
#' @export
#' @title Subset data
#' @rdname subset
#' @description Subset data objects by line names, chromosomes, linkage groups, markers or positions
#' @details mpMap2 objects can be subset in a number of different ways, depending on the particular class of the object that is contained. 
#' Subsetting by \code{"lines"} subsets by the genetic lines in the final population. Line names or line indices can be used, although line names should be preferred. Any information about recombination fractions will be discarded. Subsetting by \code{"chromosomes"} keeps only certain chromosomes, and requires that the object have a genetic map. Subsetting by \code{"markers"} keeps only certain genetic markers. Data about imputed IBD genotypes and IBD genotype probabilities is discarded. Subsetting by \code{"positions"} only subsets the imputed IBD genotypes and IBD probability data, and does not subset the underlying markers. Subestting by \code{"groups"} retains only certain linkage groups. 
#' An object of class \code{mpcross} can be subset by genetic lines or markers. 
#' Objects of classes \code{mpcrossLG} or \code{mpcrossRF} can be subset by genetic lines, markers or linkage groups. 
#' An object of class \code{mpcrossMapped} can be subset by genetic lines, markers or chromosomes. 
#' The remainder of the subsetting methods are not expected to be called directly by the user. They subset internal components, and are used internally by the top-level methods. 
#' @param x The object to be subset
#' @param ... A method to use to subset (markers, lines, positions or chromosomes), and values for that method. 
#' @return A subsetted object, of the same type as the input. 
#' @include mpcross-class.R
#' @include geneticData-class.R
setMethod(f = "subset", signature = "imputed", definition = function(x, ...)
	arguments <- list(...)
	if(sum(c("chromosomes", "lines", "positions") %in% names(arguments)) != 1)
		stop("Exactly one of arguments chromosomes lines and positions is required for function subset.imputed")
	if("lines" %in% names(arguments))
		return(new("imputed", data = x@data[arguments$lines,,drop=FALSE], key = x@key, map = x@map))
	else if("chromosomes" %in% names(arguments))
		markers <- unlist(lapply(x@map[arguments$chromosomes], names))
		return(new("imputed", data = x@data[,markers], key = x@key, map = x@map[arguments$chromosomes]))
		allPositions <- unlist(lapply(x@map, names))
			stop("Input positions must be position names")
		if(any(!(arguments$positions %in% allPositions))) stop("Input positions contained invalid values")
		newMap <- lapply(x@map, function(y) y[names(y) %in% arguments$positions])
		class(newMap) <- "map"
		return(new("imputed", data = x@data[,arguments$positions,drop=FALSE], key = x@key, map = newMap))
#' @rdname subset
setMethod(f = "subset", signature = "probabilities", definition = function(x, ...)
	arguments <- list(...)
	if(sum(c("chromosomes", "lines", "positions") %in% names(arguments)) != 1)
		stop("Exactly one of arguments chromosomes, lines and positions is required for function subset.probabilities")
	if("lines" %in% names(arguments))
			stop("Subsetting probabilities objects by line names is not supported. Use line indices instead")
		nAlleles <- length(unique(x@key[,3]))
		rows <- unlist(sapply(arguments$lines, function(x) ((x-1)*nAlleles+1):((x-1)*nAlleles+nAlleles), simplify=FALSE))
		return(new("probabilities", data = x@data[rows,], key = x@key, map = x@map))
	if("chromosomes" %in% names(arguments))
		positions <- unlist(lapply(x@map[arguments$chromosomes], names))
		return(new("probabilities", data = x@data[,positions], key = x@key, map = x@map[arguments$chromosomes]))
	if("positions" %in% names(arguments))
		positions <- arguments$positions
		allPositions <- unlist(lapply(x@map, names))
		if(length(setdiff(positions, allPositions)) > 0)
			stop("One of the named positions did not exist")
		#Reorder the positions to be in map order. 
		positions <- allPositions[allPositions %in% positions]
		newMap <- lapply(x@map, function(y) y[names(y) %in% positions])
		#Omit empty chromosomes
		newMap <- newMap[unlist(lapply(newMap, function(x) length(x) > 0))]
		class(newMap) <- "map"
		return(new("probabilities", data = x@data[,positions], key = x@key, map = newMap))
#' @rdname subset
setMethod(f = "subset", signature = "mpcross", definition = function(x, ...)
	arguments <- list(...)
	if(sum(c("markers", "lines") %in% names(arguments)) != 1)
		stop("Exactly one of arguments markers and lines is required for function subset.mpcross")
	if("lines" %in% names(arguments))
			stop("Input arguments cannot contain NA")
		if(mode(arguments$lines) == "numeric")
			if(length(x@geneticData) != 1)
				stop("Argument lines cannot be a vector of indices if there is more than one data set")
			arguments$lines <- rownames(x@geneticData[[1]]@finals)[arguments$lines]
	if("markers" %in% names(arguments))
		if(mode(arguments$markers) == "character")
			if(any(!(arguments$markers %in% markers(x))))
				stop("Not all named markers were contained in the input object")
		else if(mode(arguments$markers) == "numeric")
			if(any(arguments$markers < 1) || any(arguments$markers > nMarkers(x)))
				stop("Input marker indices were out of range")
			stop("Input markers must be either a vector of indices or a vector of marker names")
	newGeneticData <- lapply(x@geneticData, 
			do.call(subset, c(arguments, x = geneticData))
	return(new("mpcross", geneticData = new("geneticDataList", newGeneticData)))
#' @rdname subset
setMethod(f = "subset", signature = "mpcrossMapped", definition = function(x, ...)
	arguments <- list(...)

	skipValidity <- FALSE
	if("skipValidity" %in% names(arguments)) skipValidity <- arguments$skipValidity
	arguments$skipValidity <- NULL

	if("groups" %in% names(arguments))
		stop("Cannot subset a map by linkage groups")
	if(sum(c("markers", "lines", "chromosomes") %in% names(arguments)) != 1)
		stop("Exactly one of arguments markers, lines and chromosomes is required for function subset.mpcrossMapped")
	if("markers" %in% names(arguments))
			arguments$markers <- markers(x)[arguments$markers]
		subsettedRF <- NULL
		if(!is.null(x@rf)) subsettedRF <- do.call(subset, c(list(x@rf), arguments))
		if("keepMap" %in% names(arguments) && arguments$keepMap)
			if(is.numeric(arguments$markers)) arguments$markers <- markers(x)[arguments$markers]
			newMap <- lapply(x@map, function(y) y[names(y) %in% arguments$markers])
			names(newMap) <- names(x@map)
			class(newMap) <- "map"
			return(new("mpcrossMapped", callNextMethod(), rf = subsettedRF, map = newMap))
			groups <- vector(mode = "integer", length = length(arguments$markers))
			names(groups) <- arguments$markers
			for(chr in 1:length(x@map)) groups[intersect(names(x@map), arguments$markers)] <- chr
			newLG <- new("lg", groups = groups, allGroups = unique(groups))
			return(new("mpcrossLG", callNextMethod(), rf = subsettedRF, lg = newLG))
	else if("chromosomes" %in% names(arguments))
		chromosomes <- arguments$chromosomes
			stop("Input chromosomes cannot contain NA")
		if(length(unique(chromosomes)) != length(chromosomes))
			stop("Duplicates detected in argument chromosomes of subset function")
		if(mode(chromosomes) != "character")
			stop("Input chromosomes must be a character vector")
		if(any(!(chromosomes %in% names(x@map))))
			stop("Some chromosome names were not in the map")
		retainedMarkers <- unlist(lapply(x@map[chromosomes], names))
		suppressWarnings(subsettedBase <- callNextMethod(x, markers = retainedMarkers))
		#Subsetting by markers removes the probabilities and imputed slots, so put them back in. 
		lapply(1:length(x@geneticData), function(y)
				subsettedBase@geneticData[[y]]@probabilities <<- subset(x@geneticData[[y]]@probabilities, chromosomes = chromosomes)
				subsettedBase@geneticData[[y]]@imputed <<- subset(x@geneticData[[y]]@imputed, chromosomes = chromosomes)
		if(!is.null(x@rf)) rf <- subset(x@rf, markers = retainedMarkers)
		else rf <- NULL
		returnValue <- new("mpcrossMapped", subsettedBase, map = x@map[chromosomes], rf = rf)
			stop("Input arguments cannot contain NA")
		if(!is.null(x@rf)) warning("Subset function is discarding the recombination fraction data")
		return(new("mpcrossMapped", callNextMethod(), map = x@map, rf = NULL))
#' @rdname subset
setMethod(f = "subset", signature = "mpcrossRF", definition = function(x, ...)
	arguments <- list(...)

	skipValidity <- FALSE
	if("skipValidity" %in% names(arguments)) skipValidity <- arguments$skipValidity
	arguments$skipValidity <- NULL

	if(sum(c("groups", "markers", "lines") %in% names(arguments)) != 1)
		stop("Exactly one of arguments markers, lines and groups is required for function subset.mpcrossRF")
	if("lines" %in% names(arguments))
		warning("Discarding rf data")
		return(new("mpcross", callNextMethod()))
		return(new("mpcrossRF", callNextMethod(), "rf" = do.call(subset, c(list(x@rf), arguments)), skipValidity = skipValidity))
#' @rdname subset
setMethod(f = "subset", signature = "mpcrossLG", definition = function(x, ...)
	arguments <- list(...)

	skipValidity <- FALSE
	if("skipValidity" %in% names(arguments)) skipValidity <- arguments$skipValidity
	arguments$skipValidity <- NULL

	if(sum(c("groups", "markers", "lines") %in% names(arguments)) != 1)
		stop("Exactly one of arguments markers, lines and groups is required for function subset.mpcross")
	if("groups" %in% names(arguments) && length(arguments$groups) != length(unique(arguments$groups)))
		stop("Duplicates detected in argument groups of subset function")
	if("lines" %in% names(arguments) && length(arguments$lines) != length(unique(arguments$lines)))
		stop("Duplicates detected in argument lines of subset function")
	if("markers" %in% names(arguments) && length(arguments$markers) != length(unique(arguments$markers)))
		stop("Duplicates detected in argument markers of subset function")
	if("groups" %in% names(arguments))
		if(!all(arguments$groups %in% x@lg@allGroups))
			stop("Input groups must be a subset of the values in x@lg@allGroups")
		markerIndices <- which(x@lg@groups %in% arguments$groups)
		markers <- markers(x)[markerIndices]
		subsettedRF <- NULL
		if(!is.null(x@rf)) subsettedRF <- subset(x@rf, markers = markers)
		return(new("mpcrossLG", callNextMethod(x, markers = markers), "lg" = subset(x@lg, markers = markers), "rf" = subsettedRF))
	else if("lines" %in% names(arguments))
		if(!is.null(x@rf)) warning("Discarding rf data")
		warning("Retaining linkage group data, even though lines are being discarded")
		return(new("mpcrossLG", callNextMethod(), "lg" = x@lg, "rf" = NULL))
		subsettedRF <- NULL
		if(!is.null(x@rf)) subsettedRF <- do.call(subset, c(list(x@rf), arguments))
		return(new("mpcrossLG", callNextMethod(), "lg" = do.call(subset, c(list(x@lg), arguments)), "rf" = subsettedRF))
#' @rdname subset
setMethod(f = "subset", signature = "lg", definition = function(x, ...)
	arguments <- list(...)
	if(!("markers" %in% names(arguments)))
		stop("Argument markers is required for function subset.lg")
	if("markers" %in% names(arguments) && length(arguments$markers) != length(unique(arguments$markers)))
		stop("Duplicates detected in argument markers of subset function")

	markers <- arguments$markers
	if(mode(markers) == "numeric")
		markerIndices <- markers
		markerNames <- markers(x)[markerIndices]
	else if(mode(markers) == "character")
		markerIndices <- match(markers, markers(x))
		markerNames <- markers

	groups <- x@groups[markerIndices]
	allGroups <- sort(unique(groups))
	imputedTheta <- NULL
		imputedTheta <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(allGroups))
		names(imputedTheta) <- as.character(allGroups)
		sapply(as.character(allGroups), function(groupCharacter) imputedTheta[[groupCharacter]] <<- subset(x@imputedTheta[[groupCharacter]], markers = intersect(markerNames, names(which(x@groups == as.integer(groupCharacter))))), simplify = FALSE)
	return(new("lg", groups = groups, allGroups = allGroups, imputedTheta = imputedTheta))
#' @rdname subset
setMethod(f = "subset", signature = "geneticData", definition = function(x, ...)
	arguments <- list(...)
	skipValidity <- FALSE
	if("skipValidity" %in% names(arguments)) skipValidity <- arguments$skipValidity

	if(sum(c("markers", "lines") %in% names(arguments)) != 1)
		stop("Exactly one of arguments markers and lines is required for function subset.geneticData")
	if("lines" %in% names(arguments) && length(arguments$lines) != length(unique(arguments$lines)))
		stop("Duplicates detected in argument lines of subset function")
	if("markers" %in% names(arguments) && length(arguments$markers) != length(unique(arguments$markers)))
		stop("Duplicates detected in argument markers of subset function")

	if("markers" %in% names(arguments))
		markers <- arguments$markers
		if(mode(markers) == "numeric")
			markerIndices <- markers
		else if(mode(markers) == "character")
			markerIndices <- match(markers, markers(x))
		else stop("Input markers must be either a vector of marker names or a vector of marker indices")

		if(!is.null(x@probabilities) || !is.null(x@imputed))
			warning("When subsetting by markers, probabilities and imputation data is discarded")
		return(new("geneticData", founders = x@founders[,markerIndices,drop=FALSE], finals = x@finals[,markerIndices,drop=FALSE], hetData = do.call(subset, c(list(x@hetData), arguments)), pedigree = x@pedigree, skipValidity = skipValidity))
		lines <- arguments$lines
		if(mode(lines) == "numeric")
			lines <- rownames(x@finals)[lines]
		else if(mode(lines) != "character")
			stop("Input lines must be a vector of line names")
		retVal <- new("geneticData", founders = x@founders, finals = x@finals[lines,,drop=FALSE], hetData = x@hetData, pedigree = as(x@pedigree, "pedigree"), skipValidity = skipValidity)
			retVal@imputed <- subset(x@imputed, lines = lines)
			retVal@probabilities <- subset(x@probabilities, lines = match(lines, finalNames(x)))
#' @rdname subset
setMethod(f = "subset", signature = "hetData", definition = function(x, ...)
	arguments <- list(...)
	if(!("markers" %in% names(arguments)))
		stop("Argument markers is required for function subset.hetData")
	if("markers" %in% names(arguments) && length(arguments$markers) != length(unique(arguments$markers)))
		stop("Duplicates detected in argument markers of subset function")

	markers <- arguments$markers
	if(mode(markers) == "numeric")
		markerIndices <- markers
	else if(mode(markers) == "character")
		markerIndices <- match(markers, markers(x))
	return(new("hetData", x[markerIndices]))
#' @rdname subset
setMethod(f = "subset", signature = "rf", definition = function(x, ...)
	arguments <- list(...)
	if(!("markers" %in% names(arguments)))
		stop("Argument markers is required for function subset.rf")
	if("markers" %in% names(arguments) && length(arguments$markers) != length(unique(arguments$markers)))
		stop("Duplicates detected in argument markers of subset function")

	markers <- arguments$markers
	if(mode(markers) == "numeric")
		markerIndices <- markers
	else if(mode(markers) == "character")
		markerIndices <- match(markers, markers(x))
	newTheta <- subset(x@theta, markers = markerIndices)
		newLod <- NULL
		newLod <- x@lod[markerIndices, markerIndices,drop=FALSE]

		newLkhd <- NULL
		newLkhd <- x@lkhd[markerIndices, markerIndices,drop=FALSE]
	return(new("rf", theta = newTheta, lod = newLod, lkhd = newLkhd, gbLimit = x@gbLimit))
#' @rdname subset
setMethod(f = "subset", signature = "rawSymmetricMatrix", definition = function(x, ...)
	arguments <- list(...)
	if(!("markers" %in% names(arguments)) || length(arguments) > 1)
		stop("Only argument markers is allowed for function subset.rawSymmetricMatrix")
	if("markers" %in% names(arguments) && length(arguments$markers) != length(unique(arguments$markers)))
		stop("Duplicates detected in argument markers of subset function")

	markers <- arguments$markers
		markers <- match(markers, x@markers)
			stop("Invalid marker names entered in function subset.rawSymetricMatrix")
	markers <- as.integer(markers)
		stop("Marker indices cannot be NA in function subset.rawSymmetricMatrix")
	if(any(markers < 1) || any(markers > length(x@markers)))
		stop("Input marker indices were out of range in function subset.rawSymmetricMatrix")
	newRawData <- .Call("rawSymmetricMatrixSubsetObject", x, markers, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
	retVal <- new("rawSymmetricMatrix", data = newRawData, markers = x@markers[markers], levels = x@levels)

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mpMap2 documentation built on Sept. 13, 2020, 5:17 p.m.