
Defines functions mplus.run

Documented in mplus.run

#' Run Mplus Models
#' This function runs a group of Mplus models (\code{.inp} files) located within
#' a single directory or nested within subdirectories.
#' @param target         a character string indicating the directory containing
#'                       Mplus input files (\code{.inp})
#'                       to run or the single \code{.inp} file to be run. May be
#'                       a full path, relative path, or a filename within the
#'                       working directory.
#' @param recursive      logical: if \code{TRUE}, run all models nested in
#'                       subdirectories within directory. Not relevant if target
#'                       is a single file.
#' @param filefilter     a Perl regular expression (PCRE-compatible) specifying
#'                       particular input files to be run within directory. See
#'                       regex or http://www.pcre.org/pcre.txt for details about
#'                       regular expression syntax. Not relevant if target is a
#'                       single file.
#' @param show.out       logical: if \code{TRUE}, estimation output (\code{TECH8})
#'                       is show on the R console. Note that if run within Rgui,
#'                       output will display within R, but if run via Rterm,
#'                       a separate window will appear during estimation.
#' @param replace.out    a character string for specifying three settings:
#'                       \code{"always"} (default), which runs all models, regardless
#'                       of whether an output file for the model exists, \code{"never"},
#'                       which does not run any model that has an existing output file,
#'                       and \code{"modified"}, which only runs a model if the
#'                       modified date for the input file is more recent than the
#'                       output file modified date.
#' @param message        logical: if \code{TRUE}, message \code{Running model:}
#'                       and \code{System command:} is pringted on the console.
#' @param logFile        a character string specifying a file that records the settings
#'                       passed into the function and the models run (or skipped)
#'                       during the run.
#' @param Mplus          a character string for specifying the name or path of the
#'                       Mplus executable to be used for running models. This covers
#'                       situations where Mplus is not in the system's path, or where
#'                       one wants to test different versions of the Mplus program.
#'                       Note that there is no need to specify this argument for most
#'                       users since it has intelligent defaults.
#' @param killOnFail     logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), all processes named
#'                       mplus.exe when \code{mplus.run()} does not terminate
#'                       normally are killed. Windows only.
#' @param local_tmpdir   logical: if \code{TRUE}, the TMPDIR environment variable
#'                       is set to the location of the \code{.inp file} prior to
#'                       execution. This is useful in Monte Carlo studies where
#'                       many instances of Mplus may run in parallel and we wish
#'                       to avoid collisions in temporary files among processes.
#'                       Linux/Mac only.
#' @author
#' Michael Hallquist and Joshua Wiley.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{read.mplus}}, \code{\link{write.mplus}}, \code{\link{mplus.print}},
#' \code{\link{mplus}}, \code{\link{mplus.update}}, \code{\link{mplus.lca}}
#' @references
#' Hallquist, M. N. & Wiley, J. F. (2018). MplusAutomation: An R package for facilitating
#' large-scale latent variable analyses in Mplus. \emph{Structural Equation Modeling:
#' A Multidisciplinary Journal, 25}, 621-638. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705511.2017.1402334.
#' Muthen, L. K., & Muthen, B. O. (1998-2017). \emph{Mplus User's Guide} (8th ed.).
#' Muthen & Muthen.
#' @return
#' None.
#' @note
#' This function is a copy of the \code{runModels()} function in the
#' \pkg{MplusAutomation} package by Michael Hallquist and Joshua Wiley (2018).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example 1: Run Mplus models located within a single directory
#' run.mplus(Mplus = "C:/Program Files/Mplus/Mplus.exe")
#' # Example 2: Run Mplus models located nested within subdirectories
#' run.mplus(recursive = TRUE,
#'           Mplus = "C:/Program Files/Mplus/Mplus.exe")
#' }
mplus.run <- function(target = getwd(), recursive = FALSE, filefilter = NULL, show.out = FALSE,
                      replace.out = c("always", "never", "modified"), message = TRUE,
                      logFile = NULL, Mplus = detectMplus(),
                      killOnFail = TRUE, local_tmpdir = FALSE) {

  # Input Check ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check input 'print'
  if (isTRUE(!all(replace.out %in% c("always", "never", "modified")))) { stop("Character strings in the argument 'replace.out' do not all match with \"always\", \"never\", or \"modified\".", call. = FALSE) }

  # Arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Argument replace.out
  if (isTRUE(all(c("always", "never", "modified") %in% replace.out))) { replace.out <- "always" }

  # Additional Functions -------------------------------------------------------

  isLogOpen <- function() {

    if (isTRUE(is.null(logFile))) return(FALSE)

    connections <- data.frame(showConnections(all = FALSE))

    if (isTRUE(length(grep(splitFilePath(logFile)$filename, connections$description, ignore.case = TRUE)) > 0L)) {


    } else {




  exitRun <- function() {

    deleteOnKill <- TRUE

    if (isTRUE(!normalComplete && isLogOpen())) {

      writeLines("Run terminated abnormally", logTarget)



    if (isTRUE(is.windows() && isFALSE(normalComplete) && isTRUE(killOnFail))) {

      processList <- plyr::ldply(strsplit(shell("wmic process get caption, processid", intern=TRUE), split = "\\s+", perl = TRUE),

                           function(element) {
                             return(data.frame(procname = element[1L], pid = element[2L], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

      if(isTRUE(length(grep("mplus.exe", processList$procname, ignore.case = TRUE)) > 0L)) {

        if(isTRUE(isLogOpen())) {

          writeLines("Killing wayward Mplus processes", logTarget)



        shell("taskkill /f /im mplus.exe")

        if(isTRUE(deleteOnKill)) {

          noExtension <- substr(cur_inpfile, length(cur_inpfile) - 4L, length(cur_inpfile))

          outDelete <- paste0(noExtension, ".out")

          gphDelete <- paste0(noExtension, ".gph")

          if (isTRUE(file.exists(outDelete))) {


            if(isTRUE(isLogOpen())) {

              writeLines(paste("Deleting unfinished output file:", outDelete), logTarget)



          if (isTRUE(file.exists(gphDelete))) {


            if(isTRUE(isLogOpen())) {

              writeLines(paste("Deleting unfinished graph file:", gphDelete), logTarget)







    if (isTRUE(isLogOpen())) { close(logTarget) }



  # Main Function --------------------------------------------------------------

  if (isTRUE(grepl("^~/", Mplus, perl = TRUE))) { Mplus <- normalizePath(Mplus) }

  curdir <- getwd()

  normalComplete <- FALSE

  if (isTRUE(!is.null(logFile))) {

    logTarget <- file(description = logFile, open = "wt", blocking = TRUE)

    writeLines(c(paste0("------Begin Mplus Model Run: ", format(Sys.time(), "%d%b%Y %H:%M:%S"), "------"),
                 "Run options:",
                 paste("\tRecursive (run models in subdirectories):", as.character(recursive)),
                 paste("\tShow output on console:", as.character(show.out)),
                 paste("\tReplace existing outfile:", replace.out),
                 "------"), con = logTarget)




  inp_files <- convert_to_filelist(target, filefilter, recursive)

  if(isTRUE(length(inp_files) < 1L)) stop("No Mplus input files detected in the provided target: ", paste(target, collapse=", "))

  outfiles <- unlist(lapply(inp_files, function(x) {

    if (file.exists(otest <- sub("\\.inp?$", ".out", x))) {


    } else {




  dropOutExtensions <- sapply(outfiles, function(x) {

    if (isTRUE(nchar(x) >= 4L)) return(tolower(substr(x, 1, (nchar(x) - 4L))))


  for (i in seq_along(inp_files)) {

    if (isFALSE(replace.out == "always")) {

      if (isTRUE(tolower(sub("\\.inp?$", "", inp_files[i], perl=TRUE)) %in% dropOutExtensions)) {

        if (isTRUE(replace.out == "modifiedDate")) {

          inpmtime <- file.info(inp_files[i])$mtime

          matchPos <- grep(tolower(substr(inp_files[i], 1, (nchar(inp_files[i]) - 4L))), dropOutExtensions)
          if (isTRUE(length(matchPos) < 1)) warning("Could not locate matching outfile")
          outmtime <- file.info(outfiles[matchPos[1]])$mtime

          if (isTRUE(inpmtime <= outmtime)) {

            if (isTRUE(isLogOpen())) {

              writeLines(paste("Skipping model because output file is newer than input file:", inp_files[i]), logTarget)





        } else if (isTRUE(replace.out == "never")) {

          if (isTRUE(isLogOpen())) {

            writeLines(paste("Skipping model because output file already exists for:", inp_files[i]), logTarget)







    inputSplit <- splitFilePath(inp_files[i], normalize=TRUE)

    cur_inpfile <- inp_files[i]

    command <- paste("cd \"", inputSplit$directory, "\" && \"", Mplus, "\" \"", inputSplit$filename, "\"", sep="")

    if (is.windows()) {

      command <- chartr("/", "\\", command)

      shellcommand <- Sys.getenv("COMSPEC")
      flag <- "/c"

      command <- paste(shellcommand, flag, command)

    } else if (isTRUE(.Platform$OS.type == "unix")) {
      # allow for unix-specific customization here

    if (isTRUE(isLogOpen())) {

      writeLines(paste("Currently running model:", inputSplit$filename), logTarget)



    if (isTRUE(message)) cat("\nRunning model:", inputSplit$filename, "\n")
    if (isTRUE(message)) cat("System command:", command, "\n")

    if (isTRUE(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"))	{

      the_output <- suppressWarnings(system(command, intern = TRUE, invisible = (!show.out), wait = TRUE))

      if(show.out){ cat(the_output, sep = "\n") }

    } else {

      if(isTRUE(show.out)) stdout.value = ""
      else stdout.value = NULL

      oldwd <- getwd()


      if (isTRUE(local_tmpdir)) { Sys.setenv(TMPDIR = inputSplit$directory) }

      exitCode <- suppressWarnings(system2(Mplus, args=c(shQuote(inputSplit$filename)), stdout = stdout.value, wait=TRUE))

      if (isTRUE(exitCode > 0L)) { warning("Mplus returned error code: ", exitCode, ", for model: ", inputSplit$filename, "\n") }




  if (isTRUE(isLogOpen())) {

    writeLines(c("", paste0("------End Mplus Model Run: ", format(Sys.time(), "%d%b%Y %H:%M:%S"), "------")), logTarget)



  normalComplete <- TRUE


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