
Defines functions mvgls

Documented in mvgls

##                                                                            ##
##                       mvMORPH: mvgls.r                                     ##
##                                                                            ##
##   Multivariate Generalized Least Squares Linear Models by ML and PL        ##
##                                                                            ##
##  Created by Julien Clavel - 31-07-2018                                     ##
##  (julien.clavel@hotmail.fr/ julien.clavel@biologie.ens.fr)                 ##
##   require: phytools, ape, corpcor, subplex, spam, glassoFast, stats        ##
##                                                                            ##

mvgls <- function(formula, data=list(), tree, model, method=c("PL-LOOCV","LL"), REML=TRUE, ...){
    # Recover options
    args <- list(...)
    if(is.null(args[["scale.height"]])) scale.height <- FALSE else scale.height <- args$scale.height
    if(is.null(args[["echo"]])) echo <- FALSE else echo <- args$echo
    if(is.null(args[["grid.search"]])) grid_search <- TRUE else grid_search <- args$grid.search
    if(is.null(args[["target"]])) target <- "unitVariance" else target <- args$target
    if(is.null(args[["error"]])) mserr <- NULL else mserr <- args$error
    if(is.null(args[["penalty"]])) penalty <- "RidgeArch" else penalty <- args$penalty
    if(is.null(args[["optimization"]])) optimization <- "L-BFGS-B" else optimization <- args$optimization
    if(is.null(args[["ncores"]])) ncores <- 1L else ncores <- args$ncores
    if(is.null(args[["upper"]])) up <- NULL else up <- args$upper
    if(is.null(args[["lower"]])) low <- NULL else low <- args$lower
    if(is.null(args[["tol"]])) tol <- NULL else tol <- args$tol
    if(is.null(args[["start"]])) start <- NULL else start <- args$start
    if(is.null(args[["contrasts"]])) contrasts.def <- NULL else contrasts.def <- args$contrasts
    if(is.null(args[["randomRoot"]])) randomRoot <- TRUE else randomRoot <- args$randomRoot
    if(is.null(args[["root"]])) root <- "stationary" else root <- args$root
    if(root=="stationary") root_std <- 1L else root_std <- 0L
    # check for coercion issues
    data_format = sapply(data, function(x) inherits(x,"phylo"))
        index <- which(data_format==TRUE)
        data[[index]] <- NULL
    # retrieve data and formula as in lm
    model_fr = model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
    X = model.matrix(attr(model_fr, "terms"), data=model_fr, contrasts.arg=contrasts.def)
    Y = model.response(model_fr)
    assign <- attr(X, "assign")
    terms <- attr(model_fr, "terms")
    xlevels <- .getXlevels(terms, data)
    contrasts <- attr(X, "contrasts")
    # Option for bootstrap and permutation method
    if(!is.null(args[["response"]])) Y <- args$response
    # Warnings & checks
    method = match.arg(method[1], c("PL-LOOCV","LOOCV","LL","H&L","Mahalanobis"))
    if(method=="PL-LOOCV") method = "LOOCV" # to keep the explicit name with 'PL'
    if(missing(tree)) stop("Please provide a phylogenetic tree of class \"phylo\" ")
    if(!inherits(tree, "simmap") & (model=="BMM" | model=="OUM")) stop("Please provide a phylogenetic tree of class \"simmap\" for the \"BMM\" and \"OUM\" models")
    if(any(is.na(Y))) stop("Sorry, the PL approach do not handle yet missing cases.")
    if(missing(model)) stop("Please provide a model (e.g., \"BM\", \"OU\", \"EB\", \"BMM\", \"OUM\" or \"lambda\" ")
    if(ncol(as.matrix(Y))==1) stop("mvgls can be used only with multivariate datasets. See \"gls\" function in \"nlme\" or \"phylolm\" package instead.")
    if(!penalty%in%c("RidgeArch","RidgeAlt","LASSO")) stop("The penalization method must be \"RidgeArch\", \"RidgeAlt\" or \"LASSO\"");
    if(!target%in%c("unitVariance","Variance","null")) warning("Default target are \"unitVariance\", \"null\" or \"Variance\". Check the target matrix provided");
    if(nrow(model_fr)!=length(tree$tip.label)) stop("number of rows in the data does not match the number of tips in the tree.")
    if (all(rownames(model_fr) %in% tree$tip.label)){ # to be changed for TS
        Y <- Y[tree$tip.label,,drop=FALSE]
        X <- X[tree$tip.label,,drop=FALSE]
    }else if(is.null(args[["response"]])){
        warning("the data has no names, order assumed to be the same as tip labels in the tree.\n")
    if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")) stop("object \"tree\" is needed if no custom correlation structure provided.")
    if(method%in%c("H&L","Mahalanobis") & penalty%in%c("RidgeAlt","LASSO")) stop("\"H&L\" and \"Mahalanobis\" works only with \"RidgeArch\" penalization")
   # if(!is.ultrametric(tree) & model=="OU" & !method%in%c("LOOCV","LL")) warning("The nominal LOOCV method should be preferred with OU on non-ultrametric trees.\n")
    if(isTRUE(mserr) & model=="lambda") warning("Pagel's lambda and measurement error cannot be distinguished.\n")
    if(isFALSE(mserr)) mserr = NULL
    # further checks
    qrx <- qr(X)
    fullrank = ifelse(ncol(X)==qrx$rank, TRUE, FALSE)
    if(!fullrank) warning("The design matrix is not of full rank. The dimensionality has been reduced by ",ncol(X)-qrx$rank,". Check your results carefully. \n")
    if(!fullrank) assign <- assign[qrx$pivot[1L:qrx$rank]]
    X <- X[,qrx$pivot[1L:qrx$rank], drop=FALSE] # FIXME: be less strict and handle case specific issues?
    # dimensions
    n = nobs = nrow(Y)
    p = ncol(Y)
    m = qrx$rank # dim of predictors
    nloo = 1:n
    # Miscellanous - pre-calculations | TODO handle time series
    precalc = .prepModel(tree, model, root)
    precalc$randomRoot = randomRoot
    precalc$root_std = root_std

    if(REML) ndimCov = n - m else ndimCov = n
    if(inherits(tree, "simmap")){
        if(model=="BMM") k <- ncol(tree$mapped.edge)
    }else k <- NULL
    if(method=="LL") penalized=FALSE else penalized=TRUE
    if(n<p & method=="LL") stop("There are more variables than observations. Please try instead the penalized methods \"RidgeArch\", \"RidgeAlt\" or \"LASSO\"")
    # CorrStruct object (include data, model, covariance...)
    if(scale.height) tree <- .scaleStruct(tree)
    corrModel <- list(Y=Y, X=X, REML=REML, mserr=mserr,
                    model=model, structure=tree, p=p, nobs=nobs,
                    nloo=nloo, precalc=precalc)
    # Set bounds for parameter search
    bounds <- corrModel$bounds <- .setBounds(penalty=penalty, model=model, lower=low, upper=up, tol=tol, mserr=mserr, penalized=penalized, corrModel=corrModel, k=k)
    # Starting values & parameters ID
    if(grid_search & is.null(start)){
        start <- .startGuess(corrModel, cvmethod=method, mserr=mserr, target=target, penalty=penalty, echo=echo, penalized)
    }else if(is.null(start)){
        if(method=="LL" | model=="BM") start <- 0.5 else start <- c(0.5,0.5)
        if(!is.null(mserr)) start <- c(start,1e-4)
    # Optimization
    if(echo==TRUE) message("Start optimization. Please wait...")
    estimModel <- optim(start,
                        fn = .loocvPhylo,
    # Estimates
    tuning <- bounds$trTun(estimModel$par)
    mod_par <- bounds$trPar(estimModel$par)
    # convergence & bounds checks?
    .check_par_results(corrModel, mod_par, penalized);
    if(!is.null(mserr)) corrModel$mserr <- mserr_par <- bounds$trSE(estimModel$par) else mserr_par <- NA
    ll_value <- -estimModel$value # either the loocv or the regular likelihood (minus because we minimize)
    # Exceptions [to improve]
    X <- .make.x(tree, mod_par, X, model, root, root_std)
    # List of results to return
    corrSt = .corrStr(mod_par, corrModel);
    par_estimates <- .mvGLS(corrSt)
    residuals <- par_estimates$residuals # normalized residuals
    coefficients <- par_estimates$B
    fitted.values <- X%*%coefficients # raw coefficients
    residuals_raw <- Y - fitted.values
    call <- formula
    model.frame <- model_fr
    glsStruct <- corrSt
    method <- method
    numIter <- estimModel$count[1]
    S <- crossprod(residuals)/ndimCov
    R <- .penalizedCov(S, penalty=ifelse(method=="LL", method, penalty), targM=target, tuning=tuning)
    # Multiple rates BMM - we scale the average rate (mean of the diagonal of the covariance matrix)
    if(inherits(tree, "simmap") && model=="BMM"){
        avg_rate <- mean(diag(R$Pinv))
        mod_par <- c(avg_rate, avg_rate*mod_par)
        names(mod_par) <- attr(tree$mapped.edge,"dimnames")[[2]] # set the names of the groups for BMM. we remove the first one which is used as reference
    # number of dimensions
    ndims <- list(n=n, p=p, m=m, assign=assign, rank=qrx$rank, pivot=qrx$pivot, fullrank=fullrank)
    # End
    if(echo==TRUE) message("Done in ", numIter," iterations.")
    # Return the results
    results = list(formula=formula,
        call = match.call(),
        variables=list(Y=Y, X=X, tree=tree),
        tuning=if(method=="LL") NA else tuning,
        param=if(model=="BM") NA else mod_par,
        penalty=if(method=="LL") "LL" else penalty,
        target=if(method=="LL") "LL" else target,
    class(results) <- "mvgls"

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mvMORPH documentation built on March 31, 2023, 6:25 p.m.