
Defines functions renameSpecies removeSpecies addSpecies

Documented in addSpecies removeSpecies renameSpecies

#' Add new species
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#'   Takes a \linkS4class{MizerParams} object and adds additional species with
#'   given parameters to the ecosystem. It sets the initial values for these new
#'   species to their steady-state solution in the given initial state of the
#'   existing ecosystem. This will be close to the true steady state if the
#'   abundances of the new species are sufficiently low. Hence the abundances of
#'   the new species are set so that they are at most 1/100th of the resource 
#'   power law. Their reproductive efficiencies are set so as to keep them at
#'   that low level.
#' @param params A mizer params object for the original system.
#' @param species_params Data frame with the species parameters of the new
#'   species we want to add to the system.
#' @param interaction Interaction matrix. A square matrix giving either the
#'   interaction coefficients between all species or only those between the new
#'   species. In the latter case all interaction between an old and a new
#'   species are set to 1. If this argument is missing, all interactions
#'   involving a new species are set to 1.
#' @param gear_params Data frame with the gear parameters for the new
#'   species. If not provided then the new species will not be fished.
#' @param initial_effort A named vector with the effort for any new fishing gear
#'   introduced in `gear_params`. Not needed if the added species are only
#'   fished by already existing gear. Should not include effort values
#'   for existing gear. New gear for which no effort is set via this
#'   vector will have an initial effort of 0. 
#' @return An object of type \linkS4class{MizerParams}
#' @details The resulting MizerParams object will use the same size grid where
#'   possible, but if one of the new species needs a larger range of w (either
#'   because a new species has an egg size smaller than those of existing
#'   species or a maximum size larger than those of existing species) then the
#'   grid will be expanded and all arrays will be enlarged accordingly.
#'   If any of the rate arrays of the existing species had been set by the user
#'   to values other than those calculated as default from the species
#'   parameters, then these will be preserved. Only the rates for the new
#'   species will be calculated from their species parameters.
#'   After adding the new species, the background species are not retuned and
#'   the system is not run to steady state. This could be done with [steady()].
#'   The new species will have a reproduction level of 1/4, this can then be
#'   changed with [setBevertonHolt()]
#' @seealso [removeSpecies()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' params <- newTraitParams()
#' species_params <- data.frame(
#'     species = "Mullet",
#'     w_max = 173,
#'     w_mat = 15,
#'     beta = 283,
#'     sigma = 1.8,
#'     h = 30,
#'     a = 0.0085,
#'     b = 3.11
#' )
#' params <- addSpecies(params, species_params)
#' plotSpectra(params)
addSpecies <- function(params, species_params,
                       gear_params = data.frame(), initial_effort,
                       interaction) {
    # check validity of parameters ----
    params <- validParams(params)
    given_species_params <- validSpeciesParams(species_params)
    species_params <- completeSpeciesParams(species_params)
    gear_params <- validGearParams(gear_params, species_params)
    if (any(species_params$species %in% params@species_params$species)) {
        stop("You can not add species that are already there.")
    if (!is.null(comment(params@pred_kernel))) {
        stop("addSpecies() can not add species to a MizerParams object that ",
             "has its predation kernel protected by a comment.")
    if (!is.null(comment(params@selectivity))) {
        stop("addSpecies() can not add species to a MizerParams object that ",
             "has its selectivity array protected by a comment.")
    if (!is.null(comment(params@catchability))) {
        stop("addSpecies() can not add species to a MizerParams object that ",
             "has its catchability array protected by a comment.")
    # set interaction
    no_old_sp <- nrow(params@species_params)
    old_sp <- 1:no_old_sp
    no_new_sp <- nrow(species_params)
    new_sp <- 1:no_new_sp + no_old_sp
    no_sp <- no_old_sp + no_new_sp
    if (missing(interaction)) {
        # keep existing interactions between old species and
        # set interactions involving new species to 1
        inter <- matrix(1, nrow = no_sp, ncol = no_sp)
        inter[old_sp, old_sp] <- params@interaction
    } else if (all(dim(interaction) == c(no_new_sp, no_new_sp))) {
        # keep existing interactions between old species,
        # set interactions involving an old and a new species to 1
        # and use supplied matrix for interaction among new species
        inter <- matrix(1, nrow = no_sp, ncol = no_sp)
        inter[old_sp, old_sp] <- params@interaction
        inter[new_sp, new_sp] <- interaction
    } else if (all(dim(interaction) != c(no_sp, no_sp))) {
        stop("Interaction matrix has invalid dimensions.")
    } else {
        inter <- interaction
    # combine species params ----
    # Move linecolour and linetype into species_params
    params@given_species_params$linetype <-
    params@given_species_params$linecolour <-
    # Make sure that all columns exist in both data frames
    missing <- setdiff(names(params@given_species_params), names(given_species_params))
    given_species_params[missing] <- NA
    missing <- setdiff(names(given_species_params), names(params@given_species_params))
    params@given_species_params[missing] <- NA
    # add the new species (with parameters described by species_params),
    # to make a larger species_params dataframe.
    combi_species_params <- rbind(params@given_species_params, given_species_params,
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # combine gear params ----
    if (!all(gear_params$species %in% species_params$species)) {
        stop("gear_params should only set gear parameters for new species.")
    # Make sure that all columns exist in both data frames
    if (nrow(gear_params) > 0) {
        missing <- setdiff(names(params@gear_params), names(gear_params))
        gear_params[missing] <- NA
    if (nrow(params@gear_params) > 0) {
        missing <- setdiff(names(gear_params), names(params@gear_params))
        params@gear_params[missing] <- NA
    combi_gear_params <- rbind(params@gear_params, gear_params,
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # expand grid ----
    # in case the new species need a bigger range of w
    # We need to make sure that the new grid that newMultispeciesParams()
    # will create contains the old grid as a subgrid.
    no_w <- length(params@w)
    no_w_full <- length(params@w_full)
    max_w <- max(params@w)
    min_w <- min(params@w)
    new_max_w <- max_w
    new_min_w <- min_w
    new_no_w <- no_w
    extra_no_w <- 0  # extra bins added for smaller egg size
    if (max(species_params$w_max) > max(params@w) + .Machine$double.eps) {
        new_max_w <- max(species_params$w_max)
        dx <- log10(max_w / min_w) / (no_w - 1)
        new_no_w <- ceiling(log10(new_max_w / min_w) / dx) + 1
        new_max_w <- min_w * 10^(dx * (new_no_w - 1))
    if (min(species_params$w_min) < min(params@w) - .Machine$double.eps) {
        new_min_w <- min(species_params$w_min)
        if (new_min_w < min(params@w_full)) {
            stop("The smallest egg size is too small.")
        # We need to set the smallest egg size to a size on the existing grid
        # so that the new grid will be compatible
        sel_min <- combi_species_params$w_min == new_min_w
        new_min_w <- max(params@w_full[params@w_full <= new_min_w])
        combi_species_params$w_min[sel_min] <- new_min_w
        extra_no_w <- sum(params@w_full >= new_min_w) - no_w
        new_no_w <- new_no_w + extra_no_w
    # new params object ----
    # use dataframe and global settings from params to make a new MizerParams
    # object.
    p <- newMultispeciesParams(
        interaction = inter,
        max_w = new_max_w,
        # for min_w_pp we choose something that will then be rounded down
        # to the existing smallest size when emptyParams() creates the new grid
        min_w_pp = (params@w_full[[1]] + params@w_full[[2]]) / 2,
        no_w = new_no_w,
        gear_params = combi_gear_params,
        kappa = params@resource_params$kappa,
        n = params@resource_params[["n"]],
        lambda = params@resource_params$lambda,
        w_pp_cutoff = params@resource_params$w_pp_cutoff
    # Set effort ----
    new_gear <- setdiff(unique(gear_params$gear),
    p@initial_effort[names(params@initial_effort)] <- params@initial_effort
    if (!missing(initial_effort)) {
        if (is.null(names(initial_effort))) {
            stop("The `initial_effort` must be a named list or vector, with one named entry for each new gear introduced in the `gear_params` argument. You should not provide an `initial_effort` argument if you did not introduce any new gear.")
        if (!all(names(initial_effort) %in% new_gear)) {
            stop("The names of the `initial_effort` do not match the names of the new gears. You should not include effort values for existing gear. You should not provide an `initial_effort` argument if you did not introduce any new gear.")
        p@initial_effort[names(initial_effort)] <- initial_effort
    # Keep resource spectrum ----
    p@initial_n_pp[1:no_w_full] <- params@initial_n_pp
    p@cc_pp[1:no_w_full] <- params@cc_pp
    p@rr_pp[1:no_w_full] <- params@rr_pp
    p@resource_dynamics <- params@resource_dynamics
    p@resource_params <- params@resource_params
    # Preserve comments ----
    comment(p) <- comment(params)
    for (slot in (slotNames(p))) {
        comment(slot(p, slot)) <- comment(slot(params, slot))
    # Copy old data ----
    # selector for old w bins inside new w
    old_w <- (extra_no_w + 1):(extra_no_w + no_w)
    p@A[old_sp] <- params@A
    p@psi[old_sp, old_w] <- params@psi
    p@maturity[old_sp, old_w] <- params@maturity
    p@sc[old_w] <- params@sc
    p@mu_b[old_sp, old_w] <- params@mu_b
    p@ext_encounter[old_sp, old_w] <- params@ext_encounter
    p@intake_max[old_sp, old_w] <- params@intake_max
    p@search_vol[old_sp, old_w] <- params@search_vol
    p@metab[old_sp, old_w] <- params@metab
    p@other_dynamics <- params@other_dynamics
    p@other_encounter <- params@other_encounter
    p@other_mort <- params@other_mort
    p@other_params <- params@other_params
    p@rates_funcs <- params@rates_funcs
    p@metadata <- params@metadata
    p@time_created <- params@time_created
    p@mizer_version <- params@mizer_version
    p@extensions <- params@extensions
    # The following does not affect the new species but preserves
    # any changes the user might have made in the original params object
    p <- setColours(p, params@linecolour)
    p <- setLinetypes(p, params@linetype)
    # we assume same background death for all species
    # p@mu_b[new_sp, ] <- rep(params@mu_b[1, ], each = no_new_sp)
    # initial solution ----
    p@initial_n[old_sp, old_w] <- params@initial_n
    # Turn off self-interaction among the new species, so we can determine the
    # growth rates, and death rates induced upon them by the pre-existing species
    p@interaction[new_sp, new_sp] <- 0
    mumu <- getMort(p)
    gg <- getEGrowth(p)
    # Compute solution for new species
    for (i in new_sp) {
        g <- gg[i, ]
        mu <- mumu[i, ]
        w_max_idx <- sum(p@w < p@species_params$w_max[i])
        idx <- p@w_min_idx[i]:(w_max_idx - 1)
        if (any(g[idx] == 0)) {
            stop("Can not compute steady state due to zero growth rates for ",
        p@initial_n[i, ] <- 0
        p@initial_n[i, p@w_min_idx[i]:w_max_idx] <-
            c(1, cumprod(g[idx] / ((g + mu * p@dw)[idx + 1])))
        # set low abundance ----
        # Normalise solution so that it is never more than 1/100th of the
        # Sheldon spectrum.
        # We look at the maximum of abundance times w^lambda
        # because that is always an increasing function at small size.
        idx <- which.max(p@initial_n[i, ] * p@w^p@resource_params$lambda)
        p@initial_n[i, ] <- p@initial_n[i, ] *
            p@resource_params$kappa * p@w[idx]^(-p@resource_params$lambda) / 
            p@initial_n[i, idx] / 100
        p@A[i] <- sum(p@initial_n[i, ] * p@w * p@dw * p@maturity[i, ])
    if (any(is.infinite(p@initial_n))) {
        stop("Candidate steady state holds infinities.")
    if (any(is.na(p@initial_n) | is.nan(p@initial_n))) {
        stop("Candidate steady state holds non-numeric values.")
    # Turn self interaction back on
    p@interaction[new_sp, new_sp] <- inter[new_sp, new_sp]
    # Retune reproductive efficiencies of new species
    repro_level <- rep(1 / 4, length(new_sp))
    names(repro_level) <- p@species_params$species[new_sp]
    p <- setBevertonHolt(p, reproduction_level = repro_level)

#' Remove species
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' This function simply removes all entries from the MizerParams object that
#' refer to the selected species. It does not recalculate the steady state for
#' the remaining species or retune their reproductive efficiency.
#' @param params A mizer params object for the original system.
#' @param species The species to be removed. A vector of species names, or a
#'   numeric vector of species indices, or a logical vector indicating for
#'   each species whether it is to be removed (TRUE) or not.
#' @return An object of type \linkS4class{MizerParams}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' params <- NS_params
#' species_params(params)$species
#' params <- removeSpecies(params, c("Cod", "Haddock"))
#' species_params(params)$species
removeSpecies <- function(params, species) {
    params <- validParams(params)
    species <- valid_species_arg(params, species,
                                 return.logical = TRUE)
    keep <- !species
    p <- params
    # We don't like factors because we don't want to have to reduce the
    # number of levels by hand
    if (is.factor(p@species_params$species)) {
        p@species_params$species <- as.character(p@species_params$species)
    if (is.factor(p@given_species_params$species)) {
        p@given_species_params$species <- as.character(p@species_params$species)
    if (is.factor(p@gear_params$species)) {
        p@gear_params$species <- as.character(p@gear_params$species)
    if (is.factor(p@gear_params$gear)) {
        p@gear_params$gear <- as.character(p@gear_params$gear)
    # Select only the parts corresponding the species we keep
    p@linecolour <-
        params@linecolour[!(names(params@linecolour) %in%
    p@linetype <-
        params@linetype[!(names(params@linetype) %in%
    p@psi <- params@psi[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    p@maturity <- params@maturity[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    p@initial_n <- params@initial_n[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    p@intake_max <- params@intake_max[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    p@search_vol <- params@search_vol[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    p@metab <- params@metab[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    if (length(dim(params@ft_pred_kernel_e)) == 2) {
        p@ft_pred_kernel_e <- params@ft_pred_kernel_e[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    if (length(dim(params@ft_pred_kernel_p)) == 2) {
        p@ft_pred_kernel_p <- params@ft_pred_kernel_p[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    if (length(dim(params@pred_kernel)) == 3) {
        p@pred_kernel <- params@pred_kernel[keep, , , drop = FALSE]
    p@ft_mask <- params@ft_mask[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    p@mu_b <- params@mu_b[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    p@ext_encounter <- params@ext_encounter[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    p@species_params <- p@species_params[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    p@given_species_params <- p@given_species_params[keep, , drop = FALSE]
    p@interaction <- params@interaction[keep, keep, drop = FALSE]
    p@selectivity <- params@selectivity[, keep, , drop = FALSE]
    p@catchability <- params@catchability[, keep, drop = FALSE]
    p@w_min_idx <- params@w_min_idx[keep]
    p@A <- params@A[keep]
    p@gear_params <- p@gear_params[p@gear_params$species %in%
                                       p@species_params$species, ]
    p@gear_params <- validGearParams(p@gear_params, p@species_params)
    # Preserve comments
    for (slot in (slotNames(p))) {
        comment(slot(p, slot)) <- comment(slot(params, slot))
    p@time_modified <- lubridate::now()

#' Rename species
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Changes the names of species in a MizerParams object. This involves for
#' example changing the species dimension names of rate arrays appropriately.
#' @param params A mizer params object
#' @param replace A named character vector, with new names as values, and old
#'   names as names.
#' @return An object of type \linkS4class{MizerParams}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' replace <- c(Cod = "Kabeljau", Haddock = "Schellfisch")
#' params <- renameSpecies(NS_params, replace)
#' species_params(params)$species
renameSpecies <- function(params, replace) {
    params <- validParams(params)
    replace[] <- as.character(replace)
    to_replace <- names(replace)
    species <- as.character(params@species_params$species)
    wrong <- setdiff(names(replace), species)
    if (length(wrong) > 0) {
        stop(paste(wrong, collapse = ", "),
             " do not exist.")
    names(species) <- species
    species[to_replace] <- replace
    names(species) <- NULL
    rownames(params@species_params) <- species
    params@species_params$species <- species
    rownames(params@given_species_params) <- species
    params@given_species_params$species <- species
    params@gear_params$species <- as.character(params@gear_params$species)
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(params@gear_params))) {
        if (params@gear_params$species[[i]] %in% names(replace)) {
            params@gear_params$species[[i]] <-
    params@gear_params <- validGearParams(params@gear_params, 
    # rename line colours
    linenames <- names(params@linecolour)
    names(linenames) <- linenames
    linenames[to_replace] <- replace
    names(linenames) <- NULL
    names(params@linecolour) <- linenames
    # rename line types
    linenames <- names(params@linetype)
    names(linenames) <- linenames
    linenames[to_replace] <- replace
    names(linenames) <- NULL
    names(params@linetype) <- linenames
    names(params@w_min_idx) <- species
    dimnames(params@maturity)$sp <- species
    dimnames(params@psi)$sp <- species
    dimnames(params@initial_n)$sp <- species
    dimnames(params@intake_max)$sp <- species
    dimnames(params@search_vol)$sp <- species
    dimnames(params@metab)$sp <- species
    if (length(dim(params@ft_pred_kernel_e)) == 2) {
        dimnames(params@ft_pred_kernel_e)$sp <- species
        dimnames(params@ft_pred_kernel_p)$sp <- species
    } else {
        dimnames(params@pred_kernel)$sp <- species
    dimnames(params@mu_b)$sp <- species
    dimnames(params@ext_encounter)$sp <- species
    dimnames(params@interaction)$predator <- species
    dimnames(params@interaction)$prey <- species
    dimnames(params@selectivity)$sp <- species
    dimnames(params@catchability)$sp <- species
    params@time_modified <- lubridate::now()

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mizer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.