
#' @include mpcross-class.R
#' @include geneticData-class.R
setGeneric("addMpMap2", function(e1, e2, skipValidity = FALSE) standardGeneric("addMpMap2"))
#' @title Combine mpcross objects
#' @description Combine two mpcross objects into a single object
#' @rdname combineMpcross
#' @param e1 An mpcross object
#' @param e2 Another mpcross object
#' @details 
#' These addition operators combine multiple objects of classes \code{mpcross} or \code{mpcrossMapped} into a single object. The input objects may contain recombination fraction data, or may have associated genetic maps. The operators try to keep whatever extra data is in the input objects, and will warn if data is discarded. Data will be discarded if, for example, one of the objects contains recombination fraction data and the other does not.
#' In general, the combined object will contain the input objects as separate experiments. In special cases, the datasets may actually be combined as a single experiment. For example, if the input objects contains disjoint sets of markers, but the same genetic lines, then the datasets will be combined. Similarly, if the input objects contain the same genetic markers, but disjoint sets of genetic lines, then the datasets will be combined.
#' Internally this function redirects to another generic named \code{addMpMap2}, because this generic allows for optional named arguments. 
#' @return A combined object that contains the data from both \code{e1} and \code{e2}. 
setMethod(f = "+", signature = c("mpcrossMapped", "mpcrossMapped"), definition = function(e1, e2)
	addMpMap2(e1, e2)
setMethod(f = "addMpMap2", signature = c("mpcrossMapped", "mpcrossMapped"), definition = function(e1, e2, skipValidity = FALSE)
  if(pryr::address(e1) == pryr::address(e2))
    stop("Cannot combine an object with itself")
  allMarkers <- sort(unique(c(markers(e1), markers(e2))))
  #If e1 and e2 have exactly the same markers, this is trivial. 
  if(nMarkers(e1) == nMarkers(e2) && all(markers(e1) == markers(e2)))
    if(!identical(e1@map, e2@map))
      stop("Cannot combined two mpcrossMapped objects with the same markers, but different maps")
    return(new("mpcrossMapped", geneticData = new("geneticDataList", c(e1@geneticData, e2@geneticData)), map = e1@map))
  else if(length(intersect(markers(e1), markers(e2))) == 0 && length(intersect(names(e1@map), names(e2@map))) == 0)
    newMap <- c(e1@map, e2@map)
    class(newMap) <- "map"
    if(length(e1@geneticData) == 1 && length(e2@geneticData) == 1 && identical(lineNames(e1), lineNames(e2)) && identical(rownames(founders(e1)), rownames(founders(e2))) && identical(e1@geneticData[[1]]@pedigree, e2@geneticData[[1]]@pedigree))
      newGeneticData <- new("geneticData", founders = cbind(founders(e1), founders(e2)), finals = cbind(finals(e1), finals(e2)), hetData = new("hetData", c(hetData(e1), hetData(e2))), pedigree = e1@geneticData[[1]]@pedigree, skipValidity = skipValidity)
      return(new("mpcrossMapped", geneticData = new("geneticDataList", list(newGeneticData)), map = newMap))
      newMarkers <- c(markers(e1), markers(e2))
      e1 <- expand(e1, newMarkers)
      e2 <- expand(e2, newMarkers)
      return(new("mpcrossMapped", geneticData = new("geneticDataList", c(e1@geneticData, e2@geneticData)), map = newMap))
    stop("Cannot combine these objects")
#' @rdname combineMpcross
setMethod(f = "+", signature = c("mpcross", "mpcross"), definition = function(e1, e2)
	addMpMap2(e1, e2)
setMethod(f = "addMpMap2", signature = c("mpcross", "mpcross"), definition = function(e1, e2, skipValidity = FALSE)
  if(pryr::address(e1) == pryr::address(e2))
    stop("Cannot combine an object with itself")
  allMarkers <- sort(unique(c(markers(e1), markers(e2))))
  #If e1 and e2 have exactly the same markers and pedigree, this is trivial
  if(length(e1@geneticData) == 1 && length(e2@geneticData) == 1 && nMarkers(e1) == nMarkers(e2) && all(markers(e1) == markers(e2)) && identical(e1@geneticData[[1]]@pedigree, e2@geneticData[[1]]@pedigree) && identical(founders(e1), founders(e2)))
    combined <- e1@geneticData[[1]]
    combined@imputed <- NULL
    combined@probabilities <- NULL
    combined@finals <- rbind(combined@finals, e2@geneticData[[1]]@finals)
    return(new("mpcross", geneticData = new("geneticDataList", list(combined))))
  #If e1 and e2 have exactly the same markers, still trivial
  else if(nMarkers(e1) == nMarkers(e2) && all(markers(e1) == markers(e2)))
    return(new("mpcross", geneticData = new("geneticDataList", c(e1@geneticData, e2@geneticData))))
  #If all the markers are already in e1, then use that order and only expand e2
  else if(nMarkers(e1) == length(allMarkers) && all(allMarkers == sort(markers(e1))))
    e2ExpandedGeneticData <- expand(e2, newMarkers = allMarkers)
    return(new("mpcross", geneticData = new("geneticDataList", c(e1@geneticData, e2ExpandedGeneticData@geneticData))))
  #If all the markers are already in e2, then use that order and only expand e1
  else if(nMarkers(e2) == length(allMarkers) && all(allMarkers == sort(markers(e2))))
    e1ExpandedGeneticData <- expand(e1, newMarkers = allMarkers)
    return(new("mpcross", geneticData = new("geneticDataList", c(e1ExpandedGeneticData@geneticData, e2@geneticData), skipValidity = skipValidity), skipValidity = skipValidity))
  else if(length(e1@geneticData) == 1 && length(e2@geneticData) == 1 && identical(lineNames(e1), lineNames(e2)) && identical(rownames(founders(e1)), rownames(founders(e2))) && identical(e1@geneticData[[1]]@pedigree, e2@geneticData[[1]]@pedigree))
      newGeneticData <- new("geneticData", founders = cbind(founders(e1), founders(e2)), finals = cbind(finals(e1), finals(e2)), hetData = new("hetData", c(hetData(e1), hetData(e2))), pedigree = e1@geneticData[[1]]@pedigree, skipValidity = skipValidity)
      return(new("mpcross", geneticData = new("geneticDataList", list(newGeneticData), skipValidity = skipValidity), skipValidity = skipValidity))
    if(length(e1@geneticData) == 1 && length(e2@geneticData) == 1 && identical(lineNames(e1), lineNames(e2)) && identical(rownames(founders(e1)), rownames(founders(e2))))
      copiedPedigree1 <- e1@geneticData[[1]]@pedigree
      copiedPedigree2 <- e2@geneticData[[1]]@pedigree
      copiedPedigree1@selfing <- "infinite"
      copiedPedigree2@selfing <- "infinite"
      if(identical(copiedPedigree1, copiedPedigree2))
        warning("Object pedigrees differ only in slot @selfing. If the values in @slot selfing were identical, these objects could be combined as a single experiment")
    #Put all the markers from e1 first
    allMarkers <- c(markers(e1), setdiff(allMarkers, markers(e1)))
    e1ExpandedGeneticData <- expand(e1, newMarkers = allMarkers)
    e2ExpandedGeneticData <- expand(e2, newMarkers = allMarkers)
    return(new("mpcross", geneticData = new("geneticDataList", c(e1ExpandedGeneticData@geneticData, e2ExpandedGeneticData@geneticData))))
#' @rdname combineMpcross
setMethod(f = "+", signature = c("mpcrossRF", "mpcrossRF"), definition = function(e1, e2)
	addMpMap2(e1, e2)
setMethod(f = "addMpMap2", signature = c("mpcrossRF", "mpcrossRF"), definition = function(e1, e2, skipValidity = FALSE)
  if(length(e1@rf@theta@levels) != length(e2@rf@theta@levels) || any(e1@rf@theta@levels != e2@rf@theta@levels))
    stop("Different recombination values were used for numerical maximum likelihood in two objects")
  levels <- e1@rf@theta@levels
  keepLod <- !is.null(e1@rf@lod) && !is.null(e2@rf@lod)
  keepLkhd <- !is.null(e1@rf@lkhd) && !is.null(e2@rf@lkhd)

  newLod <- newLkhd <- NULL

  combined <- as(e1, "mpcross") + as(e2, "mpcross")
  lineWeights <- lapply(as.list(nLines(combined)), function(x) rep(1, x))
  marker1Indices <- match(markers(e1), markers(combined))
  marker2Indices <- match(markers(e2), markers(combined))
  intersectionIndices <- intersect(marker1Indices, marker2Indices)

  newGbLimit <- min(e1@rf@gbLimit, e2@rf@gbLimit)

  #Make a new rawSymmetricMatrix
  warning("Implicitly setting lineWeights parameter to 1")
  dataLengths <- nMarkers(combined) *(nMarkers(combined)+1)/2
  newTheta <- new("rawSymmetricMatrix", data = raw(dataLengths), levels = levels, markers = markers(combined))
  #Copy over all the existing data
  .Call("assignRawSymmetricMatrixDiagonal", newTheta, marker1Indices, e1@rf@theta@data, PACKAGE = "mpMap2")
  .Call("assignRawSymmetricMatrixDiagonal", newTheta, marker2Indices, e2@rf@theta@data, PACKAGE = "mpMap2")
    newLod <- new("dspMatrix", x = vector(mode="numeric", length = dataLengths), Dim = c(nMarkers(combined), nMarkers(combined)))
    colnames(newLod) <- rownames(newLod) <- markers(combined)
    newLod[marker1Indices, marker1Indices] <- e1@rf@lod
    newLod[marker2Indices, marker2Indices] <- e2@rf@lod
    newLkhd <- new("dspMatrix", x = vector(mode="numeric", length = dataLengths), Dim = c(nMarkers(combined), nMarkers(combined)))
    colnames(newLkhd) <- rownames(newLkhd) <- markers(combined)
    newLkhd[marker1Indices, marker1Indices] <- e1@rf@lkhd
    newLkhd[marker2Indices, marker2Indices] <- e2@rf@lkhd
  complementIntersectionIndices <- setdiff(1:nMarkers(combined), intersectionIndices)
  if(length(intersectionIndices) > 0)
    reEstimatedPart1 <- estimateRFInternal(object = combined, recombValues = levels, lineWeights = lineWeights, keepLod = keepLod, keepLkhd = keepLkhd, markerRows = 1:nMarkers(combined), markerColumns = intersectionIndices, gbLimit = newGbLimit, verbose = list(verbose = FALSE, progressStyle = 1L))
    .Call("assignRawSymmetricMatrixFromEstimateRF", newTheta, 1:nMarkers(combined), intersectionIndices, reEstimatedPart1$theta)

    if(length(complementIntersectionIndices) > 0)
      reEstimatedPart2 <- estimateRFInternal(object = combined, recombValues = levels, lineWeights = lineWeights, keepLod = keepLod, keepLkhd = keepLkhd, markerRows = intersectionIndices, markerColumns = complementIntersectionIndices, gbLimit = newGbLimit, verbose = list(verbose = FALSE, progressStyle = 1L))
      .Call("assignRawSymmetricMatrixFromEstimateRF", newTheta, intersectionIndices, complementIntersectionIndices, reEstimatedPart2$theta)

      .Call("assignDspMatrixFromEstimateRF", newLod, 1:nMarkers(combined), intersectionIndices, reEstimatedPart1$lod, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
      if(length(complementIntersectionIndices) > 0) .Call("assignDspMatrixFromEstimateRF", newLod, intersectionIndices, complementIntersectionIndices, reEstimatedPart2$lod, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
      .Call("assignDspMatrixFromEstimateRF", newLkhd, 1:nMarkers(combined), intersectionIndices, reEstimatedPart1$lkhd, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
      if(length(complementIntersectionIndices) > 0) .Call("assignDspMatrixFromEstimateRF", newLkhd, intersectionIndices, complementIntersectionIndices, reEstimatedPart2$lkhd, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
  rectangularRows <- setdiff(marker1Indices, intersectionIndices)
  rectangularColumns <- setdiff(marker2Indices, intersectionIndices)
  if(length(rectangularRows) > 0 && length(rectangularColumns) > 0)
    rectangularPart <- estimateRFInternal(object = combined, recombValues = levels, lineWeights = lineWeights, keepLod = keepLod, keepLkhd = keepLkhd, markerRows = rectangularRows, markerColumns = rectangularColumns, gbLimit = newGbLimit, verbose = list(verbose = FALSE, progressStyle = 1L))
    .Call("assignRawSymmetricMatrixFromEstimateRF", newTheta, rectangularRows, rectangularColumns, rectangularPart$theta)
      .Call("assignDspMatrixFromEstimateRF", newLod, rectangularRows, rectangularColumns, rectangularPart$lod, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
      .Call("assignDspMatrixFromEstimateRF", newLkhd, rectangularRows, rectangularColumns, rectangularPart$lkhd, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
  newRF <- new("rf", theta = newTheta, lod = newLod, lkhd = newLkhd, gbLimit = newGbLimit)
  return(new("mpcrossRF", combined, rf = newRF))
#' @rdname combineMpcross
setMethod(f = "+", signature = c("mpcrossRF", "mpcross"), definition = function(e1, e2)
	addMpMap2(e1, e2)
#Generally we drop the RF data, unless the sets of markers are disjoint
setMethod(f = "addMpMap2", signature = c("mpcrossRF", "mpcross"), definition = function(e1, e2, skipValidity = FALSE)
  #If the sets of markers are disjoint, then we re-run the RF computation (the alternative is to drop the existing RF computations which seems computationally wasteful)
  if(length(intersect(markers(e1), markers(e2))) == 0)
    combined <- as(e1, "mpcross") + e2
    warning("Implicitly setting lineWeights parameter to 1")
    keepLod <- !is.null(e1@rf@lod)
    keepLkhd <- !is.null(e1@rf@lkhd)
    marker1Range <- 1:nMarkers(e1)
    marker2Indices <- match(markers(e2), markers(combined))
    if(any(diff(sort(marker2Indices))) != 1)
      stop("Internal error: Markers should have been combined as two blocks")
    marker2Range <- range(match(markers(e2), markers(combined)))
    extraRFData <- estimateRFInternal(object = combined, recombValues = e1@rf@r, lineWeights = rep(1, nLines(e2)), markerRows = marker1Range, markerColumns = marker2Range, keepLod = keepLod, keepLkhd = keepLkhd, gbLimit = e1@rf@gbLimit, verbose = list(verbose = FALSE, progressStyle = 1L))
    stop("Need to check this section")
  #If the markers are all the same, keep them in the same order
  if(nMarkers(e1) == nMarkers(e2) && all(markers(e1) == markers(e2)))
    allMarkers <- markers(e1)
    #Otherwise I'm not sure how these will be ordered
    allMarkers <- unique(c(markers(e1), markers(e2)))
  e1ExpandedGeneticData <- expand(e1, newMarkers = allMarkers)
  e2ExpandedGeneticData <- expand(e2, newMarkers = allMarkers)
  return(new("mpcross", geneticData = c(e1ExpandedGeneticData@geneticData, e2ExpandedGeneticData@geneticData)))

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mpMap2 documentation built on Sept. 13, 2020, 5:17 p.m.