# manyglm: Fit a multivariate generalized linear model for high dimensional data
# the (default) methods coef, residuals, fitted values can be used
manyglm <- function (formula,
theta.method = "PHI",
model = FALSE,
x = TRUE,
y = TRUE,
qr = TRUE,
cor.type= "I",
show.coef=FALSE, show.fitted=FALSE, show.residuals=FALSE, show.warning=FALSE,
offset, ... ) {
# start by converting any family objects that can be handled over to character strings
fam = family
if(fam$family=="binomial" & fam$link=="cloglog")
if(fam$family=="binomial" & fam$link=="logit")
if(fam$family=="poisson" & fam$link=="log")
if(fam$family=="gaussian" & fam$link=="identity")
if(fam$family=="Gamma" & fam$link=="log")
if ( is.character(family) ) {
if (substr(family,1,3) == "gau") {
familynum <- 0 # gaussian
familyname <- "gaussian"
linkfun <- 0 # not meaningful
else if (substr(family,1,3) == "poi") {
familynum <- 1 #poisson
familyname <- "poisson"
linkfun <- 0 # not meaningful
else if (substr(family,1,3) == "neg") {
familynum <- 2 #neg bin
familyname <- "negative.binomial"
linkfun <- 0 # not meaningful
else if (substr(family,1,3) == "bin") {
familynum <- 3 #logistic/binomial
familyname <- "binomial(link=logit)"
link = "logit" #by default
linkfun <- 0 #logit link
else if (substr(family,1,3) == "clo") {
familynum <- 3 #binomial(cloglog)
familyname <- "binomial(link=cloglog)"
link = "cloglog"
linkfun <- 1
K = 1 # response must be binary
else if (substr(family,1,3) == "gam") {
familynum <- 4
familyname<- "gamma"
linkfun <- 0 # not meaningful, we only use the lo link at the moment
else stop (paste("'family'", family, "not recognised. See ?manyglm for currently available options."))
else stop("'family' not recognised. See ?manyglm for currently available options.")
#stop ("Current manyglm only supports the following link function for binary binomial regression: 'logit', 'cloglog'.")
ret.x <- x
ret.y <- y
ret.qr <- qr
cl <-
mf <- = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "offset"), names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- FALSE
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame()) # Obtain the model.frame.
if(missing(data)) # Only coerce to model frame if not specified by the user.
data <- mf
mt <- attr(mf, "terms") # Obtain the model terms.
abundances <- as.matrix(model.response(mf, "numeric"))
if (any( & is.null(na.action))
stop("There are NA values in the response. An 'na.action' is necessary.")
if(any( & any(as.character(na.action)=="na.pass"))
stop("There are NA values in the response. 'na.action=na.pass' cannot be used.")
N <- NROW(abundances) # eg number of sites
p <- NCOL(abundances) # number of organism types
if (p==0) stop("A model without response cannot be fitted.")
else if (p==1 & is.null(labAbund))
labAbund <- deparse(attr( mt,"variables")[[2]], width.cutoff = 500)
else if (p>1 & is.null(labAbund))
labAbund <- paste(deparse(attr( mt,"variables")[[2]],width.cutoff = 500), 1:p,sep = "")
labObs <- rownames(abundances)
Y <- abundances
if (any(!is.wholenumber(Y)) & familynum != 4)
warning(paste("Non-integer data are fitted to the", familyname, "model."))
# begin DW edits, 10/4/19
# if composition=TRUE, put in long format and send back to manyglm
# DW edits, 22/3/21, fixing issue #92
# put in long format
if(names(mf[1])%in%names(data)) #if response is in data frame
#DW edits, 1/2/22, so works when data is a list (like Code Box 14.6 of Eco-Stats text)
data2 =[-whichResponse])
dat = data.frame(c(Y), data2[rep(1:N,p),])
names(dat)[1] = names(mf)[1] #match name to original object
# end DW edits
data =
dat = data.frame(c(Y), data[rep(1:N,p),])
names(dat)[1] = names(mf)[1] #match name to original object
# make rows (row labels) and cols
dat$rows = factor(rep(rownames(Y),p))
dat$cols = factor(rep(colnames(Y),each=N))
offset = rep(as.vector(model.offset(mf)),p)
#check no dollar signs in formula or database, these screw everything up
# get formula for long format with composition
if(length(mf)==1) #if no predictors, write formula with no cols interaction:
# now add cols, rows and cols:[prev formula]:
formLong[3] = paste0(as.character(formula[3]),"+cols+rows")
if(formula[[3]]==".") #if ~., expand to variable names
# now add cols, rows and cols:[prev formula]:
formLong[3] = paste0("cols+",as.character(formula[3]),"+rows+cols:(",as.character(formula[3]),")")
formLong[3] = gsub("$",".",formLong[3],fixed=TRUE)
z=manyglm(formLong, data=dat, block=dat$rows, composition=FALSE,
family=family, subset=subset, K=K, theta.method=theta.method,
model=model, x=x, y=y, qr=qr, cor.type=cor.type,
shrink.param=shrink.param, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter,
maxiter2=maxiter2, show.coef=show.coef, show.fitted=show.fitted,
show.residuals=show.residuals, show.warning=show.warning,
offset=offset,... )
} #end David edits, 10/4/19
offset <- as.vector(model.offset(mf))
# HELP this doesn't make sense, was there previously a familynum == 4 that was meaningful
if ( familynum==3) {
if(!is.null(labAbund) & all(substr(labAbund, 1,4)%in%c("succ", "fail")))
p <- p/2
labAbund <- labAbund[substr(labAbund, 1,4) == "succ"]
stop( "for each variable of the response a column of successes and ",
"a column of failures \nmust be provided ",
"(marked by 'succ' and 'fail', see 'binstruc')")
if (all(is.wholenumber(Y)) & (length(Y[Y>1]>0)))
warning("Count data are fitted to the binomial regression. Conisder a transformation first.")
if ( (length(Y[Y<0])>0) | (length(Y[Y>1]>0)) )
if (familynum==3)
warning("Data exceeds the range [0, 1].")
if (familynum==4)
stop("Data exceeds the allowed range [0, 1].")
##################### BEGIN Estimation ###################
# Obtain the Designmatrix.
X <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
# Obtain regression parameters
if (familyname=="gaussian") {
stop("Please use manylm to fit Gaussian")
# z <- manylm(formula, data=data, subset=subset, na.action=na.action, model=model, x=x, y =y, qr=qr, cor.type=cor.type, shrink.param=shrink.param, tol=tol, ...)
# z$family <- "gaussian"
# z$formula <- formula
# z$data <- data
# class(z) <- c("manylm", "mlm")
# return(z)
else {
assign <- attr(X, "assign")
tX <- t(X)
dup <- duplicated(tX)
assign <- assign[!dup]
tX <- t(tX[!dup, ]) # remove duplicated col
if ( nrow(tX) == nrow(X) ) X <- tX
else X <- t(tX) # for a single-column matrix
if (any( & is.null(na.action))
stop("There are NA values in the independent variables. An 'na.action' is necessary.")
if(any( & any(as.character(na.action)=="na.pass"))
stop("There are NA values in the independent variables. 'na.action=na.pass' cannot be used.")
if (N!=nrow(X))
stop("dimensions of response and independent variables in 'formula' do not match")
q <- ncol(X)
# get rank
qrx <- qr(X)
rank <- qrx$rank
# the following values need to be converted to integer types
if (theta.method == "ML") methodnum <- 0
else if (theta.method == "Chi2") methodnum <- 1
else if (theta.method == "PHI") methodnum <- 2
else if (theta.method == "MM") methodnum <- 3
else stop("Check the param estimation method name.")
if(family == 'gamma') {
if (!(theta.method %in% c("ML", "MM"))) {
theta.method <- "ML"
methodnum <- 0
} else if(theta.method == "MM") stop("theta.method = 'MM' is only allowed for the gamma family.")
if (show.warning==TRUE) warn <- 1
else warn <- 0
######### call Glm Fit Rcpp #########
modelParam <- list(tol=tol, regression=familynum, link=linkfun, estimation=methodnum, stablizer=FALSE, n=K, maxiter=maxiter, maxiter2=maxiter2, warning=warn)
if(is.null(offset)) O <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=p)
else if (NCOL(offset)==1) O <- matrix(rep(offset), nrow=N, ncol=p)
else O <- as.matrix(offset)
# z <- .Call("RtoGlm", modelParam, Y, X, O, PACKAGE="mvabund")
z <- RtoGlm(modelParam, Y, X, O)
if(any(z$var.est==0)) #DW change, 30/10/14
z$var.estimator = pmax(z$var.est,1.e-6) #1.e-6 is used because it is elsewhere in this matrix. But shouldn't it be tol?
z$residuals = (Y - z$fit) / sqrt(z$var.est)
# New codes added for estimating ridge parameter
if (cor.type=="shrink") {
if (is.null(shrink.param)) {
tX <- matrix(1, NROW(X), 1)
shrink.param <- ridgeParamEst(dat=z$residuals, X=tX, only.ridge=TRUE, tol=tol)$ridgeParameter
# to simplify later computation
if(shrink.param == 0) cor.type <- "I"
else if(shrink.param == 1) cor.type <- "R"
else if (abs(shrink.param)>1)
stop("the absolute 'shrink.param' should be between 0 and 1")
else if (cor.type == "I") shrink.param <- 0
else if (cor.type == "R") {
if (nrow(abundances)<=ncol(abundances))
stop("An unstructured correlation matrix should only be used if N>>number of variables.")
if(nrow(abundances) < 2*ncol(abundances))
warning("the calculated p-values might be unreliable as the number of cases is not much larger than the number of variables")
shrink.param <- 1
# parameters that are needed for tests in anova.manylm and summary.manylm.
dimnames(z$fitted.values) <- list(labObs, labAbund)
dimnames(z$coefficients) <- list(colnames(X), labAbund)
dimnames(z$var.coefficients) <- list(colnames(X), labAbund)
dimnames(z$linear.predictor) <- list(labObs, labAbund)
dimnames(z$residuals) <- list(labObs, labAbund)
dimnames(z$PIT.residuals) <- list(labObs, labAbund)
dimnames(z$sqrt.1_Hii) <- list(labObs, labAbund)
dimnames(z$var.estimator) <- list(labObs, labAbund)
dimnames(z$sqrt.weight) <- list(labObs, labAbund)
names(z$theta) <- labAbund
names(z$two.loglike) <- labAbund
names(z$deviance) <- labAbund
names(z$aic) <- labAbund
names(z$iter) <- labAbund
z$data <- data
z$stderr.coefficients <- sqrt(z$var.coefficients)
dimnames(z$stderr.coefficients) <- list(colnames(X), labAbund)
z$phi <- 1/z$theta
z$tol <- tol
z$maxiter <- maxiter
z$maxiter2 <- maxiter2
z$prior.weight <- NULL
z$AICsum <- sum(z$aic)
z$family <- familyname
z$K <- K
z$theta.method<- theta.method
z$cor.type <- cor.type
z$shrink.param <- shrink.param
z$call <- cl
z$terms <- mt
z$assign <- assign
z$formula <- formula
z$rank <- rank
z$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
z$df.residual <- N-rank
if (model) z$model <- mf
if (ret.x) z$x <- X
if (ret.y) z$y <- abundances
if (ret.qr) z$qr <- qrx
z$show.coef <- show.coef
z$show.fitted <- show.fitted
z$show.residuals <- show.residuals
z$offset <- O
class(z) <- c("manyglm", "mglm")
} # end composition!=TRUE
} #end function
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
return(abs(x - round(x)) < tol)
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