
Defines functions reproDoseResponseCIGG reproDoseResponseCIGeneric plotDoseResponse.reproData

Documented in plotDoseResponse.reproData

#' Plot dose-response from \code{reproData} objects
#' This is the generic \code{plotDoseResponse} S3 method for the \code{reproData}
#' class. It plots the number of offspring per individual-days as a function of
#' concentration at a given target time.
#' The function plots the observed values of the reproduction rate (number of
#' reproduction outputs per individual-day) at a given time point as a function of
#' concentration. The 95 \% Poisson confidence interval is added to each reproduction
#' rate. It is calculated using function \code{\link[epitools]{pois.exact}}
#' from package \code{epitools}.
#' As replicates are not pooled in this plot, overlapped points are shifted on
#' the x-axis to help the visualization of replicates.
#' @param x an object of class \code{reproData}
#' @param xlab a label for the \eqn{X}-axis, by default \code{Concentration}
#' @param ylab a label for the \eqn{Y}-axis, by default \code{Nb of offspring per ind.day}
#' @param main main title for the plot
#' @param ylim \eqn{Y}-axis limits
#' @param target.time a numeric value corresponding to some observed time points in \code{data}
#' @param style graphical backend, can be \code{'ggplot'} or \code{'generic'}
#' @param log.scale if \code{TRUE}, displays \eqn{X}-axis in log-scale
#' @param remove.someLabels if \code{TRUE}, removes 75\% of \eqn{X}-axis labels in
#' \code{'ggplot'} style to avoid the label overlap
#' @param axis if \code{TRUE} displays ticks and label axis
#' @param addlegend if \code{TRUE}, adds a default legend to the plot
#' @param \dots Further arguments to be passed to generic methods
#' @note When \code{style = "generic"}, the function calls the generic function
#' \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @note When \code{style = "ggplot"}, the function return an object of class
#' \code{ggplot}, see function \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} 
#' @seealso \code{\link[epitools]{pois.exact}}
#' @keywords plot
#' @return a plot of class \code{ggplot}
#' @examples
#' # (1) Load the data
#' data(zinc)
#' # (2) Create an object of class 'reproData'
#' zinc_rpr <- reproData(zinc)
#' # (3) Plot dose-response
#' plotDoseResponse(zinc_rpr)
#' # (4) Plot dose-response with a generic style
#' plotDoseResponse(zinc_rpr, style = "generic")
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import grDevices
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom graphics plot axis lines points
#' title
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @importFrom epitools pois.exact
#' @export
plotDoseResponse.reproData <- function(x,
                                       xlab = "Concentration",
                                       ylab = "Nb of offspring per ind.day",
                                       main = NULL,
                                       ylim = NULL,
                                       target.time = NULL,
                                       style = "ggplot",
                                       log.scale = FALSE,
                                       remove.someLabels = FALSE,
                                       axis = TRUE,
                                       addlegend = TRUE,
                                       ...) {
  if (is.null(target.time)) target.time <- max(x$time)
  if (!target.time %in% x$time || target.time == 0)
    stop("[target.time] is not one of the possible time !")
  if (style == "generic" && remove.someLabels)
    warning("'remove.someLabels' argument is valid only in 'ggplot' style.",
            call. = FALSE)
  x$resp <- x$Nreprocumul / x$Nindtime
  # select the target.time
  xf <- filter(x, x$time == target.time)
  # Selection of datapoints that can be displayed given the type of scale
  sel <- if(log.scale) xf$conc > 0 else TRUE
  x <- xf[sel, ]
  transf_data_conc <- optLogTransform(log.scale, x$conc)
  # Concentration values used for display in linear scale
  display.conc <- (function() {
    x <- optLogTransform(log.scale, x$conc)
    if(log.scale) exp(x) else x
  ICpois <- pois.exact(x$Nreprocumul, x$Nindtime)
  x$reproRateInf <- ICpois$lower
  x$reproRateSup <- ICpois$upper
  conc_val <- unique(transf_data_conc)
  x$Obs <- x$conc
  stepX <- stepCalc(conc_val)$stepX
  jittered_conc <- jitterObsGenerator(stepX, x, conc_val)$jitterObs
  if (style == "generic")
    reproDoseResponseCIGeneric(x, conc_val, jittered_conc, transf_data_conc,
                               display.conc, ylim, axis, main, addlegend)
  else if (style == "ggplot")
    reproDoseResponseCIGG(x, conc_val, jittered_conc, transf_data_conc,
                          display.conc, main, addlegend, remove.someLabels)
  else stop("Unknown style")

reproDoseResponseCIGeneric <- function(x, conc_val, jittered_conc,
                                       transf_data_conc, display.conc, ylim,
                                       axis, main, addlegend) {
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(0, max(x$reproRateSup))
  plot(jittered_conc, x$resp,
       ylim = ylim,
       type = "n",
       xaxt = "n",
       yaxt = "n",
       main = main,
       xlab = if (axis) { "Concentration" } else "",
       ylab = if (axis) { "Reproduction rate"} else "")
  # axis
  if (axis) {
    axis(side = 2, at = pretty(c(0, max(x$resp))))
    axis(side = 1, at = transf_data_conc,
         labels = display.conc)
  x0 <- x[order(x$conc),]
  segments(jittered_conc, x0[, "reproRateInf"],
           jittered_conc, x0[, "reproRateSup"])
  points(jittered_conc, x0$resp, pch = 20)
  if (addlegend) {
    legend("bottomleft", pch = c(20, NA),
           lty = c(NA, 1),
           lwd = c(NA, 1),
           col = c(1, 1),
           legend = c("Observed values", "Confidence intervals"),
           bty = "n")

reproDoseResponseCIGG <- function(x, conc_val, jittered_conc, transf_data_conc,
                                  display.conc, main, addlegend,
                                  remove.someLabels) {
  x0 <- cbind(x[order(x$conc),], jittered_conc = as.vector(jittered_conc))
  df <- data.frame(x0,
                   Points = "Observed values")
  dfCI <- data.frame(x0,
                     Conf.Int = "Confidence intervals")
  # colors
  valCols <- fCols(df, fitcol = NA, cicol = NA)
  gf <- ggplot(dfCI) + geom_segment(aes(x = jittered_conc, xend = jittered_conc,
                                        y = reproRateInf, yend = reproRateSup,
                                        linetype = Conf.Int),
                                    data = dfCI,
                                    col = valCols$cols3) +
    geom_point(aes(x = jittered_conc, y = resp, fill = Points), df,
               col = valCols$cols1) +
    scale_fill_hue("") +
    scale_linetype(name = "") +
    expand_limits(y = 0) +
    ggtitle(main) +
    labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Reproduction rate") +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(transf_data_conc),
                       labels = if (remove.someLabels) {
                       } else {
    ) +
  if (addlegend) {
  } else {
    gf + theme(legend.position = "none") # remove legend

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