
Defines functions addLocalPackage .listFiles addOldPackage addPackage checkVersions

Documented in addLocalPackage addOldPackage addPackage checkVersions .listFiles

if (getRversion() >= "3.1.0") {

#' Check for previous versions of packages in a miniCRAN repository.
#' Checks for previous versions, and returns the file paths for packages with
#' multiple versions. You can subsequently decide which version to keep.
#' @param pkgs Character vector of packages to be installed. If not provided,
#'   checks all files for multiple package versions.
#' @param path The local path to the directory where the miniCRAN repo resides.
#' @param type  character, indicating the type of package to download and
#'   install. See [install.packages()].
#' @template Rversion
#' @return Returns invisibly the file paths to packages with multiple versions
#'   for removal.
#' @export
#' @return list with an element for each `type`, consisting of a character
#'   vector of download paths
#' @family update repo functions
#' @example /inst/examples/example_checkVersions.R
checkVersions <- function(pkgs = NULL, path = NULL, type = "source",
                          Rversion = R.version) {
  if (is.null(path)) stop("path must be specified.")
  if (!file.exists(path)) stop("invalid path, ", path)

  do_one <- function(type) {
    pkgPath <- repoBinPath(path, type, Rversion)
    if (is.null(pkgs)) {
      files <- dir(pkgPath)
    } else {
      files <- sapply(
        function(x) list.files(pkgPath, pattern = paste0("^", x, "_")) 
    files <- unlist(files)
    pkgFiles <- grep("\\.(tar\\.gz|zip|tgz)$", basename(files), value = TRUE)
    # identify duplicate packages and warn the user
    pkgs <- sapply(strsplit(files, "_"), "[[", 1)
    dupes <- pkgs[duplicated(pkgs)]
    if (length(dupes)) {
      warning("Duplicate package(s): ", paste(dupes, collapse = ", "), 
              call. = FALSE)
    file.path(pkgPath, pkgFiles)
  duplicatePkgs <- sapply(type, do_one, simplify = FALSE)
  names(duplicatePkgs) <- type

# addPackage---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Add packages to a miniCRAN repository.
#' @inheritParams makeRepo
#' @inheritParams pkgDep
#' @template Rversion
#' @param deps logical indicating whether the package dependencies should be
#'   added (default `TRUE`).
#' @return Installs the packages, rebuilds the package index, and invisibly
#'   returns the number of packages written to the index files.
#' @importFrom tools write_PACKAGES
#' @export
#' @family update repo functions
#' @example /inst/examples/example_checkVersions.R
addPackage <- function(pkgs = NULL, path = NULL, repos = getOption("repos"),
                       type = "source", Rversion = R.version,
                       writePACKAGES = TRUE, deps = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(path) || is.null(pkgs)) stop("path and pkgs must both be specified.")

  do_one <- function(t) {
    prev <- checkVersions(pkgs = pkgs, path = path, type = t, Rversion = Rversion)
    prev <- prev[[1]]
    prev.df <- getPkgVersFromFile(prev)
    if (deps) pkgs <- pkgDep(pkgs, repos = repos, type = t, Rversion = Rversion)
    makeRepo(pkgs = pkgs, path = path, repos = repos, type = t, Rversion = Rversion,
             download = TRUE, writePACKAGES = FALSE, quiet = quiet)
    if (length(prev)) {
      curr <- suppressWarnings(
        checkVersions(pkgs = pkgs, path = path, type = t, Rversion = Rversion)
      curr <- curr[[1]]
      curr.df <- getPkgVersFromFile(curr)
      findPrevPackage <- function(x) {
        grep(paste0("^", x), basename(prev)) 
      dupes <- with(curr.df, package[duplicated(package)])
      if (length(dupes)) {
        to_remove <- lapply(dupes, findPrevPackage)
        if (length(unlist(to_remove))) {

  ret <- lapply(type, do_one)

  if (writePACKAGES) updateRepoIndex(path = path, type = type, Rversion = Rversion)

# addOldPackage -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Add old package versions to a miniCRAN repository.
#' Will download and add older source package versions. Older binary versions
#' are not normally available on CRAN and should be built from source on the
#' platform for which they are required. As such, specifying `type!="source"`
#' will likely fail as the download will not be successful.
#' @inheritParams addPackage
#' @inheritParams makeRepo
#' @param vers The package version to install.
#' @return Adds the packages, rebuilds the package index, and invisibly returns
#'   the number of packages written to the index files.
#' @note Dependencies for old package versions cannot be determined
#'   automatically and must be specified by the user in `pkgs` and `vers`. Thus,
#'   `deps=FALSE` is the default for this function.
#' @importFrom tools write_PACKAGES
#' @export
#' @family update repo functions
#' @example /inst/examples/example_checkVersions.R
addOldPackage <- function(pkgs = NULL, path = NULL, vers = NULL,
                          repos = getOption("repos"),
                          type = "source", Rversion = R.version,
                          writePACKAGES=TRUE, deps=FALSE, quiet=TRUE) {
  if (is.null(path) || is.null(pkgs) || is.null(vers)) {
    stop("path, pkgs, and vers must all be specified.")
  if (type != "source") stop("Older binary versions are not normally available on CRAN. ",
                             "You must build the binary versions from source.")
  if (deps) {
    message("Unable to automatically determine dependency version information.\n",
            "Use pkgs and vers to identify which dependecies and their versions to download.")
  vers <- as.character(vers)
  oldPkgs <- file.path(repos, repoPrefix(type, R.version), "Archive",
                       pkgs, sprintf("%s_%s%s", pkgs, vers, pkgFileExt(type)))

  pkgPath <- repoBinPath(path = path, type = type, Rversion = Rversion)
  if (!file.exists(pkgPath)) dir.create(pkgPath, recursive = TRUE)
  do_one <- function(x) {
    result <- download.file(x, destfile = file.path(pkgPath, basename(x)),
                                   method = "auto", mode = "wb", quiet = quiet)
    if (result != 0) warning("error downloading file ", x)
  ret <- sapply(oldPkgs, do_one)
  if (writePACKAGES) {
    updateRepoIndex(path = path, type = type, Rversion)

# .listFiles -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' List pre-built packages in a directory based on file extension
#' @param pkgs  Character vector of package names
#' @param path  Character string specifying the directory containing packages to
#'   be added.
#' @param type  Character indicating the package type (e.g., "source",
#'   "win.binary", etc.).
#' @return Installs the packages and returns the new package index.
#' @rdname listFiles
#' @docType methods
#' @keywords Internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  .listFiles('path/to/my/packages', type = "source")
#' }
.listFiles <- function(pkgs, path, type) {
  pattern <- pkgFileExt(type)

  # get a list of all files in pkgPaths directory matching pattern
  f <- list.files(path, pattern = pattern)
  assert_that(is.character(f) && length(f) > 0, 
              msg = sprintf("No files found in path with extension '%s'", pattern))

  # we only care about the subset matching pkgs
  f <- sapply(pkgs, function(x) { grep(x, f, value = TRUE) })

  if (length(f)) {
    # if multiple versions present, always use latest
    fp <- local({
      x <- strsplit(f, "_")
      sapply(x, `[[`, 1)
    fv <- local({
      x <- strsplit(f, "_")
      x <- sapply(x, `[[`, 2)
      x <- strsplit(x, pattern)
      x <- sapply(x, `[[`, 1)
    fout <- sapply(fp, function(x) {
      ids.p <- which(fp %in% x)

      # numeric_version always returns version using '.' as separator,
      #   even if the package uses '-', so we need to ensure either will work
      id.v <- which(fv == max(fv[ids.p]))

  } else {

#' Add local packages to a miniCRAN repository.
#' Examine the contents of a directory specified by `pkgPath` for pre-built
#' packages matching the names specified by `pkgs`, and add these to the
#' miniCRAN repository.
#' To build a package from source and then add it, use `build = TRUE`. Note that
#' package development libraries and the `devtools` package must be installed on
#' your system in order to build packages.
#' @note Currently, adding local packages does not check nor download their
#'   dependencies.
#' @inheritParams addPackage
#' @param deps Not used. See note.
#' @param pkgPath  Character vector of directory location containing packages to
#'   be added. Note that `pkgPath` should be the parent directory of the package
#'   (i.e., the package directory path is constructed from `file.path(pkgPath,
#'   pkgs)`).
#' @param build Logical indicating whether packages should be build prior to
#'   adding.
#' @return Installs the packages and returns the new package index.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  addLocalPackage("myPackage", "path/to/my/prebuilt/package",
#'                  "path/to/my/miniCRAN/repo")
#'  addLocalPackage("myPackage", "path/to/my/package/sourcecode",
#'                  "path/to/my/miniCRAN/repo", build = TRUE)
#' }
addLocalPackage <- function(pkgs = NULL, pkgPath = NULL, path = NULL,
                            type = "source", Rversion = R.version,
                            writePACKAGES = TRUE, deps = FALSE,
                            quiet = FALSE, build = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(path) || is.null(pkgs) || is.null(pkgPath)) {
    stop("path, pkgs, and pkgPath must be specified.")


  # build local package if needed
  if (isTRUE(build)) {
    warning("Building local packages is still being tested.")
    if (requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
      lapply(pkgs, function(x) {
        devtools::build(pkg = file.path(pkgPath, x), path = pkgPath,
                        binary = ifelse(type == "source", FALSE, TRUE),
                        quiet = quiet)
    } else {
      stop("To build packages, you must first install the 'devtools' package.")

  # get list of pre-built packages for each type, filter by pkgs to be added
  do_one <- function(t) {
    repoPath <- file.path(path, repoPrefix(t, Rversion))
    if (!dir.exists(repoPath)) dir.create(repoPath, recursive = TRUE)
    files <- .listFiles(pkgs = pkgs, path = pkgPath, type = t)
    # check for previous package version and omit if identical
    prev <- checkVersions(pkgs, path)
    same <- which(basename(as.character(prev)) %in% files)
    if (length(same)) {
      files <- files[-same]
      if (length(files) == 0) {
        if (!quiet) message("All packages up to date. Nothing to add.")
    # copy other packages to their respective folders
    lapply(files, function(x) {
      f.src <- file.path(pkgPath, x)
      f.dst <- file.path(repoPath, x)
      if (!isTRUE(quiet)) message("copying ", x, "\n")
      file.copy(from = f.src, to = f.dst)
    # check to ensure they all copied successfully
    copied <- file.exists(file.path(repoPath, files))
    if (!all(copied)) {
      warning("the following ", t, " packages were not copied:\n",
              paste(files[!copied], sep = ", "))
    # remove previous package versions
    if (length(prev[-same]) > 0) unlink(prev[-same])
    file.path(repoPath, files)[copied]
  ret <- sapply(type, do_one)

  # write package index for each folder:
  if (writePACKAGES) {
    updateRepoIndex(path = path, type = type, Rversion = Rversion)

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miniCRAN documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:54 a.m.