#' Heat Map over Hierarchical Voronoi Tessellations
#' Main function to construct heatmap overlay for hierarchical voronoi tessellations.
#' The output of the \code{HVT} function has all the required information about
#' the HVT. Now a heat map is overlayed over this HVT. The user defines the
#' level and also those variables of the data for which the heat map is to be
#' plotted. Now for each variable a separate heat map is plotted. The plot area
#' is divided into 2 screens where the first screen is relatively large and
#' will have the heat map. The second screen is small and contains the gradient
#' scale. To plot the heat map, the data is first normalized. The gradient
#' scale is divided into 'n' regions(500 is the set default). Using the
#' normalized data, the different regions into which the data items fall are
#' found. Each data item is now having a region on the gradient scale. This
#' color is filled in the tile corresponding to the data item. This procedure
#' is done for all the tiles for that level to get the complete heat map. Once
#' the heat map is ready, the higher level tessellations are plotted to
#' represent the hierarchies. The size of the centroids, the thickness of the
#' lines and the color of the tessellation lines can be given as input by the
#' user. Appropriate values for these parameters should be given to identify
#' the hierarchies properly. In the second screen the gradient scale is
#' plotted. The heat maps and hierarchical tessellations are obtained for all
#' the desired variables.
#' @param hvt.results List. A list of hvt.results obtained from the HVT
#' function.
#' @param dataset Data frame. The input data set.
#' @param child.level Numeric. Indicating the level for which the heat map is
#' to be plotted.
#' @param hmap.cols Numeric or Character. The column number of column name from
#' the dataset indicating the variables for which the heat map is to be
#' plotted.
#' @param color.vec Vector. A color vector such that length(color.vec) =
#' (child.level - 1). (default = NULL)
#' @param line.width Vector. A line width vector such that length(line.width) =
#' (child.level - 1). (default = NULL)
#' @param centroid.size Numeric. Indicating the centroid size of the first
#' level. (default = 3)
#' @param pch Numeric. Indicating the centroid's symbol type.
#' (default = 21)
#' @param palette.color Numeric. Indicating the heat map color palette. 1 -
#' rainbow, 2 - heat.colors, 3 - terrain.colors, 4 - topo.colors, 5 -
#' cm.colors, 6 - seas color. (default = 6)
#' @param previous_level_heatmap Logical. If TRUE, the heatmap of previous level will be overlayed on the heatmap of selected level. If #' FALSE, the heatmap of only selected level will be plotted
#' @param show.points Logical. Indicating if the centroids should
#' be plotted on the tessellations. (default = FALSE)
#' @param asp Numeric. Indicating the aspect ratio type. For flexible aspect
#' ratio set, asp = NA. (default = 1)
#' @param ask Logical. If TRUE (and the R session is interactive) the user is
#' asked for input, before a new figure is drawn. (default = TRUE)
#' @param tess.label Vector. A vector for labelling the tessellations. (default
#' = NULL)
#' @param label.size Numeric. The size by which the tessellation labels should
#' be scaled. (default = 0.5)
#' @param quant.error.hmap Numeric. A number indicating the quantization error
#' threshold.
#' @param n_cells.hmap Numeric. An integer indicating the number of cells/clusters per
#' hierarchy (level)
#' @param ... The ellipsis is passed to it as additional argument. (Used internally)
#' @author Shubhra Prakash <>, Sangeet Moy Das <>
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotHVT}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' data(USArrests)
#' hvt.results <- list()
#' hvt.results <- HVT(USArrests, n_cells = 15, depth = 1, quant.err = 0.2,
#' distance_metric = "L1_Norm", error_metric = "mean",
#' projection.scale = 10, normalize = TRUE,
#' quant_method="kmeans",diagnose=TRUE)
#' hvtHmap(hvt.results, USArrests, child.level = 1,hmap.cols = 'Murder',
#' line.width = c(0.2), color.vec = c('#141B41'),palette.color = 6,
#' quant.error.hmap = 0.2, n_cells.hmap = 6)
#' @export hvtHmap
hvtHmap <-
function (hvt.results,
color.vec = NULL,
line.width = NULL,
centroid.size = 3,
pch = 21,
palette.color = 6,
previous_level_heatmap = T,
show.points = F,
asp = 1,
ask = T,
tess.label = NULL,
quant.error.hmap = NULL,
n_cells.hmap = NULL,
label.size = .5,
# browser()
hvt_list <- hvt.results
# maxDepth <- child.level
maxDepth <- min(child.level,max(hvt_list[[3]][["summary"]] %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::select("Segment.Level")))
summaryDF = hvt_list[[3]][["summary"]]
valuesDataframe <- data.frame(
depth = 0,
cluster = 0,
child = 0,
value = 0,
cellID = 0
positionsDataframe <- data.frame(
depth = 0,
cluster = 0,
child = 0,
x = 0,
y = 0
centroidDataframe <- data.frame(x = 0, y = 0, lev = 0)
for (depth in 1:maxDepth) {
if (depth < 3){
for (clusterNo in names(hvt_list[[2]][[depth]])) {
for (childNo in 1:length(hvt_list[[2]][[depth]][[clusterNo]])) {
if (!is.null(hvt_list[[2]][[depth]][[clusterNo]])) {
summaryFilteredDF <-
summaryDF %>% dplyr::filter(
Segment.Level == depth,
Segment.Parent == clusterNo,
Segment.Child == childNo
current_cluster = hvt_list[[2]][[depth]][[clusterNo]][[childNo]]
val = summaryFilteredDF[, hmap.cols]
qe = summaryFilteredDF[, "Quant.Error"]
ncluster = summaryFilteredDF[, "n"]
x = as.numeric(current_cluster[["x"]])
y = as.numeric(current_cluster[["y"]])
if("Cell.ID" %in% colnames(summaryFilteredDF)){
cell_ID = summaryFilteredDF[, "Cell.ID"]
} else{
cell_ID = 0
valuesDataframe <-
depth = depth,
cluster = clusterNo,
child = childNo,
value = val,
cellID = cell_ID
positionsDataframe <-
depth = rep(depth, length(x)),
cluster = rep(clusterNo, length(x)),
child = rep(childNo, length(x)),
x = x,
y = y
centroidDataframe <-
x = as.numeric(current_cluster[["pt"]][["x"]]),
y = as.numeric(current_cluster[["pt"]][["y"]]),
lev = depth
for (clusterNo in 1:n_cells.hmap^(child.level-1)) {
for (childNo in 1:length(hvt_list[[2]][[depth]][[as.character(clusterNo)]])) {
if (!is.null(hvt_list[[2]][[depth]][[as.character(clusterNo)]])) {
summaryFilteredDF <-
summaryDF %>% dplyr::filter(
Segment.Level == depth,
Segment.Parent == clusterNo,
Segment.Child == childNo
current_cluster = hvt_list[[2]][[depth]][[as.character(clusterNo)]][[childNo]]
val = summaryFilteredDF[, hmap.cols]
qe = summaryFilteredDF[, "Quant.Error"]
x = as.numeric(current_cluster[["x"]])
y = as.numeric(current_cluster[["y"]])
if("Cell.ID" %in% colnames(summaryFilteredDF)){
cell_ID = summaryFilteredDF[, "Cell.ID"]
} else{
cell_ID = 0
valuesDataframe <-
depth = depth,
cluster = clusterNo,
child = childNo,
value = val,
cellID = cell_ID
positionsDataframe <-
depth = rep(depth, length(x)),
cluster = rep(clusterNo, length(x)),
child = rep(childNo, length(x)),
x = x,
y = y
centroidDataframe <-
x = as.numeric(current_cluster[["pt"]][["x"]]),
y = as.numeric(current_cluster[["pt"]][["y"]]),
lev = depth
valuesDataframe <- valuesDataframe[2:nrow(valuesDataframe), ]
positionsDataframe <-
positionsDataframe[2:nrow(positionsDataframe), ]
centroidDataframe <-
centroidDataframe[2:nrow(centroidDataframe), ]
datapoly <-
by = c("depth", "cluster", "child"))
p <- ggplot2::ggplot()
colour_scheme <- c("#6E40AA", "#6B44B2", "#6849BA", "#644FC1", "#6054C8", "#5C5ACE" ,"#5761D3" ,"#5268D8", "#4C6EDB", "#4776DE", "#417DE0", "#3C84E1" ,"#368CE1",
"#3194E0", "#2C9CDF", "#27A3DC", "#23ABD8","#20B2D4", "#1DBACE", "#1BC1C9", "#1AC7C2" ,"#19CEBB", "#1AD4B3" ,"#1BD9AB", "#1DDFA3", "#21E39B",
"#25E892", "#2AEB8A" ,"#30EF82", "#38F17B" ,"#40F373", "#49F56D", "#52F667", "#5DF662", "#67F75E", "#73F65A", "#7FF658", "#8BF457", "#97F357", "#A3F258")
data <- datapoly
for(i in 1:(maxDepth-1)){
index_tess<-which(data$depth==i & data$qe>quant.error.hmap & data$n_cluster>3 )
# changing hoverText for torus demo
if ("Cell.ID" %in% colnames(summaryFilteredDF)) {
p <-
p + ggplot2::geom_polygon(
data = data,
x = x,
y = y,
group = interaction(depth, cluster, child),
fill = value,
text = paste(" Cell.ID:", cellID,
"<br>", "Segment.Level:", depth,
"<br>", "Segment.Parent:", cluster,
"<br>", "Segment.Child:", child
) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(colours = colour_scheme ) +
ggplot2::labs(fill = hmap.cols)
} else { p <-
p + ggplot2::geom_polygon(
data = data,
x = x,
y = y,
group = interaction(depth, cluster, child),
fill = value,
) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(colours = colour_scheme ) +
ggplot2::labs(fill = hmap.cols)}
for (i in child.level:1 ) {
p <-
p + ggplot2::geom_polygon(
data = datapoly[which(datapoly$depth==i),],
x = x,
y = y,
color = factor(depth),
size = factor(depth),
group = interaction(depth, cluster, child)
fill = NA
) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = color.vec)+
ggplot2::scale_size_manual(values=line.width,guide=FALSE) +
ggplot2::labs(color = "Level")}
for (depth in 1:maxDepth) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = centroidDataframe[centroidDataframe["lev"] == depth, ],
ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y),
size = (centroid.size / (2 ^ (depth - 1))),
fill = color.vec[depth],
color = color.vec[depth]
) + ggplot2::theme(plot.background = ggplot2::element_blank()
,plot.title = element_text(
size = 20,
hjust = 0.5,
margin = margin(0, 0, 20, 0)
,panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank()
,panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank()
,axis.ticks = element_blank()
,axis.text = element_blank()
,axis.title = element_blank()
,panel.background = element_blank())+
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))
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