# check if in line 178 an adjustment similar to the one at the beginning, taking into
# account if adjustment is necessay, needs to be done
## BETAEST Estimate the generalised linear model parameters, given nuisance ##
## for a multivariate response ##
### OLD: CHOICE: 1=Poisson, 2=negative binomial
## INPUT parameters:
## ABUNDANCES = the response matrix
## X = the matrix of the independent variables
## WEIGHTS = vector of weights, weighted least squares is used
## (that is, minimizing sum(w*e^2))
## THETA = the parameter of the neg bin model,
## the model is Poisson if phi==0
## TOLLEVEL = the sensitivity in calculations near 0
## ITER = maximum number of iterations
## MUSTART = the initial value of mu
## = functions depending on mu and model.parameters (phi)
## through the choice of the family and the link function
## family(link)$linkfun, ... should be passed here
## the DEFAULT values for these parameters are those
## appropriate for the poisson(link="log") family
## For the VARIANCE of the neg. binomial family,
## use negative.binomial(phi=phi,link=...)$variance
## note that either phi or theta must be passed ! ? prob in multidims!
## (using the log-link, it is better for computational efficiency to use
## mu.eta <- function(eta){ pm <- exp(eta)
## pm[pm<.Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
## pm }
## instead of the family$mu.eta function
## OUTPUT parameters:
## beta, mu = the model parameter estimates
## vrB = a list of iteratively reweighted least squares
betaest <- function( abundances, x, weights=rep(1, times=nRows),
offset=matrix(0, nRows, nVars), phi, tollevel= 1.e-4,
iter=100, mustart=abundances+tollevel, family=poisson(), linkfun=family$linkfun,
linkinv=family$linkinv, variance=family$variance, mu.eta=family$mu.eta,
family.char=family$family[1], trace=FALSE, etastart=NULL, start=NULL ){
abundances <- muOld <- mu <- tol <- as.matrix(abundances) # eta <-
nRows <- nrow(abundances)
nVars <- ncol(abundances)
x <- as.matrix(x)
xnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
nParams <- ncol(x)
beta <- matrix(0, nrow=nParams , ncol=nVars)
offset <- as.matrix(offset)
betaStart <- NULL
if (!is.null(etastart)){
eta <- as.matrix(etastart)
if(nrow(eta)!=nRows | ncol(eta)!=nParams)
stop("'eta' should have the dimensions ", nRows, "x",nVars)
mu <- linkinv(eta)
if (!is.null(start)){
betaStart <- matrix(rep(start, times=nVars),nParams, nVars)
} else if(ncol(start)!=nVars){
stop("columns of 'start' should equal", nVars,
"and correspond to the response variables")
} else betaStart <- start
if (nrow(betaStart) != nParams){
stop(gettextf("length of 'start' should equal %d and correspond to initial coefs for %s",
nParams, paste(deparse(xnames), collapse = ", ")),
domain = NA)
} else if (!is.null(start)){
betaStart <- matrix(rep(start, times=nVars),nParams, nVars)
} else if(ncol(start)!=nVars){
stop("columns of 'start' should equal", nVars,
"and correspond to the response variables")
} else betaStart <- start
if (nrow(betaStart) != nParams){
stop(gettextf("length of 'start' should equal %d and correspond to initial coefs for %s",
nParams, paste(deparse(xnames), collapse = ", ")),
domain = NA)
} else {
eta <- offset + x %*% betaStart
mu <- linkinv(eta)
} else {
eta <- linkfun(mustart)
mu <- mustart
etaOld <- eta
if(! family$validmu(mu)) {
validmu.char <- unlist(strsplit(deparse(body(family$validmu)), " && "))
if( any( "all(mu > 0)" == validmu.char ))
mu[mu<=0] <- tollevel # adjust 0 counts
if(any( "all(mu < 1)" == validmu.char ))
mu[mu >=1] <- 1 - tollevel
if(regexpr("quasipoisson", family.char[1])!=-1){
isPoiss <- family$phi == 1
} else if(family.char[1]=="poisson") {
isPoiss <- rep(TRUE, times = nVars)
} else if(regexpr("Negative Binomial", family.char[1])!=-1){
isPoiss <- family$phi == 0
} else isPoiss <- rep(FALSE, times = nVars)
tol[] <- 1
if(tollevel>=1) {
stop("choose 'tollevel'<<1")
} else converged <- TRUE # initialised converged
step <- 0
warningParam <- warningBeta <- c()
Wi <- vrB <- list()
# the Wi may have different lengths due to different number of 'good' data
# in the first iteration of the loop, inProgress = 1:nVars and every instance of Wi
# and vrB is initialised
good <- weights > 0
if (all(!good)) {
stop("no observations informative")
if(family.char[1]=="gaussian" & family$link == "identity"){
qrx <- qr(x[good,, drop = FALSE]*sqrt(weights[good]))
vrB <- chol2inv( qrx$qr[1:qrx$rank,1:qrx$rank, drop=FALSE] )
z <- abundances + offset
if( nParams > 0) {
beta <- vrB %*% t((x)[good,, drop = FALSE]) %*%
z[good,, drop = FALSE]
} else beta <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=nVars)
mu <- (x %*% beta + offset)
vrBl <- list()
for(i in 1:nVars) vrBl[[i]] <- vrB
vrB <- vrBl
if (trace) {
dev <- c(matrix(1, nrow=1,ncol=nRows) %*%
family$dev.resids(abundances, mu, weights))
cat("Deviance ="); print( dev); cat("\n")
step <- 1
} else if (all(isPoiss) & family$link=="log") {
# eta[] <- linkfun(mu)
muOld[] <- 0
etaOld[] <- 0
offsetplus1 <- offset + 1
dev.resids <- family$dev.resids
dev <- numeric(nVars)
while ( max(c(tollevel-1.e-4, tol), na.rm=TRUE) > tollevel & step < iter ) {
inProgress <- which(sapply(1:nVars, function(x) {
(max(tol[,x]) > tollevel) } ) )
# find the variables ( max(tol,[],1) > tollevel )
step <- step + 1
z <- eta - offsetplus1 + abundances/ mu
wvrb <- mu*weights
wvrb[wvrb > 1e+50] <- 1e+50
if( nParams > 0) {
for (i in inProgress) {
txw <- t((x)[good,, drop = FALSE]* wvrb[good,i] )
vrB[[i]] <- try (chol2inv(chol( txw %*% x[good,, drop = FALSE])),
silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(vrB[[i]] , "try-error") | any([[i]])) ) {
inProgress <- inProgress[inProgress!=i]
warningParam <- c(warningParam, i)
warningBeta <- c(warningBeta, i)
converged <- FALSE
vrB[[i]] <- matrix(NA, nrow=nParams, ncol=nParams)
beta[,i] <- mu[,i] <- NA
} else beta[,i] <- vrB[[i]] %*% txw %*% z[good,i, drop = FALSE]
} else {
beta <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=nVars)
etaOld[,inProgress] <- eta[,inProgress]
eta <- x %*% beta + offset
muOld[,inProgress] <- mu[,inProgress]
mu[,inProgress] <- (linkinv(eta[,inProgress]) )
dev[inProgress] <- c(matrix(1, nrow=1,ncol=nRows) %*%
dev.resids(abundances, mu, weights))[inProgress]
if (trace) {cat("Deviance ="); print( dev); cat("Iterations -", iter, "\n")}
if(any(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))) {
if (is.null(betaStart))
stop("no valid set of coefficients has been found: please supply starting values",
call. = FALSE)
warning("step size truncated due to divergence", call. = FALSE)
ii <- 1
while(any(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))) { <- (inProgress)[which(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))]
ii <- ii + 1
beta[,] <- (beta[,] + betaStart[,])/2
eta[,] <- x %*% beta[,] + offset[,]
# (x %*% start)
mu[,] <- linkinv(eta[,])
# eval(linkinv.eta)[which(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))]
# linkinv(eta <- eta + offset)
dev[] <- c(matrix(1, nrow=1,ncol=nRows) %*%
dev.resids(abundances, mu, weights))[]
if(ii > iter & any(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))) { <- (inProgress)[which(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))]
warning("inner loop 1; cannot correct step size for variable ",
beta[,] <- eta[,] <- mu[,] <- NA
dev[] <- tol[,] <- NA
inProgress <- inProgress[! inProgress %in%]
if (trace) {cat("Step halved: new deviance ="); print(dev); cat( "\n")}
tol <- abs ( mu - muOld )
if(any( | any((abundances-mu)> (1e+5*max(abundances))) |
any(!is.finite(mu)) ) { <- which(sapply(1:nVars, function(x) {
any([,x])) | any((abundances-mu)[,x] > (1e+5*max(abundances[,x]))) |
any(!is.finite(mu) ) } ) )
mu[,] <- muOld[,]
eta[,] <- etaOld[,]
beta[,] <- betaStart[,]
# exclude values from further inProgress vectors
tol[,] <- NA
warningParam <- unique(c(warningParam,
warningBeta <- unique(c(warningBeta, )
inProgress <- inProgress[! inProgress %in%]
betaStart <- beta
if (step==iter) {
warningParam <- c(warningParam, inProgress)
converged <- FALSE
##################### all other families and links
} else {
if(family.char== "Negative Binomial" & family$link == "varstab"){
linkinv.eta <- expression(linkinv(eta)[,inProgress] )
} else linkinv.eta <- expression(linkinv(eta[,inProgress]) )
# eta[] <- linkfun(mu)
muOld[] <- 0
etaOld[] <- 0
mat0 <- muOld
eye.nRows <- matrix(0, nrow=nRows, ncol=nRows)
eye.nRows[1+0:(nRows-1)*(nRows+1)] <- 1
dev.resids <- family$dev.resids
dev <- numeric(nVars)
varmu <- mu.eta.val <- mat0
while ( max(c(tollevel-1.e-4, tol), na.rm=TRUE) > tollevel & step < iter ) {
# to avoid warning if all tol are NA
inProgress <- which( sapply(1:nVars, function(x) {
max(tol[,x]) > tollevel } ) )
varmu[] <- variance(mu)
mu.eta.val[] <- mu.eta(eta)
good2 <- (mu.eta.val != 0)
# if( family.char== "Negative Binomial"){
# dev.resids <- negative.binomial(phi=phi[inProgress],
# link=family$link)$dev.resids
# } else if(family.char== "quasipoisson" )
# dev.resids <- quasipoisson(phi=phi[inProgress],
# link=family$link)$dev.resids
step <- step + 1
z <- (eta - offset) + ( abundances - mu ) / mu.eta.val
# var <- variance(mu)
# for the neg bin family that cannot be calculated for one variable only
# in the multidim case because theta and phi are vectors
wvrb <- weights * (mu.eta.val)^2/varmu
wvrb[wvrb > 1e+50] <- 1e+50
# is generally necessary
if(any([good,inProgress, drop=FALSE]))){
tmp <-[good,inProgress, drop=FALSE]))
warning("NAs in V(mu) in variable ", inProgress[tmp], " in step ", step)
warningBeta <- c(warningBeta, inProgress[tmp])
inProgress <- inProgress[- which(tmp)]
converged <- FALSE
if(any(varmu[good,inProgress, drop=FALSE] == 0)) {
tmp <- (colSums(varmu[good,inProgress, drop=FALSE] == 0)>0)
warning("0s in V(mu) in variable ", inProgress[tmp], " in step ", step )
warningBeta <- c(warningBeta, inProgress[tmp])
inProgress <- inProgress[- which(tmp)]
converged <- FALSE
if(any([good,inProgress, drop=FALSE]))){
tmp <-[good,inProgress, drop=FALSE]))
warning("NAs in d(mu)/d(eta) in variable ", inProgress[tmp], " in step ", step)
warningBeta <- c(warningBeta, inProgress[tmp])
inProgress <- inProgress[- which(tmp)]
converged <- FALSE
# betaOld <- beta
if( nParams > 0) {
for (i in inProgress){
goodi <- good & good2[,i]
if (all(! goodi)) {
converged <- FALSE
warning(paste("no observations informative at iteration",
step, "for y variable", i) )
tol[,i] <- NA # so that i will be excluded from further inProgress vectors
# for i the values of beta and subsequently mu, eta
# remain as in the last iteration
next # go to the next i in inProgress
txw <- t(x[goodi,, drop = FALSE] * wvrb[goodi,i])
vrB[[i]] <- try (chol2inv(chol(txw %*%
x[goodi,, drop = FALSE] )), silent = TRUE)
muOld[,inProgress] <- mu[,inProgress]
if (inherits(vrB[[i]] , "try-error") | any([[i]])) ) {
inProgress <- inProgress[inProgress!=i]
warningParam <- c(warningParam, i)
converged <- FALSE
vrB[[i]] <- matrix(NA, nrow=nParams, ncol=nParams)
beta[,i] <- mu[,i] <- NA
} else {
beta[,i] <- vrB[[i]] %*% txw %*% z[goodi,i, drop = FALSE]
} else beta <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=nVars)
etaOld[,inProgress] <- eta[,inProgress]
eta <- x %*% beta + offset
# only change for inProgress so that the other values stay the same
# --> important for stopping calc when iterative estimation goes wrong
mu[,inProgress] <- eval(linkinv.eta)
if ( inherits(family, "family.mvabund") | regexpr("poisson",family.char)==1){
dev[inProgress] <- c(matrix(1, nrow=1,ncol=nRows) %*%
dev.resids(abundances, mu, weights))[inProgress]
} else {
for (i in inProgress)
dev[i] <- c(sum(dev.resids(abundances[,i], mu[,i], weights)))
if (trace) {cat("Deviance ="); print( dev); cat("Iterations -", iter, "\n")}
if(any(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))) {
if (is.null(betaStart))
stop("no valid set of coefficients has been found: please supply starting values",
call. = FALSE)
warning("step size truncated due to divergence", call. = FALSE)
ii <- 1
while(any(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))) { <- (inProgress)[which(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))]
ii <- ii + 1
beta[,] <- (beta[,] + betaStart[,])/2
eta[,] <- x %*% beta[,] + offset[,]
# (x %*% start)
mu[,] <- eval(linkinv.eta)[which(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))]
if ( inherits(family, "family.mvabund") |
dev[] <- c(matrix(1, nrow=1,ncol=nRows) %*%
dev.resids(abundances, mu, weights))[]
} else {
for (i in
dev[i] <- c(sum(dev.resids(abundances[,i], mu[,i], weights)))
if(ii > iter & any(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))) { <- (inProgress)[which(!is.finite(dev[inProgress]))]
warning("inner loop 1; cannot correct step size for variable ",
beta[,] <- eta[,] <- mu[,] <- NA
dev[] <- tol[,] <- NA
inProgress <- inProgress[! inProgress %in%]
if (trace) {cat("Step halved: new deviance ="); print(dev); cat( "\n")}
tol <- abs ( mu - muOld )
if(any( |
any(!is.finite(mu)) ) { <- which(sapply(1:nVars, function(x) {
any([,x])) | any((abundances-mu)[,x] > (1e+5*max(abundances[,x]))) |
any(!is.finite(mu[,x])) } ) )
mu[,] <- muOld[,]
eta[,] <- etaOld[,]
beta[,] <- betaStart[,]
# exclude values from further inProgress vectors
tol[,] <- NA
warningParam <- unique(c(warningParam,
warningBeta <- unique(c(warningBeta, )
inProgress <- inProgress[! inProgress %in%]
betaStart <- beta
if (step==iter) {
warningParam <- c(warningParam, inProgress)
converged <- FALSE
if (!converged) {
if(family.char[1]=="quasipoisson" |
substring(family.char[1], first=1, last =17)=="Negative Binomial") {
# warning("not convergence in beta estimation reached for variable", paste(inProgress, collapse =", "))
} else warning(paste("algorithm did not converge for variables",
paste(warningParam, collapse =", ") ))
# warning(paste("estimates for variables", paste(inProgress, collapse =", "), "did not converge in IRLS"))
# if (boundary) warning("algorithm stopped at boundary value")
eps <- 10 * .Machine$double.eps
if (family.char[1] == "binomial") {
if (any(mu > 1 - eps) || any(mu < eps))
warning("fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred")
if (family.char[1] == "poisson") {
if (any(mu < eps))
warning("fitted rates numerically 0 occurred")
return(list(beta=beta, mu=mu, vrb=vrB, converged=converged, step = step,
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