
Defines functions plotMatrixGeometry jitterObsGenerator stepCalc exclude_labels fCols legendGgplotFit optLogTransform estimXCX calcDIC modelSamplingParameters selectDataTT idCreate

# Ugly hack to get rid of spurious notes in package check, caused by uses
# of dplyr::{rename, filter}. R is such a sad language.
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(c(
  "response", "Nreprocumul", "resp", "Mortality", "qinf95", "qsup95",
  "transf_conc", "obs", "pred", "..n..", "Points", "conc", "Line", "Nsurv",
  "time", "Conf.Int", "Cred.Lim", "Obs", "P50", "P2.5", "P97.5", "variable",
  "value", "jittered_conc", "reproRateInf", "reproRateSup", "curv_conc", "q50",
  "psurv", "concentration", ".", "time_ID", "i_row", "nbrReplicate_ConcTime",
  "time_ID_red", "x.pts", "y.pts", "pts.leg", "survRate_key", "survRate_value",
  "Nsurv_qinf95", "Nsurv_qsup95", "col_range", "Nsurv_q50", "Nprec", "decrease",
  "time_ID_long", "Nsurv_key", "Nsurv_value", "Nsurv_qinf95_valid", "Nsurv_qsup95_valid",
  "Nsurv_q50_valid","Nsurv_qinf95_check", "Nsurv_qsup95_check","Nsurv_q50_check",
  "conf_int_qinf95", "conf_int_qsup95", "kd_log10", "alpha_log10",
  "kk_log10", "z_log10", "parameters", "density", "ppc_matching_valid", "rmse_id", "SE_id"))

# Generates a character string vector from a data.frame using its
# replicate, and time columns. The result can be used as identifiers
# for the rows of the data.set.
idCreate <- function(data) {
  paste(data[, "replicate"],
        data[, "time"],
        sep = "_")

#' @importFrom dplyr filter
selectDataTT <- function(data, target.time) {
  # - data: An object of class reproData or survData
  # - target.time: the time we want to consider as the last time for the analysis.
  # - subset the dataframe for target.time used by function with target.time arg

  # target.time default
  if ("time" %in% colnames(data)) { # one time dataset check
    if (is.null(target.time)) {
      target.time <- max(data$time)

    # correct target time
    if (!any(data$time == target.time) || target.time == 0)
      stop("target.time is not one of the possible time !")

    dataTT <- filter(data, time == target.time)
  } else {
    dataTT <- cbind(data, time = 1)


#' @import rjags
#' @importFrom coda raftery.diag
modelSamplingParameters <- function(model, parameters, n.chains, quiet) {
  # estimate the number of iteration required for the estimation
  # by using the raftery.diag
  # - model: jags model from loading function
  # - parameters: parameters from loading function
  # - nchains: Number of chains desired
  # - quiet: silent option
  # - niter: number of iteration (mcmc)
  # - thin: thining rate parameter
  # - burnin: number of iteration burned

  # number of iteration for the pilote run required by raftery.diag
  # default value: 3746
  niter.init <- 5000
  prog.b <- ifelse(quiet == TRUE, "none", "text") # plot progress bar option
  mcmc <- coda.samples(model, parameters, n.iter = niter.init, thin = 1,
                       progress.bar = prog.b)
  RL <- raftery.diag(mcmc)

  # check raftery.diag result (number of sample for the diagnostic procedure)
  if (n.chains < 2) stop('2 or more parallel chains required !')

  # extract raftery diagnostic results
  resmatrix <- RL[[1]]$resmatrix
  for (i in 2: length(RL)) {
    resmatrix <- rbind(resmatrix, RL[[i]]$resmatrix)

  # creation of sampling parameters
  thin <- round(max(resmatrix[, "I"]) + 0.5) # autocorrelation
  niter <- max(resmatrix[, "Nmin"]) * thin # number of iteration
  burnin <- max(resmatrix[, "M"]) # burnin period

  return(list(niter = niter, thin = thin, burnin = burnin))

#' @import rjags
calcDIC <- function(m.M, sampling.parameters, quiet) {
  # calculate the dic for a jags model
  # - m.M:  jags model object
  # - niter: number of iterations for the sampling
  # - thin
  # - numeric value of the DIC

  prog.b <- ifelse(quiet == TRUE, "none", "text") # plot progress bar option

  # estimation of DIC
  dic <- dic.samples(m.M, n.iter = sampling.parameters$niter,
                     thin = sampling.parameters$thin, progress.bar = prog.b)

  # return penalised DIC
  return(round(sum(sapply(dic$deviance, mean) + sapply(dic$penalty, mean))))

#' @importFrom stats quantile
estimXCX <- function(mcmc, xcx, varx) {
  # create the table of estimated values of LCx or ECx
  # for the survival analyses

  # INPUT:
  # - mcmc:  list of estimated parameters for the model with each item representing
  # a chains
  # - xcx: vector of values of LCx or ECX
  # - varx: character string for lcx or ecx
  # - data frame with the estimated ECx and their CIs 95% (3 columns (values,
  # CIinf, CIsup) and length(x) rows)

  # Retrieving estimated parameters of the model
  mctot <- do.call("rbind", mcmc)
  b <- 10^mctot[, "log10b"]
  e <- 10^mctot[, "log10e"]

  # Calculation XCx median and quantiles
  XCx <- sapply(xcx, function(x) {e * ((100 / (100 - x)) - 1)^(1 / b)})

  q50 <- apply(XCx, 2, function(x) {quantile(x, probs = 0.5)})
  qinf95 <- apply(XCx, 2, function(x) {quantile(x, probs = 0.025)})
  qsup95 <- apply(XCx, 2, function(x) {quantile(x, probs = 0.975)})

  # defining names
  XCname <- sapply(xcx, function(x) {paste(varx, x, sep = '')})

  # create the dataframe with ECx median and quantiles
  res <- data.frame(median = q50, Q2.5 = qinf95, Q97.5 = qsup95,
                    row.names = XCname)


optLogTransform <- function(log.scale, x) {
  if(log.scale) log(x) else x

legendGgplotFit <- function(a.gplot) {
  # create multi legend for plot.reproFitTt and plot.survFitTt
  # to have differente legend for points and mean and CI curve
  tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(a.gplot))
  leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
  legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]]

fCols <- function(data, fitcol, cicol) {
  # points
  cols1 <- "black"
  names(cols1) <- unique(data$Points)
  # curve
  cols2 <- fitcol
  names(cols2) <- "loglogistic"
  # Conf Int
  cols3 <- "black"
  names(cols3) <- "Confidence interval"
  # Cred Int
  cols4 <- cicol
  names(cols4) <- "Credible limits"
  # tktd mean curve
  cols5 <- fitcol
  names(cols5) <- "Mean curve"
  return(list(cols1 = cols1,
              cols2 = cols2,
              cols3 = cols3,
              cols4 = cols4,
              cols5 = cols5))

exclude_labels <- function(x) {
  x[-seq.int(1, length(x), 4)] <- ""

stepCalc <- function(obs_val) {
  # calculation of steps coordinate
  sObs <- sort(obs_val)
  stepX <- c(0, sapply(2:length(sObs), function(i) {
    sObs[i-1] + (sObs[i] - sObs[i-1]) / 2}), max(sObs))
  return(list(sObs = sObs, stepX = stepX))

jitterObsGenerator <- function(stepX, tab, obs_val, ppc = FALSE) {
  # uniform jittering of observed values
  if (ppc) {
    allSpaceX <- sapply(2:length(stepX),
                        function(i) { stepX[i] - stepX[i-1] })
    spaceX <- min(allSpaceX[which(allSpaceX != 0)]) / 2
  } else {
    allSpaceX <- sapply(2:length(stepX),
                        function(i) { obs_val[i] - obs_val[i-1] })
    spaceX <- min(allSpaceX[which(allSpaceX != 0)]) / 4
  lengthX <- table(tab[, "Obs"])
  jitterObs <- mapply(function(x, y) {
    if (y == 1) {
      seq(x, x, length.out = y)
    } else {
      seq(x - spaceX + (2 * spaceX / (y + 1)),
          x + spaceX - (2 * spaceX / (y + 1)), length.out = y)
  }, x = sort(obs_val), y = lengthX)
  return(list(spaceX = spaceX,
              jitterObs = unlist(jitterObs)))

# [plotMatrixGeometry(n)] returns a vector [c(w,h)] such that a matrix of plots
# of dimension ([w], [h]) is big enough to display [n] plots in a pretty way.
# This will typically be used in [par(mfrow)] calls.
plotMatrixGeometry <- function(nblevels) {
  PlotPar <- c(c(2, 2), c(2, 3), c(2, 4), c(3, 3), c(2, 5), c(3, 4), c(3, 5),
               c(4, 4))
  NbPlotTheo <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = 8)
  NbPlotTheo[, 1] <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)
  NbPlotTheo[, 2] <- c(4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16)
  if (nblevels < 15) {
    i <- NbPlotTheo[NbPlotTheo[, 2] - nblevels > 0, 1][1]
  } else {
    i <- 15
  return(c(PlotPar[i], PlotPar[i + 1]))

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