
Defines functions spasm.range spasm.smooth spasm.sp spasm.construct spasm.smooth.default spasm.sp.default spasm.construct.default spasm.smooth.cus spasm.sp.cus spasm.construct.cus tieMatrix kd.radius kd.nearest kd.tree nearest kd.vis apply.spline setup.spline tri.pen tri2nei

Documented in spasm.construct spasm.smooth spasm.sp

## (c) Simon N. Wood 2011-2013
## functions for sparse smoothing.

tri2nei <- function(T) {
## Each row of matrix T gives the indices of the points making up
## one triangle in d dimensions. T has d+1 columns. This routine 
## finds the neighbours of each point in that triangulation.
## indices start at 1.  
  n <- max(T)
  oo <- .C(C_tri2nei,T=as.integer(cbind(T-1,T*0)),as.integer(nrow(T)),
  ## ni[1:off[1]] gives neighbours of point 1. 
  ## ni[(off[i-1]+1):off[i]] give neighbours of point i>1
  return(list(ni = oo$T[1:oo$off[n]]+1,off=oo$off))

tri.pen <- function(X,T) {
## finds a sparse approximate TPS penalty, based on the points in X, 
## with triangulation T. Rows of X are points. Rows of T index vertices 
## of triangles in X.
  nn <- tri2nei(T) ## get neighbour list from T
  ## now obtain generalized FD penalty...
  n <- nrow(X);d <- ncol(X);
  D <- rep(0,3*(nn$off[n]+n)) ## storage for 
  oo <- .C(C_nei_penalty,as.double(X),as.integer(n),as.integer(d),D=as.double(D),
  ## unpack into sparse matrices...
  ni <- oo$off[n]
  ii <- c(1:n,oo$ii[1:ni]+1) ## row index
  jj <- c(1:n,oo$ni[1:ni]+1) ## col index
  ni <- length(ii)
  Kx <- sparseMatrix(i=ii,j=jj,x=oo$D[1:ni],dims=c(n,n))
  Kz <- sparseMatrix(i=ii,j=jj,x=oo$D[1:ni+ni],dims=c(n,n))
  Kxz <- sparseMatrix(i=ii,j=jj,x=oo$D[1:ni+2*ni],dims=c(n,n))

## Efficient stable full rank cubic spline routines, based on    
## deHoog and Hutchinson, 1987 and Hutchinson and deHoog,
## 1985....

setup.spline <- function(x,w=rep(1,length(x)),lambda=1,tol=1e-9) { 
## setup a cubic smoothing spline given data locations in x. 
## ties will be treated by removing duplicate x's, and averaging corresponding
## y's. Averaging is \sum_i y_i w_i^2 / \sum_i w_i^2, and the weight
## assigned to this average is then w_a^2 = \sum_i w_i^2... 
## spline object has to record duplication information, as well as 
## rotations defining spline.  
   n <- length(x)
   ind <- order(x)
   x <- x[ind] ## sort x
   w <- w[ind]
   U <- V <- rep(0,4*n)
   diagA <- rep(0,n)
   lb <- rep(0,2*n)
   oo <- .C(C_sspl_construct,as.double(lambda),x=as.double(x),w=as.double(w),U=as.double(U),V=as.double(V),
   list(trA=sum(oo$diagA), ## trace of influence matrix
        U=oo$U,V=oo$V,     ## spline defining Givens rotations
        lb=oo$lb,          ## final lower band
        x=x,               ## original x sequence, ordered
        ind=ind,           ## x0 <- x; x0[ind] <- x, puts original ordering in x0 
        w=w,               ## original weights
        ns=oo$n,           ## number of unique x values (maximum spline rank)
        tol=tol)           ## tolerance used to judge tied x values

apply.spline <- function(spl,y) {
## Use cubic spline object spl, from setup.spline, to smooth data in y.
  if (is.matrix(y)) { 
    m <- ncol(y) 
    y <- y[spl$ind,] ## order as x
  } else {
    m <- 1
    y <- y[spl$ind]
  n <- length(spl$x)
  oo <- .C(C_sspl_mapply,f = as.double(y),x=as.double(spl$x),as.double(spl$w),
  if (is.matrix(y)) {
    y <- matrix(oo$f,n,m)
    y[spl$ind,] <- y ## original order
  } else {
    y[spl$ind] <- oo$f

## kd tree/k nearest neighbout related routines....

kd.vis <- function(kd,X,cex=.5) {
## code visualizes a kd tree for points in rows of X
## kd <- kd.tree(X) produces correct tree.
## this worked with the structures used when
## kd tree was written out to R vecotrs and the read
## back in. Does not work with revised approach (would
## need an explicit helper function to do the write out)
  if (ncol(X)!=2) stop("only deals with 2D case")
  ##n <- nrow(X)
  d <- ncol(X)
  nb <- kd$idat[1]
  dd <- matrix(kd$ddat[-1],nb,2*d,byrow=TRUE)
  lo <- dd[,1:d];hi <- dd[,1:d+d]
  ll <- min(X[,1]); ul<- max(X[,1])
  w <- ul-ll
  ind <- lo[,1] < ll-w/10;lo[ind,1] <- ll-w/10
  ind <- hi[,1] > ul+w/10;hi[ind,1] <- ul+w/10
  ll <- min(X[,2]);ul <- max(X[,2])
  w <- ul-ll
  ind <- lo[,2] < ll-w/10;lo[ind,2] <- ll-w/10
  ind <- hi[,2] > ul+w/10;hi[ind,2] <- ul+w/10
  for (i in 1:nb) {

nearest <- function(k,X,gt.zero = FALSE,get.a=FALSE) {
## The rows of X contain coordinates of points.
## For each point, this routine finds its k nearest 
## neighbours, returning a list of 2, n by k matrices:
## ni - ith row indexes the rows of X containing 
##      the k nearest neighbours of X[i,]
## dist - ith row is the distances to the k nearest 
##        neighbours.
## a - area associated with each point, if get.a is TRUE 
## ties are broken arbitrarily.
## gt.zero indicates that neighbours must have distances greater
## than zero...
  if (gt.zero) {
    Xu <- uniquecombs(X);ind <- attr(Xu,"index") ## Xu[ind,] == X
  } else { Xu <- X; ind <- 1:nrow(X)}
  if (k>nrow(Xu)) stop("not enough unique values to find k nearest")
  nobs <- length(ind)
  n <- nrow(Xu)
  d <- ncol(Xu)
  dist <- matrix(0,n,k)
  if (get.a) a <- 1:n else a=1

  oo <- .C(C_k_nn,Xu=as.double(Xu),dist=as.double(dist),a=as.double(a),ni=as.integer(dist),

  dist <- matrix(oo$dist,n,k)[ind,]
  rind <- 1:nobs
  rind[ind] <- 1:nobs
  ni <- matrix(rind[oo$ni+1],n,k)[ind,]
  if (get.a) a=oo$a[ind] else a <- NULL
} # nearest

#kd.tree <- function(X) {
## function to obtain kd tree for points in rows of X
## old version based on writing out tree to R
#  n <- nrow(X) ## number of points
#  d <- ncol(X) ## dimension of points
#  ## compute the number of boxes in the kd tree, nb
#  m <- 2;while (m < n) m <- m* 2;
#  nb = n * 2 - m %/% 2 - 1;
#  if (nb > m-1) nb = m - 1; 
#  ## compute the storage requirements for the tree
#  nd = 1 + d * nb * 2 ## number of doubles
#  ni = 3 + 5 * nb  + 2*n   ## number of integers
#  oo <- .C(C_Rkdtree,as.double(X),as.integer(n),as.integer(d),idat = as.integer(rep(0,ni)),
#                     ddat = as.double(rep(0,nd)))
#  list(idat=oo$idat,ddat=oo$ddat)

kd.tree <- function(X) {
## Function to obtain kd tree for points in rows of X.
## Contains tree dumped as a vector of doubles with an attribute that is a vector
## of integers. Another attribute is the internal pointer to the tree.
## Redundant structure allows tree to be saved to disk and re-loaded. Pointer is
## set to NULL by this, but can tree can then be restored by kd.nearest and kd.radius
## and pointer reset. This works because documented behaviour is never to copy
## such external pointers within R - they are effectively global - so resetting resets
## it for every copy of the tree. 
  kd <- .Call(C_Rkdtree,X)

kd.nearest <- function(kd,X,x,k) {
## Finds k nearest neigbours of each row of x within X. X has
## corresponding kd tree kd, stored as an external pointer:
## attribute "kd_ptr" of kd. Returns array of indices to rows in
## X, along with corresponding distances.
  nei <- .Call(C_Rkdnearest,kd,X,x,as.integer(k)) + 1 ## C to R

kd.radius <- function(kd,X,x,r){
## find all points in kd tree (kd,X) in radius r of points in x.
## kd should come from kd.tree(X).
## neighbours of x[i,] in X are the rows given by ni[off[i]:(off[i+1]-1)]
#   m <- nrow(x);
#   off <- rep(0,m+1)
  off <- rep(as.integer(0),nrow(x)+1)
  xt <- t(x) ## required transposed in Rkradius
  ni <- .Call(C_Rkradius,kd,X,xt,as.double(r),off) + 1

#kd.nearest <- function(kd,X,x,k) {
## given a set of points in rows of X, and corresponding kd tree, kd 
## (produced by a call to kd.tree(X)), then this routine finds the 
## k nearest neighbours in X, to the points in the rows of x.
## outputs: ni[i,] lists k nearest neighbours of X[i,].
##          dost[i,] is distance to those neighbours.
## note R indexing of output
#  n <- nrow(X)
#  m <- nrow(x)
#  ni <- matrix(0,m,k)
#  oo <- .C(C_Rkdnearest,as.double(X),as.integer(kd$idat),as.double(kd$ddat),as.integer(n),as.double(x), 
#           as.integer(m), ni=as.integer(ni), dist=as.double(ni),as.integer(k))
#  list(ni=matrix(oo$ni+1,m,k),dist=matrix(oo$dist,m,k))

#kd.radius <- function(kd,X,x,r) {
## find all points in kd tree (kd,X) in radius r of points in x.
## kd should come from kd.tree(X).
## neighbours of x[i,] in X are the rows given by ni[off[i]:(off[i+1]-1)]
#   m <- nrow(x);
#   off <- rep(0,m+1)
   ## do the work...
#   oo <- .C(C_Rkradius,as.double(r),as.integer(kd$idat),as.double(kd$ddat),as.double(X),as.double(t(x)),
#         as.integer(m),off=as.integer(off),ni=as.integer(0),op=as.integer(0))
#   off <- oo$off
#   ni <- rep(0,off[m+1])
   ## extract to R and clean up...
#   oo <- .C(C_Rkradius,as.double(r),as.integer(kd$idat),as.double(kd$ddat),as.double(X),as.double(t(x)),
#         as.integer(m),off=as.integer(off),ni=as.integer(ni),op=as.integer(1))
#   list(off=off+1,ni=oo$ni+1) ## note R indexing here.
#} ## kd.radius

tieMatrix <- function(x) {
## takes matrix x, and produces sparse matrix P that maps list of unique 
## rows to full set. Matrix of unique rows is returned in xu.
## If a smoothing penalty matrix, S, is set up based on rows of xu,
## then P%*%solve(t(P)%*%P + S,t(P)) is hat matrix. 
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  n <- nrow(x)
  xu <- uniquecombs(x)
  if (nrow(xu)==nrow(x)) return(NULL)
  ind <- attr(xu,"index")
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  n <- nrow(x)
  P <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n,j=ind,x=rep(1,n),dims=c(n,nrow(xu)))

## sparse smooths must be initialized with...
## 1. a set of variable names, a blocking factor and a type.  

# routines for full rank cubic spline smoothers, based on
# deHoog and Hutchinson, 1987.

spasm.construct.cus <- function(object,data) {
## entry object inherits from "cus" & contains:
## * terms, the name of the argument of the smooth
## * block, the name of a blocking factor. Can be NULL.
## return object also has...
## * nobs - number of observations in total
## * nblock - number of blocks.
## * ind, list where ind[[i]] gives rows to which block i applies.
## * spl, and empty list which will contain intialised cubic 
##   spline smoothers for each block, once a smoothing parameter 
##   has been supplied...
  ##dat <- list()
  d <- length(object$terms)
  if (d != 1) stop("cubic spline only deals with 1D data") 
  object$x <- get.var(object$term[1],data)
  object$nobs <- length(object$x)
  ind <- list()
  n <- length(object$x)
  ## if there is a blocking factor then set up indexes 
  ## indicating which data go with which block...
  if (!is.null(object$block)) {
    block <- as.factor(get.var(object$block,data))
    nb <- length(levels(block))
    edf1 <- 0
    for (i in 1:nb) {
      ind[[i]] <- (1:n)[block==levels(block)[i]]
      edf1 <- edf1 + length(unique(object$x[ind[[i]]])) ## max edf for this block 
  } else { ## all one block
    nb <- 1
    ind[[1]] <- 1:n
    edf1 <- length(unique(object$x))
  object$nblock <- nb
  object$ind <- ind
  ## so ind[[i]] indexes the elements operated on by the ith smoother.
  object$spl <- list()
  object$edf0 <- 2*nb;object$edf1 <- edf1
  class(object) <- "cus"

spasm.sp.cus <- function(object,sp,w=rep(1,object$nobs),get.trH=FALSE,block=0,centre=FALSE) { 
## Set up full cubic spline smooth, given new smoothing parameter and weights.
## In particular, construct the Givens rotations defining the 
## smooth and compute the trace of the influence matrix. 
## If block is non-zero, then it specifies which block to set up, otherwise
## all are set up. In either case w is assumed to be for the whole smoother,
## although only the values for the specified block(s) are used.
## If centre == TRUE then the spline is set up for centred smoothing, i.e.
## the results sum to zero. 
## Note: w propto 1/std.dev(response)
  if (is.null(object$spl)) stop("object not fully initialized")
  trH <-  0
  if (block==0) block <- 1:object$nblock
  for (i in block) {
    ##n <- length(object$ind[[i]])
    object$spl[[i]] <- setup.spline(object$x[object$ind[[i]]],w=w[object$ind[[i]]],lambda=sp)
    trH <- trH + object$spl[[i]]$trA
  if (get.trH) { 
    if (centre) { ## require correction for DoF lost by centring...
       for (i in block) {
         one <- rep(1,length(object$ind[[i]]))
         object$centre <- FALSE
         trH <- trH - mean(spasm.smooth(object,one,block=i))
    object$trH <- trH
  object$centre <- centre

spasm.smooth.cus <- function(object,X,residual=FALSE,block=0) {
## apply smooth, or its residual operation to X.
## if block == 0 then apply whole thing, otherwise X must have the correct 
## number of rows for the smooth block.
  if (block>0) { 
    ## n <- length(object$ind[[block]])
    if (object$centre) {
      X0 <- apply.spline(object$spl[[block]],X)
      if (is.matrix(X0)) {
        x0 <- colMeans(X0)
        X0 <- sweep(X0,2,x0)
      } else X0 <- X0 - mean(X0)
      if (residual) X <- X - X0 else X <- X0
    } else {
      if (residual) X <- X - apply.spline(object$spl[[block]],X)
      else X <-  apply.spline(object$spl[[block]],X)
  } else for (i in 1:object$nblock) { ## work through all blocks 
   ind <- object$ind[[i]]
   if (is.matrix(X)) {
      X0 <- apply.spline(object$spl[[i]],X[ind,])
      if (object$centre) X0 <- sweep(X0,2,colMeans(X0))
      if (residual) X[ind,] <- X[ind,] - X0
      else X[ind,] <-  X0
    } else {
      X0 <- apply.spline(object$spl[[i]],X[ind])
      if (object$centre) X0 <- X0 - mean(X0)
      if (residual) X[ind] <- X[ind] - X0
      else X[ind] <- X0 

## The default sparse smooth class, which does nothing...

spasm.construct.default <- function(object,data) {
## This smooth simply returns 0, under all circumstances.
## object might contain....
## * block, the name of a blocking factor. Can be NULL.
## return object also has...
## * nblock - number of blocks.
## * ind, list where ind[[i]] gives rows to which block i applies.
  n <- nrow(data)
  if (!is.null(object$block)) {
    block <- as.factor(get.var(object$block,data))
    nb <- length(levels(block))
    for (i in 1:nb) { 
      ind[[i]] <- (1:n)[block==levels(block)[i]]
  } else { ## all one block
    nb <- 1
    ind[[1]] <- 1:n
  object$nblock <- nb
  object$ind <- ind
  ## so ind[[i]] indexes the elements operated on by the ith smoother.
  class(object) <- "default"

spasm.sp.default <- function(object,sp,w=0,get.trH=FALSE,block=0,centre=FALSE) { 
## Set up default null smoother. i.e. set trH=0,
  trH <-  0
  if (get.trH) object$trH <- trH
  object$ldetH <- NA

spasm.smooth.default <- function(object,X,residual=FALSE,block=0) {
## apply smooth, or its residual operation to X.
## if block == 0 then apply whole thing, otherwise X must have the correct 
## number of rows for the smooth block.
  if (residual) return(X) else return(X*0)

## generics for sparse smooth classes...

spasm.construct <- function(object,data) UseMethod("spasm.construct")
spasm.sp <- function(object,sp,w=rep(1,object$nobs),get.trH=TRUE,block=0,centre=FALSE) UseMethod("spasm.sp")
## Note that w is assumed proportional to 1/std.dev(response) 

spasm.smooth <- function(object,X,residual=FALSE,block=0) UseMethod("spasm.smooth")

spasm.range <- function(object,upper.prop=.5,centre=TRUE) {
## get reasonable smoothing parameter range for sparse smooth in object
  sp <- 1
  edf <- spasm.sp(object,sp,get.trH=TRUE,centre=centre)$trH
  while (edf < object$edf0*1.01+.5) { 
    sp <- sp /100
    edf <- spasm.sp(object,sp,get.trH=TRUE,centre=centre)$trH
  sp1 <- sp ## store smallest known good
  while (edf > object$edf0*1.01+.5) { 
    sp <- sp * 100
    edf <- spasm.sp(object,sp,get.trH=TRUE,centre=centre)$trH
  sp0 <- sp
  while (edf < object$edf1*upper.prop) { 
    sp1 <- sp1 / 100
    edf <- spasm.sp(object,sp1,get.trH=TRUE,centre=centre)$trH

  while (edf > object$edf1*upper.prop) { 
    sp1 <- sp1 * 4
    edf <- spasm.sp(object,sp1,get.trH=TRUE,centre=centre)$trH
  c(sp1,sp0) ## small, large

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