
Defines functions make_col_fun evaluate_imputation_parameters

Documented in evaluate_imputation_parameters

#' Evaluate estimated parameters after imputation
#' Compares estimated parameters after imputation to true parameters or
#' estimates based on the original dataset
#' @template evaluation
#' @template evaluate-parameter
#' @details Either \code{ds_orig} or \code{pars_true} must be supplied and the
#' other one must be \code{NULL} (default: both are \code{NULL}, just supply
#' one, see examples). The following \code{parameter}s are implemented:
#' "mean", "median", "var", "sd", "quantile", "cov", "cov_only", cor", "cor_only".
#' Some details follow:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"var", "cov" and "cov_only": For "var" only the variances of the
#' columns (the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix) are compared. For
#' "cov" the whole covariance matrix is compared. For "cov_only" only the upper
#' triangle (excluding the diagonal) of the covariance matrix is compared.}
#' \item{"cor", "cor_only": For "cor" the whole correlation matrix is compared.
#' For "cor_only" only the upper triangle (excluding the diagonal) of the
#' correlation matrix is compared.}
#' \item{"quantile": the quantiles can be set via the additional
#' argument \code{probs} (see examples). Otherwise, the default quantiles from
#' \code{\link[stats]{quantile}} will be used.}
#' }
#' The argument \code{cols_which} allows the selection of columns for comparison
#' (see examples). If \code{pars_true} is used, it is assumed that only relevant
#' parameters are supplied (see examples).
#' Possible choices for the argument \code{criterion} are documented in
#' \code{\link{evaluate_imputed_values}}
#' @inheritParams evaluate_parameters
#' @inheritParams evaluate_imputed_values
#' @param parameter A string specifying the estimated parameters for comparison.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to the function for parameter estimation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # only ds_orig known
#' ds_orig <- data.frame(X = 1:10, Y = 101:101)
#' ds_imp <- impute_mean(delete_MCAR(ds_orig, 0.4))
#' evaluate_imputation_parameters(ds_imp, ds_orig = ds_orig)
#' # true parameters known
#' ds_orig <- data.frame(X = rnorm(100), Y = rnorm(100, mean = 10))
#' ds_imp <- impute_mean(delete_MCAR(ds_orig, 0.3))
#' evaluate_imputation_parameters(ds_imp, pars_true = c(0, 10), parameter = "mean")
#' evaluate_imputation_parameters(ds_imp, pars_true = c(1, 1), parameter = "var")
#' # set quantiles
#' evaluate_imputation_parameters(ds_imp,
#'   pars_true = c(qnorm(0.3), qnorm(0.3, mean = 10)),
#'   parameter = "quantile", probs = 0.3
#' )
#' # compare only column Y
#' evaluate_imputation_parameters(ds_imp,
#'   pars_true = c(Y = 10), parameter = "mean",
#'   cols_which = "Y"
#' )
evaluate_imputation_parameters <- function(ds_imp,
                                           ds_orig = NULL, pars_true = NULL,
                                           parameter = "mean", criterion = "RMSE",
                                           cols_which = seq_len(ncol(ds_imp)),
                                           tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
                                           imp_ds, true_pars, which_cols) {
  # Deprecate imp_ds, true_pars, which_cols
  check_renamed_arg(imp_ds, ds_imp)
  check_renamed_arg(true_pars, pars_true)
  check_renamed_arg(which_cols, cols_which)

  if (!xor(is.null(ds_orig), is.null(pars_true))) {
    stop("exactly one of 'ds_orig' or 'pars_true' must be supplied and the
         other one must be NULL")
    c("mean", "median", "var", "sd", "quantile", "cov", "cov_only", "cor", "cor_only")

  calc_pars <- switch(parameter,
    mean = colMeans,
    median = make_col_fun(median),
    var = function(x, ...) diag(stats::var(x, ...)),
    sd = make_col_fun(stats::sd),
    quantile = make_col_fun(stats::quantile),
    cov = stats::cov,
    cov_only = function(x, ...) {
      whole_cov <- stats::cov(x, ...)
    cor = stats::cor,
    cor_only = function(x, ...) {
      whole_cor <- stats::cor(x, ...)

  pars_est <- calc_pars(ds_imp[, cols_which, drop = FALSE], ...)

  if (is.null(pars_true)) { # pars must be calculated
    pars_true <- calc_pars(ds_orig[, cols_which, drop = FALSE], ...)

  evaluate_parameters(pars_est, pars_true,
    criterion = criterion,
    tolerance = tolerance

# helper---------------------------------------------------
make_col_fun <- function(FUN, unlist = TRUE) {
  function(ds, ...) {
    res <- list()
    for (k in seq_len(ncol(ds))) {
      res[[k]] <- FUN(ds[, k, drop = TRUE], ...)
    if (!is.null(colnames(ds))) {
      names(res) <- colnames(ds)
    if (unlist) {

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missMethods documentation built on Sept. 16, 2022, 5:08 p.m.