
Defines functions named_dots `%or%` guess_structure vectors_to_row_or_col drop_if restore_null_dimnames pb

Documented in drop_if guess_structure named_dots pb restore_null_dimnames vectors_to_row_or_col

#' Progress bar format to be consistent
#' @param ticks  Number of ticks the bar has
#' @return  A progress bar object
pb = function(ticks) progress::progress_bar$new(
    total = ticks,
    format = ":spin [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
    show_after = 5

#' If no dimnames, return NULL and not list of NULLs
#' @param x  An array object
#' @return   The object with NULL if no dimnames
restore_null_dimnames = function(x) {
    if (all(sapply(dimnames(x), is.null)))
        dimnames(x) = NULL

#' Drop unused dims if flag is TRUE
#' @param x     An array object
#' @param flag  Whether to drop unused dimensions
#' @return      The object in full or with dropped dimensions
drop_if = function(x, flag) {
    if (flag)

#' Converts vectors in a list to row- or column vectors
#' @param xlist  List of array-like elements and vectors
#' @param along  Along which dimension vectors should be aligned
#' @return       List where vectors are replaced by row- or col vectors (2d)
vectors_to_row_or_col = function(xlist, along) {
	# for vectors: if along=1 row vecs, along=2 col vecs, etc.
    if (all(is.null(unlist(lapply(xlist, base::dim))))) {
        if (along == 1)
            xlist = lapply(seq_along(xlist), function(i) {
                if (is.null(xlist[[i]]))
                    xlist[[i]] = numeric()

                re = t(as.matrix(xlist[[i]]))
                rownames(re) = names(xlist)[i]
        else if (along == 2)
            xlist = lapply(seq_along(xlist), function(i) {
                if (is.null(xlist[[i]]))
                    xlist[[i]] = numeric()

                re = as.matrix(xlist[[i]])
                colnames(re) = names(xlist)[i]
    } else

#' Infer array structure from data.frame
#' @param df       A data.frame with ordered axes, value field last
#' @param verbose  Print message with inferred structure (default: TRUE)
#' @return         A formula describing this structure
guess_structure = function(df, verbose=TRUE) {
    value_var = colnames(df)[ncol(df)]
    axes = setdiff(colnames(df), value_var)
    struct = paste(value_var, "~", paste(axes, collapse=" + "))
    fml = stats::as.formula(struct)
    environment(fml) = .GlobalEnv
    if (verbose)
        message("Using structure: ", struct)

#' Operator for array-like logical operations
#' @param a  First vector
#' @param b  Second vector
#' @return   TRUE/FALSE for each element
`%or%` = function(a, b) {
    cmp = function(a,b) if (identical(a, FALSE) ||
                            is.null(a) ||
                            is.na(a) ||
                            is.nan(a) ||
                            length(a) == 0 ||
                            nchar(a) == 0) b else a

    if (is.list(a))
        lapply(1:length(a), function(i) cmp(a[[i]], b[[i]]))
    else if (length(a) > 1) #TODO: does that do what we want?
        mapply(cmp, a, b)
        cmp(a, b)

#' Return a list of named dot-arguments
#' @param ...  Function arguments
#' @return     Named function arguments
named_dots = function(...) {
    dots = eval(substitute(alist(...)))
    dnames = names(dots) %or% base::rep("", length(dots))
    noname = dnames == ""
    if (any(noname)) {
        deparse2 = function(x) paste(deparse(x, 500L), collapse = "")
        defaults = vapply(dots[noname], deparse2,
                          character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
        names(dots)[noname] = defaults

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narray documentation built on Oct. 2, 2022, 5:08 p.m.