
Defines functions is_object_not_found_error rstudio_is_available .require_manipulate_namespace .try_requireNamespace

Documented in rstudio_is_available

#' @details
#' `.do.safe.call` avoids conflicts between named arguments and ... by taking named arguments
#' preferentially.
#' @rdname mosaic-internal
#' @param what either a function or a non-empty character string naming the function to be called.
#' @param args a list of arguments to the function call. The names attribute of args gives the argument names.
#' @param quote a logical value indicating whether to quote the arguments.
#' @param envir an environment within which to evaluate the call.
#'	This will be most useful if what is a character string and the arguments are symbols or quoted expressions.
#' @return The result of the (evaluated) function call.
#' @seealso [do.call()]
#' @keywords internal

.do.safe.call <- function (what, args, quote = FALSE, envir = parent.frame(), ...) {
	dots <- list(...)
	args <- modifyList(dots, args)
	do.call(what, args, quote, envir)

# patterned after similar function in ggplot2
# a bit flakey at the moment, so I'm eliminating its use in favor of directly calling
# requireNamespace.  ---rjp

.try_requireNamespace <-function(package) {
  available <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(sapply(package,
                                                        requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE,
                                                        character.only = TRUE,
                                                        warn.conflicts = FALSE)))
  missing <- package[!available]
  if (length(missing) > 0)
    stop("Missing packages.  Please retry after installing the following: ",
         paste(missing, collapse = ", "),
         call. = FALSE)

.require_manipulate_namespace <-function() {
  if (! rstudio_is_available())
    stop("RStudio required for manipulate.")
  if (! requireNamespace("manipulate", quietly=TRUE))
    stop("Unable to locate the manipulate package.  Please install with `install.packages(\"manipulate\")'")
  if( ! get('mosaic.manipulate.initialized', .mosaicEnv) ) {
    manipulate::manipulate(plot(1:N), N = manipulate::slider(5, 10))
    assign("mosaic.manipulate.initialized", TRUE, envir = .mosaicEnv)

#' Check whether RStudio is in use
#' This functions checks that RStudio is in use.  It will likely be removed
#' from this package once the versions of RStudio in popular use rely on the
#' manipulate package on CRAN which will provide its own version.
#' @return a logical
#' @rdname rstudio
#' @export
rstudio_is_available <- function() {
  identical(.Platform$GUI, "RStudio")

is_object_not_found_error <- function(e, name = "") {
  grepl("object", e$message) && grepl(name, e$message) && grepl("not found", e$message)

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mosaic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:27 a.m.