
Defines functions iso.nam my.qp get.mse get.w.sub.par get.w.sub get.newdat check.feasible2 is.feasible merge.dums get.w

get.w <- function(bigdat, covar.var, covar.var1 = NULL, dum, dum1 = NULL, boot = 0, jack = 0, Int, int.val = 1, trim = NULL, maxit = 500, cal.epsilon = 1e-04, end.pre, bounds = c(-Inf, Inf), calfun = "raking", qpmeth = "LowRankQP",
    check.feas = FALSE, use.backup = TRUE, scale.var = "Intercept", cut.mse = 1, time.names = NULL, keep.int = FALSE, printFlag = TRUE, n.cores = 1) {
    # Primary function used for calculating weights

    # Use LowRankQP if available.  If not, use ipop
    qpmeth <- "LowRankQP"
    qp.loaded <- is.element("LowRankQP", loadedNamespaces())
    if (!requireNamespace("LowRankQP", quietly = TRUE)) {
        qpmeth <- "ipop"
    if (!qp.loaded & qpmeth == "LowRankQP") {

    n <- dim(bigdat)[1]
    n.int <- sum(Int == int.val)
    back.state <- back.state1 <- back.state2 <- back.state3 <- ""
    fin.boots <- FALSE
    boots <- rep.G <- tmp.jack <- NULL
    if (boot > 0) {
        n.choose <- choose(n, n.int)
        if (boot > n.choose - 1) {
            boot <- n.choose - 1
            if (printFlag) {
                message("Resetting perm = ", boot, "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        if (n.choose - 1 <= max(1e+06, boot)) {
            boots <- utils::combn(1:n, n.int)
            check.combn <- function(x, y) {
                return(sum(!is.element(x, y)))
            is.trt.area <- which(apply(boots, 2, check.combn, x = which(Int == int.val)) == 0)
            boots <- boots[, base::sample((1:NCOL(boots))[-is.trt.area], boot), drop = FALSE]
            fin.boots <- TRUE
    use.model <- 1
    if (check.feas & use.backup) {
        tmp <- proc.time()
        if (printFlag) {
            message("Checking feasibility of first model...", "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        is.sol <- is.feasible(bigdat, covar.var, dum, Int = Int, int.val = int.val, end.pre = end.pre, eps = 1e-04)
        tmp <- proc.time() - tmp
        if (!is.sol) {
            use.model <- 2
            if (printFlag) {
                message("First model is infeasible: Time = ", round(tmp[3], 2), "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            dum.tmp <- merge.dums(dum, dum1)
            tmp <- proc.time()
            if (printFlag) {
                message("Checking feasibility of second model...", "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            is.sol <- is.feasible(bigdat, covar.var, dum.tmp[[1]], Int = Int, int.val = int.val, end.pre = end.pre, eps = 1e-04)
            tmp <- proc.time() - tmp
            if (!is.sol) {
                use.model <- 3
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("Second model is infeasible: Time = ", round(tmp[3], 2), "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("Will use third model.", "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            } else {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("Second model is feasible: Time = ", round(tmp[3], 2), "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        } else {
            if (printFlag) {
                message("First model is feasible: Time = ", round(tmp[3], 2), "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
    newdat <- get.newdat(bigdat, dum = dum, dum1 = dum1, covar.var = covar.var, covar.var1 = covar.var1, end.pre = end.pre, time.names = time.names)
    newdat1 <- newdat[[2]]
    newdat <- newdat[[1]]
    duma <- merge.dums(dum, dum1)
    newdata <- get.newdat(bigdat, dum = duma[[1]], dum1 = duma[[2]], covar.var = covar.var, covar.var1 = covar.var1, end.pre = end.pre, time.names = time.names)
    newdat1a <- newdata[[2]]
    newdata <- newdata[[1]]
    dumb <- merge.dums(duma[[1]], duma[[2]])
    covar.var1b <- union(covar.var, covar.var1)
    covar.varb <- NULL
    newdatb <- get.newdat(bigdat, dum = dumb[[1]], dum1 = dumb[[2]], covar.var = covar.varb, covar.var1 = covar.var1b, end.pre = end.pre, time.names = time.names)
    newdat1b <- newdatb[[2]]
    newdatb <- newdatb[[1]]
    colnam <- "Main"
    if (is.logical(jack)) {
        if (jack) {
            jack <- min(table(Int == int.val))
        } else {
            jack <- 0
    if (jack > min(table(Int == int.val))) {
        jack <- min(table(Int == int.val))
        if (printFlag) {
            message("Resetting jack = ", jack, "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
    if (jack > 0) {
        rep.G <- assign.groups(Int == int.val, G = jack)
        colnam <- c(colnam, paste("Jack", 1:jack, sep = ""))
    if (boot > 0) {
        colnam <- c(colnam, paste("Perm", 1:boot, sep = ""))
    wghts <- Inter <- matrix(NA, n, boot + jack + 1)
    mse <- matrix(NA, 6, boot + jack + 1)
    mod <- rep(NA, boot + jack + 1)
    rownames(wghts) <- rownames(Inter) <- dimnames(bigdat)[[1]]
    rownames(mse) <- c("First model: Primary variables", "First model: Second variables", "Secondary model: Primary variables", "Second model: Secondary variables", "Third model: Primary variables", "Third model: Secondary variables")
    names(mod) <- colnames(wghts) <- colnames(Inter) <- colnames(mse) <- colnam
    inds <- 1:(boot + jack + 1)
    jack.lower <- 2
    jack.upper <- 1 + jack
    boot.lower <- 2 + jack
    boot.upper <- 1 + jack + boot

    for.max <- boot + jack + 1
    if (n.cores > 1 & boot + jack > 0) {
        for.max <- 1

    for (i in 1:for.max) {
        use.model.i <- use.model
        tmp <- proc.time()
        if (i == 1) {
            samp <- Int == int.val
            use <- rep(TRUE, n)
        } else if (grepl("Jack", colnam[i])) {
            samp <- Int == int.val
            g <- as.numeric(gsub("Jack", "", colnam[i]))
            use <- rep.G != g
            rep.meth <- "jackknife"
        } else if (grepl("Perm", colnam[i])) {
            g <- as.numeric(gsub("Perm", "", colnam[i]))
            if (!fin.boots) {
                samp <- base::sample(1:n, sum(Int == int.val), replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)
                samp <- is.element(1:n, samp)
            } else {
                samp <- is.element(1:n, boots[, g])
            use <- rep(TRUE, n)
            rep.meth <- "permutation"
        Inter[samp & use, i] <- TRUE
        Inter[!samp & use, i] <- FALSE
        if (use.model.i == 1) {
            mod[i] <- "First"
            ws <- get.w.sub(newdat = newdat, newdat1 = newdat1, end.pre = end.pre, samp = samp, use = use, n = NROW(newdat), maxit = maxit, calfun = calfun, bounds = bounds, epsilon = cal.epsilon, trim = trim, qpmeth = qpmeth,
                scale.var = scale.var, printFlag = printFlag)
            if (ws$mse > cut.mse | is.na(ws$mse)) {
                if (use.backup) {
                  cat.back <- ".  Using second model."
                  cat.back1 <- ".  Used second model."
                } else {
                  cat.back <- cat.back1 <- ".  Consider setting use.backup = TRUE."
                if (i > 1) {
                  back.state1 <- paste("First model was infeasible for ", rep.meth, " group ", g, cat.back1, "\n", sep = "")
                } else {
                  back.state1 <- paste("First model is infeasible for primary weights", cat.back, "\n", sep = "")
                if (use.backup) {
                  use.model.i <- 2
        if (use.model.i == 2 & use.backup) {
            mod[i] <- "Second"
            ws <- get.w.sub(newdat = newdata, newdat1 = newdat1a, end.pre = end.pre, samp = samp, use = use, n = NROW(newdat), maxit = maxit, calfun = calfun, bounds = bounds, epsilon = cal.epsilon, trim = trim, qpmeth = qpmeth,
                scale.var = scale.var, printFlag = printFlag)
            if (ws$mse > cut.mse | is.na(ws$mse)) {
                if (i > 1) {
                  back.state2 <- paste("Second model was infeasible for ", rep.meth, " group ", g, ".  Used third model.", "\n", sep = "")
                  back.state3 <- paste("First and second model were infeasible for ", rep.meth, " group ", g, ".  Used third model.", "\n", sep = "")
                } else {
                  back.state2 <- paste("Second model is infeasible for primary weights.  Will use third model.", "\n", sep = "")
                  back.state3 <- paste("First and second model are infeasible for primary weights.  Will use third model.", "\n", sep = "")
                use.model.i <- 3
        if (use.model.i == 3 & use.backup) {
            mod[i] <- "Third"
            ws <- get.w.sub(newdat = newdatb, newdat1 = newdat1b, end.pre = end.pre, samp = samp, use = use, n = NROW(newdat), maxit = maxit, calfun = calfun, bounds = bounds, epsilon = cal.epsilon, trim = trim, qpmeth = qpmeth,
                scale.var = scale.var, printFlag = printFlag)
        if (back.state1 != "" & back.state2 != "") {
            back.state.final <- back.state3
        } else if (back.state1 != "" & back.state2 == "") {
            back.state.final <- back.state1
        } else if (back.state1 == "" & back.state2 != "") {
            back.state.final <- back.state2
        } else {
            back.state.final <- ""
        back.state <- paste(back.state, back.state.final, sep = "")
        back.state1 <- back.state2 <- back.state3 <- ""
        mses <- get.mse(newdat, newdat1, samp, use, ws$wghts, ws$wghts.init, ws$scale.by)
        msesa <- get.mse(newdata, newdat1a, samp, use, ws$wghts, ws$wghts.init, ws$scale.by)
        msesb <- get.mse(newdatb, newdat1b, samp, use, ws$wghts, ws$wghts.init, ws$scale.by)
        mse[1, i] <- mses$mse
        mse[2, i] <- mses$mse1
        mse[3, i] <- msesa$mse
        mse[4, i] <- msesa$mse1
        mse[5, i] <- msesb$mse
        mse[6, i] <- msesb$mse1
        wghts[, i] <- ws$wghts
        tmp <- proc.time() - tmp
        if (i == 1) {
            if (back.state != "")
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(back.state, appendLF = FALSE)
            back.state <- ""
            use.model <- use.model.i
            if (printFlag) {
                message("Created main weights for synthetic control: Time = ", round(tmp[3], 2), "\n\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            if (printFlag) {
                message("Matching summary for main weights:\n", appendLF = FALSE)
            if (use.model.i == 1) {
                num.exact <- NCOL(newdat)
                if (length(newdat1) == 0) {
                  num.prox <- 0
                } else {
                  num.prox <- NCOL(newdat1)
                printstuff <- mses$printstuff
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(paste0(utils::capture.output(round(printstuff, 4)), collapse = "\n"), appendLF = FALSE)
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("\n\n", appendLF = FALSE)
            } else if (use.model.i == 2) {
                num.exact <- NCOL(newdata)
                if (length(newdat1a) == 0) {
                  num.prox <- 0
                } else {
                  num.prox <- NCOL(newdat1a)
                printstuff <- msesa$printstuff
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(paste0(utils::capture.output(round(printstuff, 4)), collapse = "\n"), appendLF = FALSE)
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("\n\n", appendLF = FALSE)
            } else if (use.model.i == 3) {
                num.exact <- NCOL(newdatb)
                if (length(newdat1b) == 0) {
                  num.prox <- 0
                } else {
                  num.prox <- NCOL(newdat1b)
                printstuff <- msesb$printstuff
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(paste0(utils::capture.output(round(printstuff, 4)), collapse = "\n"), appendLF = FALSE)
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("\n\n", appendLF = FALSE)
            if (jack > 0 & n.cores > 1 & boot > 0) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("Calculating weights for jackknife and permutation replication groups...\n", appendLF = FALSE)
                tmp.jack <- proc.time()
            } else if (jack > 0) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("Calculating weights for jackknife replication groups...\n", appendLF = FALSE)
                tmp.jack <- proc.time()
            } else if (boot > 0) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("Calculating weights for permutation groups...\n", appendLF = FALSE)
                tmp.boot <- proc.time()
        } else if (i >= jack.lower & i <= jack.upper) {
            if (i == jack.lower) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("Completed weights for jackknife group:\n", i - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            } else if ((i - 1)%%20 != 1 & i != jack.upper) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(", ", i - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            } else if ((i - 1)%%20 == 1 & i != jack.upper) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(", \n", i - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            } else if ((i - 1)%%20 != 1 & i == jack.upper) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(", ", i - 1, "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            } else {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(", \n", i - 1, "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            if (i == jack.upper) {
                if (i == jack.lower) {
                if (back.state != "")
                  if (printFlag) {
                    message(back.state, appendLF = FALSE)
                back.state <- ""
                tmp.jack <- proc.time() - tmp.jack
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("Completed weights for all jackknife replication groups: Time = ", round(tmp.jack[3], 2), "\n\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
                if (boot > 0) {
                  if (printFlag) {
                    message("Calculating weights for permutation groups...\n", appendLF = FALSE)
                  tmp.boot <- proc.time()
        } else if (i >= boot.lower & i <= boot.upper) {
            if (i == boot.lower) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("Completed weights for permutation group:\n", i - jack - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            } else if ((i - jack - 1)%%20 != 1 & i != boot.upper) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(", ", i - jack - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            } else if ((i - jack - 1)%%20 == 1 & i != boot.upper) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(", \n", i - jack - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            } else if ((i - jack - 1)%%20 != 1 & i == boot.upper) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(", ", i - jack - 1, "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            } else {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(", \n", i - jack - 1, "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            if (i == boot.upper) {
                if (i == boot.lower) {
                  if (printFlag) {
                    message("\n", appendLF = FALSE)
                tmp.boot <- proc.time() - tmp.boot
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("Completed weights for all permutation groups: Time = ", round(tmp.boot[3], 2), "\n\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)

    if (boot + jack + 1 > for.max) {

        # Note: CRAN check requires using no more than 2 cores.
        if (printFlag) {
            message("Parallelizing with n.cores = ", n.cores, "...\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)
        cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n.cores)

        list.out <- parallel::parLapply(cl = cl, X = (for.max + 1):(boot + jack + 1), get.w.sub.par, use.model, Int, int.val, colnam, rep.G, n, fin.boots, boots, newdat, newdat1, newdata, newdat1a, newdatb, newdat1b,
            end.pre, maxit, calfun, bounds, cal.epsilon, trim, qpmeth, scale.var, printFlag = FALSE, cut.mse, use.backup, jack, back.state, back.state1, back.state2, back.state3, tmp.jack, boot, boot.lower, boot.upper,
            jack.lower, jack.upper, rownams = rownames(wghts), rownams1 = rownames(mse))


        if (length(tmp.jack) == 0) {
            tmp.jack <- tmp.boot
        tmp.boot <- proc.time() - tmp.jack
        if (printFlag) {
            message("Completed calculation of all replication weights: Time = ", round(tmp.boot[3], 2), "\n\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)

        for (index in (for.max + 1):(boot + jack + 1)) {
            wghts[, index] <- list.out[[index - for.max]][[1]]
            Inter[, index] <- list.out[[index - for.max]][[2]]
            mse[, index] <- list.out[[index - for.max]][[3]]
            mod[index] <- list.out[[index - for.max]][[4]]

    keep.groups <- mse[2 * (use.model - 1) + 1, ] < cut.mse & !is.na(mse[2 * (use.model - 1) + 1, ])
    keep.groups[!grepl("Perm", colnames(mse))] <- TRUE

    if (printFlag & boot > 0) {
        message("Removing ", sum(!keep.groups), " permutation groups with pre-intervention MSE > cut.mse.\n\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)

    out <- list(Weights = wghts, Intervention = Inter, MSE = mse, Model = mod, Summary = printstuff, keep.groups = keep.groups, num.constr = c(num.exact = num.exact, num.prox = num.prox))

# Sub-function of get.w()
merge.dums <- function(dum, dum1) {
    nam1 <- names(dum)
    nam2 <- names(dum1)

    if (length(nam1) > 0) {
        nam <- union(nam1, nam2)

        dum.out <- list()
        dum.out[[length(nam)]] <- NA
        dum.new <- list()
        dum.new[[length(nam1)]] <- NA
        names(dum.new) <- nam1

        dum[[length(nam) + 1]] <- NA
        dum1[[length(nam) + 1]] <- NA

        max.l.dum <- 0

        for (i in 1:length(nam)) {
            here1 <- which(nam1 == nam[i])
            here2 <- which(nam2 == nam[i])

            if (length(here1) == 0 & length(here2) == 0) {
                dum.out[[i]] <- NULL
            } else if (length(here1) > 0 & length(here2) == 0) {
                max.l.dum <- max(max.l.dum, length(dum[[here1]]))
                dum.new[[here1]] <- sum(dum[[here1]])
                dum.out[[i]] <- dum[[here1]]
            } else if (length(here1) == 0 & length(here2) > 0) {
                dum.out[[i]] <- dum1[[here2]]
            } else {
                max.l.dum <- max(max.l.dum, length(dum[[here1]]))
                dum.new[[here1]] <- sum(dum[[here1]])

                dum1c <- cumsum(dum[[here1]])
                dum2c <- cumsum(dum1[[here2]])

                dumc <- union(dum1c, dum2c)
                dumc <- dumc[order(dumc, decreasing = FALSE)]

                if (length(dumc) > 1) {
                  dumc <- c(dumc[1], dumc[2:length(dumc)] - dumc[1:(length(dumc) - 1)])

                dum.out[[i]] <- dumc

        if (max.l.dum <= 1) {
            dum.new <- list()

        names(dum.out) <- nam
    } else {
        dum.new <- dum
        dum.out <- dum1
    return(list(dum = dum.new, dum1 = dum.out))

# Sub-function of get.w(); check if a constraint model has a feasible solution
is.feasible <- function(bigdat, covar.var, dum, Int, int.val = 1, end.pre, eps = 0.001) {
    n <- dim(bigdat)[1]

    newdat <- get.newdat(bigdat, dum = dum, covar.var = covar.var, end.pre = end.pre)[[1]]

    intdat <- newdat[Int == int.val, ]
    condat <- newdat[Int != int.val, ]
    targets <- colSums(intdat)
    is.sol <- check.feasible2(t(condat), targets, eps = eps)

# Sub-function of is.feasible(); check if a constraint model has a feasible solution
check.feasible2 <- function(A, b, eps = 1e-07, M = 10000, meth = "LowRankQP") {
    # Sub-function for checking to see if a constraint model has a feasible solution
    if (NROW(A) <= NCOL(A)) {
        rem <- find.sing(tcrossprod(A))
    } else {
        rem <- NULL
    leave <- setdiff(1:NROW(A), rem)
    A <- A[leave, ]
    b <- b[leave]
    A3 <- cbind(A, diag(NROW(A)), (-1) * diag(NROW(A)))
    a <- c(rep(0, NCOL(A)), rep(1, 2 * NROW(A)))
    Vmat <- matrix(0, NCOL(A3), 1)
    uvec <- rep(M, NCOL(A3))

    if (meth == "LowRankQP") {
        # requireNamespace('LowRankQP', quietly = TRUE)
        sup.out <- utils::capture.output(all.root <- LowRankQP::LowRankQP(Vmat = Vmat, dvec = a, Amat = A3, bvec = b, uvec = uvec, method = "SMW", verbose = FALSE, niter = maxit))
        sol <- all.root$alpha
    } else if (meth == "ipop") {
        requireNamespace("kernlab", quietly = TRUE)

        sup.out <- utils::capture.output(all.root <- kernlab::ipop(H = Vmat, c = a, A = A3, b = b, u = uvec, l = rep(0, length(a)), r = 0, verb = 0, maxiter = maxit))
        sol <- kernlab::primal(all.root)
    # w <- sol[1:NCOL(A)]
    sol <- sol[-(1:NCOL(A))]
    sol <- sqrt(mean(sol * sol))
    if (is.na(sol)) {
        sol <- Inf
    if (sol >= eps) {
        out <- FALSE
    } else {
        out <- TRUE

# Sub-function of is.feasible(); reshape data inaccordance with a stated model structure Produces two data frames: newdat (data used for exact constraints) and newdat1 (data used for proximate constraints)
get.newdat <- function(bigdat, dum = NULL, dum1 = NULL, covar.var = NULL, covar.var1 = NULL, end.pre, time.names = NULL) {
    n <- dim(bigdat)[1]

    if (length(time.names) == 0) {
        time.names <- as.character(1:dim(bigdat)[3])

    result.var <- names(dum)
    newdat <- list()

    if (length(result.var) > 0) {
        for (j in 1:length(result.var)) {
            dum.tmp <- dum[[j]]
            lows <- end.pre - cumsum(dum.tmp) + 1
            highs <- c(end.pre, lows[-length(lows)] - 1)
            lows.neg <- which(lows < 1)
            if (length(lows.neg) > 0) {
                if (highs[lows.neg[1]] >= 1) {
                  lows[lows.neg[1]] <- 1
                  lows.neg <- lows.neg[-1]
                if (length(lows.neg) > 0) {
                  lows <- lows[-lows.neg]
                  highs <- highs[-lows.neg]
            newdat[[j]] <- matrix(NA, dim(bigdat)[1], length(lows))
            colnames(newdat[[j]]) <- rep("", length(lows))
            for (i in 1:length(lows)) {
                newdat[[j]][, i] <- rowSums(as.matrix(bigdat[, result.var[j], lows[i]:highs[i]]))
                if (lows[i] == highs[i]) {
                  colnames(newdat[[j]])[i] <- paste(result.var[j], ".", time.names[lows[i]], sep = "")
                } else {
                  colnames(newdat[[j]])[i] <- paste(result.var[j], ".", time.names[lows[i]], ".", time.names[highs[i]], sep = "")

    covar.dat <- NULL
    if (length(covar.var) > 0) {
        covar.dat <- bigdat[, covar.var, 1]
        covar.dat <- as.matrix(covar.dat)
        colnames(covar.dat) <- covar.var

    if (length(newdat) == 0) {
        newdat <- NULL
    } else {
        newdat <- data.frame(newdat, check.names = FALSE)

    if (length(covar.dat) > 0 & length(newdat) > 0) {
        newdat <- data.frame(covar.dat, newdat, check.names = FALSE)
    } else if (length(covar.dat) > 0 & length(newdat) == 0) {
        newdat <- data.frame(covar.dat, check.names = FALSE)

    if (length(newdat) > 0) {
        newdat <- data.frame(Intercept = rep(1, n), newdat, check.names = FALSE)
    } else {
        newdat <- data.frame(Intercept = rep(1, n))

    newdat1 <- list()
    if (length(dum1) > 0) {
        result.var1 <- names(dum1)
        for (j in 1:length(result.var1)) {
            dum.tmp <- dum1[[j]]
            lows <- end.pre - cumsum(dum.tmp) + 1
            highs <- c(end.pre, lows[-length(lows)] - 1)
            lows.neg <- which(lows < 1)
            if (length(lows.neg) > 0) {
                if (highs[lows.neg[1]] >= 1) {
                  lows[lows.neg[1]] <- 1
                  lows.neg <- lows.neg[-1]
                if (length(lows.neg) > 0) {
                  lows <- lows[-lows.neg]
                  highs <- highs[-lows.neg]
            newdat1[[j]] <- matrix(NA, dim(bigdat)[1], length(lows))
            colnames(newdat1[[j]]) <- rep("", length(lows))
            for (i in 1:length(lows)) {
                newdat1[[j]][, i] <- rowSums(as.matrix(bigdat[, result.var1[j], lows[i]:highs[i]]))
                if (lows[i] == highs[i]) {
                  colnames(newdat1[[j]])[i] <- paste(result.var1[j], ".", time.names[lows[i]], sep = "")
                } else {
                  colnames(newdat1[[j]])[i] <- paste(result.var1[j], ".", time.names[lows[i]], ".", time.names[highs[i]], sep = "")

    covar.dat1 <- NULL
    if (length(covar.var1) > 0) {
        covar.dat1 <- bigdat[, covar.var1, 1]
        covar.dat1 <- as.matrix(covar.dat1)
        colnames(covar.dat1) <- covar.var1

    if (length(newdat1) == 0) {
        newdat1 <- NULL
    } else {
        newdat1 <- data.frame(newdat1, check.names = FALSE)

    if (length(covar.dat1) > 0 & length(newdat1) > 0) {
        newdat1 <- data.frame(covar.dat1, newdat1, check.names = FALSE)
    } else if (length(covar.dat1) > 0 & length(newdat1) == 0) {
        newdat1 <- data.frame(covar.dat1, check.names = FALSE)

    if (length(newdat1) > 0) {
        newdat1 <- data.frame(newdat1, check.names = FALSE)
    } else {
        newdat1 <- NULL

    return(list(newdat = newdat, newdat1 = newdat1))


# Secondary function used for calculating weights
get.w.sub <- function(newdat = NULL, newdat1 = NULL, bigdat = NULL, dum = NULL, dum1 = NULL, covar.var = NULL, covar.var1 = NULL, end.pre, samp, use, n = NROW(newdat), maxit = 500, calfun = "raking", bounds = c(-Inf,
    Inf), epsilon = 1e-04, trim = NULL, qpmeth = "LowRankQP", scale.var = "Intercept", printFlag = TRUE) {
    tmp <- proc.time()

    if (length(newdat) == 0) {
        newdat <- get.newdat(bigdat = bigdat, dum = dum, dum1 = dum1, covar.var = covar.var, covar.var1 = covar.var1, end.pre = end.pre)
        newdat1 <- newdat[[2]]
        newdat <- newdat[[1]]

    mult <- sum(samp)/sum(use & samp)
    # mult <- 1

    if (length(newdat1) > 0) {
        newdat1 <- as.matrix(newdat1)

    intdat <- newdat[samp & use, , drop = FALSE]
    scale.by <- sum(intdat[, scale.var])
    condat <- newdat[!samp & use, , drop = FALSE]

    alldat <- newdat[, , drop = FALSE]
    scale.by <- scale.by/sum(alldat[, scale.var])

    targets <- colSums(intdat)
    targets <- mult * targets
    # targets <- colSums(newdat[samp, , drop = FALSE])
    init <- rep(mult * NROW(intdat)/NROW(condat), NROW(condat))

    if (length(newdat1) > 0) {
        intdat1 <- newdat1[samp & use, , drop = FALSE]
        condat1 <- newdat1[!samp & use, , drop = FALSE]
        alldat1 <- newdat1[, , drop = FALSE]
        targets1 <- colSums(intdat1)
        targets1 <- mult * targets1
        # targets1 <- colSums(newdat1[samp, , drop = FALSE])

    usevars <- colnames(condat)

    if (NCOL(as.matrix(condat)) <= NROW(as.matrix(condat))) {
        rem <- find.sing(crossprod(as.matrix(condat)))
    } else {
        rem <- NULL
    keep <- !is.element(1:NCOL(condat), rem)

    form <- paste("~", paste(usevars[keep], collapse = "+", sep = ""), "-1", sep = "")
    form <- stats::formula(form)

    ws.init <- ws <- init

    if (NCOL(newdat) > 1) {
            caldesign <- survey::svydesign(ids = ~0, data = condat[, keep], weights = init)
            cali2 <- survey::calibrate(design = caldesign, maxit = maxit, formula = form, population = targets[keep], data = condat[, keep], calfun = calfun, bounds = bounds, force = TRUE, epsilon = epsilon)
            ws.init <- ws <- stats::weights(cali2)
        }, error = function(e, printFlag = printFlag) {
            if (printFlag) {
                message("ERROR :", conditionMessage(e), "\n", appendLF = FALSE)

    if (length(newdat1) > 0) {
        tmp1 <- proc.time() - tmp
        tmp2 <- proc.time()

        condat2 <- condat1
        targets2 <- targets1

        ws <- my.qp(b.init = ws.init, X = t(condat2), a = targets2, Y = t(condat[, keep, drop = FALSE]), c = targets[keep], qpmeth = qpmeth, printFlag = printFlag)
        tmp2 <- proc.time() - tmp2

    if (length(trim) > 0) {
        if (length(trim) == 1) {
            trim = c(trim, 1 - trim)
        cali2 <- survey::trimWeights(cali2, upper = stats::quantile(ws, max(trim)), lower = stats::quantile(ws, min(trim)))
        ws <- stats::weights(cali2)

    mse1 <- mean((colSums(ws * condat[, , drop = FALSE]) - targets)^2)
    wghts1 <- rep(NA, n)
    wghts1[!samp & use] <- ws
    wghts1[samp & use] <- mult
    wghts.init1 <- rep(NA, n)
    wghts.init1[!samp & use] <- ws.init
    wghts.init1[samp & use] <- mult

    out <- list(wghts = wghts1, wghts.init = wghts.init1, mse = mse1, scale.by = scale.by)


get.w.sub.par <- function(X, use.model, Int, int.val, colnam, rep.G, n, fin.boots, boots, newdat, newdat1, newdata, newdat1a, newdatb, newdat1b, end.pre, maxit, calfun, bounds, cal.epsilon, trim, qpmeth, scale.var,
    printFlag, cut.mse, use.backup, jack, back.state, back.state1, back.state2, back.state3, tmp.jack, boot, boot.lower, boot.upper, jack.lower, jack.upper, rownams, rownams1) {

    tmp.boot <- tmp.jack
    i <- X
    wghts.out <- Inter.out <- rep(NA, n)
    names(wghts.out) <- names(Inter.out) <- rownams
    mse.out <- rep(NA, 6)
    names(mse.out) <- rownams1

    use.model.i <- use.model
    tmp <- proc.time()
    if (i == 1) {
        samp <- Int == int.val
        use <- rep(TRUE, n)
    } else if (grepl("Jack", colnam[i])) {
        samp <- Int == int.val
        g <- as.numeric(gsub("Jack", "", colnam[i]))
        use <- rep.G != g
        rep.meth <- "jackknife"
    } else if (grepl("Perm", colnam[i])) {
        g <- as.numeric(gsub("Perm", "", colnam[i]))
        if (!fin.boots) {
            samp <- base::sample(1:n, sum(Int == int.val), replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)
            samp <- is.element(1:n, samp)
        } else {
            samp <- is.element(1:n, boots[, g])
        use <- rep(TRUE, n)
        rep.meth <- "permutation"
    Inter.out[samp & use] <- TRUE
    Inter.out[!samp & use] <- FALSE
    if (use.model.i == 1) {
        mod.out <- "First"

        ws <- get.w.sub(newdat = newdat, newdat1 = newdat1, end.pre = end.pre, samp = samp, use = use, n = NROW(newdat), maxit = maxit, calfun = calfun, bounds = bounds, epsilon = cal.epsilon, trim = trim, qpmeth = qpmeth,
            scale.var = scale.var, printFlag = printFlag)
        if (ws$mse > cut.mse | is.na(ws$mse)) {
            if (use.backup) {
                cat.back <- ".  Using second model."
                cat.back1 <- ".  Used second model."
            } else {
                cat.back <- cat.back1 <- ".  Consider setting use.backup = TRUE."
            if (i > 1) {
                back.state1 <- paste("First model was infeasible for ", rep.meth, " group ", g, cat.back1, "\n", sep = "")
            } else {
                back.state1 <- paste("First model is infeasible for primary weights", cat.back, "\n", sep = "")
            if (use.backup) {
                use.model.i <- 2
    if (use.model.i == 2 & use.backup) {
        mod.out <- "Second"

        ws <- get.w.sub(newdat = newdata, newdat1 = newdat1a, end.pre = end.pre, samp = samp, use = use, n = NROW(newdat), maxit = maxit, calfun = calfun, bounds = bounds, epsilon = cal.epsilon, trim = trim, qpmeth = qpmeth,
            scale.var = scale.var, printFlag = printFlag)
        if (ws$mse > cut.mse | is.na(ws$mse)) {
            if (i > 1) {
                back.state2 <- paste("Second model was infeasible for ", rep.meth, " group ", g, ".  Used third model.", "\n", sep = "")
                back.state3 <- paste("First and second model were infeasible for ", rep.meth, " group ", g, ".  Used third model.", "\n", sep = "")
            } else {
                back.state2 <- paste("Second model is infeasible for primary weights.  Will use third model.", "\n", sep = "")
                back.state3 <- paste("First and second model are infeasible for primary weights.  Will use third model.", "\n", sep = "")
            use.model.i <- 3
    if (use.model.i == 3 & use.backup) {
        mod.out <- "Third"

        ws <- get.w.sub(newdat = newdatb, newdat1 = newdat1b, end.pre = end.pre, samp = samp, use = use, n = NROW(newdat), maxit = maxit, calfun = calfun, bounds = bounds, epsilon = cal.epsilon, trim = trim, qpmeth = qpmeth,
            scale.var = scale.var, printFlag = printFlag)
    if (back.state1 != "" & back.state2 != "") {
        back.state.final <- back.state3
    } else if (back.state1 != "" & back.state2 == "") {
        back.state.final <- back.state1
    } else if (back.state1 == "" & back.state2 != "") {
        back.state.final <- back.state2
    } else {
        back.state.final <- ""
    back.state <- paste(back.state, back.state.final, sep = "")
    back.state1 <- back.state2 <- back.state3 <- ""
    mses <- get.mse(newdat, newdat1, samp, use, ws$wghts, ws$wghts.init, ws$scale.by)
    msesa <- get.mse(newdata, newdat1a, samp, use, ws$wghts, ws$wghts.init, ws$scale.by)
    msesb <- get.mse(newdatb, newdat1b, samp, use, ws$wghts, ws$wghts.init, ws$scale.by)
    mse.out[1] <- mses$mse
    mse.out[2] <- mses$mse1
    mse.out[3] <- msesa$mse
    mse.out[4] <- msesa$mse1
    mse.out[5] <- msesb$mse
    mse.out[6] <- msesb$mse1
    wghts.out[] <- ws$wghts
    tmp <- proc.time() - tmp
    if (i == 1) {
        if (back.state != "")
            if (printFlag) {
                message(back.state, appendLF = FALSE)
        back.state <- ""
        use.model <- use.model.i
        if (printFlag) {
            message("Created main weights for synthetic control: Time = ", round(tmp[3], 2), "\n\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        if (printFlag) {
            message("Matching summary for main weights:\n", appendLF = FALSE)
        if (use.model.i == 1) {
            num.exact <- NCOL(newdat)
            if (length(newdat1) == 0) {
                num.prox <- 0
            } else {
                num.prox <- NCOL(newdat1)
            printstuff <- mses$printstuff
            if (printFlag) {
                message(paste0(utils::capture.output(round(printstuff, 4)), collapse = "\n"), appendLF = FALSE)
            if (printFlag) {
                message("\n", appendLF = FALSE)
        } else if (use.model.i == 2) {
            num.exact <- NCOL(newdata)
            if (length(newdat1a) == 0) {
                num.prox <- 0
            } else {
                num.prox <- NCOL(newdat1a)
            printstuff <- msesa$printstuff
            if (printFlag) {
                message(paste0(utils::capture.output(round(printstuff, 4)), collapse = "\n"), appendLF = FALSE)
            if (printFlag) {
                message("\n", appendLF = FALSE)
        } else if (use.model.i == 3) {
            num.exact <- NCOL(newdatb)
            if (length(newdat1b) == 0) {
                num.prox <- 0
            } else {
                num.prox <- NCOL(newdat1b)
            printstuff <- msesb$printstuff
            if (printFlag) {
                message(paste0(utils::capture.output(round(printstuff, 4)), collapse = "\n"), appendLF = FALSE)
            if (printFlag) {
                message("\n", appendLF = FALSE)
        if (jack > 0) {
            if (printFlag) {
                message("Calculating weights for jackknife replication groups...\n", appendLF = FALSE)
            tmp.jack <- proc.time()
        } else if (boot > 0) {
            if (printFlag) {
                message("Calculating weights for permutation groups...\n", appendLF = FALSE)
            tmp.boot <- proc.time()
    } else if (i >= jack.lower & i <= jack.upper) {
        if (i == jack.lower) {
            if (printFlag) {
                message("Completed weights for jackknife group:\n", i - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        } else if ((i - 1)%%20 != 1 & i != jack.upper) {
            if (printFlag) {
                message(", ", i - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        } else if ((i - 1)%%20 == 1 & i != jack.upper) {
            if (printFlag) {
                message(", \n", i - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        } else if ((i - 1)%%20 != 1 & i == jack.upper) {
            if (printFlag) {
                message(", ", i - 1, "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        } else {
            if (printFlag) {
                message(", \n", i - 1, "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        if (i == jack.upper) {
            if (i == jack.lower) {
            if (back.state != "")
                if (printFlag) {
                  message(back.state, appendLF = FALSE)
            back.state <- ""
            tmp.jack <- proc.time() - tmp.jack
            if (printFlag) {
                message("Completed weights for all jackknife replication groups: Time = ", round(tmp.jack[3], 2), "\n\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
            if (boot > 0) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("Calculating weights for permutation groups...\n", appendLF = FALSE)
                tmp.boot <- proc.time()
    } else if (i >= boot.lower & i <= boot.upper) {
        if (i == boot.lower) {
            if (printFlag) {
                message("Completed weights for permutation group:\n", i - jack - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        } else if ((i - jack - 1)%%20 != 1 & i != boot.upper) {
            if (printFlag) {
                message(", ", i - jack - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        } else if ((i - jack - 1)%%20 == 1 & i != boot.upper) {
            if (printFlag) {
                message(", \n", i - jack - 1, sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        } else if ((i - jack - 1)%%20 != 1 & i == boot.upper) {
            if (printFlag) {
                message(", ", i - jack - 1, "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        } else {
            if (printFlag) {
                message(", \n", i - jack - 1, "\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
        if (i == boot.upper) {
            if (i == boot.lower) {
                if (printFlag) {
                  message("\n", appendLF = FALSE)
            tmp.boot <- proc.time() - tmp.boot
            if (printFlag) {
                message("Completed weights for all permutation groups: Time = ", round(tmp.boot[3], 2), "\n\n", sep = "", appendLF = FALSE)
    return(list(wghts = wghts.out, Inter = Inter.out, mse = mse.out, mod = mod.out))

# Determine pre-intervention MSEs and create balance table
get.mse <- function(newdat, newdat1 = NULL, samp, use, ws, ws.init, scale.by) {

    mult <- sum(samp)/sum(use & samp)

    intdat <- newdat[samp & use, , drop = FALSE]
    condat <- newdat[!samp & use, , drop = FALSE]
    alldat <- newdat[, , drop = FALSE]
    targets <- colSums(intdat)
    targets <- mult * targets
    ws <- ws[!samp & use]
    mse <- mean((colSums(ws * condat) - targets)^2)

    mse1 <- NA
    if (length(newdat1) != 0) {
        intdat1 <- newdat1[samp & use, , drop = FALSE]
        condat1 <- newdat1[!samp & use, , drop = FALSE]
        alldat1 <- newdat1[, , drop = FALSE]
        targets1 <- colSums(intdat1)
        targets1 <- mult * targets1
        ws.init <- ws.init[!samp & use]
        mse1 <- mean((colSums(ws * condat1) - targets1)^2)

    if (length(newdat1) == 0) {
        printstuff <- cbind(Targets = targets, Weighted.Control = colSums((ws) * (condat)), All.scaled = (scale.by) * colSums(alldat))
    } else {

        # printstuff <- cbind(Targets = c(targets, targets1), Initial.Weighted.Control = colSums(ws.init * cbind(condat, condat1)), Final.Weighted.Control = colSums(ws * cbind(condat, condat1)), All.scaled =
        # scale.by * colSums(cbind(alldat, alldat1)))
        printstuff <- cbind(Targets = c(targets, targets1), Final.Weighted.Control = colSums(ws * cbind(condat, condat1)), All.scaled = scale.by * colSums(cbind(alldat, alldat1)))

    return(list(mse = mse, mse1 = mse1, printstuff = printstuff))

# Function used to solve quadratic optimization when proximate constraints are invoked
my.qp <- function(b.init, X, Y, a, c, M = 10000, qpmeth = "LowRankQP", maxit = 1000, printFlag = TRUE) {
    q <- NCOL(X)
    n <- NROW(Y)

    a1 <- iso.nam(a, sep = ".")
    c1 <- iso.nam(c, sep = ".")

    a1[a1 == 0] <- 1
    c1[c1 == 0] <- 1

    a1 <- sqrt(a1)
    c1 <- sqrt(c1)

    X <- X/a1
    Y <- Y/c1
    a <- a/a1
    c <- c/c1

    if (NROW(Y) <= NCOL(Y)) {
        rem <- find.sing(tcrossprod(Y))
    } else {
        rem <- NULL
    leave <- setdiff(1:NROW(Y), rem)

    # if (qpmeth == 'nleqslv') { requireNamespace('nleqslv', quietly = TRUE) XtX <- crossprod(X) M <- 1/M jacobian <- function(all) { b <- all[1:q] lambda <- all[(q + 1):(q + n)] lowerright <- matrix(0, n, n)
    # upperleft <- diag(1/b) + XtX upperright <- t(Y) lowerleft <- Y out <- rbind(cbind(upperleft, upperright), cbind(lowerleft, lowerright)) return((out)) } f1 <- function(all) { b <- all[1:q] lambda <- all[(q +
    # 1):(q + n)] out1 <- (M * log(b)) + crossprod(X, (X %*% b - a)) - crossprod(Y, lambda) out2 <- Y %*% b - c return(c(out1, out2)) } b.init[b.init < 1e-06] <- 1e-06 lambda.init <- solve(tcrossprod(Y), Y) %*%
    # ((M * log(b.init)) + crossprod(X, (X %*% b.init - a))) all.init <- c(b.init, lambda.init) all.root <- nleqslv::nleqslv(all.init, fn = f1, jac = NULL, method = c('Broyden'), global = c('gline'), xscalm =
    # c('fixed'), control = list(maxit = maxit, xtol = 1e-11, ftol = 1e-11, btol = 1e-06, cndtol = 1e-13)) if (printFlag) { message('Number of Jacobian evaluations = ', all.root$njcnt, '.  \n', sep = '', appendLF
    # = FALSE) } if (printFlag) { message('Number of function evaluations = ', all.root$nfcnt, '. \n', sep = '', appendLF = FALSE) } if (printFlag) { message('Number of iterations = ', all.root$iter, '. \n', sep
    # = '', appendLF = FALSE) } all.root <- all.root$x b <- all.root[1:q] b[b < 0] <- 0 } else
    if (qpmeth == "LowRankQP") {
        # requireNamespace('LowRankQP', quietly = TRUE)

        sup.out <- utils::capture.output(all.root <- LowRankQP::LowRankQP(Vmat = t(X), dvec = -crossprod(X, a), Amat = Y[leave, , drop = FALSE], bvec = c[leave], uvec = rep(M, q), method = "SMW", verbose = FALSE, niter = maxit))
        b <- all.root$alpha
    } else if (qpmeth == "ipop") {
        requireNamespace("kernlab", quietly = TRUE)

        sup.out <- utils::capture.output(all.root <- kernlab::ipop(H = t(X), c = -crossprod(X, a), A = Y[leave, , drop = FALSE], b = c[leave], u = rep(M, q), verb = 0, maxiter = maxit))
        # all.root <- kernlab::ipop(c = -crossprod(X, a), H = crossprod(X), b = c, A = Y, l = rep(0, q), r = rep(0, n), u = rep(M, q))
        b <- kernlab::primal(all.root)
    } else {
        stop("qpmeth not recognized.")

    X <- X * a1
    Y <- Y * c1
    a <- a * a1
    c <- c * c1


# Sub-function of my.qp()
iso.nam <- function(a, sep = "-") {
    nams <- names(a)
    locs <- regexpr(sep, nams, fixed = TRUE)
    outs <- nams
    outs[locs > 1] <- substr(outs[locs > 1], 1, locs[locs > 1] - 1)

    out <- rep(NA, length(outs))
    for (i in names(table(outs))) {
        out[outs == i] <- mean(a[outs == i])

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