
context("interpolate time")
test_that("interpolateTime", {
  data <- leroy
  dataP <- spTransform(data, center = T)
  expect_equal(data, interpolateTime(data, timestamps(data), spaceMethod = "gr"))
  expect_equal(data, interpolateTime(data, timestamps(data), spaceMethod = "rh"))
  expect_equal(dataP, interpolateTime(dataP, timestamps(dataP), spaceMethod = "eu"), check.attributes=FALSE)
  sl <- c(levels(data@sensor), "interpolateTime")
  dataS <- new("Move", data, sensor = factor(data@sensor, levels = sl), sensorUnUsedRecords = factor(data@sensorUnUsedRecords, levels = sl))
  rownames(dataS@coords) <- NULL
  expect_equal(dataS[c(1, n.locs(data)), ], interpolateTime(data, 30, spaceMethod = "gr")[c(1, 30), ])
  expect_equal(dataS[c(1, n.locs(data)), ], interpolateTime(data, 30, spaceMethod = "rh")[c(1, 30), ])
  expect_equal(spTransform(dataS[c(1, n.locs(data)), ], proj4string(dataP)), interpolateTime(dataP, 30, spaceMethod = "eu")[c(1, 30), ], check.attributes=FALSE)
  expect_equal(40, n.locs(interpolateTime(data, 40, spaceMethod = "g")))
  t <- move(0:1, 0:1, as.POSIXct(0:1, origin = "1970-1-1"))
  tt <- move(0:1, 0:1, as.POSIXct(c(0, 10), origin = "1970-1-1"))
  expect_equivalent(coordinates(interpolateTime(t, as.POSIXct(.1, origin = "1970-1-1"))), cbind(.1, .1))
  expect_equal(coordinates(interpolateTime(t, as.POSIXct(.16, origin = "1970-1-1"))), coordinates(interpolateTime(tt, as.POSIXct(1.6, origin = "1970-1-1"))))
  # prevent lineMidpoint from failing
  d <- data[1:40, ]
  crd <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(split(burst(d, 1:39)), move:::lineMidpoint), coordinates))
  crd2 <- coordinates(interpolateTime(d, timestamps(d)[-40] + (timestamps(d)[-1] - timestamps(d)[-40]) / 2, spaceMethod = "g"))

  expect_equal(c(crd), c(crd2))
  expect_warning(a <- interpolateTime(data, as.difftime(1, units = "days")), "Euclidean interpolation seems unsuitable for the longitude latitude projection")
  expect_equal(unique(timeLag(a, units = "days")), 1)
    floor(sum(timeLag(data, "days"))),
    sum(timeLag(a, "days"))

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move documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:09 p.m.