
Defines functions decodeNthGeno zeroNthGeno allele_freq SNPeffect solveRelMat genoVector vectorGeno crossprodx relationshipMatrix fillGeno genomicmatrix copyGeno decodeGeno haplo2geno haplomatrix decodeHaplo

Documented in allele_freq copyGeno crossprodx fillGeno genomicmatrix genoVector haplomatrix relationshipMatrix SNPeffect solveRelMat vectorGeno zeroNthGeno

## Authors 
## Martin Schlather, schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de
## Copyright (C) 2017 -- 2019 Martin Schlather
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.  

ENV <- environment()

decodeHaplo <- function(CM, indiv=integer(0),
                        DoubledIndividuals=TRUE) {## method checked in C
   .Call(C_decodeHaplo, CM, as.integer(indiv), as.integer(sets),
        IndividualsPerColumn, DoubledIndividuals)

## code habpo-type efficiently (for original generation)
haplomatrix <- function(M,  # N,
                        IndividualsPerColumn=TRUE, DoubledIndividuals=TRUE) {
  ##%item{N}{vector of integers, which gives the selected rows. If missing all rows are selected.}
  ## if (!missing(N)) .Call(C_codeHaplo2, M, N, IndividualsPerColumn) else
  .Call(C_codeHaplo, M,  IndividualsPerColumn, DoubledIndividuals)

## geno functions
haplo2geno <- function(CM) {## method checked in C
  .Call(C_haplo2geno, CM)  # CM coded geno matrix

decodeGeno <- function(SNPxIndiv, snps, do.centering=FALSE) {
  if (!missing(snps))
    return(decodeNthGeno(SNPxIndiv, snps=snps, do.centering=do.centering))

  if (is(SNPxIndiv, GENOMICMATRIX)) {
    if (is.character(SNPxIndiv)) {
      snpXindiv <-.Call(C_file_get, SNPxIndiv)
      attr(snpXindiv, "filename") <- as.character(SNPxIndiv)
    } else {
      if (attr(SNPxIndiv, "information")[METHOD + 1]
          %in% c(NoSNPcodingR, NoSNPcodingAVX)) {
        snpXindiv <- SNPxIndiv
        if (do.centering) storage.mode(snpXindiv) <- "integer"
      } else
        snpXindiv <-.Call(C_matrix_get, SNPxIndiv)
  } else if (is.matrix(SNPxIndiv)) {
    snpXindiv <- SNPxIndiv
    d <- dim(snpXindiv)
    base::attributes(snpXindiv) <- NULL
    dim(snpXindiv) <- d
  } else stop("unknown format")

  if (do.centering) {
    centered <- RFoptions(GETOPTIONS="genetics")$centered      
    if (is.na(centered)) return(.Call(C_substract_centered, snpXindiv))
    else if (centered) return(snpXindiv - rowMeans(snpXindiv))

copyGeno <-function(SNPxIndiv) {
  if (is.matrix(SNPxIndiv)) return(SNPxIndiv + 0L)
  stopifnot(is(SNPxIndiv, GENOMICMATRIX))
  if (is.character(SNPxIndiv)) return(paste0("", SNPxIndiv))
  if (attr(SNPxIndiv, "information")[METHOD+1] %in%
      c(NoSNPcodingR, NoSNPcodingAVX) )
    return(SNPxIndiv + 0L)
  .Call(C_copyGeno, SNPxIndiv)

Coding <-c(beagle="AB? ", plink="AB? ", plink2="12? ", plinkbinary="12345")
Header <-    c(beagle=1,    plink=0,    plink2=0,     plinkbinary=-3)
IndivPerCol <- c(beagle=TRUE, plink=TRUE, plink2=FALSE, plinkbinary=TRUE)
DoubledIndiv <-c(beagle=TRUE, plink=TRUE, plink2=FALSE, plinkbinary=FALSE)
LeadingCol <-c(beagle=2,    plink=4,    plink2=6,     plinkbinary=0)
Extension <- c(beagle="bgl", plink="phased", plink2="ped", plinkbinary="bed")

genomicmatrix <- function(snps, individuals, file.type,
                          coding, header, IndividualsPerColumn,
                          DoubledIndividuals, leadingcolumns,
                          loading = TRUE,
                          ...) {
  if (is(snps, GENOMICMATRIX)) {
    warning("'snps' is already of class '", GENOMICMATRIX,
            "'. Its original definition is kept.");
    if (length(list(match.call())) > 2)
      stop("further arguments may not be given")

  info <- attr(snps, "information")## treat as if
    ##                                         file name + file.type were given

  if (is(snps, HAPLOMATRIX) && !is.character(snps)) {
    if (!is.character(snps)) {
      if (length(list(match.call())) > 2)
        stop("further arguments may not be given")
  if (hasArg("individuals")) {
    if (length(as.list(match.call())) != 3)
      stop("if 'individuals' is given exactly 'snps' and 'individuals' must be given.")
     if (!is.numeric(snps) || length(snps) != 1)
      stop("'snps' and 'individuals' must be integers that give the size of the SNP matrix.")
    return (.Call(C_createSNPmatrix, as.integer(snps), as.integer(individuals)))

  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    RFoptOld <- RFoptions(##LOCAL=1,
                          SAVEOPTIONS="genetics", ...)
  RFopt <- RFoptions(GETOPTIONS="genetics")
  method <- RFopt$snpcoding
  if (method == AutoCoding) method <- .Call(C_getAutoCoding)

  if (is.numeric(snps) || is.logical(snps)) {
    if (method %in% c(NoSNPcodingR, NoSNPcodingAVX)) {
      sumgeno <- sum(snps)
      mem <- length(snps)
      info <- c(version = CURRENT_VERSION,
                snps = nrow(snps),      ## 1
                align0=0,                ## 6
                sumgeno= sumgeno %% 1e9,
                sumgenoE9=sumgeno / 1e9,
                method = method,
                alignment = 0,
                isSNPxInd = TRUE,       ## 12
                bitspercode = 32,
                bytesperblock = 4,
                codesperblock = 1,
                header=NA,              ## 16
                memInUnits0 = mem %% 1e9,
                meminUnits1 = mem / 1e9,
                AlignedUnits0 = mem %% 1e9,
                AlignedUnits1 = mem / 1e9,
                unitsperindiv = nrow(snps),
                rep(NA, INFO_LAST - INFO_GENUINELY_LAST)
      stopifnot(length(info) == INFO_LAST + 1)      
      stopifnot(all(names(info)[1:(INFO_GENUINELY_LAST+1)] ==
      storage.mode(info) <- "integer"
      attr(snps, "information") <- info
      class(snps) <- GENOMICMATRIX
    } else snps <- .Call(C_matrix_coding, snps)

  if (!is.character(snps)) stop("'snps' is expected to be a file name.")
  object <- snps
  if (length(info) == 0) individuals <- snps <- NA
  else {
    individuals <- info["individuals"]
    snps <- info["snps"]
  if (missing(file.type)) {
    split <- strsplit(object, "\\.")[[1]]
    file.ext <-  c("txt", "bgl", "phased", "tped", "ped", "bed")
    s <- pmatch(split[length(split)], file.ext)
    if (!is.na(s)) { 
      file.type <- c(txt="beagle", bgl="beagle", phased="plink",
                     tped="plink2", ped="plink2",
    } else {
      message("Note: file.type could not be detected.")
  if (!missing(file.type)) {
    if (missing(coding)) coding <- Coding[file.type]
    if (missing(header)) header <- Header[file.type]
    if (missing(IndividualsPerColumn)) IndividualsPerColumn <- IndivPerCol[file.type]
    if (missing(DoubledIndividuals)) DoubledIndividuals <- DoubledIndiv[file.type]
    if (missing(leadingcolumns)) leadingcolumns <- LeadingCol[file.type]
    if (file.type == "plinkbinary") {
      s <- paste(split[-length(split)], collapse=".")
      file.lines <- function(object) {
        sys <- strsplit(system(paste("wc", object), intern=TRUE), " ")[[1]]
        sys <- sys[nchar(sys) > 0]
      ##  #lines of the files give the snps or individuals
      individuals <- file.lines(paste(s, ".fam", sep=""))
      snps <- file.lines(paste(s, ".bim", sep=""))
  if (nchar(coding) != 4 && nchar(coding) != 5)
    stop("haplotype must be given as 4 characters, e.g. 'AB? '; genomic information 5 characters")
  if (nchar(coding) == 4) {
    ## never change this coding
    coding <- paste(substr(coding, 1, 2), substr(coding, 2, 4), sep="")
  if (missing(coding) || missing(header) || missing(IndividualsPerColumn) ||
      missing(DoubledIndividuals) || missing(leadingcolumns)) {
    if (missing(coding) && missing(header) && missing(IndividualsPerColumn) &&
        missing(DoubledIndividuals) && missing(leadingcolumns))
      stop("unknown file.type. Please give the file.type")

  object <- filename <- as.character(object)
  if (length(info) == 0)
    info <- c(
        version = CURRENT_VERSION, # 0
        snps = snps,# get rid of any attributes
        individuals=as.integer(individuals),# get rid of any attributes
        addr0=0, #3
        align0=0, #5
        sumgeno=0, #7
        method = if (loading) UnknownSNPcoding else method, #9
        alignment = 0,
        isSNPxInd = as.integer(IndividualsPerColumn),# get rid of name attribute
        bitspercode = NA, #12
        bytesperblock = NA,
        codesperblock = NA,
        header=as.integer(header), # 15
        DoubledIndividuals=as.integer(DoubledIndividuals),#get rid of attributes
        leadingcolumns=as.integer(leadingcolumns),#get rid of attributes
        memInUnits0 = NA,
        meminUnits1 = NA,
        AlignedUnits0 = NA, # 20
        AlignedUnits1 = NA,
        unitsperindiv = snps, # 22
  stopifnot(length(info) == INFO_LAST + 1)
  stopifnot(all(names(info)[1:(INFO_GENUINELY_LAST+1)] ==
  storage.mode(info) <- "integer"
  attr(object, "information") <- info
  attr(object, "coding") <-  as.character(coding)
  if (!loading) {
    class(object) <- GENOMICMATRIX

  object <- .Call(C_file_get, object)
  attr(object, "filename") <-  filename

fillGeno <- function(SNPxIndiv, indiv, values,
                     DoubledIndividuals=TRUE) {## method checked in C
  ## SNPxIndiv[, indiv] <- values
  ## note: values can be anything: haplo, geno, coded or uncoded
  stopifnot(is(SNPxIndiv, GENOMICMATRIX))
  if (is.character(SNPxIndiv)) stop("function not available for files")
  if (!is(values, GENOMICMATRIX)) {    
    if (is.numeric(values)) {
      haplo <- is.matrix(values) &&
        (( IndividualsPerColumn && ncol(values) == 2 * length(indiv)) ||
         (!IndividualsPerColumn && nrow(values) == 2 * length(indiv)))
      if (!haplo) values <- .Call(C_matrix_coding, values)
      else values <- haplomatrix(values,
    if (is(values, HAPLOMATRIX)) values <- haplo2geno(values)
  .Call(C_fillSNPmatrix, SNPxIndiv, as.integer(indiv), values)

relationshipMatrix <- function(SNPxIndiv, ...) {
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    RFoptOld <- RFoptions(## LOCAL=1,
                          SAVEOPTIONS="genetics", ...)
  RFopt <- RFoptions(GETOPTIONS = c("basic", "genetics"))

  centered <- RFopt$genetics$centered
  opt <- RFopt$basic

  if (!is(SNPxIndiv, GENOMICMATRIX) || is.character(SNPxIndiv))
    SNPxIndiv <- genomicmatrix(SNPxIndiv)
  method <- attr(SNPxIndiv, "information")[METHOD + 1]

  if (opt$verbose) cat("method =", SNPCODING_NAMES[method + 1],
		       "using", opt$cores, "core(s).\n")
  if (method %in% c(NoSNPcodingR, NoSNPcodingAVX)) {
    p <- rowMeans(SNPxIndiv)
    if (!is.na(centered) && centered) SNPxIndiv <- SNPxIndiv - p
    if (RFopt$genetics$normalized)
      SNPxIndiv <- SNPxIndiv / sqrt(sum(p * (1 - p / 2)))
    if (method == NoSNPcodingR) A <- base::crossprod(SNPxIndiv)
    else {
       A <- if (is.double(SNPxIndiv)) {message("This is a slow version of miraculix. Better use the github version of miraculix.");base::crossprod(SNPxIndiv)}
           else .Call(C_crossprodInt, SNPxIndiv, SNPxIndiv, as.integer(-1))

  else A <- .Call(C_crossprod, SNPxIndiv)

  if (is.na(centered)) {
    p  <- .Call(C_get_centered)
    pA <- vectorGeno(V=p, SNPxIndiv=SNPxIndiv, do.centering=FALSE)
    A <- A - pA - base::'%*%'(rep(1, length(pA)), t(pA)) + sum(p^2)
  attr(A, "centered") <- centered

crossprodx <- function(SNPxIndiv) relationshipMatrix(SNPxIndiv, centered=FALSE)

vectorGeno <- function(V, SNPxIndiv, do.centering=FALSE, decode=TRUE) {
  if (do.centering) stop("centered not programmed yet")
  ## much faster than to operate on packed matrix
  ## but packed might be of interest for very large matrices.

  if (is.matrix(SNPxIndiv)) return(base::'%*%'(V, SNPxIndiv))
  stopifnot(is(SNPxIndiv, GENOMICMATRIX))
  method <- attr(SNPxIndiv, "information")[METHOD + 1]
  if (is.character(SNPxIndiv)) return(.Call(C_dot_file, SNPxIndiv,as.double(V)))
  else if (.Call(C_is2BitMethod, method) && !decode)
    return(.Call(C_vectorGeno, V, SNPxIndiv))
  as.vector(base::'%*%'(V, as.matrix(SNPxIndiv)))

genoVector <- function(SNPxIndiv, V, do.centering=FALSE) {
  if (do.centering) stop("centering not programmed yet")
  if (is.matrix(SNPxIndiv)) return(as.vector(base::'%*%'(SNPxIndiv, V)))
  stopifnot(is(SNPxIndiv, GENOMICMATRIX))
  method <- attr(SNPxIndiv, "information")[METHOD + 1]
  if (is.character(SNPxIndiv)) return(.Call(C_file_dot, SNPxIndiv,as.double(V)))
  else if (.Call(C_is2BitMethod, method)) {
    return(.Call(C_genoVector, SNPxIndiv, V))
  base::'%*%'(as.matrix(SNPxIndiv), V)

solveRelMat <- function(A, tau, vec, betahat = NULL, destroy_A=FALSE) {
  ## if not destroyed, more memory is consumed
  ## implements ( t(Z) Z + tau \1_{ind x ind} )^{-1} %*% vec
  stopifnot(length(tau) == 1 && (is.null(betahat) || length(betahat) == 1))
  .Call(C_solveRelMat, A, as.double(tau), as.double(vec),
        if (!is.null(betahat)) as.double(betahat),

SNPeffect <- function(SNPxIndiv, vec, centered=TRUE, tau=0) {
  snpXind <- SNPxIndiv
  if (!is(snpXind, GENOMICMATRIX)) snpXind <- genomicmatrix(snpXind)

  rM <- relationshipMatrix(snpXind, centered=centered, normalized=FALSE)
  if (tau != 0) rM <- rM + diag(nrow(rM)) * tau ## ehemals eps
  rM <- solvex(rM, vec)

  genoVector(SNPxIndiv, rM)

allele_freq <- function(SNPxIndiv) {
  # name <- as.character(as.list(match.call(envir=parent.frame(2L)))[[1]])
  if (is.character(SNPxIndiv)) SNPxIndiv <- genomicmatrix(SNPxIndiv)
  if (is.matrix(SNPxIndiv)) return(rowMeans(SNPxIndiv) * 0.5)
  stopifnot(is(SNPxIndiv, GENOMICMATRIX))
  .Call(C_allele_freq, SNPxIndiv)

 #  else if (any(!is.finite(snps) | snps < 1))
 ##   stop("all values of 'snps' must be positive integers")
zeroNthGeno <- function(SNPxIndiv, snps) {
  if (missing(snps)) snps <- 1 : attr(SNPxIndiv, "information")[1 + SNPS]
  if (is.matrix(SNPxIndiv)) {
    SNPxIndiv[snps, ] <- 0L
  stopifnot(is(SNPxIndiv, GENOMICMATRIX))
  snps <- as.integer(snps - 1)
  snpXindiv <- copyGeno(SNPxIndiv)
  .Call(C_zeroNthGeno, snpXindiv, snps)

#  if (any(!is.finite(snps) | snps < 1))
#    stop("all values of 'snps' must be positive integers")
decodeNthGeno <- function(SNPxIndiv, snps, do.centering=FALSE) {
  if (missing(snps)) snps <- 1 : attr(SNPxIndiv, "information")[1 + SNPS]
 if (is.matrix(SNPxIndiv)) return(SNPxIndiv[snps, ])

  stopifnot(is(SNPxIndiv, GENOMICMATRIX)) 
  snps <- as.integer(snps - 1)
  snpXindiv <-.Call(C_get_matrix_N, SNPxIndiv, snps)

  if (do.centering) {
    centered <- RFoptions(GETOPTIONS="genetics")$centered      
    if (is.na(centered)) return(.Call(C_substract_centered, snpXindiv))
    else if (centered) return(snpXindiv - rowMeans(snpXindiv))

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