if (require("numDeriv", quietly = TRUE)) {
chk <- function(...) stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(...)))
J <- 5
chks <- function(dg, tol = .Machine$double.eps^(1 / 4)) {
prm <- runif(J * (J + c(-1, 1)[dg + 1L]) / 2)
L <- ltMatrices(prm, diag = dg)
a <- matrix(-2, nrow = J, ncol = 1)
b <- matrix( 2, nrow = J, ncol = 1)
M <- 10000L
l <- function(x) {
x <- ltMatrices(x, diag = dg)
lpmvnorm(a, b, chol = x, M = M, seed = 29)
s <- function(x)
slpmvnorm(a, b, chol = x, M = M, seed = 29)
rl <- l(L)
rs <- s(L)
chk(rl, rs$logLik)
if (dg) {
chk(rs$chol, ltMatrices(grad(l, unclass(L)), diag = dg), tol = tol)
} else {
chk(c(Lower_tri(rs$chol)), grad(l, unclass(L)), tol = tol)
l <- function(x) {
x <- ltMatrices(x, diag = dg)
lpmvnorm(a, b, invchol = x, M = M, seed = 29)
s <- function(x)
slpmvnorm(a, b, invchol = x, M = M, seed = 29)
rl <- l(L)
rs <- s(L)
chk(rl, rs$logLik)
if (dg) {
chk(rs$invchol, ltMatrices(grad(l, unclass(L)), diag = dg), tol = tol)
} else {
chk(c(Lower_tri(rs$invchol)), grad(l, unclass(L)), tol = tol)
l <- function(x)
lpmvnorm(a, b, mean = x, chol = L, M = M, seed = 29)
s <- function(x)
slpmvnorm(a, b, mean = x, chol = L, M = M, seed = 29)
x <- numeric(J)
rl <- l(x)
rs <- s(x)
chk(rl, rs$logLik)
chk(grad(l, x), c(rs$mean), tol = tol)
x <- 1:J
rl <- l(x)
rs <- s(x)
chk(rl, rs$logLik)
chk(grad(l, x), c(rs$mean), tol = tol)
### check scores for conditional distributions
.cmvnorm <- function(invchol, which_given, given) {
L <- invchol
J <- dim(L)[2L]
tmp <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(given), nrow = J - length(which_given))
center <- Mult(L, rbind(given, tmp))
center <- center[-which_given,,drop = FALSE]
L <- L[,-which_given]
return(list(center = center, invchol = L))
J <- (cJ <- 4) + (dJ <- 4)
N <- 3
M <- 30
ltM <- function(x) ltMatrices(x, diag = FALSE, byrow = TRUE)
ltD <- function(x) ltMatrices(x, diag = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)
prm <- matrix(runif(J * (J - 1) / 2 * N), ncol = N)
L <- ltM(prm)
obs <- matrix(rnorm(J * N), ncol = N)
lwr <- -abs(obs)
upr <- abs(obs)
w <- matrix(runif((dJ - 1) * M), ncol = M)
### without scaling, diag(L) == 1
## score wrt L
j <- 1:cJ
ll <- function(x) {
L <- ltM(x)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- ltM(matrix(grad(ll, unclass(L)), ncol = N))
diagonals(a) <- 0
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
chk(as.array(a[,-j]), as.array(s$invchol), check.attributes = FALSE)
## score wrt obs
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = x)
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
tmp0 <- solve(cd$invchol, s$mean, transpose = TRUE)
aL <- as.array(L)[-(1:cJ), 1:cJ,]
lst <- tmp0[rep(1:dJ, cJ),,drop = FALSE]
dobs <- -margin.table(aL * array(lst, dim = dim(aL)), 2:3)
chk(a, dobs, check.attributes = FALSE)
## score wrt lower
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(x, upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, lwr[-(1:cJ),,drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
chk(a, s$lower, check.attributes = FALSE)
## score wrt upper
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], x, center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, upr[-(1:cJ),,drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
chk(a, s$upper, check.attributes = FALSE)
### after scaling
LD <- invcholD(L)
## score wrt LD (!)
# use center
ll <- function(x) {
LD <- ltD(x)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w, logLik = TRUE)
a1 <- ltD(matrix(grad(ll, unclass(LD)), ncol = N))
# use mean
ll <- function(x) {
LD <- ltD(x)
cd <- cond_mvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], mean = cd$mean,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w, logLik = FALSE)
a2 <- ltMatrices(matrix(grad(function(...) sum(ll(...)), unclass(LD)), ncol = N),
diag = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)
chk(a1, a2)
cd <- cond_mvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s1 <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], mean = cd$mean,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s2 <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
### needs to be FALSE
# all.equal(s1, s2)
chk(a1[,-j], s2$invchol, check.attributes = FALSE)
# score wrt obs
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = x)
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol,
w = w)
tmp0 <- solve(cd$invchol, s$mean, transpose = TRUE)
aL <- as.array(LD)[-(1:cJ), 1:cJ,]
lst <- tmp0[rep(1:dJ, cJ),,drop = FALSE]
dobs <- -margin.table(aL * array(lst, dim = dim(aL)), 2:3)
chk(a, dobs, check.attributes = FALSE)
## score wrt lower
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(x, upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, lwr[-(1:cJ),,drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
chk(a, s$lower, check.attributes = FALSE)
## score wrt upper
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], x, center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, upr[-(1:cJ),, drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
chk(a, s$upper, check.attributes = FALSE)
### one-dimensional conditional distribution
J <- (cJ <- 4) + (dJ <- 1)
prm <- matrix(runif(J * (J - 1) / 2 * N), ncol = N)
L <- ltM(prm)
obs <- matrix(rnorm(J * N), ncol = N)
lwr <- -abs(obs)
upr <- abs(obs)
w <- matrix(runif((dJ - 1) * M), ncol = M)
### without scaling, diag(L) == 1
## score wrt L not needed (a constant)
j <- 1:cJ
## score wrt obs
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = x)
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
tmp0 <- solve(cd$invchol, s$mean, transpose = TRUE)
aL <- as.array(L)[-(1:cJ), 1:cJ,]
lst <- tmp0[rep(1:dJ, cJ),,drop = FALSE]
dobs <- -aL * array(lst, dim = dim(aL))
chk(a, dobs, check.attributes = FALSE)
## score wrt lower
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(x, upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, lwr[-(1:cJ),,drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
chk(a, s$lower, check.attributes = FALSE)
## score wrt upper
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], x, center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, upr[-(1:cJ),,drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = L, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
chk(a, s$upper, check.attributes = FALSE)
### after scaling
LD <- invcholD(L)
## score wrt LD (!)
# use center
ll <- function(x) {
LD <- ltD(x)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w, logLik = TRUE)
a1 <- ltD(matrix(grad(ll, unclass(LD)), ncol = N))
# use mean
ll <- function(x) {
LD <- ltD(x)
cd <- cond_mvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], mean = cd$mean,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w, logLik = FALSE)
a2 <- ltMatrices(matrix(grad(function(...) sum(ll(...)), unclass(LD)), ncol = N),
diag = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)
chk(a1, a2)
cd <- cond_mvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s1 <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], mean = cd$mean,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s2 <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
### needs to be FALSE
# all.equal(s1, s2)
chk(a1[,-j], s2$invchol, check.attributes = FALSE)
# score wrt obs
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = x)
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol,
w = w)
tmp0 <- solve(cd$invchol, s$mean, transpose = TRUE)
aL <- as.array(LD)[-(1:cJ), 1:cJ,]
lst <- tmp0[rep(1:dJ, cJ),,drop = FALSE]
dobs <- -(aL * array(lst, dim = dim(aL)))
chk(a, dobs, check.attributes = FALSE)
## score wrt lower
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(x, upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, lwr[-(1:cJ),,drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
chk(a, s$lower, check.attributes = FALSE)
## score wrt upper
ll <- function(x) {
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[1:cJ,,drop = FALSE])
lpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], x, center = cd$center,
invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
a <- matrix(grad(ll, upr[-(1:cJ),,drop = FALSE]), ncol = N)
cd <- .cmvnorm(invchol = LD, which = j, given = obs[j,,drop = FALSE])
s <- slpmvnorm(lwr[-j,,drop = FALSE], upr[-j,,drop = FALSE], center = cd$center, invchol = cd$invchol, w = w)
chk(a, s$upper, check.attributes = FALSE)
### check scores for extremely small likelihoods
### use independence model as ground truth
J <- 10
yl <- matrix(-as.double(rep(1, J) / 2000), ncol = 1)
yr <- abs(yl)
w <- matrix(.5, nrow = J - 1, ncol = 1)
## L = diag(J)
L <- ltMatrices(rep(1, J * (J + 1) / 2), diag = TRUE)
L[] <- 0
diagonals(L) <- 1
lpmvnorm(lower = yl, upper = yr, invchol = L, w = w)
s <- slpmvnorm(lower = yl, upper = yr, invchol = L, w = w)[c("logLik", "invchol")]
chk(c((dnorm(yr) * yr - dnorm(yl) * yl ) / (pnorm(yr) - pnorm(yl))),
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