
context("turn angle")
test_that("turnAngle", {
  l <- cbind(c(59, 60), c(59, 60))
  r <- runif(1000, -180, 180)
  d <- rexp(length(r), .0001)
  for (i in 1:length(r)) {
    l <- rbind(l, destPoint(tail(l, 1), finalBearing(head(tail(l, 2), 1), tail(l, 1)) + r[i], d[i]))
  m <- move(l[, 1], l[, 2], as.POSIXct(1:nrow(l), origin = "1970-1-1"), proj = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")
  expect_equal(turnAngleGc(m), r)
  expect_error(expect_warning(turnAngleGc(spTransform(m, center = T)), "turnAngleGc is probably not a valid calculation on this projection"), "Points are projected. They should be in degrees") # the warnigns is probably a bit point less
  expect_warning(expect_equal(turnAngleGc(moveStack(list(a = m, b = m))), list(a = r, b = r)), "Detected duplicated names. Renamed the duplicated individuals accordingly")

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move documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:09 p.m.