
Defines functions angmeasdir emplik .pickands.emp .wecdf angmeas .returnAng

Documented in angmeas angmeasdir emplik .wecdf

.returnAng <- function(ang, R, Rnorm = c("l1", "l2", "linf"), wgt = c("Empirical", "Euclidean"), region = c("sum",
    "min", "max")) {
    # Other cases supported
    ang <- as.matrix(ang)
    if (region == "sum") {
        if (wgt == "Euclidean") {
            if (Rnorm == "l1") {
                return(list(ang = ang, rad = R, wts = as.vector(.EuclideanWeights(ang, rep(1/(ncol(ang) +
                  1), ncol(ang))))))
            } else {
                return(list(ang = ang, rad = R, wts = as.vector(.EuclideanWeights(ang - cbind(ang[, -1],
                  ang[, 1]), rep(0, ncol(ang))))))
                # as.vector(.EuclideanWeights(ang,rep(1/(ncol(ang)+1), ncol(ang))))))
        } else if (wgt == "Empirical") {
            if (Rnorm == "l1") {
                scel.fit <- .emplik_intern(z = ang, thresh = 1e-10, mu = rep(1/(ncol(ang) + 1), ncol(ang)),
                  lam = rep(0, ncol(ang)), eps = 1/nrow(ang), itermax = 10000L)
            } else {
                scel.fit <- .emplik_intern(z = ang - cbind(ang[, -1], ang[, 1]), thresh = 1e-10, mu = rep(0,
                  ncol(ang)), lam = rep(0, ncol(ang)), eps = 1/nrow(ang), itermax = 5000L)
            if (scel.fit$conv) {
                return(list(ang = ang, rad = R, wts = as.vector(scel.fit$wts)))
            } else {
                warning("Self-concordant empirical likelihood for the mean did not converge.")
                return(list(ang = ang, rad = R, wts = rep(NA, nrow(ang))))
    } else {
        aw <- switch(region, min = apply(cbind(ang, 1 - rowSums(ang)), 1, max), max = apply(cbind(ang,
            1 - rowSums(ang)), 1, min), sum = rep(1, nrow(ang)))
        # b <- (ang-1/(ncol(ang)+1))/aw
        b <- (ang - cbind(ang[, -1], ang[, 1]))/aw
        scel.fit <- .emplik_intern(z = b, mu = rep(0, ncol(ang)), lam = rep(0, ncol(ang)), eps = 1/nrow(ang))
        if (scel.fit$conv) {
            su <- 1/(sum((1/aw) * scel.fit$wts))  #mean of p_ia_i
            wts <- su/aw * (scel.fit$wts)
            return(list(ang = ang, rad = R, wts = wts))
        } else {
            return(list(ang = ang, rad = R))

#' Rank-based transformation to angular measure
#' The method uses the pseudo-polar transformation for suitable norms, transforming
#' the data to pseudo-observations, than marginally to unit Frechet or unit Pareto.
#' Empirical or Euclidean weights are computed and returned alongside with the angular and
#' radial sample for values above threshold(s) \code{th}, specified in terms of quantiles
#' of the radial component \code{R} or marginal quantiles. Only complete tuples are kept.
#' The empirical likelihood weighted mean problem is implemented for all thresholds,
#'  while the Euclidean likelihood is only supported for diagonal thresholds specified
#'  via \code{region=sum}.
#' @param x an \code{n} by \code{d} sample matrix
#' @param Rnorm  character string indicating the norm for the radial component.
#' @param Anorm character string indicating the norm for the angular component. \code{arctan} is only implemented for \eqn{d=2}
#' @param marg character string indicating choice of marginal transformation, either to Frechet or Pareto scale
#' @param wgt character string indicating weighting function for the equation. Can be based on Euclidean or empirical likelihood for the mean
#' @param th threshold of length 1 for \code{'sum'}, or \code{d} marginal thresholds otherwise.
#' @param region character string specifying which observations to consider (and weight). \code{'sum'} corresponds to a radial threshold
#' \eqn{\sum x_i > }\code{th}, \code{'min'} to \eqn{\min x_i >}\code{th} and \code{'max'} to \eqn{\max x_i >}\code{th}.
#' @param is.angle logical indicating whether observations are already angle with respect to \code{region}. Default to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return a list with arguments \code{ang} for the \eqn{d-1} pseudo-angular sample, \code{rad} with the radial component
#' and possibly \code{wts} if \code{Rnorm='l1'} and the empirical likelihood algorithm converged. The Euclidean algorithm always returns weights even if some of these are negative.
#' @author Leo Belzile
#' @references Einmahl, J.H.J. and J. Segers (2009). Maximum empirical likelihood estimation of the spectral measure of an extreme-value distribution, \emph{Annals of Statistics}, \bold{37}(5B), 2953--2989.
#' @references de Carvalho, M. and B. Oumow and J. Segers and M. Warchol (2013). A Euclidean likelihood estimator for bivariate tail dependence, \emph{Comm. Statist. Theory Methods}, \bold{42}(7), 1176--1192.
#' @references Owen, A.B. (2001). \emph{Empirical Likelihood}, CRC Press, 304p.
#' @export
#' @importFrom 'graphics' 'plot.new' 'plot.window'
#' @return a list with components
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ang} matrix of pseudo-angular observations
#' \item \code{rad} vector of radial contributions
#' \item \code{wts} empirical or Euclidean likelihood weights for angular observations
#' }
#' @examples
#' x <- rmev(n=25, d=3, param=0.5, model='log')
#' wts <- angmeas(x=x, th=0, Rnorm='l1', Anorm='l1', marg='Frechet', wgt='Empirical')
#' wts2 <- angmeas(x=x, Rnorm='l2', Anorm='l2', marg='Pareto', th=0)
angmeas <- function(x, th, Rnorm = c("l1", "l2", "linf"), Anorm = c("l1", "l2", "linf", "arctan"), marg = c("Frechet",
    "Pareto"), wgt = c("Empirical", "Euclidean"), region = c("sum", "min", "max"), is.angle = FALSE) {
    if (!is.matrix(x)) {
        x <- rbind(x, deparse.level = 0L)
    if (missing(th)) {
        warning("Threshold set to zero. Using all the data")
        th <- 0
    } else if (any(th >= 1, th < 0)) {
        stop("Threshold must be specified by a probability in [0,1)")
    # Match arguments
    Rnorm <- match.arg(Rnorm)
    Anorm <- match.arg(Anorm)
    marg <- match.arg(marg)
    wgt <- match.arg(wgt)
    region <- match.arg(region)
    if (!is.angle) {
        # Use only complete cases x <- na.omit(x) Margins are transformed to unit Frechet/Pareto (PIT)
        S <- switch(marg, Frechet = -1/log(na.omit(apply(x, 2, rank, na.last = "keep", ties.method = "random")/(nrow(x) +
            1))), Pareto = 1/(1 - na.omit(apply(x, 2, rank, na.last = "keep", ties.method = "random")/(nrow(x) +

        # Obtain radius
        R <- switch(Rnorm, l1 = rowSums(S), l2 = apply(S, 1, function(x) {
        }), linf = apply(S, 1, max))
        # Ordering observations: this is not strictly necessary but of some use for later inspection + for
        # defn of 'above' when region='sum' Ordering is same regardless of above norm
        ordR <- order(R)
        S <- S[ordR, ]
        # Order radius
        R <- R[ordR]

        # Check conditions for different regions
        if (region != "sum") {
            if (ncol(S) != length(th)) {
                if (length(th) == 1) {
                  warning("The length of the threshold provided does not match the dimension of the problem; assuming identical thresholds")
                  th <- rep(th[1], ncol(S))
                } else {
                  stop("Invalid argument \"th\": the length of the threshold provided does not match the dimension of the problem.")
            if (wgt == "Euclidean") {
                warning("Currently not implemented; switching to empirical likelihood")
                wgt <- "Empirical"
            if (region == "min") {
                above <- Reduce(intersect, sapply(1:ncol(S), function(i) {
                  which(S[, i] > quantile(S[, i], th[i]))
                }, simplify = FALSE))
            } else if (region == "max") {
                above <- Reduce(union, sapply(1:ncol(S), function(i) {
                  which(S[, i] > quantile(S[, i], th[i]))
                }, simplify = FALSE))
            # list if of unequal length, a matrix otherwise! if region=='sum'
        } else {
            if (length(th) != 1) {
                warning("Only using the first entry of \"th\"")
                th <- th[1]
            above <- floor(th * length(R)):length(R)  #works because observations are ordered

        if (length(above) < 5) {
            warning("Less than five observations above the chosen threshold")
        if (Rnorm == Anorm) {
            ang <- S[, -ncol(S), drop = FALSE]/R
        } else if (Anorm == "arctan") {
            if (ncol(S) != 2) {
                stop("Invalid norm for sample, arctan transformation only for bivariate samples")
            ang <- atan(S[, 2]/S[, 1])
        } else {
            ang <- switch(Anorm, l1 = S[, -ncol(S), drop = FALSE]/rowSums(S), l2 = S[, -ncol(S), drop = FALSE]/apply(S,
                1, function(x) {
                }), linf = S[, -ncol(S), drop = FALSE]/apply(S, 1, max))
        # Cast ang to a matrix for the bivariate case
        ang <- as.matrix(ang[above, ])
        R <- as.vector(R[above])
    } else {
        ang <- x
          R <- NULL
    rownames(ang) <- NULL  #remove names for time series
    .returnAng(ang = ang, R = R, Rnorm = Rnorm, wgt = wgt, region = region)

#' Weighted empirical distribution function
#' Compute an empirical distribution function with weights \code{w} at each of \code{x}
#' @param x observations
#' @param w weights
#' @return a function of class \code{ecdf}
#' @keywords internal
.wecdf <- function(x, w) {
    # Adapted from spatstat (c) Adrian Baddeley and Rolf Turner
    stopifnot(length(x) == length(w))  #also returns error if x is multidimensional
    nbg <- is.na(x)
    x <- x[!nbg]
    w <- w[!nbg]
    n <- length(x)
    if (n < 1)
        stop("'x' must have 1 or more non-missing values")
    ox <- order(x)
    x <- x[ox]
    w <- w[ox]
    vals <- sort(unique(x))
    xmatch <- factor(match(x, vals), levels = seq_along(vals))
    wmatch <- tapply(w, xmatch, sum)
    wmatch[is.na(wmatch)] <- 0
    rval <- approxfun(vals, cumsum(wmatch), method = "constant", yleft = 0, yright = sum(wmatch), f = 0,
        ties = "ordered")
    class(rval) <- c("ecdf", "stepfun", class(rval))
    assign("nobs", n, envir = environment(rval))
    attr(rval, "call") <- sys.call()

.pickands.emp <- function(emp, plot = FALSE, add = FALSE, tikz = FALSE, ...) {
    pos <- seq(0, 1, length = 1000)
    if (is.null(emp$wts)) {
        warning("Invalid input; no \"wts arguments, likely due to convergence failure")
        pickands.pos <- rep(NA, length(pos))
    } else {
        pickands.pos <- .Pickands_emp(pos, emp$ang, emp$wts)
    if (isTRUE(plot) || isTRUE(add)) {
        if (plot) {
            plot.window(c(0, 1), c(0.5, 1))
            axis(side = 2, at = seq(0.5, 1, by = 0.1), pos = 0, las = 2, tck = 0.01)
            axis(side = 1, at = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1), pos = 0.5, las = 0, tck = 0.01)
            # title('Pickands dependence function') Empirical bounds
            lines(c(0, 0.5), c(1, 0.5), lty = 3, col = "gray")
            lines(c(0.5, 1), c(0.5, 1), lty = 3, col = "gray")
            lines(c(0, 1), c(1, 1), lty = 3, col = "gray")
            if (tikz == TRUE) {
                mtext("$t$", side = 1, line = 2)
                mtext("$\\mathrm{A}(t)$", side = 2, line = 2)
            } else {
                mtext(expression(t), side = 1, line = 2)
                mtext(expression(A(t)), side = 2, line = 2)
        lines(pos, pickands.pos, ...)
    return(invisible(cbind(pos, pickands.pos)))

#' Self-concordant empirical likelihood for a vector mean
#' @param dat \code{n} by \code{d} matrix of \code{d}-variate observations
#' @param mu  \code{d} vector of hypothesized mean of \code{dat}
#' @param lam  starting values for Lagrange multiplier vector, default to zero vector
#' @param eps  lower cutoff for \eqn{-\log}{-log}, with default \code{1/nrow(dat)}
#' @param M upper cutoff for \eqn{-\log}{-log}.
#' @param thresh  convergence threshold for log likelihood (default of \code{1e-30} is aggressive)
#' @param itermax  upper bound on number of Newton steps.
#' @export
#' @author Art Owen, \code{C++} port by Leo Belzile
#' @references Owen, A.B. (2013). Self-concordance for empirical likelihood, \emph{Canadian Journal of Statistics}, \bold{41}(3), 387--397.
#' @return a list with components
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{logelr} log empirical likelihood ratio.
#'  \item \code{lam} Lagrange multiplier (vector of length \code{d}).
#'  \item \code{wts} \code{n} vector of observation weights (probabilities).
#'  \item \code{conv} boolean indicating convergence.
#'  \item \code{niter} number of iteration until convergence.
#'  \item \code{ndec} Newton decrement.
#'  \item \code{gradnorm} norm of gradient of log empirical likelihood.
#' }
emplik <- function(dat, mu = rep(0, ncol(dat)), lam = rep(0, ncol(dat)), eps = 1/nrow(dat), M = 1e+30,
    thresh = 1e-30, itermax = 100) {
    if (is.infinite(M)) {
        M = 1e+30
    .emplik_intern(z = dat, mu = mu, lam, eps = eps, M = M, thresh = thresh, itermax = itermax)

#' Dirichlet mixture smoothing of the angular measure
#' This function computes the empirical or Euclidean likelihood
#' estimates of the spectral measure and uses the points returned from a call to \code{angmeas} to compute the Dirichlet
#' mixture smoothing of de Carvalho, Warchol and Segers (2012), placing a Dirichlet kernel at each observation.
#' @details The cross-validation
#' bandwidth is the solution of
#'  \deqn{\max_{\nu} \sum_{i=1}^n \log \left\{ \sum_{k=1,k \neq i}^n p_{k, -i} f(\mathbf{w}_i; \nu \mathbf{w}_k)\right\},}
#' where \eqn{f} is the density of the Dirichlet distribution, \eqn{p_{k, -i}} is the Euclidean weight
#' obtained from estimating the Euclidean likelihood problem without observation \eqn{i}.
#' @return an invisible list with components
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{nu} bandwidth parameter obtained by cross-validation;
#'  \item \code{dirparmat} \code{n} by \code{d} matrix of Dirichlet parameters for the mixtures;
#'  \item \code{wts} mixture weights.
#' }
#' @inheritParams angmeas
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' x <- rmev(n=100, d=2, param=0.5, model='log')
#' out <- angmeasdir(x=x, th=0, Rnorm='l1', Anorm='l1', marg='Frechet', wgt='Empirical')
angmeasdir <- function(x, th, Rnorm = c("l1", "l2", "linf"), Anorm = c("l1", "l2", "linf", "arctan"),
    marg = c("Frechet", "Pareto"), wgt = c("Empirical", "Euclidean"), region = c("sum", "min", "max"),
    is.angle = FALSE) {
    Rnorm <- match.arg(Rnorm)
    Anorm <- match.arg(Anorm)
    marg <- match.arg(marg)
    wgt <- match.arg(wgt)
    region <- match.arg(region)
    # Obtain angles and weights
    angmeasure <- angmeas(x = x, th = th, Rnorm = Rnorm, Anorm = Anorm, marg = marg, wgt = wgt, region = region,
        is.angle = is.angle)
    n <- length(angmeasure$wts)
    # d <- ncol(angmeasure$ang) + 1
    loowts <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        loowts[i, -i] <- .returnAng(ang = angmeasure$ang[-i, , drop = FALSE], R = NULL, Rnorm = Rnorm,
            wgt = wgt, region = region)$wts
    angles <- cbind(angmeasure$ang, 1 - rowSums(angmeasure$ang))
    optnu <- optimize(f = .loocvdens, ang = angles, wts = angmeasure$wts, loowts = loowts, lower = 1e-08,
        upper = 2000, maximum = FALSE, tol = 1e-05)
    return(invisible(list(nu = optnu$minimum, dirparmat = optnu$minimum * angles, wts = angmeasure$wts)))

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