
# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020  Metrum Research Group
# This file is part of mrgsolve.
# mrgsolve is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mrgsolve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with mrgsolve.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

##' Select and modify a idata set for simulation
##' The individual data set (\code{idata_set}) is a data frame with one 
##' row for each individual in a population, specifying parameters and 
##' other individual-level data.
##' @param x model object
##' @param data a data set that can be coerced to data.frame
##' @param object character name of an object existing in \code{$ENV} 
##' to use for the data set
##' @param .subset an unquoted expression passed to 
##' \code{dplyr::filter}; retain only certain rows in the data set
##' @param .select passed to \code{dplyr::select}; retain only certain 
##' columns in the data set; this should be the result of a call to 
##' \code{dplyr::vars()}
##' @param need passed to \code{\link{inventory}}
##' @param ... passed along
##' @details
##' The \code{idata_set} is a data.frame that specifies individual-level 
##' data for the problem.  An  \code{ID} column is required and there 
##' can be no more than one row in the data frame for each individual.  
##' In most cases, the columns in the \code{idata_set} have the same names
##' as parameters in the \code{\link{param}} list.  When this is the case, 
##' the parameter set is updated as the simulation proceeds once at the 
##' start of each individual.  The `idata_set` can also be used to 
##' set initial conditions for each individual: for a compartment called
##' \code{CMT}, make a column in \code{idata_set} called \code{CMT_0} and 
##' make the value the desired initial value for that compartment.  Note that 
##' this initial condition will be over-ridden if you also set the \code{CMT_0} 
##' in \code{$MAIN}.
##' The most common application of \code{idata_set} is to specify a population
##' or batch of simulations to do.  We commonly use \code{idata_set} with an 
##' event object (see \code{\link{ev}}).  In that case, the event gets applied
##' to each individual in the \code{\link{idata_set}}.  
##' It is also possible to provide both a \code{data_set} and a \code{idata_set}.  
##' In this case, the \code{idata_set} is used as a parameter lookup for \code{IDs}
##' found in the \code{data_set}.  Remember in this case, it is the \code{data_set}
##' (not the \code{idata_set}) that determines the number of individuals in the
##' simulation.
##' An error will be generated if any parameter columns in the 
##' input idata set contain \code{NA}.  
##' @examples
##' mod <- mrgsolve::house()
##' data(exidata)
##' exidata
##' mod %>% 
##'   idata_set(exidata, ID <= 2) %>% 
##'   ev(amt = 100) %>%
##'   mrgsim() %>% 
##'   plot()
##' mod %>% 
##'   idata_set(exidata) %>% 
##'   ev(amt = 100) %>%
##'   mrgsim()
##' mod %>% ev(amt = 100) %>% mrgsim(idata=exidata) 
##' @seealso \code{\link{data_set}}, \code{\link{ev}}
##' @export
setGeneric("idata_set", function(x,data,...) {

##' @rdname idata_set
##' @export
setMethod("idata_set", c("mrgmod", "data.frame"), function(x,data,.subset=TRUE,.select=TRUE,object=NULL,need=NULL,...) {
  if(is.character(need)) suppressMessages(inventory(x,data,need))
  if(!missing(.subset)) {
    data <- filter(data,`!!`(enquo(.subset)))
  if(!missing(.select)) {
    data <- select(data,`!!!`(.select))
  if(nrow(data)==0) {
    stop("zero rows in idata after filtering.", call.=FALSE)
  if(is.character(object)) {
    data <- data_hooks(data,object,x@envir,param(x),...) 
  x@args[["idata"]] <- as.data.frame(data)

##' @rdname idata_set
##' @export
setMethod("idata_set",c("mrgmod", "ANY"), function(x,data,...) {

##' @rdname idata_set
##' @export
setMethod("idata_set",c("mrgmod", "missing"), function(x,object,...) {
  object <- data_hooks(object=object,envir=x@envir,param=param(x),...)

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mrgsolve documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:38 a.m.