
# see mlr3pipelines
expect_pipeop_class = function(poclass, constargs = list()) {

  po = do.call(poclass$new, constargs)


  poclone = po$clone(deep = TRUE)
  expect_deep_clone(po, poclone)

  in_nop = rep(list(NO_OP), po$innum)
  in_nonnop = rep(list(NULL), po$innum)
  out_nop = rep(list(NO_OP), po$outnum)
  names(out_nop) = po$output$name

  expect_equal(po$train(in_nop), out_nop)
  expect_equal(po$predict(in_nop), out_nop)

  expect_error(po$predict(in_nonnop), "Pipeop .* got NO_OP during train")

  # check again with no_op-trained PO
  poclone = po$clone(deep = TRUE)
  expect_deep_clone(po, poclone)


# see mlr3pipelines
expect_pipeop = function(po) {

  label = sprintf("pipeop '%s'", po$id)
  expect_class(po, "PipeOp", label = label)
  expect_string(po$id, label = label)
  expect_class(po$param_set, "ParamSet", label = label)
  expect_list(po$param_set$values, names = "unique", label = label)
  expect_flag(po$is_trained, label = label)
  expect_output(print(po), "PipeOp:", label = label)
  expect_character(po$packages, any.missing = FALSE, unique = TRUE, label = label)
  expect_function(po$train, nargs = 1)
  expect_function(po$predict, nargs = 1)
  expect_function(po$.__enclos_env__$private$.train, nargs = 1)
  expect_function(po$predict, nargs = 1)
  expect_function(po$.__enclos_env__$private$.predict, nargs = 1)
  expect_data_table(po$input, any.missing = FALSE)
  expect_names(names(po$input), permutation.of = c("name", "train", "predict"))
  expect_data_table(po$output, any.missing = FALSE)
  expect_names(names(po$output), permutation.of = c("name", "train", "predict"))
  expect_int(po$innum, lower = 1)
  expect_int(po$outnum, lower = 1)
  # at least one of "train" or "predict" must be in every parameter's tag
  testthat::expect_true(every(po$param_set$tags, function(x) {
    length(intersect(c("train", "predict"), x)) > 0


# see mlr3pipelines
expect_deep_clone = function(one, two) {
  # is equal
  expect_equal(one, two)
  visited = new.env()
  visited_b = new.env()
  expect_references_differ = function(a, b, path) {


    # don't go in circles
    addr_a = data.table::address(a)
    addr_b = data.table::address(b)
    if (!is.null(visited[[addr_a]])) {
    visited[[addr_a]] = path
    visited_b[[addr_b]] = path

    # follow attributes, even for non-recursive objects
    if (utils::tail(path, 1) != "[attributes]" && !is.null(base::attributes(a))) {
      expect_references_differ(base::attributes(a), base::attributes(b), c(path, "[attributes]"))

    # don't recurse if there is nowhere to go
    if (!base::is.recursive(a)) {

    # check that environments differ
    if (base::is.environment(a)) {
      # some special environments
      if (identical(a, baseenv()) || identical(a, globalenv()) || identical(a, emptyenv())) {
      if (length(path) > 1 && R6::is.R6(a) && "clone" %nin% names(a)) {
        return(invisible(NULL)) # don't check if smth is not cloneable
      if (identical(utils::tail(path, 1), c("[element train_task] 'train_task'"))) {
        return(invisible(NULL)) # workaround for https://github.com/mlr-org/mlr3/issues/382
      label = sprintf("Object addresses differ at path %s", paste0(path, collapse = "->"))
      expect_true(addr_a != addr_b, label = label)
      expect_null(visited_b[[addr_a]], label = label)

    # recurse
    if (base::is.function(a)) {
      ## # maybe this is overdoing it
      ## expect_references_differ(base::formals(a), base::formals(b), c(path, "[function args]"))
      ## expect_references_differ(base::body(a), base::body(b), c(path, "[function body]"))
    objnames = base::names(a)
    if (is.null(objnames) || anyDuplicated(objnames)) {
      index = seq_len(base::length(a))
    } else {
      index = objnames
      if (base::is.environment(a)) {
        index = Filter(function(x) !bindingIsActive(x, a), index)
    for (i in index) {
      if (utils::tail(path, 1) == "[attributes]" && i %in% c("srcref", "srcfile", ".Environment")) {
      expect_references_differ(base::`[[`(a, i), base::`[[`(b, i), c(path, sprintf(
        "[element %s]%s", i,
        if (!is.null(objnames)) {
          sprintf(" '%s'", if (is.character(index)) i else objnames[[i]])
        } else {
  expect_references_differ(one, two, "ROOT")

# see mlr3pipelines
expect_shallow_clone = function(one, two) {
  expect_equal(one, two)
  if (base::is.environment(one)) {
    addr_a = data.table::address(one)
    addr_b = data.table::address(two)
    expect_true(addr_a != addr_b, label = "Objects are shallow clones")

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mlr3proba documentation built on April 25, 2022, 5:07 p.m.