new_mismm <- function(x = list(), method = c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
class = "mismm",
method = method
validate_mismm <- function(x) {
message("No validations currently in place for object of class 'mismm'.")
#' Fit MILD-SVM model to the data
#' This function fits the MILD-SVM model, which takes a multiple-instance
#' learning with distributions (MILD) data set and fits a modified SVM to it.
#' The MILD-SVM methodology is based on research in progress.
#' Several choices of fitting algorithm are available, including a version of
#' the heuristic algorithm proposed by Andrews et al. (2003) and a novel
#' algorithm that explicitly solves the mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem
#' using the gurobi package optimization back-end.
#' @inheritParams misvm
#' @param x A data.frame, matrix, or similar object of covariates, where each
#' row represents a sample. If a `mild_df` object is passed, `y, bags,
#' instances` are automatically extracted, and all other columns will be used
#' as predictors.
#' @param instances A vector specifying which samples belong to each instance.
#' Can be a string, numeric, of factor.
#' @param method The algorithm to use in fitting (default `'heuristic'`). When
#' `method = 'heuristic'`, the algorithm iterates between selecting positive
#' witnesses and solving an underlying [smm()] problem. When `method =
#' 'mip'`, the novel MIP method will be used. When `method = 'qp-heuristic'`,
#' the heuristic algorithm is computed using a slightly modified dual SMM.
#' See details
#' @param formula A formula with specification `mild(y, bags, instances) ~ x`
#' which uses the `mild` function to create the bag-instance structure. This
#' argument is an alternative to the `x, y, bags, instances ` arguments, but
#' requires the `data` argument. See examples.
#' @param control list of additional parameters passed to the method that
#' control computation with the following components:
#' * `kernel` either a character the describes the kernel ('linear' or
#' 'radial') or a kernel matrix at the instance level.
#' * `sigma` argument needed for radial basis kernel.
#' * `nystrom_args` a list of parameters to pass to [kfm_nystrom()]. This is
#' used when `method = 'mip'` and `kernel = 'radial'` to generate a Nystrom
#' approximation of the kernel features.
#' * `max_step` argument used when `method = 'heuristic'`. Maximum steps of
#' iteration for the heuristic algorithm.
#' * `scale` argument used for all methods. A logical for whether to rescale
#' the input before fitting.
#' * `verbose` argument used when `method = 'mip'`. Whether to message output
#' to the console.
#' * `time_limit` argument used when `method = 'mip'`. `FALSE`, or a time
#' limit (in seconds) passed to `gurobi()` parameters. If `FALSE`, no time
#' limit is given.
#' * `start` argument used when `method = 'mip'`. If `TRUE`, the mip program
#' will be warm_started with the solution from `method = 'qp-heuristic'` to
#' potentially improve speed.
#' @return An object of class `mismm` The object contains at least the
#' following components:
#' * `*_fit`: A fit object depending on the `method` parameter. If `method =
#' 'heuristic'`, this will be a `ksvm` fit from the kernlab package. If
#' `method = 'mip'` this will be `gurobi_fit` from a model optimization.
#' * `call_type`: A character indicating which method `misvm()` was called
#' with.
#' * `x`: The training data needed for computing the kernel matrix in
#' prediction.
#' * `features`: The names of features used in training.
#' * `levels`: The levels of `y` that are recorded for future prediction.
#' * `cost`: The cost parameter from function inputs.
#' * `weights`: The calculated weights on the `cost` parameter.
#' * `sigma`: The radial basis function kernel parameter.
#' * `repr_inst`: The instances from positive bags that are selected to be
#' most representative of the positive instances.
#' * `n_step`: If `method %in% c('heuristic', 'qp-heuristic')`, the total
#' steps used in the heuristic algorithm.
#' * `useful_inst_idx`: The instances that were selected to represent the bags
#' in the heuristic fitting.
#' * `inst_order`: A character vector that is used to modify the ordering of
#' input data.
#' * `x_scale`: If `scale = TRUE`, the scaling parameters for new predictions.
#' @references Kent, S., & Yu, M. (2022). Non-convex SVM for cancer diagnosis
#' based on morphologic features of tumor microenvironment *arXiv preprint*
#' [arXiv:2206.14704](
#' @seealso [predict.mismm()] for prediction on new data.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(8)
#' mil_data <- generate_mild_df(nbag = 15, nsample = 20, positive_prob = 0.15,
#' sd_of_mean = rep(0.1, 3))
#' # Heuristic method
#' mdl1 <- mismm(mil_data)
#' mdl2 <- mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = mil_data)
#' # MIP method
#' if (require(gurobi)) {
#' mdl3 <- mismm(mil_data, method = "mip", control = list(nystrom_args = list(m = 10, r = 10)))
#' predict(mdl3, mil_data)
#' }
#' predict(mdl1, new_data = mil_data, type = "raw", layer = "bag")
#' # summarize predictions at the bag layer
#' library(dplyr)
#' mil_data %>%
#' bind_cols(predict(mdl2, mil_data, type = "class")) %>%
#' bind_cols(predict(mdl2, mil_data, type = "raw")) %>%
#' distinct(bag_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)
#' @author Sean Kent, Yifei Liu
#' @name mismm
#' @export
mismm <- function(x, ...) {
#' @describeIn mismm Method for data.frame-like objects
#' @export
mismm.default <- function(
cost = 1,
method = c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic"),
weights = TRUE,
control = list(kernel = "radial",
sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1 / ncol(x),
nystrom_args = list(m = nrow(x),
r = nrow(x),
sampling = "random"),
max_step = 500,
scale = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
time_limit = 60,
start = FALSE),
...) {
method <- match.arg(method, c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic"))
defaults <- list(
kernel = "radial",
sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1 / ncol(x),
nystrom_args = list(m = nrow(x), r = nrow(x), sampling = "random"),
max_step = 500,
verbose = FALSE,
time_limit = 60,
start = FALSE
control <- .set_default(control, defaults)
control$kernel <- .set_kernel(control$kernel,
size = length(unique(instances)),
size_str = "unique instances",
method, fun = "mismm")
control <- .set_scale(control)
kernel_arg_passed <- .set_kernel_arg_passed(control)
x_info <- .convert_x(x, scale = FALSE) # scaling done internally
x <-$x)
col_x <- x_info$col_x
# store the levels of y and convert to 0,1 numeric format.
y_info <- convert_y(y)
y <- y_info$y
lev <- y_info$lev
weights <- .set_weights(weights, y_info, pos_group = bags, neg_group = instances)
if (method == "qp-heuristic") {
if (all(control$kernel == "radial")) {
control$kernel <- kme(df = data.frame(instance_name = instances, x), sigma = control$sigma)
if (method == "mip" && control$kernel == "radial") {
# Nystrom approximation to x for mip and qp-heuristic methods
control$nystrom_args$df <- x
control$nystrom_args$kernel <- control$kernel
control$nystrom_args$sigma <- control$sigma
kfm_fit <-, args = control$nystrom_args)
x <- build_fm(kfm_fit, x)
x <- average_over_instances(x, instances)
if (method == "heuristic") {
if (control$scale) {
x <- scale(x)
center <- attr(x, "scaled:center")
scale <- attr(x, "scaled:scale")
x <-
y <- .to_plus_minus(y)
r <- .reorder(y, bags, x, instances)
data <- mild_df(bag_label = y[r$order],
bag_name = bags[r$order],
instance_name = instances[r$order],
x[r$order, , drop = FALSE])
data <- dplyr::arrange(data, .data$bag_label, .data$bag_name, .data$instance_name)
inst_order <- match(unique(instances[r$order]), unique(instances))
if (is.matrix(control$kernel)) {
control$kernel <- control$kernel[inst_order, inst_order, drop = FALSE]
res <- mil_distribution(data,
cost = cost,
weights = weights,
kernel = control$kernel,
max.step = control$max_step,
sigma = control$sigma)
} else if (method == "mip") {
y <- classify_bags(y, instances)
bags <- classify_bags(bags, instances)
stopifnot(length(y) == nrow(x))
stopifnot(length(bags) == nrow(x))
y <- .to_plus_minus(y)
res <- misvm_mip_fit(y, bags, x,
c = cost,
rescale = control$scale,
weights = weights,
verbose = control$verbose,
time_limit = control$time_limit,
start = control$start)
} else if (method == "qp-heuristic") {
y <- classify_bags(y, instances)
bags <- classify_bags(bags, instances)
ind <- sapply(unique(instances), function(i) min(which(instances == i)))
y <- .to_plus_minus(y)
res <- misvm_dualqpheuristic_fit(y, bags, x[ind, , drop = FALSE],
c = cost,
rescale = control$scale,
weights = weights,
kernel = control$kernel,
sigma = control$sigma,
verbose = control$verbose,
time_limit = control$time_limit,
max_step = control$max_step)
res$x <- x # need the full x matrix for future kernel computations
res$gurobi_fit$instances <- instances
res$gurobi_fit$xmatrix <- NULL # remove for space
res$gurobi_fit$kernel <- NULL # remove for space
} else {
stop("misvm requires method = 'heuristic', 'mip', or 'qp-heuristic'.")
out <- res[1]
if (method %in% c("mip") && all(control$kernel == "radial")) {
out$kfm_fit <- kfm_fit
out$call_type <- "mismm.default"
out$x <- res$x
out$features <- col_x
out$levels <- lev
out$cost <- cost
out$sigma <- control$sigma
out$weights <- weights
out$kernel <- kernel_arg_passed
out$kernel_param <- switch(
"radial" = list("sigma" = control$sigma),
"linear" = NULL,
"user supplied matrix" = NULL
out$repr_inst <- res$repr_inst
out$n_step <- res$n_step
out$useful_inst_idx <- res$useful_inst_idx
if (method == "heuristic") {
out$inst_order <- inst_order
if (control$scale && method == "heuristic") {
out$x_scale <- list("center" = center, "scale" = scale)
} else {
out$x_scale <- res$x_scale
new_mismm(out, method = method)
#' @describeIn mismm Method for passing formula
#' @export
mismm.formula <- function(formula, data, ...) {
# NOTE: other 'professional' functions use a different type of call that I
# couldn't get to work. See
# or
# right now we're using something that should work for most generic formulas
mi_names <- as.character(stats::terms(formula, data = data)[[2]])
bag_name <- mi_names[[3]]
instance_name <- mi_names[[4]]
x <- x_from_mild_formula(formula, data)
response <- stats::get_all_vars(formula, data = data)
y <- response[, 1]
bags <- response[, 2]
instances <- response[, 3]
res <- mismm.default(x, y, bags, instances, ...)
res$call_type <- "mismm.formula"
res$formula <- formula
res$bag_name <- bag_name
res$instance_name <- instance_name
#' @describeIn mismm Method for `mild_df` objects
#' @export
mismm.mild_df <- function(x, ...) {
y <- x$bag_label
bags <- x$bag_name
instances <- x$instance_name
x$bag_label <- x$bag_name <- x$instance_name <- NULL
res <- mismm.default(x, y, bags, instances, ...)
res$call_type <- "mismm.mild_df"
res$bag_name <- "bag_name"
res$instance_name <- "instance_name"
#' Predict method for `mismm` object
#' @details
#' When the object was fitted using the `formula` method, then the parameters
#' `new_bags` and `new_instances` are not necessary, as long as the names match
#' the original function call.
#' @inheritParams predict.misvm
#' @param object An object of class `mismm`.
#' @param new_instances A character or character vector. Can specify a singular
#' character that provides the column name for the instance names in
#' `new_data` (default `'instance_name'`). Can also specify a vector of length
#' `nrow(new_data)` that has instance name for each row.
#' @param kernel An optional pre-computed kernel matrix at the instance level or
#' `NULL` (default `NULL`). The rows should correspond to instances in the new
#' data to predict, and columns should correspond to instances in the original
#' training data, such as a call to [kme()].
#' @return A tibble with `nrow(new_data)` rows. If `type = 'class'`, the tibble
#' will have a column `.pred_class`. If `type = 'raw'`, the tibble will have
#' a column `.pred`.
#' @seealso [mismm()] for fitting the `mismm` object.
#' @examples
#' mil_data <- generate_mild_df(nbag = 15, nsample = 20, positive_prob = 0.15,
#' sd_of_mean = rep(0.1, 3))
#' mdl1 <- mismm(mil_data, control = list(sigma = 1/5))
#' # bag level predictions
#' library(dplyr)
#' mil_data %>%
#' bind_cols(predict(mdl1, mil_data, type = "class")) %>%
#' bind_cols(predict(mdl1, mil_data, type = "raw")) %>%
#' distinct(bag_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)
#' # instance level prediction
#' mil_data %>%
#' bind_cols(predict(mdl1, mil_data, type = "class", layer = "instance")) %>%
#' bind_cols(predict(mdl1, mil_data, type = "raw", layer = "instance")) %>%
#' distinct(bag_name, instance_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)
#' @export
#' @author Sean Kent
predict.mismm <- function(object,
type = c("class", "raw"),
layer = c("bag", "instance"),
new_bags = "bag_name",
new_instances = "instance_name",
kernel = NULL,
...) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("class", "raw"))
layer <- match.arg(layer, c("bag", "instance"))
method <- attr(object, "method")
if (!is.null(new_data)) {
new_data <-
if (method == "heuristic") {
# pass on to the predict.smm method
object$call_type <- gsub("mismm", "smm", object$call_type)
if (!is.null(kernel)) {
kernel <- kernel[, object$inst_order, drop = FALSE]
kernel <- kernel[, object$useful_inst_idx, drop = FALSE]
return(predict.smm(object, new_data, type, layer, new_instances, new_bags, kernel, ...))
instances <- .get_instances(object, new_data, new_instances)
new_x <- .get_new_x(object, new_data, instances = instances)
if (method == "mip") {
scores <- as.matrix(new_x) %*% object$gurobi_fit$w + object$gurobi_fit$b # instance level
scores <- sapply(instances, function(i) scores[which(rownames(scores) == i)]) # sample level
} else if (method == "qp-heuristic") {
kernel <- .calculate_pred_kernel_mismm(object, kernel, instances, new_x)
ay_order <- names(object$gurobi_fit$ay)
scores <- kernel[, ay_order] %*% object$gurobi_fit$ay + object$gurobi_fit$b
scores <- as.numeric(scores) # instance level
names(scores) <- unique(instances)
scores <- scores[instances] # sample level
} else {
stop("predict.mismm requires method = 'heuristic', 'mip', 'qp-heuristic'.")
if (layer == "bag") {
bags <- .get_bags(object, new_data, new_bags)
scores <- classify_bags(scores, bags, condense = FALSE)
pos <- .to_plus_minus(scores)
pos <- factor(pos, levels = c(-1, 1), labels = object$levels)
res <- .pred_output(type, scores, pos)
attr(res, "layer") <- layer
#' @export
print.mismm <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) {
method <- attr(x, "method")
kernel_param <- .get_kernel_param_str(x, digits)
weights <- .get_weights_str(x)
cat("An mismm object called with", x$call_type, "\n")
cat("", "\n")
cat("Parameters:", "\n")
cat(" method:", method, "\n")
cat(" kernel: kme w/", x$kernel, kernel_param, "\n")
cat(" cost:", x$cost, "\n")
cat(" scale:", !is.null(x$x_scale), "\n")
cat(" weights:", weights, "\n")
cat("", "\n")
cat("Model info:", "\n")
cat(" Features:")
utils::str(x$features, width = getOption("width")-14)
if (method == "heuristic" || method == "qp-heuristic") {
cat(" Number of iterations:", x$n_step, "\n")
if (method == "mip") {
cat(" Gap to optimality:", x$gurobi_fit$mipgap, "\n")
# Specific implementation methods below ----------------------------------------
#' Function to perform the SMM iteration using full Gram matrix.
#' Internal function to perform SMM iteration using full Gram matrix.
#' @param kernel_full The full Gram matrix, should be of length n_inst * n_inst.
#' @param data_info the instance level data information which is a data.frame
#' with 3 columns, 'bag_label', 'bag_name' and 'instance_name'
#' @param max.step maximum iteration steps
#' @param cost the cost used in SMM
#' @param weights Weights of each class
#' @param sigma the rbf kernel parameter
#' @param yy the response at instance level.
#' @param useful_inst_idx a vector specifying which indices are of use.
#' @return A list with several entries.
#' @author Yifei Liu
#' @noRd
kernel_mil <- function(kernel_full,
useful_inst_idx) {
# data_info is at instance_level
bag_name <- data_info$bag_name
bag_label <- data_info$bag_label
positive_bag_name <- unique(bag_name[bag_label == 1])
unique_bag_name <- unique(bag_name)
n_bag <- length(unique_bag_name) # total number of bags
len_y <- length(yy)
selection <- rep(0, length(positive_bag_name)) # this records which instance is selected in which bag
past_selection <- matrix(NA, length(positive_bag_name), max.step) # this is the history of past selection.
past_selection[, 1] <- selection
yy_inst <- yy[useful_inst_idx]
step <- 1
while (step < max.step) {
smm_model <- smm(x = seq_along(yy_inst),
y = yy_inst,
instances = seq_along(yy_inst),
cost = cost,
weights = weights,
control = list(kernel = kernel_full[useful_inst_idx, useful_inst_idx, drop = FALSE],
sigma = sigma,
scale = FALSE))
pred_all_score <- predict(smm_model,
type = "raw",
new_data = NULL,
new_instances = seq_len(nrow(kernel_full)),
kernel = kernel_full[, useful_inst_idx, drop = FALSE])
pred_all_score <- pred_all_score$.pred
# update sample
last_inst_idx <- 0
pos_idx <- 1
useful_inst_idx <- NULL # the same as the previous useful_inst_idx
for (i in 1:n_bag) {
data_i <- data_info[bag_name == unique_bag_name[i], , drop = FALSE]
n_inst_i <- nrow(data_i) # total number of instances
if (data_i$bag_label[1] == -1) {
# negative bag
useful_inst_idx <- c(useful_inst_idx, (last_inst_idx +
1):(last_inst_idx + n_inst_i))
} else {
id_max <- which.max(pred_all_score[(last_inst_idx + 1):(last_inst_idx +
selection[pos_idx] <- id_max
useful_inst_idx <- c(useful_inst_idx, last_inst_idx +
pos_idx <- pos_idx + 1
last_inst_idx <- last_inst_idx + n_inst_i
# if the selection is not changed, break.
difference <- sum(past_selection[, step] != selection)
repeat_selection <- 0
if (difference == 0)
# if the current selection is the same as a previous one, break.
repeat_selection <- 0
for (i in 1:step) {
if (all(selection == past_selection[, i])) {
repeat_selection <- 1
if (repeat_selection == 1)
step <- step + 1
past_selection[, step] <- selection
smm_model$useful_inst_idx <- useful_inst_idx
smm_model$n_step <- step
smm_model$selection <- selection
smm_model$difference <- difference
smm_model$repeat_selection <- repeat_selection
smm_model$n_bag <- n_bag
#' Function to implement the iterative multiple instance learning with
#' distributional data algorithm.
#' Workhorse for the package. This implements the algorithm that iteratively
#' find the representative positive instances and use smm to get the model.
#' @param data A mild_df object, potentially generated by mild_df().
#' @param cost The cost for smm.
#' @param max.step The total number of iterations.
#' @param sigma The parameter for the rbf kernel.
#' @param kernel either 'radial', or the Gram matrix at instance level for fast
#' computation
#' @return A mild object which contains the results.
#' @examples
#' mild_df1 <- generate_mild_df(positive_dist = 'mvt',
#' negative_dist = 'mvnormal',
#' remainder_dist = 'mvnormal',
#' nbag = 10,
#' positive_degree = 3
#' )
#' foo <- mil_distribution(data = mild_df1, cost = 1) # uses about 10 seconds.
#' @author Yifei Liu
#' @noRd
mil_distribution <- function(data,
max.step = 500,
sigma = 0.05,
kernel = "radial") {
# data should be of a mild_df object. bag_label should be one of '0'
# and '1', where '0' is negative bags and '1' is positive bags
# divide the bags to positive bags and negative bags
bag_name <- data$bag_name
bag_label <- data$bag_label
instance_name <- unique(data$instance_name)
if (length(unique(bag_label)) == 1)
stop("Only one class label, cannot perform classification!")
positive_bag_name <- unique(bag_name[bag_label == 1])
negative_bag_name <- unique(bag_name[bag_label == 0])
unique_bag_name <- unique(bag_name)
n_bag <- length(unique_bag_name) # total number of bags
if (all(kernel == "radial")) {
kernel <- kme(df = data, sigma = sigma)
stopifnot(inherits(kernel, "matrix"))
# initialize the feature
instance_selection <- initialize_instance_selection(data)
useful_inst_idx <- instance_selection[["useful_inst_idx"]]
yy <- instance_selection[["yy"]]
num_neg_inst <- length(useful_inst_idx) - length(positive_bag_name) # calculate the number of negative instances.
data_info <- unique(data[, c("bag_label", "bag_name", "instance_name"), drop = FALSE])
res <- kernel_mil(kernel, data_info, max.step, cost, weights,
sigma, yy, useful_inst_idx)
data <-
sample_df <- data[data$instance_name %in% instance_name[res$useful_inst_idx],
-c(1, 2), drop = FALSE]
res$x <- sample_df
res$repr_inst <- cbind(positive_bag_name, res$selection)
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