
Defines functions plotTraitChange

Documented in plotTraitChange

#' plot changes in trait over time
#' @param out Output from microPopModel()
#' @param trait.name can be 'halfSat','yield','maxGrowthRate' and 'pHtrait' or 'strainpHcorners'
#' @param group.names can be a vector of group names or just one string for one name
#' @param resource.name String
#' @param path String
#' @param xlabel String
#' @param saveFig Logical
#' @param figType String
#' @param figName String
#' @importFrom graphics legend lines par plot
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.copy2eps dev.copy2pdf dev.new rainbow tiff dev.print png
#' @export
plotTraitChange = function(out, trait.name, group.names, resource.name = NULL, path = NULL, 
    xlabel = "Time (days)", saveFig = FALSE, figType = "eps", figName = "Traits") {
    wlen = 7
    hlen = 7  #width and height for png files
    Lg = length(group.names)
    times = out$solution[, 1]
    avTrait = matrix(NA, nrow = length(times), ncol = Lg)
    numStrains = out$parms$numStrains
    ct = 1
    for (gname in group.names) {
        strain.names = paste(gname, ".", seq(1, numStrains), sep = "")
        weighted.vals = NA * out$solution[, strain.names]
        for (strain in strain.names) {
            if (trait.name == "strainPHcorners" | trait.name == "pHtrait") {
                trait.val = pHcentreOfMass(strain, gname, out$parms$pHLimFunc, out$parms)
            } else {
                trait.val = out$parms$Pmats[[trait.name]][[strain]][path, resource.name]
            mass = out$solution[, strain]
            weighted.vals[, strain] = trait.val * mass
        # at each point in time find the sum(xi*Mi)/sum(Mi) over all strains i
        avTrait[, ct] = rowMeans(weighted.vals)/rowMeans(out$solution[, strain.names])
        ct = ct + 1
    if (trait.name == "strainPHcorners" | trait.name == "pHtrait") {
        ylabel = "Biomass-weighted mean value of pH trait"
    } else {
        ylabel = paste("Biomass-weighted mean value of", trait.name, "parameter for", 
            group.names, "on", resource.name)
    cols = rainbow(Lg)
    par(mar = c(5, 5, 5, 2))
    plot(range(times), c(range(avTrait)[1], 1.1 * range(avTrait)[2] - 0.1 * range(avTrait)[1]), 
        type = "n", xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, cex.lab = 1.3, cex.main = 1.5, 
        cex.axis = 1.3, main = "Traits")
    for (g in 1:Lg) {
        lines(times, avTrait[, g], col = cols[g], lwd = 2)
    if (Lg > 1) {
        legend("topright", group.names, col = cols, lty = 1, lwd = 2)
    if (saveFig) {
        if (figType == "pdf") {
            dev.copy2pdf(file = paste(figName, ".pdf", sep = ""))
        if (figType == "eps") {
            dev.copy2eps(file = paste(figName, ".eps", sep = ""))
        if (figType == "png") {
            dev.print(png, filename = paste(figName, ".png", sep = ""), res = 100, 
                width = wlen, height = hlen, units = "in")
        if (figType == "tiff") {
            dev.print(tiff, filename = paste(figName, ".tiff", sep = ""), res = 100, 
                width = wlen, height = hlen, units = "in")

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microPop documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 5:07 p.m.