
Defines functions IncMat_cross

# IncMat_cross #

# Cross effect incidence matrix
# Form a cross effect incidence matrix.
# @param cross.ind \code{Character} or \code{factor} vector specifying to
# which cross the genotypes belong.
# @return Return:
# \item{cross.mat}{Cross effect incidence matrix composed of 0 and 1 value
# indicating to which cross each genotype belongs.}
# @author Vincent Garin
# @examples
# data(mppData)
# cross.mat <- IncMat_cross(cross.ind = mppData$cross.ind)
# @export

IncMat_cross <- function(cross.ind){
  if(length(unique(cross.ind)) == 1){
    cross.mat <- matrix(1, length(cross.ind), 1)
    colnames(cross.mat) <- paste0("Cr", cross.ind[1])
  } else {
    Cr <- factor(x = cross.ind, levels = unique(cross.ind))
    cross.mat <- model.matrix( ~ Cr - 1, data = Cr)

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