval
                      oldz <- z
                      if (newpars_found) return(z)
                      if(is.na(z)) {
                        stop_na <- TRUE
                        stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]] <- paste(stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]],wfun("hit NA"),sep=";")
                        if (!try_harder) break
                      lastz <- z
                      if (newpars_found) return(z)
                    stop_cutoff <- (!is.na(z) && abs(z)>=zmax)
                    stop_maxstep <- (step==maxsteps)
                    if (stop_maxstep) stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]] <- paste(stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]],wfun("max steps"),sep=";")
                    if (debug) {
                      if (stop_na) message(wfun("encountered NA"),"\n")
                      if (stop_cutoff) message(wfun("above cutoff"),"\n")
                    if (stop_flat) {
                      warning(wfun("stepsize effectively zero/flat profile"))
                    } else {
                      if (stop_maxstep) warning(wfun("hit maximum number of steps"))
                      if(!stop_cutoff) {
                        if (debug) cat(wfun("haven't got to zmax yet, trying harder"),"\n")
                        stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]] <- paste(stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]],wfun("past cutoff"),sep=";")
                        ## now let's try a bit harder if we came up short
                        for(dstep in c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9)) {
                          curval <- B0[i] + sgn * (step-1+dstep) * del * std.err[i]
                          if ((sgn==-1 & curval<lbound) ||
                                (sgn==1 && curval>ubound)) break
                          z <- onestep(step - 1 + dstep)
                          if (newpars_found) stop()
                          if(is.na(z) || abs(z) > zmax) break
                          lastz <- z
                          if (newpars_found) return(z)
                        if (!stop_cutoff && stop_bound) {
                          if (debug) cat(wfun("bounded and didn't make it, try at boundary"),"\n")
                          ## bounded and didn't make it, try at boundary
                          if (sgn==-1 && B0[i]>lbound) z <- onestep(bi=lbound)
                          if (sgn==1  && B0[i]<ubound) z <- onestep(bi=ubound)
                          if (newpars_found) stop()
                      } else if (length(zi) < 5) { # try smaller steps
                        if (debug) cat(wfun("try smaller steps"),"\n")
                        stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]] <- paste(stop_msg[[i]][[dir_ind]],wfun("took more steps"),sep=";")
                        mxstep <- step - 1
                        step <- 0.5
                        while ((step <- step + 1) < mxstep) {
                          z <- onestep(step)
                          if (newpars_found) stop()
                      } ## smaller steps
                    } ## !zero stepsize
                  } ## step in both directions
                  si <- order(pvi[, i])
                  prof[[p.i]] <- data.frame(z = zi[si])
                  prof[[p.i]]$par.vals <- pvi[si,, drop=FALSE]
                } ## for i in which
              },error = function(e) {
                # adjust fitted with new
                if (newpars_found) {
                  names(z@fullcoef) <- names(fitted@fullcoef)
                  fitted@fullcoef <<- z@fullcoef
                  # ???? need to remove fixed
                  fitted@coef <<- z@fullcoef
                  fitted@min <<- z@min
                  updatefitted <<- TRUE
                } else stop(e)
              notfinished <- newpars_found
            newprof <- new("profile.mymle", profile = prof, summary = summ)
            if (updatefitted) attr(newprof,"newfit") <- fitted
            attr(newprof,"stop_msg") <- stop_msg

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