# PLOT.MVABUND: Plot functions for mvabund objects (multivariate abundance data)
default.plot.mvabund <- function(x,
col= if(type=="bx") "white" else "black",
fg= "grey",
n.vars= 12,
mfrow=if(!two.objects | (type=="bx")) { 1 }
else if(write.plot=="show") min(25, n.vars)
else min(9,n.vars),
border= if(two.objects & length(col)==1) { c("red","blue")}else "black",
checks = TRUE,
ask=TRUE, ...)
dev <- dev.list() <- getOption("device")
#if (!is.null(dev)) # close previous window
stop("Make sure that the 'device' option has a valid value, e.g. 'options(device = 'windows')'. Allowed values here are 'windows', 'win.graph', 'x11', 'X11'.")
########## BEGIN check transformation, t.lab, scale.lab ###########
if(substr(transformation, 1,1)=="n" | transformation==""){
transformation <- "no"
} else if(substr(transformation, 1,1)=="l"){ transformation <- "log"
} else if(substr(transformation, 1,1)=="s" & transformation =="sqrt"){
transformation <- "sqrt"
} else if(substr(transformation, 1,1)=="s" & transformation =="sqrt4"){
transformation <- "sqrt4"
} else stop("You have passed an invalid 'transformation'")
# scale.lab <- substr(scale.lab,1,1)
# if(!scale.lab %in% c("r", "s")) stop("You have passed an invalid 'scale.lab'")
t.lab <- substr(t.lab,1,1)
if(!t.lab %in% c("o", "t")) stop("You have passed an invalid 't.lab'")
# allargs = all arguments that are passed to the function
allargs <- # argument list
dots <- allargs$...
dots$log <- NULL
warning("argument 'log' not implemented in 'plot.mvabund'")
allargs[[1]] <- NULL
allargs$x <- NULL
allargs$y <- NULL
allargs$... <- NULL
args <- lapply(allargs, eval, parent.frame()) # value of arguments
targs <- = = 1), expand.dots = FALSE)
# targs = plot(x = tasm.cop ~ treatment, col = as.numeric(block)) the original input
########## BEGIN mvabund data check, pipe to alternate Function call if needed
if (missing(x)) { stop("The mvabund object 'x' is missing.") }
if (missing(y)) two.objects <- FALSE
else { # Find out which object is mvabund and which function needs to be called
two.objects <- TRUE
if (checks) {
mvabund.colnames <- colnames(as.matrix(unabund(x)))
mvabund.colnames2 <- colnames(as.matrix(unabund(y)))
if(any(c(is.null(mvabund.colnames), is.null(mvabund.colnames2)))) ch <- TRUE
else ch <- sapply(1:length(mvabund.colnames),
function(x) mvabund.colnames[x] == mvabund.colnames2[x])
if(!all(ch)) stop("The two mvabund objects 'x' and 'y' seem not to consist of the same variables in the same order.")
if ( & !is.factor(y) ) {
# x is not mvabund and y is a data.frame.
# as they are both data frames, but the response in a formula cannot
# be a data frame, there is no interpretation as formula possible.
stop("The mvabund object 'x' is missing.")
else if (is.mvabund(y) & is.mvabund(x)) {
allargs$n.vars <- min(n.vars, NCOL(x))
mvabund.object.2 <- as.matrix(unabund(y))
if (any(!
mvabund.object.2 <- mvabund.object.2[c(subset),]
else if(is.mvabund(x) & is.factor(y)) {
# x is mvabund data and y factor design
allargs$n.vars <- min(n.vars, NCOL(x)) <-
# Check if all columns in x are factors.
fac <- rep(TRUE, (ncol(
for (i in 1:ncol(
if (!is.factor([,i])) fac[i] <- FALSE
if (any(!fac)) warning("Only the factor variables ", paste((1:ncol([fac], collapse =", "), " of x will be plotted.")
if(shift) message("Overlapping points were shifted along the y-axis to make them visible.")
cat("\n PIPING TO 1st MVFACTOR \n")"default.plotMvaFactor", c(list(x=x,, allargs, dots))
else if(is.mvabund(y) & is.factor(x)) {
# y is assumed to be mvabund and x assumend to be factors.
allargs$n.vars <- min(n.vars, NCOL(y)) <-
# Check if all columns in x are factors.
fac <- rep(TRUE, (ncol(
for(i in 1:ncol(
if (!is.factor([,i])) fac[i] <- FALSE
if(any(!fac)) warning("Only the factor variables ", paste((1:ncol([fac], collapse =", "), " of x will be plotted.")
if(shift) message("Overlapping points were shifted along the y-axis to make them visible.")
cat("\n PIPING TO 2nd MVFACTOR \n")"default.plotMvaFactor", c(list(x=y,, allargs, dots))
else if (!is.mvabund(x) & !{
foo <- eval(targs$x)
if( inherits(foo, "formula")) {
cat("\n PIPING TO 1st MVFORMULA \n")"default.plot.mvformula", foo, allargs, dots)
else {
# If x is not a factor, y is assumed to be the response and the
# mvabund object, pass on to plot.mvformula,
# Define the formula.mva <- y ~ x.
formula.mva <- as.formula(paste(deparse(targs$y,width.cutoff = 500),
"~", deparse(targs$x,width.cutoff = 200), sep=""))
if(transformation != "") {
if (min(x,na.rm=TRUE )< 0 | min(y,na.rm=TRUE) < 0)
stop("no negative values allowed in the data if a transformation is used")
if (transformation == "log") {
miny <- eval(min(y[y!=0],na.rm=TRUE))
minx <- eval(min(x[x!=0],na.rm=TRUE))
formula.mva <- update( formula.mva, log(. +miny)/miny ~ log(. + minx)/minx)
} else if(transformation == "sqrt4") {
formula.mva <- update( formula.mva, (.)^0.25 ~ sqrt(sqrt(.)) )
} else if(transformation == "sqrt") {
formula.mva <- update( formula.mva, sqrt(.) ~ sqrt(.) )
allargs$n.vars <- min(NCOL(y), 12)
cat("\n PIPING TO 2nd MVFORMULA \n")"default.plot.mvformula", c(list(x=formula.mva), allargs, dots))
else if (!is.mvabund(y) & !{
# x is assumed to be mvabund.
foo <- eval(targs$y, envir = parent.frame())
if( inherits(foo, "formula") ) {
data <- eval( targs$x, envir = parent.frame())
plot.mvformula(x=foo, y=data, allargs, dots)
# x is the mvabund and the response, pass on to plot.mvformula.
else {
# Define the formula.mva <- x ~ y
formula.mva <- as.formula(paste(deparse(targs$x,width.cutoff = 200),
"~", deparse(targs$y,width.cutoff = 500), sep=""))
if(transformation != "") {
if( min(x,na.rm=TRUE )< 0 | min(y,na.rm=TRUE) < 0)
stop("no negative values allowed in the data if a transformation is used")
if(transformation == "log") {
minx <- eval(min(x[x!=0],na.rm=TRUE))
miny <- eval(min(y[y!=0],na.rm=TRUE))
formula.mva <- update(formula.mva, log(. +minx)/minx ~ log(. + miny)/miny )
} else if(transformation == "sqrt4") {
formula.mva <- update( formula.mva, (.)^0.25 ~ sqrt(sqrt(.)) )
} else if(transformation == "sqrt") {
formula.mva <- update( formula.mva, sqrt(.) ~ sqrt(.) )
allargs$n.vars <- min(n.vars, NCOL(x))
cat("\n PIPING TO 3rd MVFORMULA \n") "default.plot.mvformula", quote=FALSE, c(list(x=formula.mva),allargs,dots))
} # if (class(foo)==formula)
} # (!is.mvabund(y) & !
stop("unknown data type of x and y")
} # if (!missing(y) | !is.null(y))
#### END mvabund data check, FACTOR & FORMULA PLOTS should have been piped elsewhere!! ##
if (write.plot!="show") {
if (write.plot=="eps" | write.plot=="postscript") {
postscript(paste(filename,".eps", sep=""))
} else if (write.plot=="pdf") {
pdf(paste(filename,".pdf", sep=""))
} else if (write.plot=="jpeg" ) {
jpeg(paste(filename,".jpeg", sep=""))
} else if (write.plot=="bmp" ){
bmp(paste(filename,".bmp", sep=""))
} else if (write.plot=="png" ){
png(paste(filename,".png", sep=""))
# Specify the window where to draw the plot.
dev.curr <- dev.cur()
on.exit( = dev.curr))
miss.varsubset <- missing(var.subset) | is.null(var.subset) | !is.numeric(var.subset)
# Change logical var.subset to numerical var.subset, if necessary. Note that
# NA values are logical as well, but should be excluded here.
if(is.logical(var.subset) & any(! var.subset <- which(var.subset[!])
if(length(dots)>0) {
# Delete arguments in ... that are defined lateron and cannot be used twice
# in the plot function.
if(type=="bx") {
deactive <- c("xlim", "ylim", "axes", "horizontal", "cex.axis")
} else deactive <- c("xlim", "ylim", "axes", "horizontal", "names", "cex.axis")
deactivate <- (1:length(dots))[names(dots) %in% deactive ]
for (i in length(deactivate):1) {
dots[ deactivate[i] ]<-NULL } #fixed up deactivate, caused compile error (v2.10)
dots <- lapply(dots, eval, parent.frame(), parent.frame())
if ("cex.lab" %in% names(dots)) clab <- dots$cex.lab
else clab <- 1
if ("col.lab" %in% names(dots)) colab <- dots$col.lab
else colab <- par("col.lab")
} else {
clab <- 1
colab <- par("col.lab")
mvabund.object.1 <- as.matrix(unabund(x))
# Initiate n.vars before deleting x.
if(!any( mvabund.object.1 <- mvabund.object.1[c(subset),, drop=FALSE]
N <- nrow(mvabund.object.1) # number of sites
p <- ncol(mvabund.object.1) # number of organism types
if (any(c(p,N)==0)) stop("The mvabund object 'x' has invalid dimensions.")
## option a: one mvabund object is passed, #
## a scatterplot of abundance vs. variable number is produced #
if( !two.objects ) {
n.vars <- min(n.vars, p)
cat("Kicking off BoxPlot sequence \n")
mvabund.colnames <- colnames(mvabund.object.1)
if(is.null(mvabund.colnames)) mvabund.colnames <- paste("Variable", 1:p)
opp <- par("ask", "col.lab", "cex.lab", "mar", "fg", "mgp" ,"mfcol" ,"mfrow")
if(keep.window & write.plot=="show") opp$mfrow <- opp$mfcol <- NULL
if(!is.null(mfcol)) mfrow <- mfcol else opp$mfrow <- opp$mfcol <- NULL
# Make sure that not a new window is drawn with the next plot after
# exiting the function.
if (length(mfrow)==1) {
columns <-ceiling(sqrt(mfrow))
row <-columns-1
if (row*columns<mfrow) row<-columns
mfrow = c(row,columns)
if(write.plot=="show") {
if(all(opp$mfrow==c(row,columns))) opp$mfrow <- opp$mfcol <- NULL
} else {
row <- mfrow[1]
columns <- mfrow[2]
if(write.plot=="show") on.exit(par(opp))
# Upon exiting the function, reset all graphical parameters to its value
# at the beginning.
if((write.plot=="show" & is.null(dev) ) & (!is.null(mfrow))) {
if (mfrow[2] > mfrow[1]){
width <- 8
height <- max(mfrow[1]*width/mfrow[2],5)*1
} else {
height <- 8
width <- max(height*mfrow[2]/mfrow[1],4)*1
# Close the old window before proceeding., args=list(height=height,width=width))
dev.flag <- TRUE
} else dev.flag <- FALSE
if (!is.null(mfcol)) par(mfcol=mfrow)
else if (!is.null(mfrow)) par(mfrow=mfrow)
######### BEGIN edit var.subset, n.vars and mvabund.objects #########
# subset allows double variables
var.subset.dim <- length(var.subset)
if (!is.numeric(var.subset)) {
if (n.vars > p)
stop("You have passed an invalid number of variables 'n.vars' to be included in the plot.")
sum.mvabund.object.1 <- t(mvabund.object.1)%*%matrix(1,ncol=1,nrow=N)
# Find abundance ranks OF MVABUND.OBJECT.1.
var.subset <- order(sum.mvabund.object.1, decreasing = TRUE)
# Ensure no more than n.vars in var.subset.
if (n.vars < length(var.subset)) var.subset <- var.subset[1:n.vars]
# Arrange data to plot requested var.subset (default - n.vars most abund).
} else if (p<max(var.subset)) {
stop("You have passed an invalid 'var.subset'")
# Do some dimension checks for the subset.
} else if (n.vars!=var.subset.dim) {
n.vars<- var.subset.dim
mvabund.object.1 <- mvabund.object.1[,var.subset, drop=FALSE]
mvabund.colnames <- mvabund.colnames[var.subset]
######### END edit var.subset, n.vars and mvabund.objects #########
# Get variable numbers, the abundances are plotted against them
# yaxis data should start at the top of y-axis going downwards.
y.axis <- rep(n.vars:1 , each=N)
# Get max value for y axis before any transformations.
mx <- max(mvabund.object.1, na.rm=TRUE)
scale.lab <- substr(scale.lab, start=1, stop=1)
#Get Tickmarks using function and transformation type!
xmin <- min(mvabund.object.1[mvabund.object.1>0])
xmax <- max(mvabund.object.1)
xticks <- axisTicks(transformation, xmax, xmin, t.lab)
if (scale.lab=="s") {
# Do a 's'tandard plot: 0 is included in the x axis
#xlim <- c(-0.1,max(mx+mx/10, 0.1 ))
# Don't allow scale.lab="s" when there are negative values in the data
# (as log transf is used).
if ( min(mvabund.object.1,na.rm=TRUE) < 0 )
stop("'scale.lab' cannot be 's' if the data contains negative values")
} else if ( scale.lab=="r") {
# Do an 'r' plot: R's default is used
#xlim <- NULL
} else stop ("undefined value for 'scale.lab'")
if( transformation!="no" ) {
if (t.lab=="o" ) {
if (scale.lab=="s") ylim <- c(1, max(mx+mx/10, 2 ) ) else ylim <- NULL
if(dev.flag), args=list(height=height,width=width))
else, args=list())
if(any(c(mvabund.object.1)!=0) ) {
suppressWarnings( plot( c(mvabund.object.1),type="n",axes=FALSE,
xlab="", ylab="",ylim=NULL,log="y"))
#axis3 <- axTicks(2)
} else {
plot( mvabund.object.1,y.axis,type="n",axes=FALSE,xlab="",
# Get the transformation-labels for third axis.
#axis3 <- axTicks(2)
#lengthax3 <- length(axis3)
#if (lengthax3 > 5) axis3 <- axis3[-(5:(lengthax3-1))]
#ax3lab <- as.character(axis3)
#if (scale.lab=="s") {
#ax3lab <- c("0", ax3lab )
#axis3 <- c(0,axis3) }
######### BEGIN transformation #########
# Transform data, if required.
if (transformation=="log") {
if (max(mvabund.object.1,na.rm=TRUE)==0)
stop("The mvabund object 'x' only consists of zero-abundances")
minNon0 <- min(mvabund.object.1[mvabund.object.1!=0],na.rm=TRUE)
mvabund.object.1 <- log(mvabund.object.1+minNon0)-log(minNon0)
# plot title: 'Abundances [log(y/min+1) scale]'
transf.lab <- expression(paste("Abundances ",
bgroup("[", paste(log, bgroup( "(",frac(y,min)+1,")"), " scale"),"]")))
#if (t.lab=="o" ) {axis3 <- log(axis3+minNon0)-log(minNon0)}
} else if (transformation=="sqrt4") {
mvabund.object.1 <- (mvabund.object.1)^0.25
# plot title: 'Abundances [y^{0.25} scale]'
transf.lab <- expression(paste("Abundances ",
bgroup("[", paste(sqrt(y,4)," scale") ,"]")))
#if (t.lab=="o") {axis3<-(axis3)^0.25 }
} else if (transformation=="sqrt") {
mvabund.object.1 <- sqrt(mvabund.object.1)
# plot title: 'Abundances [y^{0.5} scale]'
transf.lab <- expression(paste("Abundances ",
bgroup("[", paste(sqrt(y)," scale") ,"]")))
#if (t.lab=="o") { axis3 <- sqrt(axis3) }
######### END transformation #########
} else transf.lab <- 'Abundances'
if( write.plot!= "show") dev.set(which = dev.curr)
# Specify the window where to draw the plot.
######### BEGIN some calculations for better axis scaling #########
if (missing(main)) main <- "Abundances"
if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- transf.lab
if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- "Species"
# Get min for the correction of posx.
minmva <- min(mvabund.object.1,na.rm=TRUE)
# Get max value for y axis after transformation.
#mx <- max(mvabund.object.1,na.rm=TRUE)
#if (scale.lab=="s" ) {
#xlim <- c(-0.1,mx+mx/10)
#if (mx == 0) { # i.e. all data ==0
#mx <- 0.1
#xlim <- c(-0.1, 0.1)
#} else if (mx < 0.8) {
#potl<- -floor(log(mx)/log(10) )
#mx <- ceiling(mx *(10^potl)) /(10^potl)
#} else if (mx>6){
#if (mx<10) potl <- - ceiling(log(mx)/log(10) )
#else potl <- - floor(log(mx)/log(10) )
#mx <- ceiling(mx *(10^potl)) /(10^potl)
#} else mx<-ceiling(mx)
#seque <- seq(from=0, to=mx, by=mx/10)
#reset xlim, to final limit!
#xlim <- c(-0.1,mx+mx/10)
#if (mx > 1000) {
#potence <- 10^(floor(log(mx)/log(10)))
#sequenc <- as.character( round(seque/potence,digits=2 ))
#xlab <- paste( xlab, " in ", potence)
#} else if (transformation!="no") {
#sequenc<- as.character(round(seque,digits = 2 ) )
#} else sequenc <- as.character(round(seque,digits = 2 ) )
#} else {seque <- NULL
#sequenc <- NULL
#labels <- NULL
#xlim <- NULL }
#Create a Robust xlim, based on Tick Generation
xlim <- c(-0.1,1.05*max(mvabund.object.1,na.rm=TRUE))
######### END some calculations for better axis scaling #########
######### BEGIN plot #########
# Draw either a BOXPLOT
if (type=="bx") {
if(!is.null(dots$boxwex)) {
boxwex.i <- dots$boxwex
dots$boxwex <- NULL
} else boxwex.i <- 0.7
if(!is.null(dots$names)) {
names.i <- dots$names
dots$names <- NULL
} else {
# names.i <- mvabund.colnames[n.vars:1]
names.i <- mvabund.colnames[1:n.vars]
# <- nchar(names.i, type="chars")
# if(any( > 12)) names.i[ > 12] <-
# paste(substr(names.i[ > 12], 1, 7),"...\n...",
# substr(names.i[ > 12],[ > 12]-7,[ >12]) )
names.i <- substring(names.i,first=1,last= max(10,nchar(names.i, type="chars")))
# Create Outer Margin for Optimal Layout
par(mar=c(4, 6, 3, 1)+0.1, fg=fg, oma=c(1,2,1,1)) "boxplot", c(list(as.vector(mvabund.object.1)~y.axis, xlab="" ,
horizontal=TRUE, ylab="", main=main , names=names.i,
# 'n.vars:1' because data is starting at top of y-axis going downwards
# names are the variable lables for the tickmarks
las=las,cex.axis=0.8, ylim=xlim,col=col,border=border, boxwex=boxwex.i, axes=FALSE), dots))
# Add a label for the y axis.
mtext(ylab,side=2,line=5,col=colab, cex=par("cex.lab")*par("cex")*clab )
# Add a label for the x axis.
mtext(xlab,side=1,line=2.5,col=colab, cex=par("cex.lab")*par("cex")*clab )
if (scale.lab=="s" ) {
# Adjust some axis details.
if (minmva==0) { posx = -0.05 }
else posx=0
} else {
#seque<-c(minmva ,axTicks(1), mx)
posx <- minmva
posy <- 0.5
# Specify below axis,left and Top of plot.
# Draw the final box around the plot (right edge)
rect(xleft=posx, ybottom= posy , xright=xlim[2], ytop=(n.vars+0.5), border=fg)
axis(side=2,at=c((n.vars+0.5), n.vars:1,0.5), labels=c("",names.i,""), las=las, pos=posx, col=fg, outer=TRUE, cex.axis=0.75)
# Draw additional third axis showing transformations.
if ((transformation!="no") & ( t.lab=="o" )){
axis(side=1,pos=posy, at=xticks$x.tic, labels=xticks$x.ticlab, cex.axis=0.75, las=las,col=fg)
} else {
axis(side=1, las=las , pos=posy , col=fg, cex.axis=0.75, at=xticks$x.tic, labels=xticks$x.ticlab)
} else { # type=="bx")
# Draw a DOTPLOT.
sh <- 0.5
# Shift overlapping points.
if (shift) {
y.axis <- y.axis+shiftpoints(y.axis,c(mvabund.object.1), sh=sh, method=2)
message("Overlapping points were shifted along the y-axis to make them visible.")
par(mgp=c(1.5,1,0),mar=c(4, 6, 4, 2) + 0.1)
#This is the main plot call!
cat("\n\nABOUT TO PLOT THE FUNCTION \n\n") "plot", c(list(mvabund.object.1,y.axis,ylab="",xlab="", main=main,ylim=c(0,n.vars+0.5), pch=pch, axes=FALSE, type=type, xlim=xlim,col=col),dots))
if (scale.lab=="s" ) {
# Adjust some axis details.
if (minmva==0) { posx=-0.05 }
else posx=0
} else {
#seque<-c(minmva ,axTicks(1), mx)
posx <- minmva
posy <- 0.5
# Specify the left axis.
if (is.null(dots$yaxt)) {
axis( side=2,at=c((n.vars+0.5), n.vars:1,0.5),
labels=c("" , substring(mvabund.colnames,first=1,
last= max(10, nchar(mvabund.colnames, type="char"))),""),
las=las,pos=posx, col=fg, outer=TRUE, cex.axis=0.6)
# Add a label for the y axis.
mtext(ylab,side=2,line=4,cex=par("cex.lab")*par("cex")*clab, col=colab )
# Add a label for the x axis.
mtext(xlab,side=1,line=2.5,cex=par("cex.lab")*par("cex")*clab, col=colab )
# Draw additional third axis showing transformations.
if ((transformation!="no") & ( t.lab=="o" )){
axis(side=1,pos=posy, at=xticks$x.tic, labels=xticks$x.ticlab, cex.axis=0.75, las=las,col=fg)
} else {
axis(side=1, las=las , pos=posy , col=fg, cex.axis=0.75, at=xticks$x.tic, labels=xticks$x.ticlab)
# Draw the final box around the plot (right edge)
rect(xleft=posx, ybottom= posy , xright=xlim[2], ytop=(n.vars+0.5), border=fg)
} # type=="bx")
if(n.vars < p) {
tmp <- " \n(the variables with highest total abundance)"
else {
tmp <- " (user selected)" }
message("Only the variables ", paste(colnames(mvabund.object.1), collapse = ", ")," were included in the plot", tmp,".")
if(!any( message("Only the subset ", allargs$subset, " of the cases was included in the plot(s) (user selected).")
######### END plot #########
} else { # !two.objects
cat("\n PIPING to TWO object Plots \n")
# Draw plot for two.objects.
if ((N!=NROW(mvabund.object.2))| (p!=NCOL(mvabund.object.2)))
stop("the dimesions of 'x' and 'y' do not match")
## If 2 mvabund objects with the same dimensions are passed #
## plots of one against the other are produced, #
## with the n.vars (default 12) most abundant variables plotted. #
if (checks) {
mvabund.colnames <- colnames(mvabund.object.1)
mvabund.colnames2 <- colnames(mvabund.object.2)
if (any(c(is.null(mvabund.colnames), is.null(mvabund.colnames2)))) ch <- TRUE
else ch <- sapply(1:length(mvabund.colnames), function(x) mvabund.colnames[x] == mvabund.colnames2[x])
stop("The two mvabund objects 'x' and 'y' seem not
to consist of the same variables in the same order.")
# Make labels for x and y axis.
# Use the first element, because if the string is longer
# than 200 it is assumed to be a vector of character values
xlabel <- deparse(substitute(x), width.cutoff = 200)[1]
ylabel <- deparse(substitute(y), width.cutoff = 200)[1]
# When plot.mvabund is called from boxplot the name is the whole object,
# change the name in that case.
if(substr(xlabel, 1,9) == "structure") xlabel <- "x"
if(substr(ylabel, 1,9) == "structure") ylabel <- "y"
# Get title for boxplot.
mainbx <- "Abundances"
if (! is.null(colnames(mvabund.object.1)) ) names <- colnames(mvabund.object.1)
else if (! is.null(colnames(mvabund.object.2)) ) names <- colnames(mvabund.object.2)
else names <- paste ("Species", 1:p)
if (missing(main)) {
main <- paste( "\n",substring(names,first=1, last= max(8, max(nchar(names, type="char")))) )
} else if (length(main)==1) {
mainbx <- main
main <- rep(main, times=p)
} else if (is.numeric(var.subset) & length(main)==length(var.subset)) {
msav <- main
main <-, times=p)
main[var.subset] <- msav
} else if (length(main)!=p)
stop("the length of 'main' does not match to the dimension of response variables")
dataAll <- rbind(mvabund.object.1,mvabund.object.2)
######### BEGIN edit var.subset, n.vars and mvabund.objects #########
var.subset.dim <- length(var.subset)
if (!is.numeric(var.subset)) {
if (n.vars > p) stop("You have passed an invalid number of
response vectors to be included in the plot.")
# Find abundance ranks.
sum.dataAll <- t(dataAll) %*% matrix(1,ncol=1,nrow=2*N)
var.subset <- order(sum.dataAll, decreasing = TRUE)
# Ensure no more than n.vars in var.subset.
if (n.vars < length(var.subset)) var.subset <- var.subset[1:n.vars]
var.subset.dim <- length(var.subset)
# Arrange data to plot requested var.subset (default - n.vars most abund).
} else if (p < max(var.subset)) {
stop ("You have given an invalid 'var.subset'")
} else if (n.vars!=length(var.subset)) {
# Do some dimension checks for subset & n.vars.
n.vars<- var.subset.dim
mvabund.object.1 <- mvabund.object.1[,var.subset, drop = FALSE]
mvabund.object.2 <- mvabund.object.2[,var.subset, drop = FALSE]
dataAll <- rbind(mvabund.object.1,mvabund.object.2)
main <- main[var.subset]
names <- names[var.subset]
######### END edit var.subset, n.vars and mvabund.objects #########
######### BEGIN establish row and column sizes #########
if (all(is.null(c(mfcol, mfrow)))) {
perwindow <- par("mfrow")
# Open new window if none is open yet.
mfr <- TRUE
} else if (is.null(mfcol)){
perwindow <- mfrow
mfr <- TRUE
} else {
perwindow <- mfcol
mfr <- FALSE
if (length(perwindow)==1) {
windows<-ceiling(n.vars/perwindow) # number of windows
perwind<-min(n.vars,perwindow) # number of plots per window
if (prod(par("mfrow"))>=perwind) {
row <- par("mfrow")[1]
columns <- par("mfrow")[2]
} else {
columns <-ceiling(sqrt(perwind))
row <-columns-1
if (row*columns<perwind) row<-columns
} else {
row <- perwindow[1]
columns <- perwindow[2]
perwindow <- row*columns
perwind <- min(n.vars,perwindow)
opp <- par("ask", "col.lab", "cex.lab", "mar", "fg", "mgp" ,"mfcol" ,"mfrow")
if((keep.window | all(opp$mfrow==c(row,columns))) & write.plot=="show")
# Avoid that a new window is drawn with the next plot after exiting the function.
opp$mfrow <- opp$mfcol <- NULL
# Reset all graphical parameters to its value at the beginning, upon
# exiting the function.
if(write.plot=="show") on.exit(par(opp))
if(write.plot=="show" & is.null(dev) ) {
if (columns > row){
width <- 10
height <- max(row*width/columns,5)
} else {
height <- 10
width <- max(height*columns/row,4)
# Close the old window before proceeding., args=list(height=height,width=width))
dev.flag <- TRUE
} else dev.flag <- FALSE
# Reduce the Margins of the ith Plot & Add an Outer Margin for main title
######### END establish row and column sizes #########
xlim <- NULL
mxAll <- ceiling(max(dataAll,na.rm=TRUE))
scale.lab1 <- substr(scale.lab, start=1, stop=1)
if ( scale.lab1=="s" ) {
mxi <- numeric(n.vars)
for (i in 1:n.vars) {
# Get max value for y axis before transformation.
mxi[i] <- ceiling(max(dataAll[,i],na.rm=TRUE))
wh.max <- which( abs( mxi - max(mxi, na.rm=TRUE)) < 1e-06 )[1]
if (transformation!="no") {
# Calculate transformations and transformed tickmarks + ticklabels.
if (type=="bx" & t.lab=="o") {
# Get max value for y axis before transformation.
# minim <- min(dataAll,0, na.rm=TRUE)
if ( scale.lab1=="s" ) xlim=c(1, max(mxAll+mxAll/30,1))
if(dev.cur() == 1) {
if(dev.flag), args=list(height=height,width=width))
else, args=list())
if (any(c(dataAll)!=0) ) {
xlab="", ylab="",xlim=xlim, ylim=xlim, log="y"))
} else plot(c(dataAll),type="n",axes=FALSE,
xlab="", ylab="",xlim=xlim, ylim=xlim)
axis3 <- axTicks(2)
ax3lab <- as.character(axis3)
if (scale.lab1=="s" | min(dataAll,na.rm=TRUE)==0) {
# Negative values are not allowed if a transformation is used.
axis3 <- c(0, axis3)
ax3lab <- c("0", ax3lab)
axis4 <- ax4lab <- NULL # close the window
} else if (t.lab=="o" ) {
# Calculate ideal axis before transformation.
axis3 <- ax3lab <- axis4 <- ax4lab <- list()
if(dev.flag), args=list(height=height,width=width))
else, args=list())
# for "ss" use the same for all variables
if(scale.lab=="ss") loopind <- wh.max
else loopind <- 1:n.vars
for (i in loopind) {
# Get max value for y axis before transformation.
# mxi <- ceiling(max(dataAll[,i],na.rm=TRUE))
# minim <- min(dataAll[,i],0, na.rm=TRUE)
if ( scale.lab1=="s" ) xlim=c(1, max(mxi[i]+mxi[i]/30,1))
plot(c(mvabund.object.1[,i], mvabund.object.2[,i]),type="n",axes=FALSE,
xlab="", ylab="",xlim=xlim,ylim=xlim)
maxmva1 <- maxmva2 <- NULL
if(any(c(mvabund.object.1[,i], mvabund.object.2[,i])!=0 )) {
maxmva1 <- axTicks(1)[length(axTicks(1))]
maxmva2 <- axTicks(2)[length(axTicks(2))]
suppressWarnings(plot(c(mvabund.object.1[,i], mvabund.object.2[,i]),
type="n",axes=FALSE,xlab="", ylab="",
xlim=xlim,ylim=xlim, log="xy"))
#define a sequence to extact only half of the tix marks
xtick.seq <- seq(1,length(axTicks(1)),by=2)
ytick.seq <- seq(1,length(axTicks(2)),by=2)
axis3[[i]]<-c(axTicks(1)[xtick.seq], maxmva1)
ax3lab[[i]]<- as.character(axis3[[i]])
axis4[[i]]<- c(axTicks(2)[ytick.seq],maxmva2)
ax4lab[[i]]<- as.character(axis4[[i]])
if (scale.lab1=="s" | min(mvabund.object.1[,i],na.rm=TRUE)==0) {
# negative values are not allowed if a transformation is used
axis3[[i]] <- c(0, axis3[[i]])
ax3lab[[i]] <- c("0", ax3lab[[i]])
if (scale.lab1=="s" | min(mvabund.object.2[,i],na.rm=TRUE)==0) {
# negative values are not allowed if a transformation is used
axis4[[i]] <- c(0, axis4[[i]])
ax4lab[[i]] <- c("0", ax4lab[[i]])
if(scale.lab=="ss") {
for(i in 1:n.vars) {
axis3[[i]] <- axis3[[wh.max]]
ax3lab[[i]] <- ax3lab[[wh.max]]
axis4[[i]] <- axis4[[wh.max]]
ax4lab[[i]] <- ax4lab[[wh.max]]
} # close the window
############ BEGIN transform data, if required and get axisticks ##########
############ and axislabels for transformed axis ##########
#Get appropriate axes
tick.min <- min(dataAll[dataAll!=0],na.rm=TRUE)
tick.max <- max(dataAll,na.rm=TRUE)
tick <- axisTicks(transform=transformation, max=tick.max, min=tick.min, tran.lab=t.lab)
if (transformation=="log") {
cat("Performing Log Transformation \n")
minNon0 <- min(dataAll[dataAll!=0],na.rm=TRUE)
transf.lab <- transfy.lab <- '[log(y+1) scale]'
transf.xlab <- '[log(x+1) scale]'
dataAll <- rbind(mvabund.object.1,mvabund.object.2)
if (t.lab=="o") {
if(type=="bx") axis3 <- log((axis3) + minNon0)-log(minNon0)
else {
for (i in 1:n.vars){
# Calculate transformation-axis if chosen with t.lab
# Adjust cex: smaller for transformation-axis
} else cex.axis <- 0.9
} else if (transformation=="sqrt4") {
cat("Performing 4th Root Transformation \n")
transf.lab <- expression(paste(bgroup("[",paste(sqrt(y,4)," scale") ,"]")))
transf.xlab <- "[x^0.25 scale]"
transfy.lab <- "[y^0.25 scale]"
dataAll <- rbind(mvabund.object.1,mvabund.object.2)
if (t.lab=="o") {
if(type=="bx") { axis3<-(axis3)^0.25 }
else {
for (i in 1:n.vars) {
} else cex.axis<-0.9
} else if (transformation=="sqrt") {
cat("Performing SQRT Transformation \n")
transf.lab <- expression(paste(bgroup("[",paste(sqrt(y)," scale") ,"]")))
transf.xlab <- "[sqrt(x) scale]"
transfy.lab <- "[sqrt(y) scale]"
if (t.lab=="o" ) {
if(type=="bx") { axis3<-sqrt(axis3) }
else {
for (i in 1:n.vars) {
} else cex.axis <- 0.9
if(type != "bx" & t.lab=="o") {
for (i in 1:n.vars){
# If the last value is very close to the second last, it can be skipped,
# Alternative: skip the second last value
laxis3 <- length(axis3[[i]])
laxis4 <- length(axis4[[i]])
last3need <- ((axis3[[i]])[laxis3]-(axis3[[i]])[laxis3-1]) <
last4need <- ((axis4[[i]])[laxis4]-(axis4[[i]])[laxis4-1]) <
if(last3need) {
axis3[[i]] <- (axis3[[i]])[-laxis3]
ax3lab[[i]]<- (ax3lab[[i]])[-laxis3]
if( last4need) {
axis4[[i]] <- (axis4[[i]])[-laxis4]
ax4lab[[i]]<- (ax4lab[[i]])[-laxis4]
} else { transf.lab <- transf.xlab <- transfy.lab <- "Abundances"
cex.axis <- 0.9 }
if (missing(overall.main)) overall.main <- transf.lab
if (missing(xlab)) {
if(type=="bx") xlab <- transf.xlab
xlab <- paste(substr(xlabel, 1, 8), transf.xlab)
if (missing(ylab)) {
if (type=="bx") ylab <- "Species"
else ylab <- paste(substr(ylabel,1,8), transfy.lab)
######### END transformation #########
if( write.plot!= "show") {
# Draw the plot to the specified device.
dev.set(which = dev.curr)
######### BEGIN plot #########
if (write.plot=="show" & n.vars>perwindow & type!="bx" & ask) par(ask=TRUE)
if ( scale.lab1=="r" ) { xlim <- NULL }
###### BEGIN Window LOOP #########
if(all(is.null(c(mfcol, mfrow))) & windows==1) {
# Leave the window as it is, but if a new one needs to be drawn
# (not enough space on window as planned), ask
} else if (mfr) {
# Might produce an error if perwindow was chosen too large.
} else {
if(type == "bx") {
cat("Beginning Two Object Boxplot\n")
stop("\nERROR: A boxplot is not applicable for paired data, please use \nanother plot type\n")
# if ( t.lab=="o" & scale.lab1=="s") {
# # Get max value for y axis before transformation.
# mxAll <- ceiling(max(dataAll,na.rm=TRUE))
# xlim=c(0,mxAll+mxAll/30)
# }
# if(!is.null(border)) border <- border[length(border):1]
# if(!is.null(col)) col <- col[length(col):1]
# par(mar=c(6, 5.5, 5.5, 2) +0.1, fg=fg)
# namesbx <- rep("",times = 2* n.vars)
# namesbx[ (2*(1:n.vars))] <- paste("\n",
# substring(names,first=1, last= min(12, nchar(names, type="char"))) )
# # Get variable numbers, the abundances are plotted against them.
# y.axis <- rep(2*(1:n.vars) , each=N)
# y.axis <- c(y.axis+0.4, y.axis-0.4)
# if(!is.null(dots$main)) {
# main.i <- dots$main
# dots$main <- NULL
# } else main.i <- mainbx
# if(!is.null(dots$names)) {
# names.i <- dots$names
# dots$names <- NULL
# } else {
# names.i <- namesbx
# }
# if(!is.null(dots$at)) {
# at.i <- dots$at
# dots$at <- NULL
# } else at.i <- c(- 0.4 + rep(2*(n.vars:1), each=2)+rep(c(0, 0.8),times=n.vars) )
# if(!is.null(dots$cex.axis)) {
# cex.axis.i <- dots$cex.axis
# dots$cex.axis <- NULL
# } else cex.axis.i <- 0.6
# "boxplot", c(list(c(as.vector(mvabund.object.1),
# as.vector(mvabund.object.2))~y.axis,
# xlab="" , horizontal=TRUE, ylab="", main=main.i , names = names.i,
# # names are the variable lables for the tickmarks
# las=las,cex.axis=cex.axis.i, xlim=c(1,2*n.vars+1), ylim=xlim,col=col,
# border=border, at =at.i), dots))
# leg <- rep(par("usr")[1],times=2* n.vars)
# if (length(border)==2) colpoints <- border
# else if (length(col)==2) {
# colpoints <- col
# } else colpoints <- c("red", "blue")[c(2,1)]
# text.col <- colpoints
# points(leg, c(2*(1:n.vars) -0.4,2*(1:n.vars) +0.4 ),
# col=rep(c(colpoints),each=n.vars),pch=3 )
# # Add a label for the y axis.
# mtext( ylab,side=2,line=4.5,col=colab, cex=par("cex.lab")*par("cex")*clab )
# # Add a label for the x axis.
# mtext( xlab,side=1,line=4.5,col=colab, cex=par("cex.lab")*par("cex")*clab )
# # Additional third axis showing transformations.
# if ((transformation!="no") & ( t.lab=="o" )){
# axis(side=3,at=axis3, labels=ax3lab, cex.axis=0.6, las=las,col=fg)
# }
# # Add a Legend to the plot
# legend( x="bottomleft", legend=c(xlabel, ylabel), col=colpoints[c(2,1)],
# pch=3, horiz=TRUE, text.col=text.col[c(2,1)], cex=0.8,bty="n" )
} else {
# Don't allow scale.lab1="s" when there are negative values in the data
# (as log transf is used).
if ( scale.lab1=="s" & min(dataAll,na.rm=TRUE) < 0 )
stop("'scale.lab' cannot be 's' if the data contains negative values")
for (l in 1:windows){
kchoice <-((l-1)*perwind+1):((l-1)*perwind+perwind)
kchoice <- kchoice[kchoice<(n.vars+1)]
# The following might produce an error if perwindow was chosen too large.
if (mfr & l>1) par(mfrow=c(row,columns))
else if (l>1) par(mfcol=c(row,columns))
# it's possible to still plot on the first window after the end of the function
# only if l >1 --> if only one window
###### BEGIN Plot LOOP #########
mxAll <- ceiling(max(dataAll,na.rm=TRUE))
for (i in kchoice) {
if(scale.lab == "ss") {
mxdata <- mxAll
} else {
# mndata <-min(dataAll[,i],na.rm=TRUE)
mxdata <- max(dataAll[,i],na.rm=TRUE)
######### BEGIN some scaling calculations #########
if ( scale.lab1=="s" ) {
if(mxdata == 0 ){
mx <- 1
} else if (mxdata<0.8) {
# Calculate max of plot scale.lab for standard scale.lab.
potl <- -floor(log(mxdata)/log(10) )
mx <- ceiling(mxdata *(10^potl)) /(10^potl)
} else if (mxdata>6){
if (mxdata<10) potl <- - ceiling(log(mxdata)/log(10) )
else potl <- - floor(log(mxdata)/log(10) )
mx <- ceiling(mxdata *(10^potl)) /(10^potl)
} else mx<- mxAll #mx <- ceiling( max(dataAll[,i],na.rm=TRUE) )
seque <- seq(from=0, to=mx, by=mx/5) # for scale.lab1 = "s"
sequenc <- as.character(seque)
# Use standard labels.
if ((transformation=="no") | ( t.lab=="t" )) {
if (mx > 1000) {
potence <- 10^(floor(log(mx)/log(10)))
sequenc <- as.character( round(seque/potence,digits=2 ))
ylab <- paste(ylab, " in ", potence )
} else if (transformation!="no") {
sequenc <- as.character(round(seque,digits = 2 ) )
} else sequenc <- as.character(round(seque,digits = 2 ) )
sequey <- seque
sequency<- sequenc
xlim <-c(0, 31 *max(mxdata)/30)
# Do scaling calculations for R scaling.
if (( t.lab=="o") & (transformation!="no")) {
seque <- axis3[[i]]
sequenc <- ax3lab[[i]]
sequey <- axis4[[i]]
sequency<- ax4lab[[i]]
if ( scale.lab1 =="s" )
xlim <-c(0, 31 *max(seque)/30)
if (perwindow==1 ) main[i]=paste("\n\n",main[i])
# if (shift) { # don't use shift in scatterplots!
# mvabund.object.2[,i] <- mvabund.object.2[,i] +
# shiftpoints(mvabund.object.2[,i], mvabund.object.1[,i])
xlim <-c(0, 31 *max(tick$x.tic)/30) "plot", c(list(mvabund.object.1[,i], mvabund.object.2[,i],
main= main[i], xlab="",ylab="", xlim=xlim, ylim=xlim ,pch=pch,
axes=FALSE , type=type,col=col, frame.plot=TRUE, fg=fg), dots))
if(add.line) {
line.stop <- max(mvabund.object.1,mvabund.object.2,na.rm=TRUE)
if ( scale.lab1=="r" & ((t.lab=="t") | (transformation=="no")) ) {
seque <- axTicks(1)
if (min(mvabund.object.1[,i],na.rm=TRUE)<=0 & all(0!=seque)) {
seque <- c(min(mvabund.object.1[,i],0,na.rm=TRUE), seque )
sequenc <- substr(as.character(seque), start=1,
sequey <- axTicks(2)
if (min(mvabund.object.2[,i],na.rm=TRUE)<=0 & all(0!=sequey)) {
sequey <- c(min(mvabund.object.2[,i],0,na.rm=TRUE), sequey)
sequency <- substr(as.character(sequey), start=1,
###### END scaling calculations ######
#Use Stephen Calculations
seque <- tick$x.tic
sequenc <- tick$x.ticlab
# Specify below axis.
axis(side=1,at=seque, labels=sequenc , las=las, col=fg, cex.axis=1, pos=NULL)
# Specify left axis.
axis(side=2,at=seque, labels=sequenc ,las=las, col=fg, cex.axis=1, pos=NULL)
# Specify a label for the y axis.
#use modular arithmatic to get label
ith.yplot <- 0:(n.vars-1)
is.ylab <- ith.yplot[i]%%columns
if (is.ylab == 0) <- ylab
else <- ""
mtext(,side=2,line=2.5,col=colab, cex=par("cex.lab")*par("cex")*clab*1.3)
# Specify a label for the x axis.
#flag if plot is on the last row in window
ith.xplot <- rep(1:(row*columns),windows)
is.xlab <- (ith.xplot[i] > row*columns - columns)
if (is.xlab == TRUE) <- xlab
else <- ""
mtext(,side=1,line=2.5,col=colab, cex=par("cex.lab")*par("cex")*clab*1.3)
###### END Plot LOOP #########
if (par("oma")[3] >= 1) mtext(overall.main, outer = TRUE, cex = 1.1* par("cex.main"), col=par("col.main"), line = -0.5)
###### END Window LOOP #########
if(n.vars < p) {
if(miss.varsubset) tmp <- " \n(the variables with highest total abundance)"
else { tmp <- " (user selected)" }
message("Only the variables ", paste(colnames(mvabund.object.1),
collapse = ", "), " were included in the plot(s)", tmp, ".")
if(!any( message("Only the subset ", allargs$subset,
" of the cases was included in the plot(s) (user selected).")
###### END plot ######
###### END FUNCTION CALL ######
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