
Defines functions mlikCV optLambdas_mgcvWrap optLambdas_mgcv mgcv_lambda .breslow .minmaxf .LambdaInvtXFromBlocks .Hunpen .Hpenlin .Hpen doubleCV optLambdasWrap optLambdas CVscore Scoring CVfolds predictIWLS betasout SigmaFromBlocks augment createXblocks createXXblocks IWLSCoxridge IWLSridge fastCV2 setupParallel

Documented in augment betasout createXblocks createXXblocks CVfolds CVscore doubleCV fastCV2 IWLSCoxridge IWLSridge mgcv_lambda mlikCV optLambdas optLambdas_mgcv optLambdas_mgcvWrap optLambdasWrap predictIWLS Scoring setupParallel SigmaFromBlocks

#                                     SET UP PARALLEL COMPUTING + SVD based SINGLE lambda CV

setupParallel <- function(ncpus=2, sourcefile=NULL,sourcelibraries=c("multiridge","survival","pROC","risksetROC")){
  if(ncpus < 2) {
    message("ERROR: use ncpus >= 2")
  ex <- requireNamespace("snowfall")
  if(!ex) print("Please install snowfall package for allowing parallel computation")
  if(!is.null(sourcefile)) invisible(capture.output(sfSource(sourcefile)))
  sfLibrary("snowfall", character.only=TRUE)
  if(!is.null(sourcelibraries)) for(k in 1:length(sourcelibraries)) {
    sl <- sourcelibraries[k]
    inst <- try(find.package(sl))
    #if(class(sl) =="try-error"){
      message(paste("source library",sl,"not installed. Install when you wish to use it for parallel computing"))
    } else sfLibrary(sl, character.only=TRUE)
  print("Set-up ready")
  #runsetup <<- TRUE
  #assign("runsetup", TRUE, envir = baseenv())
  #pkg.globals$runsetup <- TRUE

#fast CV that does not depend on penalized package
fastCV2 <- function(XXblocks,Y,X1=NULL,kfold=10,
                    intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE),parallel=FALSE,fixedfolds = TRUE,
                    model=NULL, eps=1e-10, reltol=0.5, lambdamax = 10^6,traceCV=TRUE){
  # XXblocks=XXbl;Y=resp;kfold=10;fixedfolds = TRUE; intercept <-TRUE;
  # parallel=FALSE;model=NULL; eps=1e-10; lambdamax = 10^6
    if(is(Y,"Surv")) model <- "cox" else {
      model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")

  if(parallel){if(sfCpus()==1) {
    message("ERROR: please run the setupParallel() function first")
    #message("Use sourcelibraries=c(\"penalized\")")
  if(is(Y,"Surv") & model != "cox") {
    print("Response is of class survival. Switching to model=\'survival\' ")
    model <- "cox"
  leftout <- CVfolds(Y=Y,model=model, kfold=kfold,nrepeat=1, fixedfolds=fixedfolds)
  #fold <- leftout
  fastCVX2 <- function(XX){
    #XX <- XXblocks[[1]]
    #if(class(kfold) == "list") {
    #converts leftout represented as list to fold represented as vector (as required by optL2() function)
    XXbl <- list(XX)
    ol1 <- try(optLambdas(penaltiesinit = NULL, XXblocks=XXbl, Y=Y, X1=X1, folds=leftout, intercept=intercept, model=model, reltol=reltol,traceCV=traceCV,
                          fixedseed=fixedfolds),silent = TRUE)
    if(is(ol1,"try-error")) ol1 <- list(lambda=lambdamax)

  if(!parallel) ol1s <- lapply(XXblocks,fastCVX2) else {
    ol1s <- sfLapply(XXblocks,fastCVX2)
  lambdas0 <- unlist(lapply(ol1s,getElement,name="optpen"))
  lambdas <- sapply(lambdas0,function(x) min(x,lambdamax))
  lamol1s = c(list(lambdas),ol1s)
  nbl <- length(XXblocks)
  names(lamol1s) <- c("lambdas",paste("CVres",1:nbl,sep=""))

#                                     FITTING WITH IWLS ALGORITHM

#FITTING: efficient IWLS algorithm for logistic and linear (only one iteration)
IWLSridge <- function(XXT,Y,X1=NULL,intercept=TRUE,frac1=NULL,eps=1e-7,maxItr=25,trace=FALSE, model=NULL, E0=NULL){
  #XXT:  sample cross-product (nxn matrix) from penalized variables [computed by SigmaFromBlocks]
  #Y: nx1 response
  #X1: optional nxp1 matrix (p1 < n) with unpenalized covariates
  #intercept: use intercept? If yes, intercept is either estimated or set equal to logit(frac1)
  #frac1: fraction of 1's in the population; if non-null the intercept is estimated as logit(frac1); otherwise intercept is estimated from the data along with all other parameters
  #eps: numerical bound for convergence
  #maxItr: maximum number of iterations used in IWLS
  #trace: should output be traced?

  #Output: List object containing:Ypred=Ypred,convergence=convergence,nIt=it,Hres=Hres, linearized=linearized, unpen=unpen,eta0=eta0))
  #etas: linear predictors, vector (n)
  #Ypred: predicted responses, vector (n)
  #convergence (T/F): T if IWLS has converged under threshold eps, F otherwise
  #nIt: number of iterations needed for convergence
  #Hres: list containing matrices required for predictions on new samples
  #linearized: linearized response vector (n) of last IWLS iteration, required for predictions
  #unpen: does the model include unpenalized parameters, including the intercept?
  #eta0: scalar. Offset = logit(frac1), if frac1 is specified. The same for all samples. Required for predictions.

  #frac1 <- NULL
  #X1 <- matrix(rep(1,n),ncol=1)
  #XXblocks <- list(XXTmir);penalties <- c(mirlambda)  #CIN3=1, normal=1
  #XXblocks <- list(XXTmir,XXTmeth);penalties <- c(mirlambda,methlambda)  #CIN3=1, normal=1
  #maxItr <- 10

  #in terms of hat matrix
  #note: eta is lin pred without intercept; etatot incl intercept
  if(is.null(model)) model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")

  n <- length(Y)
  if(is.null(X1)) unpen <- FALSE else unpen <- TRUE #new 15/4/2021
  if(intercept & is.null(frac1)) X1 <- cbind(matrix(rep(1,n),ncol=1),X1) #if frac1 is not given intercept is estimated alongside all other parameters
  if(intercept & !is.null(frac1)) eta0 <- log((frac1)/(1-frac1)) else eta0 <-  0 #if frac1 is given it is used to estimate the intercept
  if(is.null(E0)) eta <- rep(0,n) else eta <- E0

  if(!is.null(X1)) XXT <- XXT + X1 %*% t(X1)*(1/0.001)  #0.001: penalty for unpenalized variables

  etatot <- eta0 + eta
  it <- 1; nrm <- Inf

  if(model=="logistic") Ypred<-1/(1+exp(-etatot))
  if(model=="linear") {Ypred <- etatot; maxItr<-1}
  while(nrm>eps & it<=maxItr){
    etaold <- eta
    Ypredold <- Ypred
    if(model=="logistic") WV <-Ypred*(1-Ypred) #Var(Y)
    if(model=="linear") WV <- rep(1,n)
    #Winv <- diag(1/(Ypred*(1-Ypred)))
    #XtXDinv <- solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X + 2*diag(lambda,p)) #inverting pxp matrix
    znew <-  matrix(Y - Ypred,ncol=1)
    # inv <- solve(Winv + XXT)
    # Hmat <- XXT -  XXT %*% inv %*% XXT
    linresp <- znew + diag(WV) %*% etaold
    Hresl <- .Hpenlin(WV,XXT,linresp);Hmatl <- Hresl$Hmatl  #NEW 15/4
    #else { Hres <- .Hunpen(WV,XXT,X1); Hmat <- Hres$Hmat; unpen <- TRUE}
    # if(is.null(X1)) Hmat <- .Hpen(WV,XXT) else {
    #    Hmat <- .Hunpen(WV,XXT,X1);Hres <- NULL
    #  }
    #eta <- Hmat %*% znew + XXT %*% inv %*% etaold
    #eta <- Hmat %*% (znew + diag(WV) %*% etaold)
    eta <- Hmatl
    etatot <- eta0 + eta
    if(model=="logistic") Ypred<-.minmaxf(1/(1+exp(-etatot))) #predicted probability
    #if(model=="logistic") Ypred<-1/(1+exp(-etatot)) #predicted probability
    if(model=="linear") Ypred <- etatot
    #if(trace) {print(Ypred); print(WV)}
    if(trace) {print(Ypred)}
    it <- it+1
    nrm <- max(abs(Ypred-Ypredold))
    if(trace) print(nrm)
    if(is.na(nrm)) {it <- maxItr + 1; nrm <- Inf}

    #alt verified for mir data
    # eta2 <- datamir %*% solve(t(datamir) %*% W %*% datamir + diag(rep(penalties[1],ncol(datamir)))) %*% t(datamir) %*% z
  linearized <- znew + diag(WV) %*% etaold
  if(trace) print(it)
  convergence <- nrm<eps
  return(list(etas=eta,Ypred=Ypred,convergence=convergence,nIt=it-1,Hresl=Hresl, linearized=linearized,
              unpen=unpen,intercept=intercept, eta0=eta0, X1=X1)) #KW, MW components of Hres needed for pred, and so is the linearized response; added X1: needed for predictions

#IWLS for Cox ridge
IWLSCoxridge <- function(XXT,Y,X1=NULL,intercept=FALSE,eps=1e-7,maxItr=25,trace=FALSE, E0=NULL){
  #XXT:  sample cross-product (nxn matrix) from penalized variables [computed by SigmaFromBlocks]
  #Y: survival response
  #X1: optional nxp1 matrix (p1 < n) with unpenalized covariates
  #intercept: use intercept? If yes, intercept is either estimated or set equal to logit(frac1)
  #frac1: fraction of 1's in the population; if non-null the intercept is estimated as logit(frac1); otherwise intercept is estimated from the data along with all other parameters
  #eps: numerical bound for convergence
  #maxItr: maximum number of iterations used in IWLS
  #trace: should output be traced?

  #Output: List object containing:Ypred=Ypred,convergence=convergence,nIt=it,Hres=Hres, linearized=linearized, unpen=unpen,eta0=eta0))
  #etas: linear predictors, vector (n)
  #Ypred: predicted responses, vector (n)
  #convergence (T/F): T if IWLS has converged under threshold eps, F otherwise
  #nIt: number of iterations needed for convergence
  #Hres: list containing matrices required for predictions on new samples
  #linearized: linearized response vector (n) of last IWLS iteration, required for predictions
  #unpen: does the model include unpenalized parameters, including the intercept?
  #eta0: scalar. Offset = logit(frac1), if frac1 is specified. The same for all samples. Required for predictions.

  #frac1 <- NULL
  #X1 <- matrix(rep(1,n),ncol=1)
  #XXblocks <- list(XXTmir);penalties <- c(mirlambda)  #CIN3=1, normal=1
  #XXblocks <- list(XXTmir,XXTmeth);penalties <- c(mirlambda,methlambda)  #CIN3=1, normal=1
  #maxItr <- 10

  #in terms of hat matrix
  #note: eta is lin pred without intercept; etatot incl intercept
  #XXT = SigmaFromBlocks(XXomics[2],penalties=lambdas[2]);Y=resp;X1=NULL;intercept=FALSE;frac1=NULL;eps=1e-7;maxItr=100;trace=TRUE
  #XXT = XXT; Y=surv;X1=NULL;intercept=FALSE;frac1=NULL;eps=1e-7;maxItr=25;trace=TRUE; E0 <- NULL
  n <- length(Y)
  eta0 <- 0
  if(is.null(X1)) unpen <- FALSE else unpen <- TRUE #new 15/4/2021
  if(is.null(E0)) eta <- rep(0,n) else eta <- E0
  if(intercept) X1 <- cbind(matrix(rep(1,n),ncol=1),X1) #if frac1 is not given intercept is estimated alongside all other parameters
  if(!is.null(X1)) XXT <- XXT + X1 %*% t(X1)*(1/0.001)  #0.001: penalty for unpenalized variables

  it <- 1; nrm <- Inf
  etatot <- eta
  H0 <- .breslow(Y,etatot)[,2]
  Ypred<- as.numeric(H0 * exp(etatot))
  Yev <- Y[,2]
  while(nrm>eps & it<=maxItr){
    etaold <- eta
    Ypredold <- Ypred
    WV <- Ypred + 10^(-10)
    znew <-  matrix(Yev - Ypred,ncol=1)
    #Hres <- .Hpen(WV,XXT);Hmat <- Hres$Hmat; unpen <- FALSE

    linresp <- znew + diag(WV) %*% etaold
    Hresl <- .Hpenlin(WV,XXT,linresp);Hmatl <- Hresl$Hmatl  #NEW 15/4

    #} else { Hres <- .Hunpen(WV,XXT,X1); Hmat <- Hres$Hmat; unpen <- TRUE}
    #eta <- Hmat %*% (znew + diag(WV) %*% etaold)
    eta <- Hmatl
    etatot <- eta
    H0 <- .breslow(Y,etatot)[,2]
    Ypred<- as.numeric(H0 * exp(etatot))
    if(trace) {print(etatot)}
    #if(trace) {print(WV)}
    it <- it+1
    nrm <- max(abs(Ypred-Ypredold))
    if(trace) print(nrm)
    if(is.na(nrm)) {it <- maxItr + 1; nrm <- Inf}

  linearized <- znew + diag(WV) %*% etaold
  if(trace) print(it)
  convergence <- nrm<eps
              linearized=linearized, unpen=unpen,intercept=intercept,eta0=eta0, X1=X1)) #KW, MW components of Hres needed for pred, and so is the linearized response

#                                     DATA INPUT, PREDICTIONS, COEFFICIENTS (BETAS)

#CREATES list OF nxn MATRICES REPRESENTING X_b %*% t(X_b) [for fitting], or X^new_b %*% t(X_b) [for prediction]
createXXblocks <- function(datablocks,datablocksnew=NULL,which2pair=NULL){
  #datablocks <- list(X[,1:50],X[,51:75],X[,76:100]); which2pair=c(1,2)
  #datablocks <- list(X[,1:50],X[,51:100])
  nbl <- length(datablocks)
  nfeats <- unlist(lapply(datablocks,nrow))
  if(nbl>1) {
    neq <- sum(sapply(2:nbl,function(b) nfeats[1] == nfeats[b]))
    if(neq != (nbl-1)){
      print("ERROR: Data blocks should have the same number of rows (samples)")
  if(is.null(datablocksnew)) res <- lapply(datablocks, function(block) block %*% t(block)) else
    res <- lapply(1:nbl, function(i) datablocksnew[[i]] %*% t(datablocks[[i]]))

  if(!is.null(which2pair)) {
    ncol1 <- ncol(datablocks[[which2pair[1]]])
    ncol2 <- ncol(datablocks[[which2pair[2]]])
    if(ncol1 != ncol2){
      print("ERROR: Paired data blocks should have the same number of columns (features)")
    } else {
      permute <- c(((ncol1+1):(2*ncol1)), (1:ncol1))
      dbpaired <- cbind(datablocks[[which2pair[1]]],datablocks[[which2pair[2]]])
      if(is.null(datablocksnew)) res <- c(res, list(dbpaired[,permute] %*% t(dbpaired))) else {
        dbpairednew <- cbind(datablocksnew[[which2pair[1]]],datablocksnew[[which2pair[2]]])
        res <- c(res, list(dbpairednew[,permute] %*% t(dbpaired)))
      cat("Paired block appended to unpaired ones:\n")
      cat(paste("Use pairing = c(",which2pair[1],",",which2pair[2],",",nbl+1,") for further computations",sep=""))

createXblocks <- function(datablocks,which2pair=NULL){
  #datablocks <- list(X[,1:50],X[,51:75],X[,76:100]); which2pair=c(1,2)
  #datablocks <- list(X[,1:50],X[,51:100])
  nbl <- length(datablocks)
  nfeats <- unlist(lapply(datablocks,nrow))
  if(nbl>1) {
    neq <- sum(sapply(2:nbl,function(b) nfeats[1] == nfeats[b]))
    if(neq != (nbl-1)){
      print("ERROR: Data blocks should have the same number of rows (samples)")
  res <- lapply(datablocks, function(block) block)
  if(!is.null(which2pair)) {
    ncol1 <- ncol(datablocks[[which2pair[1]]])
    ncol2 <- ncol(datablocks[[which2pair[2]]])
    if(ncol1 != ncol2){
      print("ERROR: Paired data blocks should have the same number of columns (features)")
    } else {
      permute <- c(((ncol1+1):(2*ncol1)), (1:ncol1))
      dbpaired <- cbind(datablocks[[which2pair[1]]],datablocks[[which2pair[2]]])
      res <- c(res, list(dbpaired[,permute]))
      cat("Paired block appended to unpaired ones:\n")
      cat(paste("Use pairing = c(",which2pair[1],",",which2pair[2],",",nbl+1,") for further computations",sep=""))

#augment data with zero's; to allow pairing of data on DIFFERENT samples
augment <- function(Xdata1,Xdata2){
  #Xdata1 <- dataW3; Xdata2 <- dataF3
  ncol1 <- ncol(Xdata1)
  ncol2 <- ncol(Xdata2)
  if(ncol1 != ncol2){
    print("ERROR: Paired data blocks should have the same number of columns (features)")
  } else {
    nsam1 <- nrow(Xdata1)
    nsam2 <- nrow(Xdata2)
    return(list(Xaug1 = rbind(Xdata1,matrix(rep(0,ncol1*nsam2),nrow=nsam2)),Xaug2 = rbind(matrix(rep(0,ncol2*nsam1),nrow=nsam1),Xdata2)))

#Computation of overall sample cross-product (covariance) from covariate-block specific cross-products and penalties
SigmaFromBlocks <-function(XXblocks,penalties,pairing=NULL){
  #XXblocks: list of B matrices, dim nxn, each representing block-specific cross-product
  # [each XXTb = t(X_b) %*% X_b for b=1, ..., B data types]. When pairing applies, should be augmented with
  #a cross-block t(X) %*% Q %*% X, where Q = 1 - diag(2), X = [X_{1,.1}, ..., X_{1,.p}, X_{2,.1}, ..., X_{2,.p}].
  #Q is a permutation matrix, so product can be efficiently computed.
  #So paired columns (variables) are juxtaposed in X. See examples.
  #pairing: vector of length 3. First elements denotes the index of the first block matrix (and penalty) involved in the pair,
  #second the index of the 2; third: index of the cross-block (and corresponding pairing penalty).
  #XXblocks =XXblocks; pairing=c(1,2,3);penalties=c(penaltiesstart,4000)

  nblocks <- length(XXblocks)
  if(nblocks != length(penalties)){
    print("Error: Number of penalty parameters should equal number of blocks")
  } else {
    if(is.null(pairing)) Sigma<-Reduce('+', lapply(1:nblocks,function(i) XXblocks[[i]] * 1/penalties[i]))
    else {
      nonpaired <- setdiff(1:nblocks,pairing)
      if(length(nonpaired) > 0) Sigma<-Reduce('+', lapply(nonpaired,function(i) XXblocks[[i]] * 1/penalties[i]))  else Sigma <- 0
      invpair <- solve(matrix(c(penalties[pairing[1]],-penalties[pairing[3]],
      invpenpair <- c(invpair[1,1],invpair[2,2],invpair[1,2])
      Sigma <- Sigma + Reduce('+', lapply(pairing,function(i) XXblocks[[i]] * invpenpair[i]))

#coefficient estimates given (converged) IWLS weights
betasout <- function(IWLSfit,Xblocks,X1=NULL,penalties,pairing=NULL){
  #IWLSfit <- fit; Xblocks <- Xbl;X1 = matrix(group,ncol=1);penalties <- optlambdas;pairing=c(1,2,3)
  n <- length(IWLSfit$etas)
  if(is.null(pairing)) nfeats <- unlist(lapply(Xblocks, ncol)) else nfeats <- unlist(lapply(Xblocks[pairing[1:2]], ncol))

  if(IWLSfit$intercept) X1 <- cbind(matrix(rep(1,n),ncol=1),X1)
  if(!is.null(X1)){Xblocks <- c(list(X1),Xblocks); penalties <- c(0.001,penalties);
  if(!is.null(pairing)) pairing <- pairing+1  #shift one
  LtX <- .LambdaInvtXFromBlocks(Xblocks,penalties,pairing)
  Mmatl <- IWLSfit$Hresl$Mmatl
  betas <- LtX %*% Mmatl
  if(is.null(X1)){betaunpen <- NULL; betapen <- betas} else {
    nunpen <- ncol(X1); betaunpen <- betas[1:nunpen];betapen <- betas[-(1:nunpen)]
  nbl <- length(nfeats)
  cumindex <- cumsum(c(0,nfeats))
  betaout <- lapply(1:nbl,function(bl) betapen[(cumindex[bl]+1):cumindex[bl+1]])
  betaout <- c(list(betaunpen),betaout)

#Predictions for new samples
predictIWLS <- function(IWLSfit,X1new=NULL, Sigmanew){
  #IWLSfit: list object; output from IWLSridge
  #X1new: design matrix with unpenalized variables, p1 x nnew; should not contain the intercept
  #Sigmanew: (penalized) sample cross-product between new and training samples (nnew x n); may be computed using SigmaFromBlocks function
  #Output: vector (nnew) of linear predictors

  unpen <- IWLSfit$unpen
  X1 <- IWLSfit$X1
  if(unpen & is.null(X1new)){print("Fit contains unpenalized variables. Please provide argument X1new.")
  eta0 <- IWLSfit$eta0
  intercept <- IWLSfit$intercept
  n <- nrow(Sigmanew)
  if(intercept) X1new <- cbind(matrix(rep(1,n),ncol=1),X1new)
  if(!is.null(X1new)){Sigmanew <- Sigmanew +  X1new %*% t(X1)*1/0.001}
  Mmatl <- IWLSfit$Hresl$Mmatl
  Hnewl <- Sigmanew %*% Mmatl
  pred <- Hnewl + eta0

#                                     CROSS-VALIDATION & SCORING

#Function for creating (balanced) folds
CVfolds <- function(Y,model=NULL,balance=TRUE,kfold=10,fixedfolds=TRUE,nrepeat=1){ #response is required for balanced CV
  #response: response vector, length n
  #model: "logistic", "cox", etc
  #balance: should the splits balance levels of the response?
  #kfold: scalar, the number of folds
  #fixedfolds: should the folds be fixed? (for reproducibility)
  #nrepeat: number of repeats of the CV
  #Output: list object with kfold elements containing the sample indices of the left-out samples per fold

    if(is(Y,"Surv")) model <- "cox" else {
      model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")
  response <- Y
  if(model=="linear") balance <- FALSE
  CVfoldsrep <- function(rep){
    nsam <- length(response)
    if (fixedfolds) set.seed(3534+rep-1) #else set.seed(NULL)  #changed 19/4
    if (!balance) {
      rand <- sample(1:nsam)
      grs1 <- floor(nsam/kfold)
      grs2 <- grs1 + 1
      ngr1 <- kfold * grs2 - nsam
      folds <- lapply(1:kfold, function(xg) {
        if (xg <= ngr1)
          els <- rand[(1 + (xg - 1) * grs1):(xg * grs1)]
        else els <- rand[(ngr1 * grs1 + 1 + (xg - ngr1 -
                                               1) * grs2):(ngr1 * grs1 + (xg - ngr1) * grs2)]
    else {
      if (model == "logistic")
        if (is(response,"factor"))
          nev <- which((as.numeric(response) - 1) == 1)
        else nev <- which(response == 1)
        if (model == "cox") nev <- which(response[, 2] == 1)
        nsamev <- length(nev)
        randev <- sample(nev)
        grs1 <- floor(nsamev/kfold)
        grs2 <- grs1 + 1
        ngr1 <- kfold * grs2 - nsamev
        foldsev <- lapply(1:kfold, function(xg) {
          if (xg <= ngr1)
            els <- randev[(1 + (xg - 1) * grs1):(xg * grs1)]
          else els <- randev[(ngr1 * grs1 + 1 + (xg - ngr1 -
                                                   1) * grs2):(ngr1 * grs1 + (xg - ngr1) * grs2)]
        nonev <- setdiff(1:nsam, nev)
        nsamnonev <- length(nonev)
        randnonev <- sample(nonev)
        grs1 <- floor(nsamnonev/kfold)
        grs2 <- grs1 + 1
        ngr1 <- kfold * grs2 - nsamnonev
        foldsnonev <- lapply(1:kfold, function(xg) {
          if (xg <= ngr1)
            els <- randnonev[(1 + (xg - 1) * grs1):(xg *
          else els <- randnonev[(ngr1 * grs1 + 1 + (xg - ngr1 -
                                                      1) * grs2):(ngr1 * grs1 + (xg - ngr1) * grs2)]
        folds <- lapply(1:kfold, function(i) sort(c(foldsev[[i]],

#Score function for evaluation of predictions
Scoring <- function(lp,Y,model=NULL,score=ifelse(model=="linear","mse","loglik"),print=TRUE){
  #lp: linear predictor, same size as response
  #response: response vector
  #score: score
  #model: either "logistic", "cox", "linear"
  #output: score (numeric)
    if(is(Y,"Surv")) model <- "cox" else {
      model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")

  if(model=="linear" && score=="loglik"){
    score <-  "mse"
    print("Switching to MSE score for linear model")
  response <- Y
  minus <- FALSE
  if (model == "linear"){
    if(score=="mse") {thescore <- mean(-(response-lp)^2);minus<-TRUE}
    if(score=="abserror") {thescore <- mean(-abs(response-lp));minus<-TRUE}
    if(score=="cor") thescore <- cor(Y,lp)
    if(score=="spearman") thescore <- cor(Y,lp,method="spearman")
    if(score=="kendall") thescore <- cor(Y,lp,method="kendall")
  if (model == "logistic"){
    probab <- as.numeric(1/(1+exp(-lp)))
    if (is(response, "factor")) Y <- as.numeric(response) - 1 else Y <- response
    if(score=="loglik") thescore <- mean(dbinom(Y,size=1,probab,log=TRUE))
    if(score=="auc") {thescore <- try(as.numeric(pROC::auc(Y,probab,smooth=TRUE)),silent=TRUE);
    suppressWarnings(if(is(thescore,"try-error")) thescore <- as.numeric(pROC::auc(Y,probab,smooth=FALSE)))}
    if(score=="rankboost") {whpos <- which(Y==1); thescore <- mean(1/(1+exp(-2*(outer(probab[whpos],probab[-whpos],"-")))))}
    if(score=="brier") {thescore <- mean(-(Y-probab)^2); minus<-TRUE }
  if (model == "cox"){
    if(score=="loglik") {
      #Y <- surv; lp <- myfit$etas
      hazards <- .breslow(response,lp);
      di <- response[,2]
      ht <- hazards[,1];Ht <- hazards[,2]
      thescore <- sum(-Ht*exp(lp))
      di1 <- which(di==1)
      if(length(di1)>0) thescore <- thescore + sum(di[di1]*(log(ht[di1])+lp[di1]))
      thescore <- thescore/length(lp)
      # tm <- max(response[,1])
      # iAUCr <- risksetAUC(Stime=response[,1], status= response[,2], marker=lp, method="Cox",plot=FALSE,tmax=tm)
      # thescore<- iAUCr$Cindex
      lpmin <- -lp
      thescore <- concordance(response ~ lpmin)$concordance
      if(is.na(thescore)) thescore <- 0.5
  if(score=="loglik") score <- "mean loglik"
  if(print) {if(minus) {score <- paste("minus",score)}; print(paste(score,": ",round(thescore,3)))}

#Computes predictive score using CV
CVscore <- function(penalties, XXblocks,Y,X1=NULL, pairing=NULL,folds, intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE),frac1=NULL,score="loglik", model = NULL,

  #XXblocks: list of B matrices, dim nxn, each representing block-specific cross-product [each XXTb = t(X_b) %*% X_b for b=1, ..., B data types].
  #penalties: vector with B strictly positive penalties
  #response: nx1 response
  #X1: optional nxp1 matrix (p1 < n) with unpenalized covariates
  #pairing: see SigmaFromBlocks
  #folds: list of k folds, containing left-out samples per fold (may be computed by CVfolds function).
  #intercept: use intercept? If yes, intercept is either estimated or set equal to logit(frac1)
  #frac1: fraction of 1's in the population; if non-null the intercept is estimated as logit(frac1); otherwise intercept is estimated from the data along with all other parameters
  #score: score
  #model: either "logistic", "cox"
  #eps: numerical bound for IWLS convergence
  #maxItr: maximum number of iterations used in IWLS
  #trace: should IWLSoutput be traced?
  #printCV: should the CV-score be printed on screen?
  #save: boolean. If TRUE appends the penalties and resulting CVscore to global variable 'allscores'

  #Output: numeric, CV-ed prediction score for given penalties

  # penalties<-c(mirlambda,methlambda); XXblocks <- list(XXTmir,XXTmeth); response<-Y; X1=NULL;folds <- leftout;
  # intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE); frac1=NULL;score="loglik"; model="logistic"; eps=1e-7;maxItr=100;trace=FALSE
  #XXblocks =list(XXTcn);penalties <- 1824;response=surv;X1=NULL;intercept=FALSE;frac1=NULL;eps=1e-7;maxItr=100;trace=FALSE
  #parallel <- F; save<-F; printCV <-F; pairing <- NULL
  #XXblocks =XXblocks[2];penalties <- 200;response=Y2;X1=NULL;intercept=FALSE;frac1=NULL;eps=1e-7;maxItr=100;trace=FALSE
  #parallel <- F; save<-F; printCV <-F; pairing <- NULL; model="linear";score="mse"
  # penalties = lambdas[2]; XXblocks=XXomics[2];Y=resp;X1=NULL; pairing=NULL;
  # penalties=lambdas2; XXblocks=XXomics;Y=resp;X1<- NULL; folds=leftout; intercept=FALSE;frac1=NULL;score="loglik";
  #model="cox";eps= 1e-7;maxItr=100;trace=FALSE;
  # printCV=TRUE; save=FALSE;parallel=FALSE;pairing <- NULL

    if(is(Y,"Surv")) model <- "cox" else {
      model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")

  response <- Y
  if(parallel){if(sfCpus()==1) {
    message("ERROR: please run the setupParallel() function first")
    #message("Use sourcelibraries=c(\"penalized\")")
  nf <- length(folds)
  n <- length(response)
  nblocks <- length(XXblocks)
  SigmaLambda <- SigmaFromBlocks(XXblocks,penalties,pairing)
  if(parallel) system.time(sfExport("folds","model", "SigmaLambda","response","X1","intercept","frac1","eps","maxItr","trace","n"))
  lpsoutfun <- function(i){
    outs <- folds[[i]]
    ins <- (1:n)[-outs]
    respin <- response[ins]
    respout <- response[outs]
    SigmaIn <- SigmaLambda[ins,ins] #Sigma matrix allows subsetting; SigmaIn is required for fitting
    SigmaOutIn <- SigmaLambda[outs,ins] #SigmaOutIn is required for prediction
    X1in <- X1[ins,]
    X1out <- X1[outs,]
    if(model=="logistic" | model=="linear") fitin <- try(IWLSridge(XXT=SigmaIn,Y=respin,X1=X1in,intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,eps=eps,maxItr=maxItr,trace=trace, model=model))
    if(model=="cox") fitin <- try(IWLSCoxridge(XXT=SigmaIn,Y=respin,X1=X1in,intercept=intercept,eps=eps,maxItr=maxItr,trace=trace))
    if(is(fitin,"try-error")) lpsout <- rep(0,length(respout)) else lpsout <- predictIWLS(fitin, X1out,SigmaOutIn)
  if(parallel) lpsoutlist <- sfLapply(1:nf,lpsoutfun) else lpsoutlist <- lapply(1:nf,lpsoutfun)
  all_lpsout <- unlist(lpsoutlist)
  if(model!="cox") all_respout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- folds[[i]];respout <- response[out];return(respout)})) else {  #cox model
    all_evout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- folds[[i]];respout <- response[out,2];return(respout)}))
    all_timeout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- folds[[i]];respout <- response[out,1];return(respout)}))
    all_respout <- Surv(all_timeout,all_evout)
  cvscore <- Scoring(all_lpsout,all_respout,score=score,model=model,print=FALSE)
  #nrep <- sum(unlist(lapply(folds,length)))/n #nr of CV repeats
  #if(length(cvscores)!=1) cvscore <- sum(cvscores)/nrep  else cvscore <- cvscores #CV is averaged across CV-repeats [but not for auc type scores]
  if(printCV) {print("penalties:"); print(penalties); print(paste("CV-score:", round(cvscore,3)))}

#                                     OPTIMIZATION

optLambdas <- function(penaltiesinit=NULL, XXblocks,Y,X1=NULL, pairing=NULL, folds, intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE),frac1=NULL,score="loglik", model=NULL,
                       epsIWLS=1e-3,maxItrIWLS=25, traceCV=TRUE, reltol=1e-4, optmethod=ifelse(length(penaltiesinit)==1,"Brent", "Nelder-Mead"),
                       maxItropt=500, save=FALSE, parallel=FALSE, fixedpen=NULL, fixedseed=TRUE){
  #Arguments additional to those of CVscore:
  #penaltiesinit: initial penalties; if NULL (not recommended) then set to 100. Initial penalties can be found by running function "fastCV"
  #multinit: initial penalty multipliers; these are multiplied by penaltiesinit to opbtain penalites; optimizer optimizes the multipliers (log scale)
  #traceCV: boolean: should the CV scores be traced during optimization?
  #reltol: relative tolerance of the optimizer (see optim)
  #optmethod: optimization method
  #Note: optimization of the penalty multipliers is done on log-scale. This allows unconstrained optimization
  # fixedseed: some methods, in particular SANN use random searches; then fixing the seed may be desirable for reproducibility

  #penaltiesinit=1000; multinit = c(1);XXblocks=list(XXTcn);response=surv;X1=NULL;folds=leftout; intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE);frac1=NULL;score="loglik";
  # model="cox"; eps=1e-7;maxItr=100;trace=FALSE;reltol=10^(-4); optmethod="Brent";save=T
  #penaltiesinit=penaltiesstart; XXblocks=XXblocks; pairing = c(1,2,3)
  # penaltiesinit=lambdas; XXblocks=XXbl;Y=resp;X1=NULL;folds=leftout;intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE);frac1=NULL;score="loglik"; model="logistic";maxItrIWLS = 25;
  # parallel=FALSE;epsIWLS=1e-3;maxItropt=500;trace=FALSE;reltol=10^(-4);optmethod="Nelder-Mead";save=T;traceCV=FALSE;pairing <- NULL
  # penaltiesinit=lambdas; XXblocks=XXomics12;Y=resp;X1=NULL;folds=leftout;intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE);frac1=NULL;score="loglik"; model="logistic";maxItrIWLS = 25;
  # parallel=TRUE;epsIWLS=1e-3;maxItropt=500;trace=FALSE;reltol=10^(-4);optmethod="Nelder-Mead";save=T;traceCV=FALSE;pairing = c(1,2,3);
  # fixedseed=TRUE;fixedpen=NULL

    if(is(Y,"Surv")) model <- "cox" else {
      model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")

  if(fixedseed) set.seed(12345)

  response <- Y

  if(parallel){if(sfCpus()==1) {
    message("ERROR: please run the setupParallel() function first")
    #message("Use sourcelibraries=c(\"penalized\")")
  npen <- length(XXblocks)
  if(!is.null(fixedpen)) {
    if(length(fixedpen) > (npen-1) | max(fixedpen) > npen){
      message("ERROR: incorrect input for argument \'fixedpen\'")

  if(is.null(penaltiesinit)) {penaltiesinit <- rep(100,npen); if(!is.null(pairing)) {penpair <- pairing[3]; penaltiesinit[penpair] <- 25}
  } else {if(!is.null(pairing)) {
    if(length(penaltiesinit) < npen)
      penaltiesinit <- c(penaltiesinit,paired=NA)
      penpair1 <- pairing[1]; penpair2 <- pairing[2]; penpair3 <- pairing[3]
      penaltiesinit[penpair3] <- sqrt(penaltiesinit[penpair1])*sqrt(penaltiesinit[penpair2])*0.25
      penaltiesinit[penpair1] <- penaltiesinit[penpair1]*(1+.25)
      penaltiesinit[penpair2] <- penaltiesinit[penpair2]*(1+.25)
  }  #use smaller paired penalty by default

  print("Initial penalties:")
  multinit = rep(1,length(penaltiesinit))

    multinit <- multinit[-fixedpen]

  if(length(multinit) == 1 & optmethod != "SANN") optmethod <- "Brent"
  print(paste("Using",optmethod,"for optimization"))

  CVS <- function(logmults){
    allpenalties <- rep(NA,length(penaltiesinit))
    if(!is.null(fixedpen)) {
      allpenalties[fixedpen] <- penaltiesinit[fixedpen]
      allpenalties[-fixedpen] <- exp(logmults)*penaltiesinit[-fixedpen]
    } else allpenalties <- exp(logmults)*penaltiesinit

    res <- -CVscore(allpenalties, XXblocks=XXblocks,Y=response,X1=X1, pairing=pairing,
                    folds=folds, intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,score=score, model=model, eps=epsIWLS,
                    maxItr=maxItrIWLS,trace=FALSE, printCV=traceCV, save=save,parallel=parallel)
    #assign("allscores", rbind(allscores,c(res,allpenalties)), envir = baseenv())

  #assign("allscores", c(), envir = baseenv())
  #minimal penalty
  lb <- log10(0.1/max(penaltiesinit))

  if(optmethod != "Brent") optres <- optim(par = log(multinit), CVS, control=list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxItropt), method=optmethod) else
    optres <- try(optim(par = log(multinit), CVS, control=list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxItropt), method=optmethod,lower=lb,upper=10))
  if(is(optres,"try-error")) optres <- optim(par = log(multinit), CVS, control=list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxItropt), method="Nelder-Mead")
  #if(!is.null(ncol(allscores))) colnames(allscores) <- c("Score", paste("pen",1:npen,sep=""))

  optpen <- rep(NA,length(penaltiesinit))
  if(!is.null(fixedpen)) {
    optpen[fixedpen] <- penaltiesinit[fixedpen]
    optpen[-fixedpen] <- as.numeric(exp(optres$par))*penaltiesinit[-fixedpen]
  } else optpen <- as.numeric(exp(optres$par))*penaltiesinit

  #optres2 <- c(optres,optpen=list(optpen),allsc = list(allscores))
  optres2 <- c(optres,optpen=list(optpen))

optLambdasWrap <- function(penaltiesinit=NULL, XXblocks,Y,X1=NULL, pairing=NULL, folds, intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE),frac1=NULL,score="loglik",
                           epsIWLS=1e-3,maxItrIWLS=25, traceCV=TRUE, reltol=1e-4, optmethod1= "SANN", optmethod2 =ifelse(length(penaltiesinit)==1,"Brent", "Nelder-Mead"),
                           maxItropt1=10,maxItropt2=25, save=FALSE, parallel=FALSE, pref=NULL,fixedpen=NULL){

  # penaltiesinit=NULL; X1=NULL; pairing=NULL; folds; intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE);frac1=NULL;score="loglik"; model="logistic";
  # epsIWLS=1e-3;maxItrIWLS=25; traceCV=TRUE; reltol=1e-4; optmethod1= "SANN"; optmethod2 =ifelse(length(penaltiesinit)==1,"Brent", "Nelder-Mead");
  # maxItropt1=10;maxItropt2=25; save=FALSE; parallel=FALSE;  pref=NULL;
  # penaltiesinit=lambdas; XXblocks=XXall;Y=resp;folds=leftout;score="loglik"; model="cox"; intercept=FALSE;
  # parallel=TRUE;

    if(is(Y,"Surv")) model <- "cox" else {
      model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")

  nbl <- length(XXblocks)

  if(is.null(pref)){prefer <- 1:nbl; peni <- penaltiesinit} else {prefer <- pref;
  if(is.null(penaltiesinit)) peni<-NULL else peni <- penaltiesinit[prefer]}

  jl0 <- try(optLambdas(penaltiesinit=peni, XXblocks=XXblocks[prefer],Y=Y,X1=X1, pairing=pairing, folds=folds, intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,score=score, model=model,
                        epsIWLS=epsIWLS,maxItrIWLS=maxItrIWLS, traceCV=traceCV, reltol=reltol,optmethod=optmethod1,maxItropt=maxItropt1,
                        save=save, parallel=parallel, fixedpen=fixedpen))

  if(!is(jl0, "try-error")) lambdas0 <- jl0$optpen else lambdas0 <- peni

  jl1 <- optLambdas(penaltiesinit=lambdas0, XXblocks=XXblocks[prefer],Y=Y,X1=X1, pairing=pairing, folds=folds, intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,score=score, model=model,
                    epsIWLS=epsIWLS,maxItrIWLS=maxItrIWLS, traceCV=traceCV, reltol=reltol,optmethod=optmethod2,maxItropt=maxItropt2,
                    save=save, parallel=parallel, fixedpen=fixedpen )
  lambdas1 <- jl1$optpen

  res <- c(res0=list(jl0),res1=list(jl1))
  lambdas <- c(list(lambdas0),list(lambdas1))

  if(is.null(pref)) {
    return(list(res=res,lambdas=lambdas,optpen = lambdas1))
  } else {
    pref <- c(fixedpen,pref)
    lambdasall <- rep(NA,nbl)
    lambdasall[pref] <- lambdas1
    if(!is.null(penaltiesinit)) lambdasall[-pref] <- penaltiesinit[-pref] else lambdasall[-pref] <- 100
    jl2 <- try(optLambdas(penaltiesinit=lambdasall, XXblocks=XXblocks,Y=Y,X1=X1, pairing=pairing, folds=folds, intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,score=score, model=model,
                          epsIWLS=epsIWLS,maxItrIWLS=maxItrIWLS, traceCV=traceCV, reltol=reltol,optmethod=optmethod1,maxItropt=maxItropt1,
                          save=save, parallel=parallel,fixedpen= pref ))

    if(!is(jl2, "try-error")) lambdas2 <- jl2$optpen else lambdas2 <- lambdasall

    jl3 <- optLambdas(penaltiesinit=lambdas2, XXblocks=XXblocks,Y=Y,X1=X1, pairing=pairing, folds=folds, intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,score=score, model=model,
                      epsIWLS=epsIWLS,maxItrIWLS=maxItrIWLS, traceCV=traceCV, reltol=reltol,optmethod=optmethod2,maxItropt=maxItropt2,
                      save=save, parallel=parallel, fixedpen=pref)
    lambdas3<- jl3$optpen

    res <- c(res,res2=list(jl2),res3=list(jl3))
    lambdas <- c(lambdas,list(lambdas2),list(lambdas3))
    return(list(res=res,lambdas=lambdas,optpen = lambdas3))

#                                    DOUBLE CV FOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION

doubleCV <- function(penaltiesinit,XXblocks,Y,X1=NULL,pairing=NULL,outfold=5, infold=10, nrepeatout=1, nrepeatin=1, balance=TRUE, fixedfolds=TRUE, intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE),frac1=NULL,score="loglik", model=NULL,
                     eps=1e-7,maxItr=10,trace=FALSE,printCV=TRUE,reltol=1e-4, optmethod1= "SANN", optmethod2 =ifelse(length(penaltiesinit)==1,"Brent", "Nelder-Mead"),
                     maxItropt1=10,maxItropt2=25, save=FALSE, parallel=FALSE, pref=NULL,fixedpen=NULL){
  #1. produce outfolds
  #2. subset XXblocks and response and X1
  #3. opt lambda per out-fold
  #4. Scoring

  # XXblocks <- XXblocksmm; response<-Y; X1=NULL;outfold=5;infold=10;nrepeatout=2; nrepeatin=1;balance=TRUE;fixedfolds=TRUE;
  # intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE); frac1=NULL;score="loglik"; model="logistic"; eps=1e-7;maxItr=100;trace=FALSE;printCV=TRUE;save=FALSE;parallel=F;
  #reltol=1e-4; optmethod=ifelse(length(XXblocks)==1,"Brent", "Nelder-Mead")
    if(is(Y,"Surv")) model <- "cox" else {
      model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")

  response <- Y
  leftoutout <- CVfolds(Y=response,kfold=outfold,nrepeat=nrepeatout,fixedfolds=fixedfolds,balance=balance,model=model)
  n <- length(response)
  nbl <- length(XXblocks)
  npen <- length(penaltiesinit)
  if((npen != nbl & is.null(pairing)) | (npen != (nbl-1) & !is.null(pairing))){
    message("ERROR: please make sure penaltiesinit is the same length as XXblocks. (In case of pairing: paired penalty should not be specified; will be initialized automatically)")

  if(parallel) sfExport("leftoutout","XXblocks","response","X1","intercept","frac1","eps","maxItr","trace","n","nrepeatin",
                        "fixedfolds","balance", "model","score","reltol","optmethod1", "optmethod2","maxItropt1","maxItropt2","pref","fixedpen")

  lpsoutfun <- function(i){
    if(parallel) sfCat(paste("Outer fold:",i),sep="\n") else print(paste("Outer fold:",i))
    #i <- 1
    outs <- leftoutout[[i]]
    ins <- (1:n)[-outs]
    respin <- response[ins]
    respout <- response[outs]
    XXblocksin <- lapply(XXblocks, function(block,whichin) block[whichin,whichin],whichin=ins)
    X1in <- X1[ins,]
    X1out <- X1[outs,]
    foldsin <- CVfolds(Y=respin,kfold=infold,nrepeat=nrepeatin,fixedfolds=fixedfolds,balance=balance,model=model)
    # if(is.null(penaltiesinit)){
    # if(is.null(pairing)) penaltiesi <- sapply(1:nbl,function(bl) fastCV2(XXblocksin[[bl]],Y=respin, folds=foldsin, penaltyinit=NULL, X1=X1in,
    #                                                 intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,score=score, model=model, epsIWLS=eps,
    #                                                 maxItrIWLS=maxItr, traceCV=trace, reltol=reltol, parallel=FALSE, NMinit=FALSE)[[1]])
    #   else { #initialization based on parametrization in the manuscript
    #        penaltiesi <- rep(NA,nbl)
    #        pair3 <- pairing[3]
    #        allbl <- setdiff(1:nbl,pair3)
    #        penaltiesi[allbl] <- sapply(allbl,function(bl) fastCV2(XXblocksin[[bl]],Y=respin, folds=foldsin, penaltyinit=NULL, X1=X1in,
    #                                                        intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,score=score, model=model, epsIWLS=eps,
    #                                                        maxItrIWLS=maxItr, traceCV=trace, reltol=reltol, parallel=FALSE, NMinit=FALSE)[[1]])
    #        penpair1i <- penaltiesi[pairing[1]];penpair2i <- penaltiesi[pairing[2]]
    #        penpair3 <- sqrt(penpair1i)*sqrt(penpair2i)/4
    #        penaltiesi[pair3] <- penpair3
    #        penaltiesi[pairing[1]] <- penpair1i*(1+1/4);penaltiesi[pairing[2]] <- penpair2i*(1+1/4)
    #   }
    # } else
    #penaltiesinit <- c(4,5,6); pairing=c(1,2)
    if(!is.null(pairing)) {
      penaltiesi <- penaltiesinit
      penaltiesi <- c(penaltiesi, sqrt(penaltiesi[pairing[1]])*sqrt(penaltiesi[pairing[2]])/4)
      penaltiesi[pairing] <-  penaltiesi[pairing]*(1+1/4)
    } else penaltiesi <- penaltiesinit
    if(nbl>1 | !is.null(penaltiesi)) optlam <- optLambdasWrap(penaltiesinit=penaltiesi, XXblocks=XXblocksin,Y=respin,X1=X1in, pairing=pairing, folds=foldsin, intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,
                                                              score=score, model=model, epsIWLS=eps,maxItrIWLS=maxItr, traceCV=trace, reltol=reltol,
                                                              optmethod1=optmethod1,optmethod2=optmethod2, maxItropt1=maxItropt1, maxItropt2=maxItropt2, save=FALSE, parallel=FALSE, pref=pref,fixedpen=fixedpen)$optpen else optlam = penaltiesi
    print("Opt penalties:");print(optlam)

    SigmaLambda <- SigmaFromBlocks(XXblocks,optlam, pairing=pairing)
    SigmaIn <- SigmaLambda[ins,ins] #Sigma matrix allows subsetting; SigmaIn is required for fitting
    SigmaOutIn <- SigmaLambda[outs,ins] #SigmaOutIn is required for prediction
    if(model!="cox") fitin <- try(IWLSridge(SigmaIn,respin,X1=X1in,intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,eps=eps,maxItr=maxItr,trace=trace))
    if(model=="cox") fitin <- try(IWLSCoxridge(SigmaIn,respin,X1=X1in,intercept=intercept,eps=eps,maxItr=maxItr,trace=trace))
    if(is(fitin,"try-error")) lpsout <- rep(0,length(respout)) else lpsout <- predictIWLS(fitin, X1out,SigmaOutIn)
  nf <- length(leftoutout)
  if(parallel) lpsoutlist <- sfLapply(1:nf,lpsoutfun) else lpsoutlist <- lapply(1:nf,lpsoutfun)
  all_lpsout <- unlist(lpsoutlist)
  #all_respout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];respout <- response[out];return(respout)}))
  if(model!="cox") all_respout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];respout <- response[out];return(respout)})) else {  #cox model
    all_evout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];respout <- response[out,2];return(respout)}))
    all_timeout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];respout <- response[out,1];return(respout)}))
    all_respout <- Surv(all_timeout,all_evout)
  all_samout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];return(out)}))
  whfold <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];return(rep(i,length(out)))}))
  res0 <- data.frame(sampleindex=all_samout,true=all_respout, linpred = all_lpsout, whfold=whfold)
  od <- order(all_samout)
  res <- res0[od,]
  # rn <- rownames(XXblocks[[1]])
  # if(!is.null(rn)) rownames(res) <- sapply(all_samout,function(sam) rn[sam])

#                                     AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS

#Computation of weighted Hat matrix, penalized variables only; needed in IWLS functions
.Hpen <- function(WV,XXT){ #WV:weigths as vector (n); XXT: (penalized) sample cross-product (nxn)
  n <-length(WV)
  Winv <- diag(1/WV)
  inv <- solve(Winv + XXT)
  Mmat <- diag(n) - inv %*% XXT
  Hmat <- XXT %*% Mmat

.Hpenlin <- function(WV,XXT,lr){ #WV:weigths as vector (n); XXT: (penalized) sample cross-product (nxn); lr: linearized response
  n <-length(WV)
  Winv <- diag(1/WV)
  XXTlr <- XXT %*% lr
  invl <- solve(Winv + XXT,XXTlr)
  Mmatl <- lr - invl
  Hmatl <- XXT %*% Mmatl

# n <- 500
# p <- 5000
# X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),nrow=n)
# Y <- matrix(rnorm(n),nrow=n)
# WV <- rep(1,n)
# XXT <- X %*% t(X)
# system.time(res1 <- .Hpen(WV,XXT)$Hmat %*% Y)
# system.time(res2 <- .Hpenlin(WV,XXT,Y)$Hmatl)

#Computation of weighted Hat matrix, accounting for unpenalized variables; needed in IWLS functions
.Hunpen <- function(WV,XXT,X1){
  #WV:weigths as vector (n)
  #XXT: sample cross-product (nxn) penalized variables
  #X1 (p1xn) design matrix unpenalized variables
  n <- length(WV)
  WsqrtV <- sqrt(WV)
  WinvsqrtV <- 1/WsqrtV
  X1W <- WsqrtV * X1
  X1aux <- solve(t(X1W) %*% X1W) %*% t(X1W)
  X1Wproj <- X1W %*% X1aux
  P1W <- diag(n) - X1Wproj
  GammaW <- t(t(WsqrtV * XXT) * WsqrtV) #faster
  P1GammaW <- P1W %*% GammaW
  #Mir: vanaf dit stukje
  invforH2<-try(solve(diag(n) + P1GammaW))
    svdXXT <- svd(diag(n) + P1GammaW)
    svdd <- svdXXT$d
    #reci <- 1/svdd[1:n]
    reci <- c(1/svdd[1:n-1],0)
    invforH2 <- svdXXT$v %*% (reci * t(svdXXT$u))
  #Mir: tot hier
  #H2 <- Winvsqrt %*% GammaW %*% (diag(n) -invforH2 %*% P1GammaW) %*% P1W %*% Winvsqrt
  MW <- WsqrtV * t(t((diag(n) - invforH2 %*% P1GammaW) %*% P1W) * WinvsqrtV)
  H20 <- GammaW %*% (WinvsqrtV * MW)
  H2 <- t(t(WinvsqrtV * H20)) #faster
  #Hboth <- Winvsqrt %*% X1Wproj %*% (diag(n) - Wsqrt %*% H2 %*% Wsqrt) %*% Winvsqrt + H2
  KW <- t(t(X1aux %*% (diag(n) - t(t(WsqrtV * H2) * WsqrtV))) * WinvsqrtV)
  Hmat <-(WinvsqrtV * X1W) %*% KW  + H2

#Xblocks: list of B matrices, dim nxp, each representing block-specific design
#  When pairing applies, should be augmented with
#a block Q %*% X, where Q = 1 - diag(2), X = [X_{1,.1}, ..., X_{1,.p}, X_{2,.1}, ..., X_{2,.p}].
#Q is a permutation matrix, so product can be efficiently computed.
#pairing: vector of length 3. First elements denotes the index of the first block matrix (and penalty) involved in the pair,
#second the index of the 2; third: index of the cross-block (and corresponding pairing penalty).
#Xblocks =Xblocks; pairing=c(1,2,3);penalties=c(penaltiesstart,4000)
#Xblocks <- list(X[,1:p1],X[,-(1:p1)]);penalties <- c(1,5);pairing=NULL
#Xblocks = Xblocks;penalties = penalties; pairing=c(1,2,3)

#auxiliary function for betasout

  nblocks <- length(Xblocks)
  if(nblocks != length(penalties)){
    print("Error: Number of penalty parameters should equal number of blocks")
  } else {
    if(is.null(pairing)) LtX <-Reduce('rbind', lapply(1:nblocks,function(i) t(Xblocks[[i]]) * 1/penalties[i]))
    else {
      nonpaired <- setdiff(1:nblocks,pairing)
      if(length(nonpaired) > 0) LtX <- Reduce('rbind', lapply(nonpaired,function(i) t(Xblocks[[i]]) * 1/penalties[i]))  else LtX <- c()
      invpair <- solve(matrix(c(penalties[pairing[1]],-penalties[pairing[3]],
      invpenpair <- c(invpair[1,1],invpair[2,2],invpair[1,2])
      LtX <- rbind(LtX,t(Xblocks[[pairing[3]]]) * invpenpair[3] + Reduce('rbind', lapply(pairing[1:2],function(i) t(Xblocks[[i]]) * invpenpair[i]))) #

#auxiliary function; thresholds predictions to avoid numerical problems; in IWLSRidge
.minmaxf <- function(vec,thr=10^(-3)){
  sapply(vec,function(x) min(max(x,thr),1-thr))

.breslow <- function(Y,lp){ #checked to coincide with basehaz from penalized (which coincides with survfit)
  #Y survival response; lp: linear predictor (length n)
  #Returns hazard and cumulative hazard at all timepoints
  ord <- order(Y)
  invord <- order(ord) #to put back in original order
  Ys <- Y[ord]
  di <- Ys[,2] #event
  ti <- Ys[,1] #time
  lp <- lp[ord]
  htsort <- di/rev(cumsum(exp(rev(lp))))
  ht <- htsort[invord]
  Ht <- cumsum(htsort)[invord]


mgcv_lambda <- function(penalties, XXblocks,Y, model=NULL, printscore=TRUE, pairing=NULL, sigmasq = 1,
                        opt.sigma=ifelse(model=="linear",TRUE, FALSE)){

  #penalties <- allpenalties; XXblocks=XXblocks; Y=response; model=model,printscore=TRUE; pairing =NULL;sigmasq=sigmasq;
    if(is(Y,"Surv")) model <- "cox" else {
      model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")
  #penalties=lambdas; XXblocks = XXbl;Y=resp; model="logistic";printscore=TRUE; intercept= TRUE
  if(opt.sigma){ #Mir
    sigmasq <- penalties[1]#Mir
    penalties <- penalties[-1]#Mir
  if(model=="linear") fam <- "gaussian"
  if(model=="logistic") fam <- "binomial"
  if(model=="cox") fam <- "cox.ph"

  XXT <- SigmaFromBlocks(XXblocks,penalties=penalties, pairing=pairing)
  n <- nrow(XXT)
  XXTi <- try(solve(XXT), silent=TRUE)
  if(is(XXTi,"try-error")){ #rank of matrix might be n-1 due to scaling... take Moore-Penrose inverse
    pmt <- proc.time()
    svdXXT <- svd(XXT)
    svdd <- svdXXT$d
    #reci <- 1/svdd[1:n]
    reci <- c(1/svdd[1:n-1],0)
    XXTi <- svdXXT$v %*% (reci * t(svdXXT$u))

  Xgam <- diag(n)
  PP = list(Xgam=list(XXTi,sp=1))

  pred <- try(gam(Y ~ 0 + Xgam,family=fam, paraPen=PP,method="ML",scale=sigmasq)) #no intercept

  score <- pred$gcv.ubre
  if(printscore) {

optLambdas_mgcv <- function(penaltiesinit=NULL, XXblocks,Y, pairing=NULL,model=NULL, reltol=1e-4, optmethod =ifelse(length(penaltiesinit)==1,"Brent", "Nelder-Mead"),
                            maxItropt=500,tracescore=TRUE,fixedpen=NULL, fixedseed = TRUE, sigmasq = 1,
                            opt.sigma=ifelse(model=="linear",TRUE, FALSE)){
  #penaltiesinit=lambdas; Xblocks=Xomics;Y=resp; model="cox";reltol=1e-4; optmethod= "Nelder-Mead";maxItropt=20
  # penaltiesinit=lambdas; XXblocks=XXblocks;Y=respnum; pairing<- NULL;model="linear";reltol=1e-4; optmethod= "SANN";maxItropt=2;
  # tracescore=TRUE;fixedseed=TRUE; pref=NULL;fixedpen=NULL; sigmasq = 1;opt.sigma=ifelse(model=="linear",TRUE, FALSE)
   # penaltiesinit=c(100); XXblocks=XXblocks[1];
   # Y=respnum;reltol=0.1;pairing=NULL;model=NULL; optmethod=ifelse(length(penaltiesinit)==1,"Brent", "Nelder-Mead");
   # maxItropt=500;tracescore=TRUE;fixedpen=NULL; fixedseed = TRUE; sigmasq = 1; opt.sigma=FALSE

    if(is(Y,"Surv")) model <- "cox" else {
      model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")
  if(model!="linear") opt.sigma <- FALSE
    sigmainit <- sigmasq#Mir
    penaltiesinit <- penaltiesinit#Mir
  response <- Y
  npen <- length(XXblocks)
  if(opt.sigma & optmethod=="Brent") optmethod <- "Nelder-Mead"

  if(!is.null(fixedpen)) {
    if(length(fixedpen) > (npen-1) | max(fixedpen) > npen){
      message("ERROR: incorrect input for argument \'fixedpen\'")

  if(fixedseed) set.seed(12345)
  if(is.null(sigmasq)&model!="linear") sigmasq <- 1#Mir

  if(is.null(penaltiesinit)) {penaltiesinit <- rep(100,npen); if(!is.null(pairing)) {penpair <- pairing[3]; penaltiesinit[penpair] <- 25}
  } else {if(!is.null(pairing)) {
    if(length(penaltiesinit) < npen)
      penaltiesinit <- c(penaltiesinit,paired=NA)
      penpair1 <- pairing[1]; penpair2 <- pairing[2]; penpair3 <- pairing[3]
      penaltiesinit[penpair3] <- sqrt(penaltiesinit[penpair1])*sqrt(penaltiesinit[penpair2])*0.25
      penaltiesinit[penpair1] <- penaltiesinit[penpair1]*(1+.25)
      penaltiesinit[penpair2] <- penaltiesinit[penpair2]*(1+.25)
  }  #use smaller paired penalty by default

  print("Initial penalties:")
  multinit = rep(1,length(penaltiesinit))

    multinit <- multinit[-fixedpen]

  if((length(multinit)+opt.sigma) == 1 & optmethod != "SANN") optmethod <- "Brent"  #Mir print(paste("Using",optmethod,"for optimization"))
  print(paste("Using",optmethod,"for optimization"))

    CVS <- function(logmults){
      # sigmasq <- logmults[1]
      # logmults <- logmults[-1]
      allpenalties <- rep(NA,length(penaltiesinit))
      if(!is.null(fixedpen)) {
        allpenalties[fixedpen] <- penaltiesinit[fixedpen]
        allpenalties[-fixedpen] <- exp(logmults[-1])*penaltiesinit[-fixedpen]
        allpenalties <-c(exp(logmults[1]), allpenalties) #add sigma
      } else allpenalties <-  c(exp(logmults[1]),exp(logmults[-1])*penaltiesinit)

      res <- mgcv_lambda(allpenalties, XXblocks=XXblocks,Y=response,
      #allscores_mgcv <<- c(allscores_mgcv,res)
      #assign("allscores_mgcv", rbind(allscores_mgcv,c(res,allpenalties)), envir = baseenv())

    #assign("allscores_mgcv", c(), envir = baseenv())  #saves all evaluations
    #minimal penalty
    lb <- log10(0.1/max(penaltiesinit))

    if(optmethod != "Brent"){
      optres <- optim(par = c(log(sigmainit),log(multinit)), CVS, control=list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxItropt), method=optmethod)
      optres <- try(optim(par = log(multinit), CVS, control=list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxItropt), method=optmethod,lower=lb,upper=10))
      #optres <- try(optimise(CVS, tol=reltol,interval=c(-10,10)))

    if(is(optres,"try-error")) optres <- optim(par = c(log(sigmainit),log(multinit)), CVS, control=list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxItropt), method="Nelder-Mead")
    #if(!is.null(ncol(allscores_mgcv))) colnames(allscores_mgcv) <- c("Score", "sigmasq", paste("pen",1:npen,sep=""))

    optpen <- c(as.numeric(exp(optres$par[1])),as.numeric(exp(optres$par[-1]))*penaltiesinit)

    #optres2 <- c(optres,optpen=list(optpen),allsc = list(allscores_mgcv))
    optres2 <- c(optres,optpen=list(optpen))
  } else{#Mir: tot hier, in deze else loop staat wat het anders was geweest
    CVS <- function(logmults){
      #logmults <- rep(1,4)
      allpenalties <- rep(NA,length(penaltiesinit))
      if(!is.null(fixedpen)) {
        allpenalties[fixedpen] <- penaltiesinit[fixedpen]
        allpenalties[-fixedpen] <- c(exp(logmults[1]),exp(logmults[-1])*penaltiesinit[-fixedpen])
      } else allpenalties <- exp(logmults)*penaltiesinit
      res <- mgcv_lambda(allpenalties, XXblocks=XXblocks,Y=response,
                         model=model,printscore=tracescore,sigmasq=sigmasq, opt.sigma=FALSE)
      #assign("allscores_mgcv", rbind(allscores_mgcv,c(res,allpenalties)), envir = baseenv())

    #assign("allscores_mgcv", c(), envir = baseenv())  #saves all evaluations

    if(optmethod != "Brent") optres <- optim(par = log(multinit), CVS, control=list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxItropt), method=optmethod) else
      #optres <- try(optimise(CVS, tol=1,interval=c(-10,10)))
      optres <- try(optim(par = log(multinit), CVS, control=list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxItropt), method=optmethod,lower=-5,upper=10))

    if(is(optres,"try-error")) optres <- optim(par = log(multinit), CVS, control=list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxItropt), method="Nelder-Mead")
    #if(!is.null(ncol(allscores_mgcv))) colnames(allscores_mgcv) <- c("Score", paste("pen",1:npen,sep=""))

    optpen <- as.numeric(exp(optres$par))*penaltiesinit

    #optres2 <- c(optres,optpen=list(optpen),allsc = list(allscores_mgcv))
    optres2 <- c(optres,optpen=list(optpen))

optLambdas_mgcvWrap <- function(penaltiesinit=NULL, XXblocks,Y, pairing=NULL, model=NULL,
                                reltol=1e-4, optmethod1= "SANN", optmethod2 =ifelse(length(penaltiesinit)==1,"Brent", "Nelder-Mead"),
                                maxItropt1=10,maxItropt2=25,tracescore=TRUE,fixedseed=TRUE, pref=NULL,fixedpen=NULL, sigmasq = 1,
                                opt.sigma=ifelse(model=="linear",TRUE, FALSE)){

  # penaltiesinit=NULL; X1=NULL; pairing=NULL; folds; intercept=TRUE;frac1=NULL;score="loglik"; model="logistic";
  # epsIWLS=1e-3;maxItrIWLS=25; traceCV=TRUE; reltol=1e-4; optmethod1= "SANN"; optmethod2 =ifelse(length(penaltiesinit)==1,"Brent", "Nelder-Mead");
  # maxItropt1=10;maxItropt2=25; save=FALSE; parallel=FALSE; warmstart=FALSE; pref=NULL;
  # penaltiesinit=lambdas; XXblocks=XXall;Y=resp;folds=leftout;score="loglik"; model="cox"; intercept=FALSE;
  # parallel=TRUE;warmstart=FALSE

  # penaltiesinit=lambdas; XXblocks=XXblocks;Y=respnum; pairing<- NULL;model="linear";reltol=1e-4; optmethod1= "SANN";maxItropt1=10;optmethod2= "Nelder-Mead";maxItropt2=25;
  # tracescore=TRUE;fixedseed=TRUE; pref=NULL;fixedpen=NULL; sigmasq = 1;opt.sigma=ifelse(model=="linear",TRUE, FALSE)
    if(is(Y,"Surv")) model <- "cox" else {
      model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")
  if(model!="linear") opt.sigma <- FALSE #Mir
    sigmainit <- sigmasq#Mir
    penaltiesinit <- penaltiesinit#Mir
  if(is.null(sigmasq)&model!="linear") sigmasq <- 1#Mir

  nbl <- length(XXblocks)

  if(is.null(pref)){prefer <- 1:nbl; peni <- penaltiesinit} else {prefer <- pref;
  if(is.null(penaltiesinit)) peni<-NULL else peni <- penaltiesinit[prefer]}

  jl0 <- try(optLambdas_mgcv(penaltiesinit=peni, XXblocks=XXblocks[prefer],Y=Y, pairing=pairing, model=model,
                             fixedseed=fixedseed, fixedpen=fixedpen,sigmasq=sigmasq,opt.sigma=opt.sigma ))

  if(!is(jl0, "try-error")){
      lambdas0 <- jl0$optpen[-1]#Mir
      sigma0 <- jl0$optpen[1]#Mir
      lambdas0 <- jl0$optpen
      sigma0 <- sigmasq
  }else lambdas0 <- peni

  jl1 <- optLambdas_mgcv(penaltiesinit=lambdas0, XXblocks=XXblocks[prefer],Y=Y, pairing=pairing, model=model,
                         fixedseed=fixedseed, fixedpen=fixedpen,sigmasq=sigma0,opt.sigma=opt.sigma )

  lambdas1 <- jl1$optpen

    lambdas1 <- jl1$optpen[-1]#Mir
    sigma1 <- jl1$optpen[1]#Mir
    lambdas1 <- jl1$optpen
    sigma1 <- sigmasq
  res <- c(res0=list(jl0),res1=list(jl1))
  lambdas <- c(list(lambdas0),list(lambdas1))
  sigmas <- c(sigma0,sigma1)

  if(is.null(pref)) {
    return(list(res=res,lambdas=lambdas,optpen = lambdas1,sigmas=sigmas))
  } else {
    pref <- c(fixedpen,pref)
    lambdasall <- rep(NA,nbl)
    lambdasall[pref] <- lambdas1
    if(!is.null(penaltiesinit)) lambdasall[-pref] <- penaltiesinit[-pref] else lambdasall[-pref] <- 100
    jl2 <- try(optLambdas_mgcv(penaltiesinit=lambdasall, XXblocks=XXblocks,Y=Y, pairing=pairing, model=model,
                               fixedseed=fixedseed, fixedpen=pref,sigmasq=sigmasq,opt.sigma=opt.sigma  ) )

        lambdas2 <- jl2$optpen[-1]#Mir
        sigma02 <- jl2$optpen[1]#Mir
        lambdas2 <- jl2$optpen
        sigma02 <- sigmasq
    }else lambdas2 <- lambdasall

    jl3 <- optLambdas_mgcv(penaltiesinit=lambdas2, XXblocks=XXblocks,Y=Y, pairing=pairing, model=model,
                           fixedseed=fixedseed, fixedpen=pref,sigmasq=sigma02,opt.sigma=opt.sigma )

      lambdas3 <- jl3$optpen[-1]#Mir
      sigma3 <- jl3$optpen[1]#Mir
      lambdas3 <- jl3$optpen
      sigma3 <- sigmasq
    res <- c(res,res2=list(jl2),res3=list(jl3))
    lambdas <- c(lambdas,list(lambdas2),list(lambdas3))
    sigmas <- c(sigmas,sigma02,sigma3)
    return(list(res=res,lambdas=lambdas,optpen = lambdas3,sigmas=sigmas))

mlikCV <- function(penaltiesinit,XXblocks,Y,pairing=NULL, outfold=5, nrepeatout=1,balance=TRUE, fixedfolds=TRUE, model=NULL,
                   intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE),
                   reltol=1e-4, trace=FALSE, optmethod1= "SANN", optmethod2 =ifelse(length(penaltiesinit)==1,"Brent", "Nelder-Mead"),
                   maxItropt1=10,maxItropt2=25,parallel=FALSE, pref=NULL,fixedpen=NULL, sigmasq = 1,
                   opt.sigma=ifelse(model=="linear",TRUE, FALSE)){
  #1. produce outfolds
  #2. subset XXblocks and response
  #3. opt lambda per out-fold
  #4. Scoring

  # XXblocks <- XXblocksmm; response<-Y; X1=NULL;outfold=5;infold=10;nrepeatout=2; nrepeatin=1;balance=TRUE;fixedfolds=TRUE;
  # intercept=ifelse(is(Y,"Surv"), FALSE, TRUE); frac1=NULL;score="loglik"; model="logistic"; eps=1e-7;maxItr=100;trace=FALSE;printCV=TRUE;save=FALSE;parallel=F;
  #reltol=1e-4; optmethod=ifelse(length(XXblocks)==1,"Brent", "Nelder-Mead")
    if(is(Y,"Surv")) model <- "cox" else {
      model <- ifelse(length(unique(Y)) ==2, "logistic","linear")
  response <- Y
  leftoutout <- CVfolds(Y=response,kfold=outfold,nrepeat=nrepeatout,fixedfolds=fixedfolds,balance=balance,model=model)
  n <- length(response)
  nbl <- length(XXblocks)
  npen <- length(penaltiesinit)
  if(npen != nbl ){
    message("ERROR: please make sure penaltiesinit is the same length as XXblocks.")

  if(parallel) sfExport("leftoutout","XXblocks","response","n","fixedfolds","balance", "model","reltol","trace","optmethod1", "optmethod2","maxItropt1","maxItropt2")

  lpsoutfun <- function(i){
    if(parallel) sfCat(paste("Outer fold:",i),sep="\n") else print(paste("Outer fold:",i))
    #i <- 1
    outs <- leftoutout[[i]]
    ins <- (1:n)[-outs]
    respin <- response[ins]
    respout <- response[outs]
    XXblocksin <- lapply(XXblocks, function(block,whichin) block[whichin,whichin],whichin=ins)
    #X1in <- X1[ins,]
    #X1out <- X1[outs,]
    # foldsin <- CVfolds(Y=respin,kfold=infold,nrepeat=nrepeatin,fixedfolds=fixedfolds,balance=balance,model=model)
    # if(is.null(penaltiesinit)){
    # if(is.null(pairing)) penaltiesi <- sapply(1:nbl,function(bl) fastCV2(XXblocksin[[bl]],Y=respin, folds=foldsin, penaltyinit=NULL, X1=X1in,
    #                                                 intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,score=score, model=model, epsIWLS=eps,
    #                                                 maxItrIWLS=maxItr, traceCV=trace, reltol=reltol, parallel=FALSE, NMinit=FALSE)[[1]])
    #   else { #initialization based on parametrization in the manuscript
    #        penaltiesi <- rep(NA,nbl)
    #        pair3 <- pairing[3]
    #        allbl <- setdiff(1:nbl,pair3)
    #        penaltiesi[allbl] <- sapply(allbl,function(bl) fastCV2(XXblocksin[[bl]],Y=respin, folds=foldsin, penaltyinit=NULL, X1=X1in,
    #                                                        intercept=intercept,frac1=frac1,score=score, model=model, epsIWLS=eps,
    #                                                        maxItrIWLS=maxItr, traceCV=trace, reltol=reltol, parallel=FALSE, NMinit=FALSE)[[1]])
    #        penpair1i <- penaltiesi[pairing[1]];penpair2i <- penaltiesi[pairing[2]]
    #        penpair3 <- sqrt(penpair1i)*sqrt(penpair2i)/4
    #        penaltiesi[pair3] <- penpair3
    #        penaltiesi[pairing[1]] <- penpair1i*(1+1/4);penaltiesi[pairing[2]] <- penpair2i*(1+1/4)
    #   }
    # } else
    #penaltiesinit <- c(4,5,6); pairing=c(1,2)
    penaltiesi <- penaltiesinit
    if(!is.null(pairing)) {
      penaltiesi <- penaltiesinit
      penaltiesi <- c(penaltiesi, sqrt(penaltiesi[pairing[1]])*sqrt(penaltiesi[pairing[2]])/4)
      penaltiesi[pairing] <-  penaltiesi[pairing]*(1+1/4)
    } else penaltiesi <- penaltiesinit

    optlam <- optLambdas_mgcvWrap(penaltiesinit=penaltiesi, XXblocks=XXblocksin,Y=respin,pairing=pairing,
                                  model=model, tracescore=trace, reltol=reltol,
                                  optmethod1=optmethod1,optmethod2=optmethod2, maxItropt1=maxItropt1,
                                  maxItropt2=maxItropt2,pref=pref,fixedpen=fixedpen, sigmasq = sigmasq,
    print("Opt penalties:");print(optlam)

    SigmaLambda <- SigmaFromBlocks(XXblocks,optlam, pairing=pairing)
    SigmaIn <- SigmaLambda[ins,ins] #Sigma matrix allows subsetting; SigmaIn is required for fitting
    SigmaOutIn <- SigmaLambda[outs,ins] #SigmaOutIn is required for prediction
    if(model!="cox") fitin <- try(IWLSridge(SigmaIn,respin,X1=NULL,intercept=intercept,trace=FALSE))
    if(model=="cox") fitin <- try(IWLSCoxridge(SigmaIn,respin,X1=NULL,intercept=intercept,trace=FALSE))
    if(is(fitin,"try-error")) lpsout <- rep(0,length(respout)) else lpsout <- predictIWLS(fitin, X1new=NULL,SigmaOutIn)
  nf <- length(leftoutout)
  if(parallel) lpsoutlist <- sfLapply(1:nf,lpsoutfun) else lpsoutlist <- lapply(1:nf,lpsoutfun)
  all_lpsout <- unlist(lpsoutlist)
  #all_respout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];respout <- response[out];return(respout)}))
  if(model!="cox") all_respout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];respout <- response[out];return(respout)})) else {  #cox model
    all_evout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];respout <- response[out,2];return(respout)}))
    all_timeout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];respout <- response[out,1];return(respout)}))
    all_respout <- Surv(all_timeout,all_evout)
  all_samout <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];return(out)}))
  whfold <- unlist(lapply(1:nf,function(i){out <- leftoutout[[i]];return(rep(i,length(out)))}))
  res0 <- data.frame(sampleindex=all_samout,true=all_respout, linpred = all_lpsout, whfold=whfold)
  od <- order(all_samout)
  res <- res0[od,]
  # rn <- rownames(XXblocks[[1]])
  # if(!is.null(rn)) rownames(res) <- sapply(all_samout,function(sam) rn[sam])

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