
Defines functions check_blocks check_weights check_match_vars check_optionals check_deep check_blocks_weights_binarize check_pred_matrix check_par_list

# check.R

# check_blocks
# function dedicated to check whether input list or vector speciyfying the blocks to impute on in mice.post.matching() is valid
# - if blocks is specified in list format, it should consists of one vector for each block, these vectors should contain either integral numbers, representing column index,
#   or characters for column names that actually appear in the data, with no duplicates among them
# - if blocks have been specified in vector format, is has to have as many elements as the data, and ascending, non-negative integral values
# - as columns in blocks are contextually intertwined, the rows in the mids$where-matrix in those columns should be identical
# - imputation methods on those columns either have to be "pmm" or "norm" to guarantee matching in post-processing that is consistent with previous run of mice

check_blocks <- function(obj, blocks)
  # First define some helper functions
  # helper function that checks whether a single tuple of column names or indices is valid and converts column names to their respective index values
  check_blocks_tuple <- function(block)
    #input block needs to be atomic
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains non-atomic element.\n")

    ## now check whether input block contains valid values w.r.t. names/indices of given data, and in any way return named integer vector
      ## if names have been specified, check their validity and convert them
      # input block shouldn't contain duplicates
      if(anyDuplicated(block) > 0)
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with duplicate column names.\n")

      # check whether column names are valid
      if(!all(block %in% varnames))
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with invalid column names.\n")

      # convert character vector to integer vector by mapping column names to their respective index
      block <- sapply(block, function(i) which(varnames==i), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    else if(is.numeric(block))
      ## if indices have been specified, check their validity, make them integers (if necessary) and add column names
      # check whether all column indices are finite and not NaN
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with NaN or infinite column index.\n")

      # check whether column indices are integral
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with a non-integral column index.\n")

      # check whether column indices are valid
      block <- as.integer(block)
      if(!all((block <= nvar) & (block > 0L)))
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with an out-of-bounds column index.\n")

      # input block shouldn't contain duplicates
      if(anyDuplicated(block) > 0)
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with a duplicate column index.\n")

      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains block of invalid data type.\n")

    ## check whether we are in visit sequence
    if(!all(block %in% obj$visitSequence))
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with a column index that is not in the visit sequence.\n")

    ## check whether all imputation methods are valid
    if (!(all(obj$method[block] %in% c("pmm","norm","custom"))))
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with an invalid imputation method. The imputation method has to be either 'norm' or 'pmm'.\n")

    # now check whether in given column block, all rows are either exclusively NA or exclusively non-NA values
    if(length(block) > 1)
      target_matrix <- where[,block]
      if(!all(apply(target_matrix, 1, function (row) all(row) | all(!row))))
        stop("Not all column tuples in given set of blocks are either blockwise NA or blockwise non-NA.\n")

    ## attach names and return
    names(block) <- varnames[block]
  check_blocks_vector_format <- function(groupvec)
    # check whether all group numbers are actually finite
      stop("Argument 'blocks' has to be numeric.\n")
    # check whether all column indices are finite and not NaN
    if(!all(is.finite(groupvec) & (groupvec >= 0)))
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a group number that is negative, NaN or infinite.\n")
    # check whether groupn numbers are integral
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a non-integral group number.\n")
    # check whether group numbers are valid
    groupvec <- as.integer(groupvec)
    n_groups <- max(groupvec)
    if(n_groups < 1)
      stop("Argument 'blocks' must contain a positive group number.\n")
    if(!all(1L:max(groupvec) %in% groupvec))
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains invalid group indices.\n")
    ## convert into list format, iterate over positive group indices
    blocks <- lapply(1L:n_groups, 
        # grab current block
        block <- which(groupvec == j)
        ## check whether we are in visit sequence
        if(!all(block %in% obj$visitSequence))
          stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with a column index that is not in the visit sequence.\n")
        ## check whether all imputation methods are valid
        if (!(all(obj$method[block] %in% c("pmm","norm","custom"))))
          stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with an invalid imputation method. The imputation method has to be either 'norm' or 'pmm'.\n")
        # now check whether in given column block, all rows contain either exclusively NA or exclusively non-NA values
        if(length(block) > 1)
          target_matrix <- where[,block]
          if(!all(apply(target_matrix, 1, function (row) all(row) | all(!row))))
            stop("Not all column tuples in given set of blocks are either blockwise NA or blockwise non-NA.\n")
        ## attach names and return
        names(block) <- varnames[block]
  # initialize some helper variables
  where <- obj$where
  nvar <- ncol(obj$data)
  varnames <- dimnames(where)[[2]]

  # main functionality of check.blocks:
  # if blocks isn't a list, check whether it is either a valid group vector or a "valid" tuple
  # if blocks is a list, check whether all its elements are valid tuples
  # in any way, return a list of valid tuples of indices, not column names
  if(is.atomic(blocks) && length(blocks) == nvar)
    blocks <- check_blocks_vector_format(blocks)
    # if blocks are atomic, put them into a list
      blocks <- list(blocks)
    # check every column tuple
    blocks <- lapply(blocks, check_blocks_tuple)
    # check whether there are duplicate columns among all blocks
    if(anyDuplicated(unlist(blocks)) > 0)
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains duplicate columns among its elements.\n")

# check_weights
# function dedicated to check whether input list or vector of dimension weights [weights] in mice.post.matching() is valid
# -> each element of weights represents a tuple of weights that is related to column tuple of same index in blocks
# - if weights are in list format, each of its vectors should be of the same length as its corresponding column block or alternatively, an element of the
#   list may be NULL, 0 or 1 which are substitute values that indicates that no weights are to be applied on current column tuple
# - if specified in vector format, it has to have as many elements as there are columns in the data
# - all weights have to be positive
# - list format is only valid if blocks have been explicitly specified beforehand

check_weights <- function(weights, blocks, nvar, blocks_specified)
  # First define some helper functions
  ## helper function dedicated to check whether weigths tuple is valid, if weights have been entered in list format
  check_weights_tuple <- function(weights_index)
    # get current element
    curr_weights <- weights[[weights_index]]

    # if current element is null, return

    # check whether curr_weights are numeric
      stop("Argument 'weights' contains non-numeric element.\n")

    # check whteher current value is NULL-substitute and return NULL if so
    if(length(curr_weights) == 1 && curr_weights %in% c(0,1))

    # check whether curr_weights vector has same length as corresponding column block
    if(length(curr_weights) != length(blocks[[weights_index]]))
      stop(paste0("Length of weights tuple ",weights_index ," does not match length of block ", weights_index ,".\n"))

    # check whether curr_weights are neither NaN nor infinite
      stop("Argument 'weights' contains a tuple with an element that is either NaN or infinite.\n")

    # check whether all curr_weights are positive
    if(!all(curr_weights > 0))
      stop("Argument 'weights' contains a tuple with a non-positive element.\n")

  ## helper function dedicated to check whether weights vvectir is valid and to convert it into list format
  convert_weights_vec <- function(weights_vec)
    # check whether weights are numeric
      stop("Argument 'weights' is not numeric.\n")
    # check whether weights are neither NaN nor infinite
      stop("Argument 'weights' contains an element that is either NaN or infinite.\n")
    # check whether all weights are positive
    if(!all(weights_vec > 0))
      stop("Argument 'weights' contains a tuple with a non-positive element.\n")
    # if all weights of of all blocks have the same weight, we can return NULL as applying weights would not make a difference
    if(length(unique(weights_vec[unlist(blocks)])) == 1)
    ## finally we can convert, iterate over all blocks as weights have to corresond to them
    weights <- lapply(blocks, 
        # grab weights tuple of current block
        weights <- weights_vec[block]
        # if all weights in current tuple are identical, we can use netrual NULL element, otherwise return it to resulting list as is
        if(length(unique(weights)) == 1)

  # check for null, which would be valid

  # check which input format we have and act accordingly
  if(is.atomic(weights) && length(weights) == nvar)
    weights <- convert_weights_vec(weights)     # if we have vector format, we can directly delegate to helper function
    ## weights in list format
    # weights in list format is only valid if corresponding blocks have been explicitly specified by user
      stop("Input argument 'weights' must not be in list format if blocks haven't been explicitly specified.")
    # if weights is atomic, make it a list
      weights <- list(weights)
    # check whether weights is of type list
      stop("Argument 'weights' is not atomic or of type list.\n")
    # check whether weights list is of same length as blocks
    if(length(weights) != length(blocks))
      stop("The arguments 'weights' and 'blocks' have different lengths.\n")
    # check every tuple in weights list and return
    weights <- lapply(seq_along(weights), check_weights_tuple)

# check_match_vars
# function dedicated to check whether input argument match_vars of mice.post.matching() is valid
# -> each element of match_vars represents an extra column in the data that is matched against
# - match_vars should contain either integral numbers, representing column indices, or characters for columns names, which should all appear in the data
# - all columns should be either integers or factors to allow a safe split
# - match_vars should be of the same length as blocks, and no element of match_vars should be in the tuple of blocks of the same index

check_match_vars <- function(obj, blocks, match_vars)

  data <- obj$data

  # distinguish between character string and numeric input, otherwise input is invalid
    # check whether names are in colnames or empty string as neutral element
    if(!all(match_vars %in% colnames(data) | match_vars == ""))
      stop("Argument 'match_vars' contains invalid column names.\n")

    # convert character vector to integer vector by mapping column names to their respective index
    match_vars <- unlist(sapply(match_vars,
                           if(i != "")
                         }, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
  else if(is.numeric(match_vars))
    # check whether all column indices are valid
    if(!all(match_vars %in% 1:ncol(data) | match_vars == 0))
      stop("Argument 'match_vars' contains an invalid column index.\n")

    # cast column indices to integer
    match_vars <- as.integer(match_vars)

    stop("Argument 'match_vars' is neither numeric nor a character vector.\n")

  ## additional sanity checks
  # need to have as many elements as there are blocks
  if(length(blocks) != length(match_vars))
    stop("Argument 'match_vars' has to be of the same length as argument 'blocks'.\n")

  # match vars must not be contained in blocks
  if(!all(!unlist(lapply(seq_along(match_vars), function(j) match_vars[j] %in% blocks[[j]]))))
    stop("Elements of argument 'match_vars' must not be contained in corresponding element of argument 'blocks'.\n")

  # only allow factors and integers as match vars
  if(!all(unlist(lapply(match_vars, function(j) j == 0 || is.factor(data[,j]) || is.integer(data[,j]) ))))
    stop("Columns specified in argument 'match_vars' must be either factors or integers.\n")

  # only allow fully observed match vars
  if(!all(unlist(lapply(match_vars, function(j) all(!is.na(data[,j]))))))
    stop("Columns specified in argument 'match_vars' must not contain any NAs.\n")


# check_optionals
# function dedicated to check whether all optional input arguments of mice.post.matching() next to blocks and weights are valid
# - all optionals should be either a single value or a vector with as many elements as there are blocks
# - argument "distmetric" should be character vector with elements in "euclidian", "manhattan", "residual" and "mahalanobis"
# - arguments "donors" and "matchtype" should contain integral values, with matchtype between 0 and 2 and donors bigger than 0
# - arguments eps, ridge, maxcor should contain numeric values bigger than zero

check_optionals <- function(optionals, nblocks)

  # First define some helper functions
  ## helper function to check whether integral vector is valid
  check_integral <- function(n,argname)
    # check whether n is numeric
      stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' is not numeric.\n"))

    # check whether n is a single number
    if(length(n) == 1)
      # check whether n is finite and not NaN
        stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' is either NaN or infinite.\n"))
      # check whether n is integral
        stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' is not an integer.\n"))
      n <- rep(n, nblocks)
      if(length(n) != nblocks)
        stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' has to be either a single number or a vector with as many elements as there are blocks.\n"))
      # check whether n is finite and not NaN
        stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' is either NaN or infinite.\n"))
      # check whether n is integral
        stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' is not an integer.\n"))

  ## helper function to check whether epsilon vector is valid
  check_delta <- function(delta, argname)
    # check whether delta is numeric
      stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' is not numeric.\n"))

    # if delta is a single number, check whether it is valid and expand it
    if(length(delta) == 1)
      # check whether delta is finite and not NaN
        stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' is either NaN or infinite.\n"))
      # check whether delta is bigger than 0
      if(delta <= 0)
        stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' is smaller than 0.\n"))
      delta <- rep(delta, nblocks)
      # if delta is a vector, check whether is has correct length
      if(length(delta) != nblocks)  
        stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' has to be either a single number or a vector with as many elements as there are blocks.\n"))
      # check whether delta is finite and not NaN
        stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' contains an element that is either NaN or infinite.\n"))
      # check whether delta is greater than 0
      if(any(delta <= 0))
        stop(paste0("Argument '",argname,"' contains an element that is smaller than 0.\n"))

  ## check donors

  # check whether donors is integral
  optionals$donors <- check_integral(optionals$donors, "donors")

  # check whether donors is bigger than one
  if(optionals$donors < 1)
    stop("Argument 'donors' is smaller than 1.")

  ## check distmetric

  # check whether distmetric is a character vector
    stop("Argument 'distmetric' is not a character string.\n")

  # check whether distmetric is a single character string
  if(length(optionals$distmetric) == 1)
    # check whether dstfunction is one of the four valid character strings
    if(!(optionals$distmetric %in% c("manhattan", "euclidian", "mahalanobis", "residual")))
      stop("Argument 'distmetric' is invalid. It has to be one of the following: \n \t 'manhattan', 'euclidian', 'mahalanobis', 'residual'.\n")
    optionals$distmetric <- rep(optionals$distmetric, nblocks)
    # check whether length is valid
    if(length(optionals$distmetric) != nblocks)
      stop("Argument 'distmetric' has to be a single character of a character vector with as many elements as there are blocks.\n")
    # check whether dstfunction is one of the four valid character strings
    if(!all(optionals$distmetric %in% c("manhattan", "euclidian", "mahalanobis", "residual")))
      stop("Argument 'distmetric' contains an invalid element. All metrics have to be one of the following: \n \t 'manhattan', 'euclidian', 'mahalanobis', 'residual'.\n")

  ## check matchtype
  optionals$matchtype <- check_integral(optionals$matchtype, "matchtype")

  # check whether matchtype is between 0 and 2
  if(!all(optionals$matchtype %in% c(0L,1L,2L)))
    stop("Argument 'matchtype' is not an integer between 0 and 2.\n")

  ## check ridge
  optionals$ridge <- check_delta(optionals$ridge, "ridge")

  # check whether ridge is finite and not NaN
  if(any(optionals$ridge > 1))
    stop("Argument 'ridge' contains an element is bigger than 1.\n")

  ## check minvar
  optionals$minvar <- check_delta(optionals$minvar, "minvar")

  ## check maxcor
  optionals$maxcor <- check_delta(optionals$maxcor ,"maxcor")


# check_deep
# Function dedicated to perform deeper checks on whether the arguments "blocks" and "match_vars" of mice.post.matching() work with the input data/mids object,
# which also returns partitions of both missing and observed data based on match_vars
# More precisely, we need to check for two scenarios:
# 1. When collecting the predictive means y_obs and y_mis for the matching step, we can only use those values whose designated predictors have
#    actually been completely observed or imputed. As we collect those predictors column-wise, we need to intersect between all those predictors, which may
#    result in an empty set of observed or missing values that we want to match on.
# 2. In case that we match against an external variable, we need to make sure that all the values that the external variable takes on the rows of missing
#    data are also taken in the rows of observed data, as otherwise there is nothing to match against. To perform this check, we actually need to compute
#    partitions of observed and missing data based on those external values, which are also needed later in the matching step
#    -> Hence, we return those partitions so we do not need to recompute them later
# NOTE: This function introduces some redundancy within the structure mice.post.matching, as identical iterations/computations are performed
#       again in the main function. The whole functionality of this check could also be implemented within the main function, but this would have
#       the consequence that such errors might be discovered at a late stage of the whole computation, possibly causing the user to run the program for
#       a long time before an error is detected.

check_deep <- function(obj, blocks, match_vars)

  # grab relevant data
  data <- obj$data
  nrows <- nrow(data)
  r <- !is.na(data)
  where <- obj$where

  # initialize list of missing/oberseved value indicators
  complete_R <- vector(mode="list", length = length(match_vars))
  complete_W <- vector(mode="list", length = length(match_vars))

  # initialize result partition list or return immediately if match_vars haven't been specified
    partitions_list <- NULL
    partitions_list <- vector(mode="list", length = length(match_vars))

  # build current data set consisting of observed and imputed data from current imputation
  for (j in obj$visitSequence)
    wy <- where[, j]
    ry <- r[, j]

    # copy from obj$imp to avoid using filled in values from multivariate match
    data[(!ry) & wy, j] <- obj$imp[[j]][(!ry)[wy], 1]

  # iterate over all blocks
  for(i in seq_along(blocks))
    # grab current block
    block <- blocks[[i]]

    # keep track of in which rows the predictor values are not complete, as we cannot use those in multivariate matching
    complete_ry <- !vector(mode="logical", length = nrows)
    complete_wy <- !vector(mode="logical", length = nrows)

    # impute every column in current block for each imputation and collect y_hats
    for(j in block)

      # get predictor matrix
      predictors <- obj$predictorMatrix[j, ] == 1
      x <- data[, predictors, drop = FALSE]
      x <- expand_factors(x)
      # filter down to rows that actually have a complete non-NA set of predictors
      ry <- complete.cases(x) & r[, j]
      wy <- complete.cases(x) & where[, j]

      # update shared filter
      complete_ry <- complete_ry & ry
      complete_wy <- complete_wy & wy

      # check whether there are no common predictors left
      if(all(!complete_wy) || all(!complete_ry))
        stop(paste0("There are either no common donors or no common predictors in column block (", toString(block), ").\n"))

    } # end of block loop

    # set current values of missing value matrices
    complete_R[[i]] <- complete_ry
    complete_W[[i]] <- complete_wy

    # build partition if there is external variable to match against
    match_col <- match_vars[i]
    if(!is.null(match_col) && match_col != 0L)
      match_partitions <- get_partition(data[,match_col], complete_ry, complete_wy)
        stop(paste0("Column block (", toString(block), ") has to be matched against the values in column ", match_col,
                    ", but some of the missing rows in this block have no matching values in that column.\n"))

      # set current partitions in result list
      partitions_list[[i]] <- match_partitions
      # nothing to partition against
      # -> if input block has length 1, input method has to be "norm" cause otherwise there is nothing to do
      if(length(block) == 1 && obj$method[block] == "pmm")
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple of length 1 with imputation method 'pmm' and no external column to match against.\n")

  } #end blocks iteration

  return(list(partitions_list = partitions_list, complete_R = complete_R, complete_W = complete_W))

# check_blocks_weights_binarize
# function dedicated to check whether input arguments cols, blocks, weights, include_ordered, include_observed
# of mice.binarize() are valid and in particular fit to each other. Also converts block and weights into vector format if necessary and returns vector with 
# indices of those factor columns that are to be binarized
# - same checks for blocks and weights like in check functions above if they have been specified
# - otherweise, if cols have been specified, check whether all its elements are non-binary factors
# - otherwise check whether boolean (default) parameters allow for finding some non-binary factor columns to binarize

check_blocks_weights_binarize <- function(cols, blocks, weights, include_ordered, include_observed, data)
  # First define some helper functions
  # helper function that checks whether a single block of column names or indices is valid and converts column names to their respective index values
  check_block <- function(block)
    #input block needs to be atomic
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains non-atomic element.\n")
    ## check whether input block contains valid values w.r.t. names/indices of given data
      ## character input
      # names should be valid
      if(!all(block %in% varnames))
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with invalid column names.\n")
      # input block shouldn't contain duplicates
      if(anyDuplicated(block) > 0)
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with duplicate column names.\n")
      # convert character vector to integer vector by mapping column names to their respective index
      block <- sapply(block, function(i) which(varnames==i), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    else if(is.numeric(block))
      ## numeric input
      # check whether all column indices are finite and not NaN
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with a NaN or infinite column index.\n")
      # check whether column indices are integral
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with a non-integral column index.\n")
      # cast column indices to integer and check whether they are within valid range
      block <- as.integer(block)
      if(!all((block <= nvar) & (block > 0)))
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with an out-of-bounds column index.\n")
      # input block shouldn't contain duplicates
      if(anyDuplicated(block) > 0)
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple with duplicate column indices.\n")
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains tuple of invalid data type.\n")
    # if current block has muliple elements, check whether all of its rows are either exclusively NA or exclusively non-NA values
    # and (only) WARN user if this is not the case
    if(length(block) > 1)
      target_matrix <- is.na(data[,block])
      if(!all(apply(target_matrix, 1, function (row) all(row) | all(!row))))
        warning("Not all tuples in given blocks are either blockwise NA or blockwise non-NA.\n")
    ## attach names and return
    names(block) <- varnames[block]
  ## helper function that checks whether input blocks VECTOR is valid and also filters out all columns that there are to binarize
  check_blocks_vector_format <- function(groupvec)
    # check whether all group vector is numeric
      stop("Argument 'blocks' has to be numeric.\n")
    # check whether group vector has valid length
    if(length(groupvec) != nvar)
      stop("Argument 'blocks' has invalid length.\n")
    # check whether all column index are finite and not NaN
    if(!all(is.finite(groupvec) & groupvec >= 0))
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a tuple index that is negative, NaN or infinite.\n")
    # check whether column index are integral
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains a non-integral group number.\n")
    # check whether group numbers are valid
    groupvec <- as.integer(groupvec)
    n_groups <- max(groupvec)
    if(n_groups < 1)
      stop("Argument 'blocks' must contain a positive group number.\n")
    if(!all(1L:max(groupvec) %in% groupvec))
      stop("Argument 'blocks' contains invalid group indices.\n")
    ## grab all factor columns that are to be binarized by iterating over all blocks and filtering their factors
    src_factor_cols <- unlist(lapply(1L:n_groups, 
        # grab current block
        block <- which(blocks == j)
        # if current block has muliple elements, check whether all of its rows are either exclusively NA or exclusively non-NA values
        # and (only) WARN user if this is not the case
        if(length(block) > 1)
          target_matrix <- is.na(data[,block])
          if(!all(apply(target_matrix, 1, function (row) all(row) | all(!row))))
            warning("Not all column tuples in given set of blocks are either blockwise NA or blockwise non-NA.\n")
        # grab all indices of non-binary factors within current tuple
        factor_inds <- unlist(lapply(block, function(j) return(nlevels(data[,j]) > 2)))
    # if nothing to binarize was found, return error
    if(length(src_factor_cols) == 0)
      stop("None of the column tuples specifed in argument 'blocks' contain a non-binary factor variable.")
    return(list(groupvec = groupvec, src_factor_cols = src_factor_cols))
  ## helper function that checks whether tuples of input weights LIST are valid
  check_weights <- function(weights_index)
    # get current element
    curr_weights <- weights[[weights_index]]
    # if current element is null, return
      return(rep(1, length(blocks[[weights_index]])))
    # check whether curr_weights are numeric
      stop("Argument 'weights' contains non-numeric element.\n")
    # check whteher current value is NULL-substitute and return NULL if so
    if(length(curr_weights) == 1 && curr_weights %in% c(0,1))
      return(rep(1, length(blocks[[weights_index]])))
    # check whether curr_weights vector has same length as corresponding column block
    if(length(curr_weights) != length(blocks[[weights_index]]))
      stop(paste0("Length of weight tuple ",weights_index," does not match length of block ",weights_index,".\n"))
    # check whether curr_weights are neither NaN nor infinite
      stop("Argument 'weights' contains a tuple with an element that is either NaN or infinite.\n")
    # check whether all curr_weights are positive
    if(!all(curr_weights > 0))
      stop("Argument 'weights' contains a tuple with a non-positive element.\n")
  ## helper function that checks whether input weights VECTOR are valid - doesn't check length though which is done in code below
  check_weights_vec <- function(weights_vec)
    # check whether weights are numeric
      stop("Argument 'weights' is not numeric.\n")
    # check whether weights vector has correct length
    if(length(weights_vec) > nvar)
      stop("Input weights vector has too many elements.\n")
    # check whether weights are neither NaN nor infinite
      stop("Argument 'weights' contains an element that is either NaN or infinite.\n")
    # check whether all weights are positive
    if(!all(weights_vec > 0))
      stop("Argument 'weights' contains a tuple with a non-positive element.\n")

  # grab global parameters of column names and number
  nvar <- ncol(data)
  varnames <- colnames(data)
  ### FIRST PART: check blocks (and convert them into vector format if necessary)
  # we first check whether blocks have been specified, if yes, omit cols and bool parameters
    ## distinguish list and vector format
    if(is.atomic(blocks) && length(blocks) == nvar)
      ## vector format, delegate to helper function
      check_res <- check_blocks_vector_format(blocks)
      res_blocks <- check_res$groupvec
      src_factor_cols <- check_res$src_factor_cols
      ## list format
      # initialize result and helper parameters
      res_blocks <- rep(0, nvar)
      factor_inds <- rep(FALSE, nvar)
      # convert to list if blocks are atomic
        blocks <- list(blocks)
      # if blocks are not in list format now, abort
        stop("Argument 'blocks' must be either a list or a vector.")
      # iterate over all blocks and check each tuple, while also grabbing factor columns to binarize and overwriting corresponding elements of result block vector 
      for (i in seq_along(blocks))
        # grab and check current block
        curr_block <- check_block(blocks[[i]])
        blocks[[i]] <- curr_block       # need to overwrite this here for valid duplicate check at later stage
        # look for non-binary factor columns to binarize
        factor_inds[curr_block] <- unlist(lapply(curr_block, function(j) return(nlevels(data[,j]) > 2)))
        # overwrite corresponding elements of result blocks vector
        res_blocks[curr_block] <- i
      # check whether there are duplicate columns among all blocks
      if(anyDuplicated(unlist(blocks)) > 0)
        stop("Argument 'blocks' contains duplicate columns among its elements.\n")
      ## check whether there actually is a non-binary factor in given set of target columns
      ## -> has to be at the end
        stop("None of the column blocks specifed in argument 'blocks' contain a non-binary factor variable.")
      src_factor_cols <- (1L:nvar)[factor_inds]
    ## blocks have not been specified, so check other parameters.
    # note that there is no resulting blocks vector
    res_blocks <- NULL
    ## if columns to binarize were specified, we can ignore bool parameters
      # check whether input tuple contains valid values w.r.t. names/indices of given data
        # input cols shouldn't contain duplicates
        if(anyDuplicated(cols) > 0)
          stop("Argument 'cols' contains duplicates.\n")
        if(!all(cols %in% colnames(data)))
          stop("Argument 'cols' contains invalid column names.\n")
        # convert character vector to integer vector by mapping column names to their respective index
        cols <- sapply(cols, function(i) which(colnames(data)==i), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      else if(is.numeric(cols))
        # check whether column index are valid
        if(!all(cols %in% 1:ncol(data)))
          stop("Argument 'cols' contains an invalid column index.\n")
        # cast columns to integer
        cols <- as.integer(cols)
        # cols shouldn't contain duplicates
        if(anyDuplicated(cols) > 0)
          stop("Argument 'cols' contains a duplicate column index.\n")
        stop("Argument 'cols' is neither numeric nor a character vector.\n")
      ## finally, check whether all specified columns actually are non-binary factors
      if(!all(unlist(lapply(cols, function(j) nlevels(data[,j]) > 2))))
        stop("Not all columns in argument 'cols' are non-binary factors.\n")
      ## columns to binarize are exactly those that were specified by input cols
      src_factor_cols <- cols
      ## last case, no blocks or cols specified -> use values of bool parameters
      ## look for non-binary factor columns that meet specified conditions (cols ordered/not necessarily fully observed)
      src_factor_ind <- unlist(lapply(1L:nvar, 
        function (j)
          col <- data[,j]
          if(nlevels(col) > 2 && (include_observed || any(is.na(col))) && (include_ordered || !is.ordered(col)) )
      ## if no columns to binarize were found, print fitting error message
            stop("Data doesn't contain any non-binary categorical attributes.\n")
            stop("Data doesn't contain any non-binary unordered categorical attributes.\n")
            stop("Data doesn't contain any non-binary categorical attributes with unobserved values.\n")
            stop("Data doesn't contain any non-binary unordered categorical attributes with unobserved values.\n")
      src_factor_cols <- (1L:nvar)[src_factor_ind]
  ### SECOND PART: check weights (and convert them into vector format if necessary)
  ## if no weighs were specified, return uniform weights vector
    res_weights <- rep(1, nvar)
    ## weights have been specified, distinguish vecor and list format input
    # if weights are in vector format, delegate to vector format check
    if(is.atomic(weights) && length(weights) == nvar)
      res_weights <- check_weights_vec(weights)
      # if weights are in atomic vector format but not of length ncol(data), we interpret it as single element weights list
        weights <- list(weights)
      # weights in list format are only allowed if blocks have been specified 
        stop("Input argument 'weights' must not be in list format if no blocks have been specified.\n")
      # check whether all weights are valid
      # check whether weights is of type list, which is the underlying assumption of this if-branch
        stop("Argument 'weights' is not atomic or of type list.\n")
      # initialize result weights
      res_weights <- rep(1, nvar)
      # weights in list format are only allowed, if blocks have been specified in list format as well 
        if(max(res_blocks) != length(weights))
          stop("Argument 'weights' has to contain as many elements as there are blocks.\n")
        for(j in seq_along(weights))
          # grab current block and weights
          block = which(res_blocks == j)
          curr_weights <- weights[[j]]
          # if current weights are neutral elements, e.g. either 0,1 or NULL, skip to next step
          if(is.null(curr_weights) || (length(curr_weights) == 1 && curr_weights %in% c(0,1)))
          # check whether length of currents block and weights align
          if(length(block) != length(curr_weights))
            stop(paste0("Length of weight tuple ",j," does not match length of block ",j,".\n"))
          # adapt result weights
          res_weights[block] <- curr_weights
        # check whether weights list is of same length as cols
        if(length(weights) != length(blocks))
          stop("The arguments 'weights' and 'blocks' have different lengths.\n")
        # iterate over all blocks and check whether each block works with corresponding weights tuple
        for (j in seq_along(blocks))
          block <- blocks[[j]]
          curr_weights <- check_weights(j)
          # lengths have to align
          if(length(block) != length(curr_weights))
            stop(paste0("Length of weight tuple ",j," does not match length of block ",j,".\n"))
          # overwrite corresponding elements in result vector
          res_weights[block] <- curr_weights
  # return result parameters
  setup <- list(blocks = res_blocks, weights = res_weights, src_factor_cols = src_factor_cols)

# check_pred_matrix
# function dedicated to check whether input argument pred_matrix of mice.binarize() is valid
# -> matrix should be usable as predictorMatrix argument in mice().
# - predictor matrix has to be quadratic with as many columns as the original data
# - all entries should be either 0, 1 or 2
# - diagonal entires should be 0

check_pred_matrix <- function(pred_matrix, n)
  # check for matrix type
    stop("Argument 'pred_matrix' has to be matrix.\n")

  # check matrix size
  if(nrow(pred_matrix) != n || ncol(pred_matrix) != n)
    stop("Input predictor matrix does not have the correct size.\n")

  # check values
  if(!all(pred_matrix %in% c(0,1,2)))
    stop("Input predictor matrix contains invalid values.\n")

  # check diagonal entries
  if(!all(diag(pred_matrix) == 0))
    stop("Diagonal elements of input predictor matrix have to be zero.\n")


# check_par_list
# function dedicated to check whether input argument par:list of mice.factorize is valid
# -> par_list is a list of parameters containing information of the original data as well as some transformation parameters
# -> elements are src_data [the original data], n_src_cols [#cols of originial data], src_factor_cols [factor cols in original data that have been binarized],
#    dummy_cols [indices of binary columns in transformed data], src_levels [levels of transformed factors], and src_names [original names of transformed columns]
# -> we have to check whether par_list fits input data, i.e. whtether all elements in par_list are valid by type, fit to data and are also
# - par_list should be a named list with exactly the elements that are mentioned above
# - each element should have a valid type and fit to data [e.g. all columns in dummy_cols should indded be binary]
# - elements should be consistent with each other [e.g. number of tuples in dummy_cols should equal number of columns in src_factor_cols]

check_par_list <- function(obj, par_list)

  ## first check whether par_list is of the correct format

  #check if par_list is not NULL
    stop("Argument 'par_list' is NULL.\n")

  # check if par_list actually is a list
    stop("Argument 'par_list' has to be a list.\n")

  # check whether par_list only contains the elements that it is supposed to contain
  if(!identical(sort(names(par_list)), c("dummy_cols", "n_pad_cols", "n_src_cols", "pad_names", "src_data", "src_factor_cols", "src_levels", "src_names" )))
    stop("Argument 'par_list' has to exclusively contain the elements 'src_data', 'n_src_cols', 'n_pad_cols', 'src_factor_cols', 'dummy_cols', 'src_names', 'pad_names', 'src_levels'.\n")

  # create local copy of each element
  src_data <- par_list$src_data
  n_src_cols <- par_list$n_src_cols
  n_pad_cols <- par_list$n_pad_cols
  src_factor_cols <- par_list$src_factor_cols
  dummy_cols <- par_list$dummy_cols
  src_levels <- par_list$src_levels
  src_names <- par_list$src_names
  pad_names <- par_list$pad_names

  ## now make a deeper check whether all elements contain values of valid types

  # begin with src_data
    stop("Element 'src_data' in argument 'par_list' has to be a data frame.\n")

  # n_src_cols
  if(!is.numeric(n_src_cols) || length(n_src_cols) != 1 || !is.finite(n_src_cols) || !isTRUE(all.equal(n_src_cols,as.integer(n_src_cols))) || n_src_cols < 2)
    stop("Element 'n_src_cols' of argument 'par_list' is not an integral number bigger than one.\n")

  # src_factor_cols
  if(!is.numeric(src_factor_cols) || !all(is.finite(src_factor_cols)) || !isTRUE(all.equal(src_factor_cols,as.integer(src_factor_cols))) || !all(src_factor_cols > 0))
    stop("Element 'src_factor_cols' of argument 'par_list' is either NULL or contains invalid values.\n")

  # dummy_cols
    stop("Element 'dummy_cols' of argument 'par_list' is not a list.\n")

  if(!all(unlist(lapply(dummy_cols, is.numeric))))
    stop("Element 'dummy_cols' of argument 'par_list' contains non-numeric elements.\n")

  ul_dummy_cols <- unlist(dummy_cols)
  if(!all(is.finite(ul_dummy_cols)) || !isTRUE(all.equal(ul_dummy_cols,as.integer(ul_dummy_cols))) || !all(ul_dummy_cols > 0))
    stop("Element 'dummy_cols' of argument 'par_list' contains invalid values.\n")

  # src_levels
    stop("Element 'src_levels' of argument 'par_list' is not a list.\n")

  if(!all(unlist(lapply(src_levels, is.character))))
    stop("Element 'src_levels' of argument 'par_list' contains non-numeric elements.\n")

  # src_names
    stop("Element 'src_names' of argument 'par_list' is either NULL or not a character vector.\n")

  ## now check whether values of all elements are consistent with each other and, i.e., with obj$data

  # src_factor_cols must not be bigger than n_src_cols
  if(max(src_factor_cols) > n_src_cols)
    stop("Element 'src_factor_cols' of argument 'par_list' contains an out-of-bounds value.\n")

  # src_factor_sols and dummy_cols have to be same length
  if(length(src_factor_cols) != length(dummy_cols))
    stop("Elements 'src_factor_cols' and 'dummy_cols' of argument 'par_list' are not of the same length.\n")

  # dummy_cols has to be consistent with src_levels
  if(length(dummy_cols) != length(src_levels) || !identical(unlist(lapply(dummy_cols, length)), unlist(lapply(src_levels, length))))
    stop("Elements 'dummy_cols' and 'src_levels' of argument 'par_list' are not consistent with each other.\n")

  # src_factor_cols must not be bigger than n_src_cols
  if(length(src_names) != n_src_cols)
    stop("'par_list$src_names' doesn't have par_list$n_src_cols arguments.\n")

  # check whether we have consistency with src_data
  if(ncol(src_data) != n_src_cols)
    stop("'par_list$src_data' doesn't have par_list$n_src_cols columns.\n")

  if(!identical(names(src_data), src_names))
    stop("'par_list$src_data' doesn't have par_list$n_src_cols columns.\n")

  if(!all(unlist(lapply(seq_along(src_factor_cols), function(j) is.factor(src_data[,src_factor_cols[j]]) && identical(levels(src_data[,src_factor_cols[j]]), src_levels[[j]] )))))
    stop("Elements 'src_factor_cols', 'src_levels' and 'src_data' of argument 'par_list' are not consistent with each other.\n")

  ## finally, check whether values of all elements are consistent with obj$data

  # dummy_cols has to fit to obj$data
  if(n_pad_cols != ncol(obj$data))
    stop("Argument 'par_list' is not consistent with data of input mids object.\n")

  if(!identical(pad_names, names(obj$data)))
    stop("Argument 'par_list' is not consistent with data of input mids object.\n")

  if(!all(as.matrix(obj$data[,ul_dummy_cols]) %in% c(0,1, NA)))
    stop("Element 'dummy_cols' of argument 'par_list' is not consistent with data of input mids object.\n")

  # make sure all colmns in dummy_cols actually are binary and include one non-zero entry at max
      all(apply(obj$data[,tuple], MARGIN = 1,
              row <- row[!is.na(row)]
              return (all(is.na(row)) || (all(row %in% c(0,1)) && sum(row) == 1))
    stop("Not every column tuple in given list of dummmy columnss is in proper binarized format.\n")


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miceExt documentation built on March 18, 2018, 1:18 p.m.