
Defines functions bbPrior unifPrior binomPrior nselConstraints modelselBIC greedymodelSelectionR formatFamily formatmsPriorsModel defaultpriorConstraints formatmsPriorsMarg formatmsMethod listmodels codeGroupsAndConstraints nestedSplines createDesign formatInputdata modelSelection defaultmom modelid2logical getmodelid predict.msfit coef.msfit hasPostSampling plot.msfit

Documented in bbPrior binomPrior modelSelection unifPrior

### modelSelection.R

### Methods for msfit objects

plot.msfit= function(x, y, ...) {
  if (!x$enumerate) {
    margppcum= apply(x$postSample, 2, cumsum) / (1:nrow(x$postSample))
    plot(margppcum[,1], type='l', ylim=c(0,1), xlab='Iteration', ylab='Marginal posterior inclusion probabilities')
    if (ncol(margppcum)>1) for (i in 2:ncol(margppcum)) lines(margppcum[,i])
  } else {
    stop("plot.msfit produces an MCMC convergence diagnostic plot, but MCMC output is not available (you probably set enumerate=FALSE)")

setMethod("show", signature(object='msfit'), function(object) {
  cat('msfit object with outcome of type',object$outcometype,',',object$p,'covariates and',object$family,'error distribution\n')
  ifelse(any(object$postMode!=0), paste('  Posterior mode: covariate',which(object$postMode==1)), '  Posterior mode: null model')
  cat("Use postProb() to get posterior model probabilities\n")
  cat("Use coef() or predict() to get BMA estimates and intervals for parameters or given covariate values\n")
  cat("Elements $margpp, $postMode, $postSample and $coef contain further information (see help('msfit') and help('modelSelection') for details)\n")

hasPostSampling <- function(object) {
#Sends an error message if posterior sampling is not implemented for the priors and outcome type of the msFit object
  #List combinations for which posterior sampling is implemented
  hassamples= data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=10,ncol=4))
  names(hassamples)= c('outcometype','family','priorCoef','priorGroup')
  hassamples[1,] =    c('Continuous','normal',   'pMOM',   'pMOM')
  hassamples[2,] =    c('Continuous','normal',  'peMOM',  'peMOM')
  hassamples[3,] =    c('Continuous','normal',  'piMOM',  'piMOM')
  hassamples[4,] =    c('Continuous','normal','zellner','zellner')
  hassamples[5,] =    c('Continuous','normal','normalid','normalid')
  hassamples[6,] =    c('glm','binomial','bic','bic')
  hassamples[7,] =    c('glm','binomial logit','bic','bic')
  hassamples[8,] =    c('glm','binomial probit','bic','bic')
  hassamples[9,] =    c('glm','gamma inverse','bic','bic')
  hassamples[10,]=    c('glm','inverse.gaussian 1/mu^2','bic','bic')
  hassamples[11,]=    c('glm','poisson','bic','bic')
  hassamples[12,]=    c('glm','poisson log','bic','bic')
  hassamples[13,]=    c('Survival','Cox','bic','bic')
  #hassamples[14,]=    c('Survival','normal','bic','bic') #to be added
  #Check if there's variable groups
  hasgroups= (length(object$groups) > length(unique(object$groups)))
  outcometype= object$outcometype; family= object$family; priorCoef= object$prior$priorCoef@priorDistr; priorGroup= object$prior$priorGroup@priorDistr
  outcomefam= paste(outcometype,family,sep=',')
  if (hasgroups) {
      outcomefamprior= paste(outcomefam,priorCoef,priorGroup,sep=',')
      avail_outcomefamprior= apply(hassamples,1,paste,collapse=',')
  } else {
      outcomefamprior= paste(outcomefam,priorCoef,sep=',')
      avail_outcomefamprior= apply(hassamples[,1:3],1,paste,collapse=',')
  found= outcomefam %in% apply(hassamples[,1:2],1,paste,collapse=',')
  exactsampling= outcomefamprior  %in% avail_outcomefamprior
  if (!found) {
    cat("Inference on parameters currently only available for the following settings: \n\n")
    stop("Inference on parameters not implemented for outcometype= ",outcometype,", family=",family,", priorCoef=",priorCoef,", priorGroup=",priorGroup)
  } else {
    if (!exactsampling) warning("Exact posterior sampling not implemented, using Normal approx instead")

coef.msfit <- function(object,...) {
    th= rnlp(msfit=object,niter=10^4)
    ct= (object$stdconstants[-1,'scale']==0)
    if (!is.null(names(object$margpp))) {
        nn= names(object$margpp)
    } else if (!is.null(colnames(th))) {
        nn= colnames(th)
    } else { nn= paste('beta',1:ncol(th))  }
    if (any(ct)) {
        if (ncol(th) > length(object$margpp)) {
            if (object$family %in% c('binomial','poisson')) {
              margpp= object$margpp
            } else {
              margpp= c(object$margpp,1)
              nn= c(nn,'phi')
        } else { margpp= object$margpp }
    } else {
        if (ncol(th) > length(object$margpp)) {
            if (object$family %in% c('binomial','poisson')) {
              margpp= c(mean(th[,1]!=0),object$margpp)
              nn= c('intercept',nn)
            } else {
              margpp= c(mean(th[,1]!=0),object$margpp,1)
              nn= c('intercept',nn,'phi')
        } else {
            margpp= c(mean(th[,1]!=0),object$margpp)
            nn= c('intercept',nn)
    ans= cbind(colMeans(th),t(apply(th,2,quantile,probs=c(.025,0.975))),margpp=margpp)
    colnames(ans)= c('estimate','2.5%','97.5%','margpp')
    rownames(ans)= nn

#Return point estimate, 95% interval and posterior model prob for nmax top models
setMethod("coefByModel", signature(object='msfit'), function(object, maxmodels, alpha=0.05, niter=10^3, burnin=round(niter/10)) {

  if (!is.null(object$postmean) & (object$prior$priorCoef@priorDistr %in% c('bic','zellner'))) {

      postmean= object$postmean[1:min(maxmodels,nrow(object$postmean)),]
      postsd= sqrt(object$postvar[1:min(maxmodels,nrow(object$postvar)),])
      ans= list(postmean= postmean, ci.low= postmean + qnorm(alpha/2) * postsd, ci.up= postmean - qnorm(alpha/2) * postsd)
      nn= colnames(ans[[1]])
  } else {

    y= object$ystd; x= object$xstd
    outcometype= object$outcometype; family= object$family
    b= min(50, ceiling((burnin/niter) * niter))
    #List models for which estimates are to be obtained
    pp= postProb(object,method="norm")
    modelid= strsplit(as.character(pp$modelid), split=',')
    modelid= modelid[1:min(maxmodels,length(modelid))]
    priorCoef= object$priors$priorCoef
    priorGroup= object$priors$priorGroup
    priorVar= object$priors$priorVar
    #Obtain point estimates and posterior intervals
    ans= vector("list",3); names(ans)= c('postmean','ci.low','ci.up')
    if ((outcometype== 'Continuous') && (family== 'normal')) { ##Linear model
      ans[[1]]= ans[[2]]= ans[[3]]= matrix(0,nrow=length(modelid),ncol=ncol(x)+1)
      for (i in 1:length(modelid)) {  #for each model
        colsel= as.numeric(modelid[[i]])
        bm= coefOneModel(y=y, x=x[,colsel,drop=FALSE], outcometype=outcometype, family=family, priorCoef=priorCoef, priorGroup=priorGroup, priorVar=priorVar, alpha=alpha, niter=niter, burnin=b)
        colselphi= c(colsel,ncol(ans[[1]]))
        ans[[1]][i,colselphi]= bm[,1]
        ans[[2]][i,colselphi]= bm[,2]
        ans[[3]][i,colselphi]= bm[,3]
      if (is.null(colnames(x))) nn= c(paste('beta',1:ncol(x),sep=''),'phi') else nn= c(colnames(x),'phi')
    } else {                                                   ##GLM or Survival model
      ans[[1]]= ans[[2]]= ans[[3]]= matrix(0, nrow=length(modelid), ncol=ncol(x))
      for (i in 1:length(modelid)) {   #for each model
        colsel= as.numeric(modelid[[i]])
        if (length(colsel)>0) {
          bm= coefOneModel(y=y, x=x[,colsel,drop=FALSE], outcometype=outcometype, family=family, priorCoef=priorCoef, priorGroup=priorGroup, priorVar=priorVar, alpha=alpha, niter=niter, burnin=b)
          ans[[1]][i,colsel]= bm[,1]
          ans[[2]][i,colsel]= bm[,2]
          ans[[3]][i,colsel]= bm[,3]
      if (is.null(colnames(x))) nn= paste('beta',1:ncol(x),sep='') else nn= colnames(x)
    colnames(ans[[1]])= colnames(ans[[2]])= colnames(ans[[3]]) = nn
    rownames(ans[[1]])= rownames(ans[[2]])= rownames(ans[[3]]) = pp$modelid[1:nrow(ans[[1]])]


  #Return parameter estimates in non-standardized parameterization
  ans[[1]]= unstdcoef(ans[[1]],p=ncol(ans[[1]]),msfit=object,coefnames=nn)
  ans[[2]]= unstdcoef(ans[[2]],p=ncol(ans[[2]]),msfit=object,coefnames=nn)
  ans[[3]]= unstdcoef(ans[[3]],p=ncol(ans[[3]]),msfit=object,coefnames=nn)

setMethod("coefOneModel", signature(y='ANY',x='matrix',m='missing',V='missing',outcometype='character',family='character'), function(y, x, m, V, outcometype, family, priorCoef, priorGroup, priorVar, alpha=0.05, niter=10^3, burnin=round(niter/10)) {
  if ((outcometype== 'Continuous') && (family== 'normal')) {  ##Linear model
    b= rnlpLM(y=y, x=x, priorCoef=priorCoef, priorGroup=priorGroup, priorVar=priorVar, niter=niter, burnin=burnin)
  } else if (outcometype=='glm') { #GLM
    b= rnlpGLM(y=y, x=x, family=family, priorCoef=priorCoef, priorGroup=priorGroup, priorVar=priorVar, niter=niter, burnin=burnin)
  } else if ((outcometype=='Survival') && (family=='Cox')) {  #Cox model
    b= rnlpCox(y=y, x=x, priorCoef=priorCoef, priorGroup=priorGroup, niter=niter, burnin=burnin)
  } else {
    stop(paste("outcometype",outcometype,"and family=",family,"not implemented",sep=""))
  ans= cbind(colMeans(b), t(apply(b,2,quantile,probs=c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2))))

predict.msfit <- function(object, newdata, data, level=0.95, ...) {
    if (is.null(colnames(object$xstd))) colnames(object$xstd)= paste('x',1:ncol(object$xstd),sep='')
    th= rnlp(msfit=object,niter=10^4)
    mx= object$stdconstants[-1,'shift']; sx= object$stdconstants[-1,'scale']
    if (!missing(newdata)) {
        f= object$call$formula
        if ('formula' %in% class(f)) {
            if (missing(data)) stop("You must specify the argument 'data'")
            alldata= rbind(data,newdata)
            alldata[,as.character(f)[2]]= 0  #ensure there's no NAs in the response, so createDesign doesn't drop those rows from newdata
            nn= rownames(alldata)[(nrow(data)+1):(nrow(data)+nrow(newdata))]
            if (is.null(object$call$smoothterms)) {
                des= createDesign(f, data=alldata)
            } else {
                des= createDesign(f, data=alldata, smoothterms=object$call$smoothterms, splineDegree=object$call$splineDegree, nknots=object$call$nknots)
            newdata= des$x[nn,,drop=FALSE]
        #ct= (sx==0)
        #newdata[,!ct]= t((t(newdata[,!ct]) - mx[!ct])/sx[!ct])
        if (is.null(colnames(newdata))) colnames(newdata)= paste('x',1:ncol(newdata),sep='')
    } else {
        newdata= t(t(object$xstd) * sx + mx)
    sel= colnames(th) %in% colnames(newdata)
    ypred= th[,sel] %*% t(newdata)
    if ("intercept" %in% colnames(th)[!sel]) ypred= ypred + th[,'intercept']
    ans= cbind(mean=colMeans(ypred), t(apply(ypred,2,quantile,probs=c((1-level)/2,1-(1-level)/2))))

getmodelid= function(object) {
  if (!inherits(object, 'msfit')) stop("Function modelid requires an argument of type msfit")
  if (!is.null(object$models)) {
    ans= object$models[,c('modelid','family')]
  } else {
    modelid= apply(object$postSample==1, 1, function(z) paste(which(z),collapse=','))
    if (object$family=='auto') {
      twopiece <- laplace <- logical(length(modelid))
      twopiece[grep(as.character(object$p+1),modelid)] <- TRUE
      laplace[grep(as.character(object$p+2),modelid)] <- TRUE
      family <- character(length(modelid))
      family[(!twopiece) & (!laplace)] <- 'normal'
      family[twopiece & (!laplace)] <- 'twopiecenormal'
      family[(!twopiece) & laplace] <- 'laplace'
      family[twopiece & laplace] <- 'twopiecelaplace'
      modelid <- sub(paste(',',object$p+1,sep=''),'',modelid)
      modelid <- sub(as.character(object$p+1),'',modelid)  #for null model
      modelid <- sub(paste(',',object$p+2,sep=''),'',modelid)
      modelid <- sub(as.character(object$p+2),'',modelid)  #for null model
    } else {
      family= object$family
    ans= data.frame(modelid=modelid, family=family)

setMethod("logjoint", signature(object='msfit'), function(object, return_models=TRUE) {
  if (object$enumerate) {
      if (return_models) {
        ans= data.frame(object$models, object$postProb)
      } else {
        ans= object$postProb
  } else {
    ans= unique(data.frame(object$postSample==1, logpp=object$postProb))
    if (!return_models) ans= ans[,ncol(ans)]

setMethod("postProb", signature(object='msfit'), function(object, nmax, method='norm') {
if (!is.null(object$models)) {
    ans= object$models
} else {
  if (method=='norm') {
    modelpp <- unique(data.frame(object$postSample==1, logpp=object$postProb))
    modelpp <- data.frame(modelid= apply(modelpp[,1:(ncol(modelpp)-1)], 1, function(z) paste(which(z),collapse=',')), logpp=modelpp$logpp)
    modelpp$logpp <- modelpp$logpp - max(modelpp$logpp)
    modelpp$pp <- exp(modelpp$logpp)/sum(exp(modelpp$logpp))
  } else if (method=='exact') {
    modelpp <- apply(object$postSample==1, 1, function(z) paste(which(z),collapse=','))
    modelpp <- table(modelpp)/length(modelpp)
    modelpp <- data.frame(modelid=names(modelpp), pp=as.numeric(modelpp))
  } else {
    stop("Argument 'method' not recognized")
  modelpp <- modelpp[order(modelpp$pp,decreasing=TRUE),]
  if (!missing(nmax)) modelpp <- modelpp[1:nmax,]
  if (object$family=='auto') {
    modelid <- as.character(modelpp[,'modelid'])
    twopiece <- laplace <- logical(nrow(modelpp))
    twopiece[grep(as.character(object$p+1),modelid)] <- TRUE
    laplace[grep(as.character(object$p+2),modelid)] <- TRUE
    family <- character(nrow(modelpp))
    family[(!twopiece) & (!laplace)] <- 'normal'
    family[twopiece & (!laplace)] <- 'twopiecenormal'
    family[(!twopiece) & laplace] <- 'laplace'
    family[twopiece & laplace] <- 'twopiecelaplace'
    modelid <- sub(paste(',',object$p+1,sep=''),'',modelid)
    modelid <- sub(as.character(object$p+1),'',modelid)  #for null model
    modelid <- sub(paste(',',object$p+2,sep=''),'',modelid)
    modelid <- sub(as.character(object$p+2),'',modelid)  #for null model
    modelpp <- data.frame(modelid=modelid,family=family,pp=modelpp[,'pp'])
  } else {
    modelpp <- data.frame(modelid=modelpp[,'modelid'],family=object$family,pp=modelpp[,'pp'])
  ans= modelpp[,c('modelid','family','pp')]

#Convert text model identifier (e.g. "1,3,4") into logical identifier (e.g. c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE))
modelid2logical= function(modelid, nvars) {
  modelid= strsplit(modelid, split=',')
  ans= matrix(FALSE, nrow=length(modelid), ncol=nvars)
  for (i in 1:nrow(ans)) {
      sel= as.numeric(modelid[[i]])
      ans[i, sel[sel<=nvars]]= TRUE

#Obtain posterior probability for subsets of variables indicated in varsubset (the remaining parameters are passed on to postProb)
# varsubset can take one of the following 4 formats
# - A logical vector indicating which variables are in the subset and length equal to the number of variables, e.g. c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)
# - A logical matrix where each row indicates a subset, as in the previous entry
# - A numeric vector indicating the indices of the variables in the subset, e.g. c(1,3,4)
# - A list where each entry is a numeric vector as in the previous entry
setMethod("postProbSubset", signature(object='msfit'), function(object, varsubset, nmax, method='norm') {
    if (!is.list(varsubset) & !is.matrix(varsubset)) {
      if (is.logical(varsubset)) varsubset= matrix(varsubset, nrow=1) else varsubset= list(varsubset)
    if (is.matrix(varsubset)) nsubsets= nrow(varsubset) else if (is.list(varsubset)) nsubsets= length(varsubset) else stop("varsubset has the wrong format")
    modelpp= postProb(object, nmax=nmax, method=method)
    modelid= modelid2logical(modelpp$modelid, nvars= ncol(object$xstd))
    colnames(modelid)= colnames(object$xstd)
    ans= double(nsubsets)
    if (is.matrix(varsubset)) {
      for (i in 1:nsubsets) {
          nselvars= rowSums(modelid[,varsubset[i,],drop=FALSE]) #number of variables in the subset selected by each model
          selmodel= (nselvars== sum(varsubset[i,]))  #models selecting all variables in the subset
          ans[i]= sum(modelpp$pp[selmodel])
    } else {
      for (i in 1:nsubsets) {
          nselvars= rowSums(modelid[,varsubset[[i]],drop=FALSE])    #number of variables in the subset selected by each model
          selmodel= (nselvars== length(varsubset[[i]]))  #models selecting all variables in the subset
          ans[i]= sum(modelpp$pp[selmodel])

defaultmom= function(outcometype,family) {
    if (outcometype=='Continuous') {
        cat("Using default prior for continuous outcomes priorCoef=momprior(tau=0.348), priorVar=igprior(.01,.01)\n")
        priorCoef= momprior(tau=0.348)
        priorVar= igprior(alpha=.01,lambda=.01)
    } else if (outcometype=='Survival') {
        cat("Using default prior for Normal AFT survival outcomes priorCoef=momprior(tau=0.192), priorVar=igprior(3,3)\n")
        priorCoef= momprior(tau=0.192)
        priorVar= igprior(alpha=3,lambda=3)
    } else if (outcometype=='glm') {
        cat("Using default prior for GLMs priorCoef=momprior(tau=1/3), priorVar=igprior(.01,.01)\n")
        priorCoef= momprior(tau=1/3)
        priorVar= igprior(alpha=.01,lambda=.01)
    } else {
      stop("There is not default priorCoef for this outcome type")
    ans= list(priorCoef=priorCoef, priorVar=priorVar)

#### General model selection routines
modelSelection <- function(y, x, data, smoothterms, nknots=9, groups=1:ncol(x), constraints, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, enumerate, includevars=rep(FALSE,ncol(x)), models, maxvars, niter=5000, thinning=1, burnin=round(niter/10), family='normal', priorCoef, priorGroup, priorDelta=modelbbprior(1,1), priorConstraints, priorVar=igprior(.01,.01), priorSkew=momprior(tau=0.348), phi, deltaini=rep(FALSE,ncol(x)), initSearch='greedy', method='auto', adj.overdisp='intercept', hess='asymp', optimMethod, optim_maxit, initpar='none', B=10^5, XtXprecomp= ifelse(ncol(x)<10^4,TRUE,FALSE), verbose=TRUE) {
# Input
# - y: either formula with the regression equation or vector with response variable. If a formula arguments x, groups & constraints are ignored
# - x: design matrix with all potential predictors
# - data: data frame where the variables indicated in y (if it's a formula) and smoothterms can be found
# - smoothterms: formula indicating variables for which non-linear effects (splines) should be considered
# - nknots: number of knots
# - groups: vector indicating groups for columns in x (defaults to each variable in a separate group)
# - constraints: constraints on the model space. List with length equal to the number of groups; if group[[i]]=c(j,k) then group i can only be in the model if groups j and k are also in the model
# - center: if center==TRUE y and x are centered to have zero mean, therefore eliminating the need to include an intercept term in x.
# - scale: if scale==TRUE y and columns in x are scaled to have standard deviation 1
# - enumerate: if TRUE all models with up to maxvars are enumerated, else Gibbs sampling is used to explore the model space
# - includevars: set to TRUE for variables that you want to force into the model (for grouped variables, TRUE/FALSE is taken from 1st variable in each group)
# - maxvars: maximum number of variables in models to be enumerated (ignored if enumerate==FALSE)
# - niter: number of Gibbs sampling iterations
# - thinning: MCMC thinning factor, i.e. only one out of each thinning iterations are reported. Defaults to thinning=1, i.e. no thinning
# - burnin: number of burn-in MCMC iterations. Defaults to 10% of niter. Set to 0 for no burn-in.
# - family: assumed residual distribution ('normal','twopiecenormal','laplace','twopiecelaplace')
# - priorCoef: prior distribution for the coefficients. Must be object of class 'msPriorSpec' with slot priorType set to 'coefficients'. Possible values for slot priorDistr are 'pMOM', 'piMOM' and 'peMOM'.
# - priorGroup: prior on grouped coefficients, as indicated by groups
# - priorDelta: prior on model indicator space. Must be object of class 'msPriorSpec' with slot priorType set to 'modelIndicator'. Possible values for slot priorDistr are 'uniform' and 'binomial'
# - priorVar: prior on residual variance. Must be object of class 'msPriorSpec' with slot priorType set to 'nuisancePars'. Slot priorDistr must be equal to 'invgamma'.
# - priorSkew: prior on residual skewness parameter. Ignored unless family=='twopiecenormal' or 'twopiecelaplace'
# - phi: residual variance. Typically this is unknown and therefore left missing. If specified argument priorVar is ignored.
# - deltaini: logical vector of length ncol(x) indicating which coefficients should be initialized to be non-zero. Defaults to all variables being excluded from the model
# - initSearch: algorithm to refine deltaini. initSearch=='greedy' uses a greedy Gibbs sampling search. initSearch=='SCAD' sets deltaini to the non-zero elements in a SCAD fit with cross-validated regularization parameter. initSearch=='none' leaves deltaini unmodified.
# - method: method to compute marginal densities. method=='Laplace' for Laplace approx, method=='MC' for Importance Sampling, method=='Hybrid' for Hybrid Laplace-IS (the latter method is only used for piMOM prior with unknown residual variance phi), method='ALA' (former method=='plugin')
# - adj.overdisp: for method=='ALA' it indicates the over-dispersion adjustment to be made in models where the dispersion parameter is fixed, as in logistic and Poisson regression. adj.overdisp='none' for no adjustment (not recommended, particularly for Poisson models). adj.overdisp='intercept' to estimate over-dispersion from the intercept-only model. ad.overdisp='residuals' from the Pearson residuals of each model (slightly higher computational cost)
# - hess: only used for asymmetric Laplace errors. When hess=='asymp' the asymptotic hessian is used to compute the Laplace approximation to the marginal likelihood, when hess=='asympDiagAdj' a diagonal adjustment to the asymptotic Hessian is used
# - optimMethod: method to maximize objective function when method=='Laplace' or method=='MC'. Only used for family=='twopiecenormal'. optimMethod=='LMA' uses modified Newton-Raphson algorithm, 'CDA' coordinate descent algorithm
# - optim_maxit: maximum number of iterations in optimization method
# - initpar: initial value for regression parameters when finding the posterior mode to approximate the integrated likelihood. Either 'MLE', 'MLE-aisgd', 'L1', 'L2-aisgd', or a numeric vector specifying the initial values. If p<n/2 MLE is used, else L1 (regularization parameter set via BIC). If n>10,000 or p>200, then MLE-aisgd or L2-aisgd are used.
# - B: number of samples to use in Importance Sampling scheme. Ignored if method=='Laplace'.
# - verbose: set verbose==TRUE to print iteration progress
# Output: list
# - postSample: posterior samples
# - margpp: marginal posterior probability for inclusion of each covariate (approx by averaging marginal post prob for inclusion in each Gibbs iteration. This approx is more accurate than simply taking colMeans(postSample))
# - postMode: model with highest posterior probability amongst all those visited
# - postModeProb: unnormalized posterior prob of posterior mode (log scale)
# - postProb: unnormalized posterior prob of each visited model (log scale)

  #Check input
  tmp <- formatInputdata(y=y,x=x,data=data,smoothterms=smoothterms,nknots=nknots,family=family)
  x <- tmp$x; y <- tmp$y; formula <- tmp$formula;
  splineDegree <- tmp$splineDegree
  if (!is.null(tmp$groups)) groups <- tmp$groups
  if (length(groups) != ncol(x)) stop(paste("groups has the wrong length. It should have length",ncol(x)))
  hasgroups <- tmp$hasgroups; isgroups <- tmp$isgroups
  if (!is.null(tmp$constraints)) constraints <- tmp$constraints
  outcometype <- tmp$outcometype; uncens <- tmp$uncens; ordery <- tmp$ordery
  typeofvar <- tmp$typeofvar
  call <- list(formula=formula, smoothterms= NULL, splineDegree=splineDegree, nknots=nknots)
  if (!missing(smoothterms)) call$smoothterms <- smoothterms
  p= ncol(x); n= length(y)
      if (is.numeric(includevars)) {
      tmp= rep(FALSE,p)
      if (max(includevars) > p) stop(paste("includevars contains index ",max(includevars)," but the design matrix only has ",p," columns",sep=""))
      tmp[includevars]= TRUE
      includevars= tmp
  if (length(includevars)!=ncol(x) | (!is.logical(includevars))) stop("includevars must be a logical vector of length ncol(x)")
  if (missing(maxvars)) maxvars= ifelse(family=='auto', p+2, p)
  if (maxvars <= sum(includevars)) stop("maxvars must be >= sum(includevars)")

  #If there are variable groups, count variables in each group, indicate 1st variable in each group, convert group and constraint labels to integers 0,1,...
  if (missing(priorCoef)) {
      defaultprior= defaultmom(outcometype=outcometype,family=family)
      priorCoef= defaultprior$priorCoef; priorVar= defaultprior$priorVar
  if (missing(priorGroup)) { if (length(groups)==length(unique(groups))) { priorGroup= priorCoef } else { priorGroup= groupzellnerprior(tau=n) } }
  tmp= codeGroupsAndConstraints(p=p,groups=groups,constraints=constraints)
  ngroups= tmp$ngroups; constraints= tmp$constraints; invconstraints= tmp$invconstraints; nvaringroup=tmp$nvaringroup; groups=tmp$groups
  if (missing(models)) {
    if (missing(enumerate)) enumerate= ifelse(ngroups<15,TRUE,FALSE)
  } else { enumerate= TRUE }

  #Standardize (y,x) to mean 0 and variance 1 (for continuous or log-survival time outcomes only)
  if (!is.vector(y)) { y <- as.double(as.vector(y)) } else { y <- as.double(y) }
  if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
  mx= colMeans(x); sx= sqrt(colMeans(x^2) - mx^2) * sqrt(n/(n-1))
  ct= (sx==0)
  if (any(is.na(ct))) stop('x contains NAs, this is currently not supported, please remove the NAs')
  if (sum(ct)>1) stop('There are >1 constant columns in x (e.g. two intercepts)')
  if (!center) { my=0; mx= rep(0,p) } else { my= mean(y) }
  if (!scale) { sy=1; sx= rep(1,p) } else { sy= sd(y) }
  mx[typeofvar=='factor']=0; sx[typeofvar=='factor']= 1
  if (!(outcometype %in% c('Continuous','Survival'))) { my=0; sy= 1 }
  ystd= (y-my)/sy; xstd= x; xstd[,!ct]= t((t(x[,!ct]) - mx[!ct])/sx[!ct])
  if (missing(phi)) { knownphi <- as.integer(0); phi <- double(0) } else { knownphi <- as.integer(1); phi <- as.double(phi) }
  stdconstants= rbind(c(my,sy),cbind(mx,sx)); colnames(stdconstants)= c('shift','scale')

  #Format arguments for .Call
  if (missing(deltaini)) {
    deltaini= as.integer(which(includevars)-1); ndeltaini= as.integer(length(deltaini))
  } else {
    if (length(deltaini)!=p) stop('deltaini must be of length ncol(x)')
    if (!is.logical(deltaini)) { stop('deltaini must be of type logical') } else { ndeltaini <- as.integer(sum(deltaini | includevars)); deltaini <- as.integer(which(deltaini | includevars)-1) }

  thinit= getthinit(y=y, x=xstd, family=family, initpar=initpar, enumerate=enumerate)
  usethinit= thinit$usethinit; thinit= thinit$thinit

  method <-  formatmsMethod(method=method, usethinit=usethinit, optimMethod=optimMethod, optim_maxit=optim_maxit, priorCoef=priorCoef, priorGroup=priorGroup, knownphi=knownphi, outcometype=outcometype, family=family, hasgroups=hasgroups, adj.overdisp=adj.overdisp, hess=hess)
  optimMethod <- method$optimMethod; optim_maxit <- method$optim_maxit; adj.overdisp <- method$adj.overdisp; hesstype <- method$hesstype; method <- method$method

  niter <- as.integer(niter); burnin <- as.integer(burnin); thinning <- as.integer(thinning); B <- as.integer(B)
  sumy2 <- as.double(sum(ystd^2)); sumy <- as.double(sum(ystd)); ytX <- as.vector(matrix(ystd,nrow=1) %*% xstd); colsumsx <- as.double(colSums(xstd))
  if (XtXprecomp) {
      XtX= t(xstd) %*% xstd
      hasXtX= as.logical(TRUE)
  } else {
      XtX= double(0)
      hasXtX= as.logical(FALSE)

  ffamily= formatFamily(family, issurvival= length(uncens)>0)
  familyint= ffamily$familyint; familygreedy= ffamily$familygreedy
  if (familyint == 22) { sumlogyfact= as.double(sum(lgamma(ystd+1))) } else { sumlogyfact= as.double(0) } #Poisson regression
  if (!is.null(colnames(xstd))) { nn <- colnames(xstd) } else { nn <- paste('x',1:ncol(xstd),sep='') }

  tmp= formatmsPriorsMarg(priorCoef=priorCoef, priorGroup=priorGroup, priorVar=priorVar, priorSkew=priorSkew, n=n)
  r= tmp$r; prior= tmp$prior; priorgr= tmp$priorgr; tau=tmp$tau; taugroup=tmp$taugroup; alpha=tmp$alpha; lambda=tmp$lambda; taualpha=tmp$taualpha; fixatanhalpha=tmp$fixatanhalpha
  priorCoef= tmp$priorCoef; priorGroup= tmp$priorGroup
  priorConstraints <- defaultpriorConstraints(priorDelta, priorConstraints)
  tmp= formatmsPriorsModel(priorDelta=priorDelta, priorConstraints=priorConstraints, constraints=constraints)
  prDelta=tmp$prDelta; prDeltap=tmp$prDeltap; parprDeltap=tmp$parprDeltap
  prConstr=tmp$prConstr; prConstrp= tmp$prConstrp; parprConstrp= tmp$parprConstrp

  #Run model selection
  if (!enumerate) {
    includevars <- as.integer(includevars)
    if (familyint==0) { postMode <- rep(as.integer(0),p+2) } else { postMode <- rep(as.integer(0),p) }
    postModeProb <- double(1)
    if (initSearch=='greedy') {
      niterGreed <- as.integer(100)
      ans= greedyVarSelCI(knownphi,familygreedy,prior,priorgr,niterGreed,ndeltaini,deltaini,includevars,n,p,ystd,uncens,sumy2,sumy,sumlogyfact,xstd,colsumsx,hasXtX,XtX,ytX,method,adj.overdisp,hesstype,optimMethod,optim_maxit,thinit,usethinit,B,alpha,lambda,phi,tau,taugroup,taualpha,fixatanhalpha,r,prDelta,prDeltap,parprDeltap,prConstr,prConstrp,parprConstrp,groups,ngroups,nvaringroup,constraints,invconstraints,as.integer(verbose))
      postMode <- ans[[1]]; postModeProb <- ans[[2]]
      if (familyint==0) { postMode <- as.integer(c(postMode,0,0)); postModeProb <- as.double(postModeProb - 2*log(2)) }
      postMode[includevars==1] <- TRUE
      ndeltaini <- as.integer(sum(postMode)); deltaini <- as.integer(which(as.logical(postMode))-1)
    } else if (initSearch=='SCAD') {
      if (verbose) cat("Initializing via SCAD cross-validation...")
      deltaini <- rep(TRUE,ncol(xstd))
      cvscad <- cv.ncvreg(X=xstd[,!ct],y=ystd-mean(ystd),family="gaussian",penalty="SCAD",nfolds=10,dfmax=1000,max.iter=10^4)
      deltaini[!ct] <- ncvreg(X=xstd[,!ct],y=ystd-mean(ystd),penalty='SCAD',dfmax=1000,lambda=rep(cvscad$lambda[cvscad$cv],2))$beta[-1,1]!=0
      deltaini[includevars==1] <- TRUE
      ndeltaini <- as.integer(sum(deltaini)); deltaini <- as.integer(which(deltaini)-1)
      if (verbose) cat(" Done\n")

    #Run MCMC
    ans <- modelSelectionGibbsCI(postMode,postModeProb,knownphi,familyint,prior,priorgr,niter,thinning,burnin,ndeltaini,deltaini,includevars,n,p,ystd,uncens,sumy2,sumy,sumlogyfact,as.double(xstd),colsumsx,hasXtX,XtX,ytX,method,adj.overdisp,hesstype,optimMethod,optim_maxit,thinit,usethinit,B,alpha,lambda,phi,tau,taugroup,taualpha,fixatanhalpha,r,prDelta,prDeltap,parprDeltap,prConstr,prConstrp,parprConstrp,groups,ngroups,nvaringroup,constraints,invconstraints,as.integer(verbose))
    postSample <- matrix(ans[[1]],ncol=ifelse(familyint!=0,p,p+2))
    margpp <- ans[[2]]; postMode <- ans[[3]]; postModeProb <- ans[[4]]; postProb <- ans[[5]]
    margpp[includevars==1]= 1
    postmean= postvar= NULL
    modelid= apply(postSample[,1:ncol(xstd),drop=FALSE]==1, 1, function(z) paste(which(z),collapse=','))

  } else {

    #Model enumeration
    if (verbose) cat("Enumerating models...\n")
    nincludevars= sum(includevars)
    nvars= ifelse(familyint==0,ncol(xstd)+2-nincludevars,ncol(xstd)-nincludevars)
    if (familyint==0) { includeenum= c(includevars[groups+1],FALSE,FALSE) } else { includeenum= includevars[groups+1] }
    if (missing(models)) {
      models= listmodels(vars2list=1:ngroups, includevars=includeenum, constraints=sapply(constraints,function(z) z+1), nvaringroup=nvaringroup, maxvars=maxvars) #listmodels expects group indexes 1,2,...
    } else {
      if (!is.logical(models)) stop("models must be a logical matrix")
      if (ncol(models) != ncol(xstd)) stop(paste("models has",ncol(models),"but x has",ncol(xstd),"columns"))
    if (familyint==0) models= rbind(cbind(models,FALSE,FALSE),cbind(models,FALSE,TRUE),cbind(models,TRUE,FALSE),cbind(models,TRUE,TRUE))
    nmodels= as.integer(nrow(models))
    models= as.integer(models)
    includevars= as.integer(includevars)
    ans= modelSelectionEnumCI(nmodels,models,knownphi,familyint,prior,priorgr,n,p,ystd,uncens,sumy2,sumy,sumlogyfact,as.double(xstd),colsumsx,hasXtX,XtX,ytX,method,adj.overdisp,hesstype,optimMethod,optim_maxit,thinit,usethinit,B,alpha,lambda,phi,tau,taugroup,taualpha,fixatanhalpha,r,prDelta,prDeltap,parprDeltap,prConstr,prConstrp,parprConstrp,groups,ngroups,nvaringroup,constraints,invconstraints,as.integer(verbose))
    postMode <- ans[[1]]; postModeProb <- ans[[2]]; postProb <- ans[[3]]
    postSample <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=ifelse(familyint!=0,p,p+2))
    models <- matrix(models,nrow=nmodels)
    pp <- exp(postProb-postModeProb); pp <- matrix(pp/sum(pp),ncol=1)
    margpp <- as.vector(t(models) %*% pp)
    modelid= apply(models[,1:ncol(xstd),drop=FALSE]==1, 1, function(z) paste(which(z),collapse=','))
    if (familyint==0) {
        modelfam= models[,ncol(xstd)+1] + 2*models[,ncol(xstd)+2]
        margpp= c(margpp[1:ncol(xstd)],sum(pp[modelfam==0]),sum(pp[modelfam==1]),sum(pp[modelfam==2]),sum(pp[modelfam==3]))
        modeltxt= ifelse(modelfam==0,'normal',ifelse(modelfam==1,'twopiecenormal',ifelse(modelfam==2,'laplace','twopiecelaplace')))
        models= data.frame(modelid=modelid,family=modeltxt,pp=pp)
        postmean= postvar= NULL
    } else {
        models= data.frame(modelid=modelid,family=family,pp=pp)
        postmean= postvar= NULL
    modelid= models$modelid
    models= models[order(models$pp,decreasing=TRUE),]

  #Post-process output
  if (familyint!=0) {
    colnames(postSample) <- names(postMode) <- names(margpp) <- nn
  } else {
    colnames(postSample) <- names(postMode)<- c(nn,'asymmetry','laplace')
    names(margpp) <- c(nn,'family.normal','family.tpnormal','family.laplace','family.tplaplace')

  priors= list(priorCoef=priorCoef, priorGroup=priorGroup, priorDelta=priorDelta, priorConstraints=priorConstraints, priorVar=priorVar, priorSkew=priorSkew)
  if (length(uncens)>0) { ystd[ordery]= ystd; uncens[ordery]= uncens; ystd= Surv(time=ystd, event= uncens); xstd[ordery,]= xstd }
  names(constraints)= paste('group',0:(length(constraints)-1))
  ans <- list(postSample=postSample,margpp=margpp,postMode=postMode,postModeProb=postModeProb,postProb=postProb,modelid=modelid,postmean=postmean,postvar=postvar,family=family,p=ncol(xstd),enumerate=enumerate,priors=priors,ystd=ystd,xstd=xstd,groups=groups,constraints=constraints,stdconstants=stdconstants,outcometype=outcometype,call=call)
  if (enumerate) { ans$models= models }

# format input data from either formula (y), formula and data.frame (y,data) or matrix and vector (y, x)
# it accepts smoothterms, groups and survival data
formatInputdata <- function(y,x,data,smoothterms,nknots,family) {
  valid_families <- c('normal','twopiecenormal','laplace','twopiecelaplace','auto','binomial','binomial logit','poisson','poisson log')
  if (!(family %in% valid_families)) stop(paste("Invalid family. Valid values are", valid_families))
  call <- match.call()
  groups <- NULL; constraints <- NULL; ordery <- NULL
  if ('formula' %in% class(y)) {
      formula= y; is_formula=TRUE; splineDegree= 3
      des= createDesign(y, data=data, smoothterms=smoothterms, splineDegree=splineDegree, nknots=nknots)
      x= des$x; groups= des$groups; constraints= des$constraints; typeofvar= des$typeofvar
      if ('Surv' %in% class(des$y)) {
          if (all(des$y[,1] >0)) {
              cat("Response type is survival and all its values are >0. Remember that you should log-transform the response prior to running modelSelection\n")
          outcometype= 'Survival'; uncens= as.integer(des$y[,2]); y= des$y[,1]
          ordery= c(which(uncens==1),which(uncens!=1)); y= y[ordery]; x= x[ordery,,drop=FALSE]; uncens= uncens[ordery]
          if (family !="normal") stop("For survival outcomes only family='normal' is currently implemented")
      } else {
          if (family %in% c('normal','twopiecenormal','laplace','twopiecelaplace','auto')) {
            outcometype= 'Continuous'
          } else {
            outcometype= 'glm'
          y= des$y; uncens= integer(0)
      nlevels <- apply(x,2,function(z) length(unique(z)))
      typeofvar[nlevels==2]= 'factor'
  } else {
      if ('Surv' %in% class(y)) {
          outcometype= 'Survival'; uncens= as.integer(y[,2]); y= y[,1]
          ordery= c(which(uncens==1),which(uncens!=1)); y= y[ordery]; x= x[ordery,,drop=FALSE]; uncens= uncens[ordery]
          if (family !="normal") stop("For survival outcomes only family='normal' is currently implemented")
      } else {
        if (family %in% c('normal','twopiecenormal','laplace','twopiecelaplace','auto')) {
          outcometype= 'Continuous'
        } else {
          outcometype= 'glm'
        uncens= integer(0)
      formula= splineDegree= NA; is_formula=FALSE; typeofvar= rep('numeric',ncol(x))
  if (nrow(x)!=length(y)) stop('nrow(x) must be equal to length(y)')
  if (any(is.na(y))) stop('y contains NAs, this is currently not supported, please remove the NAs')
  hasgroups <-  (length(groups) > length(unique(groups)))
  ningroup <- table(groups)
  isgroup <- (groups %in% as.numeric(names(ningroup)[ningroup>1]))
  y <- as.double(y)
  #Check that support of y is valid for the specified family
  if (family %in% c('binomial','binomial logit')) {
      if (any(!(y %in% c(0,1)))) stop("Invalid value for the response. For logistic regression it must be 0 or 1")
  } else if (family %in% c('poisson','poisson logit')) {
      if (any(y < 0) || any((y %% 1) != 0)) stop("Invalid value for the response. For Poisson regression it must be a natural number")
  if (any(is.na(y)) | any(is.infinite(y))) stop("y contains NAs or infinite values")
  if (any(is.na(x)) | any(is.infinite(x))) stop("x contains NAs or infinite values")
  ans <- list(
    x=x, y=y, formula=formula, is_formula=is_formula, splineDegree=splineDegree,
    groups=groups, hasgroups=hasgroups, isgroup=isgroup, constraints=constraints, outcometype=outcometype, uncens=uncens,
    ordery=ordery, typeofvar=typeofvar

#Create a design matrix for the given formula. Return also covariate groups (e.g. from factors), covariate type (factor/numeric) and hierarchical constraints (e.g. from interaction terms), these are the parameters "groups" and "constraints" in modelSelection
createDesign <- function(formula, data, smoothterms, subset, na.action, splineDegree=3, nknots=14) {
    call <- match.call()
    if (missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    if (!missing(subset)) {
        m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset"), names(mf), 0L)
    } else {
        m <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0L)
    mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
    mf$na.action = quote(na.pass)
    mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
    #gam.slist <- gam.smoothers()$slist
    mt <- if (missing(data)) terms(formula) else terms(formula, data = data)
    #mt <- if (missing(data)) terms(formula, gam.slist) else terms(formula, gam.slist, data = data)
    mf$formula <- mt
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
    if (missing(na.action)) {
        naa = getOption("na.action", "na.fail")
        na.action = get(naa)
    mf = na.action(mf)
    mt = attributes(mf)[["terms"]]  #mt is an object of class "terms" storing info about the model, see help(terms.object) for a description
    y <- model.response(mf, "any")
    x <- if (!is.empty.model(mt)) model.matrix(mt, mf) else matrix(, NROW(y), 0)
    #x <- if (!is.empty.model(mt)) model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts) else matrix(, NROW(y), 0)
    groups <- attr(x,"assign") #group that each variable belongs to, e.g. for factors
    tab= table(groups);
    typeofvar= ifelse(groups %in% as.numeric(names(tab)[tab>1]),'factor','numeric')
    intercept= ifelse(min(groups)==0,1,0)
    groups2vars= attr(mt,"factors")[-1,] #for each variable group, hierarchical dependence on other groups
    nn= colnames(groups2vars)[!(colnames(groups2vars) %in% rownames(groups2vars))]
    if (length(nn)>0) { #there's interaction terms
        tmp= matrix(0,nrow=length(nn),ncol=ncol(groups2vars))
        rownames(tmp)= nn
        colnames(tmp)= colnames(groups2vars)
        for (i in 1:nrow(tmp)) {
            nni= paste(strsplit(nn[i],split=":")[[1]], collapse=":.*") #regular expression, e.g. if nn[i]="Xj:Xl" it checks for "Xj:.*Xl"
            tmp[i,grep(nni,colnames(tmp))]= 1
        groups2vars= rbind(groups2vars,tmp)
        constraints= lapply(1:ncol(groups2vars), function(i) { ans= as.integer(which(groups2vars[,i]>0)); ans[ans!=i] + intercept })
        if (intercept==1) constraints= c(list(integer(0)),constraints)
    } else { #there are no interactions
        constraints= lapply(1:(max(groups)+intercept), function(i) integer(0))
    groups= groups+intercept
    #Add spline terms
    if (!missing(smoothterms)) {
        if (!any(c('formula','matrix','data.frame') %in% class(smoothterms))) stop("smoothterms should be of class 'formula', 'matrix' or 'data.frame'")
        Snested= nestedSplines(x=x, groups=groups, smoothterms=smoothterms, data=data, subset=subset, na.action=na.action, splineDegree=splineDegree, nknots=nknots)
        x= cbind(x, Snested$L, Snested$W)
        groups= c(groups, Snested$groups, Snested$groupsW)
        typeofvar= c(typeofvar, Snested$typeofvar)
        constraints= c(constraints, Snested$constraintsL, Snested$constraintsW)
        #old code, before structuring nestedSplines as a separate function
        #x= cbind(x,L[,selL],W)
        #groups= c(groups, groupsL[selL], groupsW)
        #typeofvar= c(typeofvar, rep('numeric',sum(selL)+length(groupsW)))
        #constraints= c(constraints, constraintsL[selL], constraintsW)

#Create design matrix for nested splines: linear within knots[1], knots[1] within knots[2], etc.
nestedSplines= function(x, groups, smoothterms, data, subset, na.action, splineDegree, nknots) {
    if (length(nknots)>1) nknots= nknots[order(nknots)]
    maxgroups= max(groups)
    if ('formula' %in% class(smoothterms)) {
        smoothterms= formula(paste("~ ",-1,"+",as.character(smoothterms)[2])) #remove intercept
        L= createDesign(smoothterms, data=data, subset=subset, na.action=na.action)$x
    } else {
        L= as.matrix(smoothterms)
        if (is.null(colnames(L))) colnames(L)= paste("L",1:ncol(L),sep="")

    W= constraintsW= constraintsL= groupsW= groupsL= vector("list", length(nknots))
    for (kk in 1:length(nknots)) {
        W[[kk]] <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(L),ncol=(nknots[kk]-4)*ncol(L))
        namesW <- character(ncol(W[[kk]]))
        groupsW[[kk]] <- integer(ncol(W[[kk]])); constraintsW[[kk]]= vector("list",ncol(L))
        groupsL[[kk]] <- integer(ncol(L)); constraintsL[[kk]]= lapply(1:ncol(L), function(i) integer(0))
        selL= rep(FALSE,ncol(L)); nselL= 0
        for (j in 1:ncol(L)) {
            m= range(L[,j])
            tmp= bspline(L[,j], degree=splineDegree, knots=seq(m[1],m[2],length=nknots[kk])) #equally-spaced knots
            Lj= cbind(1,L[,j]); b= solve(t(Lj) %*% Lj) %*% (t(Lj) %*% tmp)
            idx= (1+(j-1)*(nknots[kk]-4)):(j*(nknots[kk]-4))
            W[[kk]][,idx]= tmp - Lj %*% b #project splines onto space orthogonal to linear term
            namesW[idx]= paste(colnames(L)[j],'.s',1:length(idx),sep='')
            repeated= which(colnames(x)==colnames(L)[j])
            if (length(repeated)==1) {  #linear term was already in x
                constraintsW[[kk]][[j]]= groups[repeated]
            } else {                    #linear term wasn't in x
                selL[j]= TRUE
                nselL= nselL+1
                groupsL[[kk]][j]= maxgroups + nselL
                constraintsW[[kk]][[j]]= groupsL[[kk]][j]
            groupsW[[kk]][idx]= j
        colnames(W[[kk]])= namesW
        groupsW[[kk]]= maxgroups + nselL + groupsW[[kk]]
        varW= (colMeans(W[[kk]]^2) - colMeans(W[[kk]])^2) * nrow(W[[kk]])/(nrow(W[[kk]])-1)
        if (any(varW<1.0e-4)) {
            W[[kk]]= W[[kk]][,varW>1.0e-4]; groupsW[[kk]]= groupsW[[kk]][varW>1.0e-4]; constraintsW[[kk]]= constraintsW[[kk]][unique(groupsW[[kk]]-min(groupsW[[kk]])+1)]

    #Combine design matrices hierarchically into single matrix with hierarchical constraints
    Wall= W[[1]]; groupsWall= groupsW[[1]]; constraintsWall= constraintsW[[1]]
    maxgroups= max(groupsWall)
    if (length(nknots)==1) {
        ans= list(L=L[,selL], W=Wall, groupsL=groupsL[selL], groupsW=groupsWall, typeofvar= rep('numeric',sum(selL)+length(groupsW)), constraintsL=constraintsL[selL], constraintsW=constraintsWall)
    } else {
        groupsWidx= unique(groupsW[[1]])
        for (kk in 2:length(nknots)) {
            keep= vector("list",length(groupsWidx))
            for (g in 1:length(keep)) {
                sel1= which(groupsW[[kk]] == groupsWidx[g])
                sel2= which(groupsWall == groupsWidx[g])
                r= cor(W[[kk]][,sel1], Wall[,sel2])  #correlation with basis with previous number of knots
                o= order(abs(apply(r, 1, max)))      #sort by max absolute correlation
                keep[[g]]= sel1[o[1:(length(sel1) - sum(groupsW[[kk-1]] == groupsWidx[g]))]]
                keep[[g]]= keep[[g]][order(keep[[g]])]
            newgroups= groupsW[[kk]][unlist(keep)]; newgroups= newgroups + maxgroups - min(newgroups) + 1
            maxgroups= max(newgroups)
            newconstraintsW= as.list(unique(newgroups) - length(groupsWidx))
            Wall= cbind(Wall, W[[kk]][,unlist(keep)])
            groupsWall= c(groupsWall, newgroups)
            constraintsWall= c(constraintsWall, newconstraintsW)
        for (j in 1:ncol(L)) {
            pattern= sub("\\[","\\\\[",colnames(L)[j]); pattern= sub("\\]","\\\\]",pattern)
            selj= grep(pattern, colnames(Wall))
            colnames(Wall)[selj]= paste(colnames(L)[j],'.s',1:length(selj), sep='')
        ans= list(L=L[,selL], W=Wall, groupsL=groupsL[selL], groupsW=groupsWall, typeofvar= rep('numeric',sum(selL)+length(groupsWall)), constraintsL=constraintsL[selL], constraintsW=constraintsWall)


#Count variables in each group, indicate 1st variable in each group, convert group and constraint labels to integers 1,2,...
codeGroupsAndConstraints= function(p,groups,constraints) {
    groupsnum= as.numeric(factor(groups)); groupsnum= cumsum(c(TRUE,groupsnum[-1]!=groupsnum[-length(groupsnum)])) #re-code groups (in order of appearance)
    ngroups= max(groupsnum)
    if (ngroups>p) stop("There cannot be more groups than variables (columns in x)")
    if (missing(constraints)) {
        constraints= sapply(1:ngroups, function(i) integer(0))
    } else {
        if (length(constraints) != ngroups) stop("length(constraints) must be equal to number of variable groups")
        #Ensure that constraints match the group order in groupsnum
        g2code= sapply(names(constraints), function(nn) groupsnum[match(TRUE,groups==nn)])
        if (any(names(constraints) != as.character(g2code))) {
            constraints= constraints[g2code]
            names(constraints)= g2code
            for (i in 1:length(constraints)) { if (length(constraints[[i]]>0)) constraints[[i]]= as.integer(g2code[constraints[[i]]]) -as.integer(1) } #group codes start at 0
        } else {
            constraints= lapply(constraints,function(z) as.integer(z)-as.integer(1)) #group codes start at 0
    if (ngroups==p) {
        nvaringroup= as.integer(rep(1,p))
        groups= as.integer(0:(p-1))
    } else {
        nvaringroup= as.integer(table(groupsnum)) #number of variables in each group
        groups= as.integer(groupsnum-1) #group id that each variable belongs to
        #groups= as.integer(c(0,as.numeric(cumsum(nvaringroup[-length(nvaringroup)])))) #1st variable in each group (0-indexed)
    #Determine inverse constraints
    invconstraints= vector("list",ngroups)
    tabconstr= cbind(group=rep(0:(ngroups-1), sapply(constraints,length)), requires= unlist(constraints))
    for (i in 1:ngroups) { invconstraints[[i]]= as.integer(tabconstr[tabconstr[,'requires']==(i-1), 'group']) }
    ans= list(ngroups=ngroups,constraints=constraints,invconstraints=invconstraints,nvaringroup=nvaringroup,groups=groups)

#Routine to enumerate all models satisfying hierarchical constraints, e.g. x[i] can only be in model if x[j] and x[k] are in model
# - vars2list: vector indicating variable groups, e.g. 1:10 means there's 10 variable groups named 1-10
# - includevars: logical vector of length= length(vars2list). TRUE indicates that all models should include that variable group
# - constraints: list with length= length(vars2list). Each element indicates hierarchical restrictions. Restrictions must be given in order, i.e. a restriction on group i can only depend on groups < i
# - nvaringroup: number of variables in each group
# - fixedvars: for internal use only. When calling the function recursively, fixedvars are the variables that are currently included in the model
# OUTPUT: matrix with models in rows and variables in columns. If the (i,j) entry is TRUE, model i includes variable j
# EXAMPLE 1: list models under restriction that x3 included only when (x1,x2) also included
# listmodels(vars2list=1:3, constraints=list(integer(0),integer(0),c(1,2)))
# EXAMPLE 2: same but forcing inclusion of x2
# listmodels(vars2list=1:3, includevars= c(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE), constraints=list(integer(0),integer(0),c(1,2)))
# EXAMPLE 3: list models under restriction that group 3 included only when (group 1, group 2) also included
# listmodels(vars2list=1:3, constraints=list(integer(0),integer(0),c(1,2)), nvaringroup= c(1,3,2))
# EXAMPLE 4: list models under restrictions x4 requires (x1,x2), x5 requires (x1,x3), x6 requires (x2,x3), x7 requires (x1,...,x6)
# listmodels(vars2list=1:7, constraints=list(integer(0),integer(0),integer(0),c(1,2),c(1,3),c(2,3),1:6))

listmodels= function(vars2list, includevars=rep(FALSE,length(vars2list)), fixedvars=integer(0), constraints, nvaringroup=rep(1,length(vars2list)), maxvars) {
    var1= vars2list[1]
    if (includevars[var1]) { #forcing inclusion of this variable group
        if (length(vars2list)>1) {
            ans= listmodels(vars2list[-1], includevars=includevars, fixedvars=c(fixedvars,var1), constraints=constraints, nvaringroup=nvaringroup, maxvars=maxvars)
        } else {
            fixedLogical= rep(FALSE,length(constraints)-1)
            fixedLogical[fixedvars]= TRUE
            fixedLogical= rep(fixedLogical,nvaringroup[-length(nvaringroup)])
            ans= c(fixedLogical,rep(TRUE,nvaringroup[length(nvaringroup)]))
    } else { #not forcing inclusion of this variable group
        nfixedvars= length(fixedvars)
        if (length(constraints[[var1]])>0) {
            var1constraint= all(constraints[[var1]] %in% fixedvars) #is constraint on var1 satisfied by fixedvars?
        } else { var1constraint= TRUE }
        if (length(vars2list)>1) { #if this is not the last variable, call function recursively
            ans1= listmodels(vars2list[-1], includevars=includevars, fixedvars=fixedvars, constraints=constraints, nvaringroup=nvaringroup, maxvars=maxvars)
            if (var1constraint & (nfixedvars<maxvars)) {
                ans2= listmodels(vars2list[-1], includevars=includevars, fixedvars=c(fixedvars,var1), constraints=constraints, nvaringroup=nvaringroup, maxvars=maxvars)
            } else { ans2= NULL }
            ans= rbind(ans1,ans2)
        } else {  #if this is the last variable, return entire variable inclusion vector
            fixedLogical= rep(FALSE,length(constraints)-1)
            fixedLogical[fixedvars]= TRUE
            fixedLogical= rep(fixedLogical,nvaringroup[-length(nvaringroup)])
            if (var1constraint & (nfixedvars<maxvars)) {
                ans= rbind(c(fixedLogical,rep(FALSE,nvaringroup[length(nvaringroup)])),c(fixedLogical,rep(TRUE,nvaringroup[length(nvaringroup)])))
            } else {
                ans= c(fixedLogical, rep(FALSE,nvaringroup[length(nvaringroup)]))

#Routine to format method indicating how integrated likelihoods should be computed in modelSelection
#For any method other than 'auto', it sets a numeric code corresponding to that method to pass onto C.
#for method=='auto', the integration method is decided automatically according to the following rules
# 1. Continuous outcomes
# - if family normal, no groups: for pMOM exact / ALA; for other NLPs & LPs: Laplace
# - if family normal, groups:  for pMOMgMOM and pMOMgZell ALA; for other NLPs & LPs: Laplace
# - if family != normal: Laplace approximation (since ALA not currently implemented)
# 2. Survival outcomes. Use ALA when available, LA otherwise. Currently ALA available for pmom/groupMOM/groupzellner + pmom/groupMOM/groupzellner
# 3. GLMs. Laplace approximation
# Note: usethinit==3 indicates to use the initial parameter values in LA and ALA.
#   method
#   0 means Laplace approximation (note: for normal outcomes + normal priors this means the calculation is exact)
#   1 means Monte Carlo (Importance Sampling)
#   2 means ALA (approximate Laplace approximation)
#   -1 only available for pMOM, it means to use exact calculation for small models (<=3 parameters) and ALA for larger models
#  optimMethod: 1 means Newton-Raphson type algorithm, 2 means Coordinate Descent Algorith, 0 means use the default. This argument is used in twopiecenormal models and GLMs, else it's ignored
#  optim_maxit: maximum number of iterations for optimization method. If not specified on input, a -1 is returned (so the C code uses a default maxit)
#  hesstype: what type of hessian to use in twopiecelaplace models, where the observed hessian is not defined
#  adj.overdisp
#  0: no over-dispersion adjustment
#  1: estimate over-dispersion from intercept-only model
#  2: estimate over-dispersion from Pearson residuals under each model
formatmsMethod= function(method, usethinit, initpar, optimMethod, optim_maxit=optim_maxit, priorCoef, priorGroup, knownphi, outcometype, family, hasgroups, adj.overdisp, hess) {
  hesstype <- as.integer(ifelse(hess=='asympDiagAdj',2,1))

  #Obtain code for the optimization method
  if (missing(optimMethod)) optimMethod <- 'auto'
  if (outcometype == 'glm') {
    if (optimMethod=='auto') {
        optimMethod <- as.integer(0)
    } else if (optimMethod %in% c('Newton','LMA')) {
        optimMethod <- as.integer(1)
    } else if (optimMethod == 'CDA') {
        optimMethod <- as.integer(2)
    } else { stop("Invalid optimMethod. For this family, only 'auto', 'Newton', 'LMA' or 'CDA' are implemented") }
  } else {
    if (optimMethod %in% c('Newton','LMA')) {
        optimMethod <- as.integer(1)
    } else {
        optimMethod <- as.integer(2)

  #Obtain code to be passed to C for the method to compute the integrated likelihood
  if ((method=='ALA') && (usethinit==3)) {
      method= 'Laplace'  #ALA init at theta != 0 is implemented in C as Laplace with limited optim_maxit
      if (missing(optim_maxit)) { optim_maxit= as.integer(0) } else { optim_maxit= as.integer(optim_maxit) } #maxit>0 tells C to use specified maxit
  } else {
      if (missing(optim_maxit)) { optim_maxit= as.integer(-1) } else { optim_maxit= as.integer(optim_maxit) } #maxit= -1 tells C to use its own defaults
  if (method=='Laplace') {
    method <- as.integer(0)
  } else if (method=='MC') {
    method <- as.integer(1)
  } else if (method=='Hybrid') {
    if ((priorCoef@priorDistr!='piMOM') | (knownphi==1)) {
      warning("method=='Hybrid' is only available for 'piMOM' priors with unknown phi. Using method=='Laplace' instead")
      method <- as.integer(0)
    } else {
      method <- as.integer(2)
  } else if (method=='ALA') {
      method <- as.integer(2)
  } else if (method=='auto') {
    if (outcometype=='Continuous') {
      if (family=='normal') {
          if (!hasgroups) {
            if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='pMOM') { method <- as.integer(-1) } else { method <- as.integer(0) }
          } else {
            if ((priorCoef@priorDistr=='pMOM') & (priorGroup@priorDistr %in% c('groupMOM','zellner','groupzellner'))) {
                method <- as.integer(2)
            } else { method <- as.integer(0) }
      } else {
          method <- as.integer(0)
    } else if (outcometype=='Survival') {
      if (family=='normal') {
        if ((priorCoef@priorDistr %in% c('pMOM','groupMOM','groupzellner')) & (priorGroup@priorDistr %in% c('pMOM','groupMOM','groupzellner'))) {
           method <- as.integer(2)
        } else {
           method <- as.integer(0)
      } else { stop("For survival outcomes, only family=='normal' currently implemented") }
    } else if (outcometype=='glm') {
        method <- as.integer(0)
    } else { stop("outcometype must be 'Continuous', 'Survival' or 'glm'") }
  } else if ((method=='ALA') | (method=='plugin')) {
    method <- as.integer(2)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid 'method'")

  adj.overdisp <- as.integer(ifelse(adj.overdisp=='none',0,ifelse(adj.overdisp=='intercept',1,2)))
  ans <- list(method=method, optimMethod=optimMethod, optim_maxit=optim_maxit, adj.overdisp=adj.overdisp, hesstype= hesstype)

#Routine to format modelSelection prior distribution parameters for marginal likelihood
#Input: priorCoef, priorVar, priorGroup, priorSkew
#Output: parameters for prior on coefficients (r, prior, tau), prior on variance parameter (alpha, lambda), skewness parameter (taualpha, fixatanhalpha)
formatmsPriorsMarg <- function(priorCoef, priorGroup, priorVar, priorSkew, n) {
  r= as.integer(1)

  if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='bic') {
    prior <- priorgr <- as.integer(100)
    tau <- as.double(priorCoef@priorPars['tau'])
    taugroup <- alpha <- lambda <- taualpha <- fixatanhalpha <- as.double(-1)
  } else {
    if (missing(priorGroup)) priorGroup= priorCoef
    if (missing(priorSkew)) priorSkew= priorCoef
    has_taustd <- "taustd" %in% names(priorCoef@priorPars)
    has_taugroupstd <- "taustd" %in% names(priorGroup@priorPars)
    if (has_taustd) {
      taustd <- as.double(priorCoef@priorPars['taustd'])
    } else {
      tau <- as.double(priorCoef@priorPars['tau'])
    if (has_taugroupstd) {
      taugroupstd <- as.double(priorGroup@priorPars['taustd'])
    } else {
      taugroup <- as.double(priorGroup@priorPars['tau'])
    if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='pMOM') {
      r <- as.integer(priorCoef@priorPars['r'])
      prior <- as.integer(0)
      if (has_taustd) tau <- taustd * 1/3
    } else if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='piMOM') {
      prior <- as.integer(1)
    } else if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='peMOM') {
      prior <- as.integer(2)
    } else if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='zellner') {
      prior <- as.integer(3)
      if (has_taustd) tau <- taustd * n
    } else if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='normalid') {
      prior <- as.integer(4)
      if (has_taustd) tau <- taustd
    } else if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='groupMOM') {
      prior <- as.integer(10)
      if (has_taustd) tau <- taustd
    } else if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='groupzellner') {
      prior <- as.integer(13)
      if (has_taustd) tau <- taustd * n
    } else {
      stop('Prior specified in priorDistr not recognized')
    if (priorGroup@priorDistr=='pMOM') {
      priorgr= as.integer(0)
      if (has_taugroupstd) taugroup <- taugroupstd * 1/3
    } else if (priorGroup@priorDistr=='piMOM') {
      priorgr= as.integer(1)
    } else if (priorGroup@priorDistr=='peMOM') {
      priorgr= as.integer(2)
    } else if (priorGroup@priorDistr=='zellner') {
      priorgr= as.integer(3)
      if (has_taugroupstd) taugroup <- taugroupstd * n
    } else if (priorGroup@priorDistr=='normalid') {
      priorgr= as.integer(4)
      if (has_taugroupstd) taugroup <- taugroupstd
    } else if (priorGroup@priorDistr=='groupMOM') {
      priorgr= as.integer(10)
      if (has_taugroupstd) taugroup <- taugroupstd
    } else if (priorGroup@priorDistr=='groupiMOM') {
      priorgr= as.integer(11)
    } else if (priorGroup@priorDistr=='groupeMOM') {
      priorgr= as.integer(12)
    } else if (priorGroup@priorDistr=='groupzellner') {
      priorgr= as.integer(13)
      if (has_taugroupstd) taugroup <- taugroupstd * n
    } else {
      stop('Prior in priorGroup not recognized')
    alpha <- as.double(priorVar@priorPars['alpha']); lambda <- as.double(priorVar@priorPars['lambda'])
    if ('msPriorSpec' %in% class(priorSkew)) {
        taualpha <- as.double(priorSkew@priorPars['tau'])
        fixatanhalpha <- as.double(-10000)
    } else {
        taualpha <- 0.358
        fixatanhalpha <- as.double(priorSkew)
    if (has_taustd) priorCoef@priorPars['tau']= tau
    if (has_taugroupstd) priorGroup@priorPars['tau']= taugroup
  ans= list(r=r,prior=prior,priorgr=priorgr,tau=tau,taugroup=taugroup,alpha=alpha,lambda=lambda,taualpha=taualpha,fixatanhalpha=fixatanhalpha,priorCoef=priorCoef,priorGroup=priorGroup)

defaultpriorConstraints <- function(priorDelta, priorConstraints) {
  if (missing(priorConstraints)) {
    if ((priorDelta@priorDistr=='binomial') && ('p' %in% names(priorDelta@priorPars)) && (length(priorDelta@priorPars[['p']]) > 1)) {
      priorConstraints <- modelbinomprior(p=0.5)
    } else {
      priorConstraints <- priorDelta

#Routine to format modelSelection prior distribution parameters in model space
#Input: priorDelta, priorConstraints, constraints
#Output: model space prior (prDelta, prDeltap, parprDeltap) and constraints (prConstr,prConstrp,parprConstrp)
formatmsPriorsModel <- function(priorDelta, priorConstraints, constraints) {
  #Prior on model space (parameters not subject to hierarchical constraints)
  n_unconstrained <- sum(sapply(constraints, function(x) length(x) == 0))
  n_constrained <- length(constraints) - n_unconstrained
  if (priorDelta@priorDistr=='uniform') {
    prDelta <- as.integer(0)
    prDeltap <- as.double(0)
    parprDeltap <- double(2)
  } else if (priorDelta@priorDistr=='binomial') {
    if ('p' %in% names(priorDelta@priorPars)) {
      prDelta <- as.integer(1)
      prDeltap <- as.double(priorDelta@priorPars[['p']])
      if (any(prDeltap<=0) | any(prDeltap>1)) stop("For the binomial model prior the inclusion probabilities p must lie in (0,1]")
      if ((length(prDeltap) != 1) & (length(prDeltap) != n_unconstrained)) stop("p in priorDelta must be a scalar or have length=number of unconstrained variables")
      parprDeltap <- as.double(length(prDeltap))
    } else {
      prDelta <- as.integer(2)
      prDeltap <- as.double(.5)
      parprDeltap <- as.double(priorDelta@priorPars[c('alpha.p','beta.p')])
  } else if (priorDelta@priorDistr=='complexity') {
      prDelta <- as.integer(3)
      prDeltap <- as.double(priorDelta@priorPars['c'])
      if (prDeltap<0) stop("c must be >0 for priorDelta@priorDistr=='complexity'")
      parprDeltap <- double(2)
  } else {
    stop('Prior specified in priorDelta not recognized')
  #Prior on model space (parameters subject to hierarchical constraints)
  if (priorConstraints@priorDistr=='uniform') {
    prConstr <- as.integer(0)
    prConstrp <- as.double(0)
    parprConstrp <- double(2)
  } else if (priorConstraints@priorDistr=='binomial') {
    if ('p' %in% names(priorConstraints@priorPars)) {
      prConstr <- as.integer(1)
      prConstrp <- as.double(priorConstraints@priorPars[['p']])
      if (any(prConstrp<=0) | any(prConstrp>=1)) stop("p must be between 0 and 1 for priorConstraints@priorDistr=='binomial'")
      if ((length(prConstrp) != 1) & (length(prConstrp) != n_constrained)) stop("p in priorConstraints must be a scalar or have length=number of constrained variables")
      parprConstrp <- as.double(length(prConstrp))
    } else {
      prConstr <- as.integer(2)
      prConstrp <- as.double(.5)
      parprConstrp <- as.double(priorConstraints@priorPars[c('alpha.p','beta.p')])
  } else if (priorConstraints@priorDistr=='complexity') {
      prConstr <- as.integer(3)
      prConstrp <- as.double(priorConstraints@priorPars['c'])
      if (prConstrp<0) stop("c must be >0 for priorConstraints@priorDistr=='complexity'")
      parprConstrp <- double(2)
  } else {
    stop('Prior specified in priorConstraints not recognized')

  ans= list(prDelta=prDelta,prDeltap=prDeltap,parprDeltap=parprDeltap,prConstr=prConstr,prConstrp=prConstrp,parprConstrp=parprConstrp)

#Assign a numerical code to the family of likelihoods, to pass on to C
formatFamily= function(family, issurvival) {
    if (family=='auto') {
        familyint= 0; familygreedy=1
    } else if (family=='normal') {
        familyint= familygreedy= ifelse(!issurvival,1,11)
    } else if (family=='twopiecenormal') {
        familyint= 2; familygreedy=1
    } else if (family=='laplace') {
        familyint= 3; familygreedy=1
    } else if (family=='twopiecelaplace') {
        familyint= 4; familygreedy=1
    } else if (family %in% c('binomial','binomial logit')) {
        familyint= familygreedy= 21
    } else if (family %in% c('poisson','poisson log')) {
        familyint= familygreedy= 22
    } else stop("family not available")

    ans= list(familyint= as.integer(familyint), familygreedy= as.integer(familygreedy))

greedymodelSelectionR <- function(y, x, niter=100, marginalFunction, priorFunction, betaBinPrior, deltaini=rep(FALSE,ncol(x)), verbose=TRUE, ...) {
  #Greedy version of modelSelectionR where variables with prob>0.5 at current iteration are included deterministically (prob<.5 excluded)
  p <- ncol(x)
  if (length(deltaini)!=p) stop('deltaini must be of length ncol(x)')
  if (!missing(betaBinPrior)) {
    #Initialize probBin
    if ((betaBinPrior['alpha.p']>1) && (betaBinPrior['beta.p']>1)) {
      probBin <- (betaBinPrior['alpha.p']-1)/(betaBinPrior['alpha.p']+betaBinPrior['beta.p']-2)
    } else {
      probBin <- (betaBinPrior['alpha.p'])/(betaBinPrior['alpha.p']+betaBinPrior['beta.p'])
    postOther <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter,ncol=1); colnames(postOther) <- c('probBin')
    priorFunction <- function(sel, logscale=TRUE) dbinom(x=sum(sel),size=length(sel),prob=probBin,log=logscale)
  } else {
    postOther <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter,ncol=0)
  #Greedy iterations
  sel <- deltaini
  mcur <- marginalFunction(y=y,x=x[,sel,drop=FALSE],logscale=TRUE,...) + priorFunction(sel,logscale=TRUE)
  nchanges <- 1; itcur <- 1
  nn <- names(x)
  while (nchanges>0 & itcur<niter) {
    nchanges <- 0; itcur <- itcur+1
    for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
      selnew <- sel; selnew[i] <- !selnew[i]
      mnew <- marginalFunction(y=y,x=x[,selnew,drop=FALSE],logscale=TRUE,...) + priorFunction(selnew,logscale=TRUE)
      if (mnew>mcur) { sel[i]=selnew[i]; mcur=mnew; nchanges=nchanges+1; if (verbose) cat(paste(ifelse(sel[i],"Added","Dropped"),nn[i],"\n",collapse=" ")) }

#Gibbs model selection using BIC to approximate marginal likelihood
# - y, x, xadj: response, covariates under selection and adjustment covariates
# - family: glm family, passed on to glm
# - niter: number of Gibbs iteration
# - burnin: burn-in iterations
# - modelPrior: function evaluating model log-prior probability. Takes a logical vector as input
# Returns:
# - postModel, postCoef1, postCoef2, margpp (analogous to pmomPM. postCoef1 & postCoef2 are MLEs under each visited model)
modelselBIC <- function(y, x, xadj, family, niter=1000, burnin= round(.1*niter), modelPrior, verbose=TRUE) {
  pluginJoint <- function(sel) {
    p <- sum(sel)
    ans <- vector("list",2); names(ans) <- c('marginal','coef')
    if (p>0 & p<=length(y)) {
      glm1 <- glm(y ~ x[,sel,drop=FALSE] + xadj -1, family=family)
      ans$marginal <- -.5*glm1$deviance - .5*log(length(y))*(glm1$df.null-glm1$df.residual) + modelPrior(sel)
      ans$coef1 <- coef(glm1)[1:p]; ans$coef2 <- coef(glm1)[-1:-p]
    } else if (p==0) {
      glm1 <- glm(y ~ xadj -1, family=family)
      ans$marginal <- -.5*glm1$deviance - .5*log(length(y))*(glm1$df.null-glm1$df.residual) + modelPrior(sel)
      ans$coef1 <- double(0); ans$coef2 <- coef(glm1)
    } else { ans$marginal <- -Inf; ans$coef1 <- ans$coef2 <- 0}
  #Greedy iterations
  if (verbose) cat("Initializing...")
  sel <- rep(FALSE,ncol(x))
  mcur <- pluginJoint(sel)$marginal
  nchanges <- 1; it <- 1
  while (nchanges>0 & it<100) {
    nchanges <- 0; it <- it+1
    for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
      selnew <- sel; selnew[i] <- !selnew[i]
      mnew <- pluginJoint(selnew)$marginal
      if (mnew>mcur) { sel[i] <- selnew[i]; mcur <- mnew; nchanges <- nchanges+1 }
  if (verbose) { cat(" Done\nGibbs sampling") }
  #Gibbs iterations
  niter10 <- ceiling(niter/10)
  postModel <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter,ncol=ncol(x))
  postCoef1 <- matrix(0,nrow=niter,ncol=ncol(x))
  postCoef2 <- matrix(0,nrow=niter,ncol=ncol(xadj))
  curmod <- pluginJoint(sel)
  for (j in 1:niter) {
    for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
      selnew <- sel; selnew[i] <- !selnew[i]
      newmod <- pluginJoint(selnew)
      mnew <- newmod$marginal
      if (runif(1) < 1/(1+exp(mcur-mnew))) { sel[i] <- selnew[i]; mcur <- mnew; curmod <- newmod }
    postModel[j,] <- sel
    postCoef1[j,sel] <- curmod$coef1; postCoef2[j,] <- curmod$coef2
    if (verbose & ((j%%niter10)==0)) cat(".")
  if (verbose) cat("Done\n")
  #Return output
  if (burnin>0) { postModel <- postModel[-1:-burnin,,drop=FALSE]; postCoef1 <- postCoef1[-1:-burnin,,drop=FALSE]; postCoef2 <- postCoef2[-1:-burnin,,drop=FALSE] }
  ans <- list(postModel=postModel, postCoef1=postCoef1, postCoef2=postCoef2, margpp=colMeans(postModel))

## Common prior distributions on model space

nselConstraints= function(sel, groups, constraints) {
    # - ngroups0: number of unconstrained groups that are selected
    # - ngroups1: number of constrained groups that are selected
    # - ngroups: total number of groups (selected or unselected)
    # - ngroupsconstr: total number of groups that have a constraint
    # - violateConstraint: TRUE if sel violates a group constraint, FALSE otherwise
    ngroups= length(unique(groups))
    if (length(constraints) != ngroups) stop("length(constraints) must be equal to length(unique(groups))")
    if (!is.numeric(groups)) stop("Argument groups must be numeric")
    nconstraints= sapply(constraints,length)
    hasconstraint= (nconstraints>0)
    ngroupsconstr= sum(hasconstraint)
    tab= table(factor(sel,levels=c('FALSE','TRUE')),groups)
    selgroup= tab['TRUE',] >0
    violateConstraint= FALSE
    if (ngroupsconstr>0) { for (i in which(hasconstraint)) { if (selgroup[i] & any(!selgroup[constraints[[i]]])) violateConstraint= TRUE } }
    ngroups0= sum(selgroup[!hasconstraint]); ngroups1= sum(selgroup[hasconstraint])
    return(list(ngroups0=ngroups0, ngroups1=ngroups1, ngroups=ngroups, ngroupsconstr=ngroupsconstr, violateConstraint=violateConstraint, hasconstraint=hasconstraint))

#binomPrior <- function(sel, prob=.5, logscale=TRUE) {  dbinom(x=sum(sel),size=length(sel),prob=prob,log=logscale) }

binomPrior <- function(sel, prob=.5, logscale=TRUE, probconstr=prob, groups=1:length(sel), constraints=lapply(1:length(unique(groups)), function(z) integer(0))) {
    nsel= nselConstraints(sel=sel, groups=groups, constraints=constraints)
    if (!nsel$violateConstraint) {
      hasconstraint <- nsel$hasconstraint
      ans <- sum((log(prob) * sel)[!hasconstraint]) + sum((log(1-prob)*(1-sel))[!hasconstraint])
      if (nsel$ngroupsconstr>0) ans= ans+ sum((log(probconstr) * sel)[hasconstraint]) + sum((log(1-probconstr)*(1-sel))[hasconstraint])
    } else { ans= -Inf }
    if (!logscale) ans= exp(ans)

#unifPrior <- function(sel, logscale=TRUE) { ifelse(logscale,-length(sel)*log(2),2^(-length(sel)))  }
unifPrior <- function(sel, logscale=TRUE, groups=1:length(sel), constraints=lapply(1:length(unique(groups)), function(z) integer(0))) {
    binomPrior(sel, prob=.5, logscale=logscale, probconstr=.5, groups=groups, constraints=constraints)

#bbPrior <- function(sel, alpha=1, beta=1, logscale=TRUE) {
#  ans <- lbeta(sum(sel) + alpha, sum(!sel) + beta) - lbeta(alpha,beta)
#  ifelse(logscale,ans,exp(ans))

bbPrior <- function(sel, alpha=1, beta=1, logscale=TRUE, alphaconstr=alpha, betaconstr=beta, groups=1:length(sel), constraints=lapply(1:length(unique(groups)), function(z) integer(0))) {
  nsel= nselConstraints(sel=sel, groups=groups, constraints=constraints)
  if (!nsel$violateConstraint) {
      ans= lbeta(nsel$ngroups0 + alpha, nsel$ngroups-nsel$ngroupsconstr-nsel$ngroups0 + beta) - lbeta(alpha,beta)
      if (nsel$ngroupsconstr>0) ans= ans + lbeta(nsel$ngroups1 + alphaconstr, nsel$ngroupsconstr - nsel$ngroups1 + betaconstr) - lbeta(alphaconstr,betaconstr)
  } else { ans= -Inf }

bbPriorTrunc <- function (sel, logscale=TRUE, maxvars=10, ...) {
  #Same as bbPrior with prob=0 when variables > maxvars
  if (sum(sel)<=maxvars) { ans <- bbPrior(sel, logscale=logscale, ...) } else { ans <- ifelse(logscale, -Inf, 0) }

unifPriorTrunc <- function (sel, logscale=TRUE, maxvars=10, ...) {
  #Same as unifPrior with prob=0 when variables > maxvars
  if (sum(sel)<=maxvars) { ans <- unifPrior(sel, logscale=logscale, ...) } else { ans <- ifelse(logscale, -Inf, 0) }

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