
Defines functions mirror.neuronlist mirror.default mirror.character mirror nvertices.igraph nvertices.neuronlist nvertices.dotprops nvertices.neuron nvertices.default nvertices `xyzmatrix<-.neuronlist` `xyzmatrix<-.shape3d` `xyzmatrix<-.igraph` `xyzmatrix<-.hxsurf` `xyzmatrix<-.dotprops` `xyzmatrix<-.neuron` `xyzmatrix<-.default` `xyzmatrix<-` xyzmatrix.mesh3d xyzmatrix.igraph xyzmatrix.hxsurf xyzmatrix.dotprops xyzmatrix.neuronlist xyzmatrix.neuron xyzmatrix.default xyzmatrix xform.neuronlist xform.dotprops xform.data.frame xform.list xform.character xform.default xform

Documented in mirror mirror.character mirror.default mirror.neuronlist nvertices nvertices.default nvertices.igraph nvertices.neuronlist xform xform.character xform.data.frame xform.default xform.dotprops xform.list xform.neuronlist xyzmatrix xyzmatrix.default xyzmatrix.dotprops xyzmatrix.hxsurf xyzmatrix.igraph xyzmatrix.mesh3d xyzmatrix.neuron xyzmatrix.neuronlist

#' Transform the 3D location of objects such as neurons
#' \code{xform} is designed to operate on a variety of data types, especially 
#' objects encapsulating neurons. \code{xform} depends on two specialised 
#' downstream functions \code{\link{xformpoints}} and \code{\link{xformimage}}. 
#' These are user visible any contain some useful documentation, but should only
#' be required for expert use; in almost all circumstances, you should use only 
#' \code{xform}.
#' @section Registrations:
#'   When \code{reg} is a character vector, xform's specialised downstream 
#'   functions will check to see if it defines a path to one (or more) 
#'   registrations on disk. These can be of two classes
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item CMTK registrations
#'   \item \code{\link{reglist}} objects saved in R's \code{RDS} format (see 
#'   \code{\link{readRDS}}) which can contain any sequence of registrations 
#'   supported by nat.
#'   }
#'   If the path does indeed point to a CMTK registration, this method will hand
#'   off to \code{xformpoints.cmtkreg} or \code{xformimages.cmtkreg}. In this
#'   case, the character vector may optionally have an attribute, 'swap', a
#'   logical vector of the same length indicating whether the transformation
#'   direction should be swapped. At the moment only CMTK registration files are
#'   supported.
#'   If \code{reg} is a character vector of length >=1 defining a sequence of 
#'   registration files on disk they should proceed from sample to reference.
#'   Where \code{reg} is a function, it should have a signature like 
#'   \code{myfun(x,), ...} where the \code{...} \strong{must} be provided in 
#'   order to swallow any arguments passed from higher level functions that are 
#'   not relevant to this particular transformation function.

#' @details Methods are provided for some specialised S3 classes. Further 
#'   methods can of course be constructed for user-defined S3 classes. However 
#'   this will probably not be necessary if the \code{xyzmatrix} and 
#'   \code{`xyzmatrix<-`} generics are suitably overloaded \emph{and} the S3 
#'   object inherits from \code{list}.
#'   Note that given the behaviour of the \code{xyzmatrix} functions, the
#'   \code{xform.data.frame} method will transform the x,y,z or X,Y,Z columns of
#'   a data.frame if the data.frame has more than 3 columns, erroring out if no
#'   such unique columns exist.
#' @param x an object to transform
#' @param reg A registration defined by a matrix, a function, a \code{cmtkreg} 
#'   object, or a character vector specifying a path to one or more 
#'   registrations on disk (see Registrations section).
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods and eventually to 
#'   \code{\link{xformpoints}}
#' @export
#' @rdname xform
#' @seealso \code{\link{xformpoints}}
xform<-function(x, reg, ...) UseMethod('xform')

#' @details TODO get this to work for matrices with more than 3 columns by
#'   working on xyzmatrix definition.
#' @method xform default
#' @export
#' @param na.action How to handle NAs. NB drop may not work for some classes.
#' @rdname xform
xform.default<-function(x, reg, na.action=c('warn','none','drop','error'), ...){
  pointst=xformpoints(reg, x, ...)
  if(na.action=='none') return(pointst)
  naPoints = is.na(pointst[, 1])
  if (any(naPoints)) {
    if (na.action == "drop") 
      pointst = pointst[!naPoints, , drop=FALSE]
    else if (na.action == "warn") 
      warning("There were ", sum(naPoints), " points that could not be transformed")
    else if (na.action == "error") 
      stop("There were ", sum(naPoints), " points that could not be transformed")

#' @description \code{xform.character} is designed to work with files on disk.
#'   Presently it is restricted to images, although other datatypes may be
#'   supported in future.
#' @export
#' @rdname xform
xform.character<-function(x, reg, ...) {
  if(!file.exists(x)) stop("file does not exist:", x)
  fr=getformatreader(x, class = 'im3d')
    stop("xform currently only operates on image files. ",
         "See ?xform and ?fileformats for details of acceptable formats.")
  xformimage(reg, x, ...)

#' @method xform list
#' @export
#' @rdname xform
#' @param FallBackToAffine Whether to use an affine transform when a cmtk
#'   warping transformation fails.
xform.list<-function(x, reg, FallBackToAffine=TRUE, na.action='error', ...){
  pointst=xformpoints(reg, points, FallBackToAffine=FallBackToAffine, 
                na.action=na.action, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname xform

#' @export
#' @rdname xform

#' @export
#' @rdname xform
xform.data.frame <- function(x, reg, subset=NULL, ...) {
    points = points[subset, , drop=FALSE]
  pointst=xform(points,reg, ...)
  if(is.null(subset)) {
    xyzmatrix(x) <- pointst
  } else {
    xyzmatrix(x)[subset, ] <- pointst

#' @method xform dotprops
#' @export
#' @rdname xform
#' @details For the \code{xform.dotprops} method, dotprops tangent vectors will 
#'   be recalculated from scratch after the points have been transformed (even 
#'   though the tangent vectors could in theory be transformed more or less 
#'   correctly). When there are multiple transformations, \code{xform} will take
#'   care to carry out all transformations before recalculating the vectors.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' kc1=kcs20[[1]]
#' kc1.default=xform(kc1,function(x,...) x)
#' stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(kc1,kc1.default)))
#' kc1.5=xform(kc1,function(x,...) x, k=5)
#' stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(kc1.5,kc1.default)))
#' kc1.20=xform(kc1,function(x,...) x, k=20)
#' stopifnot(!isTRUE(all.equal(kc1,kc1.20)))
#' # apply two registrations converting sample->IS2->JFRC2
#' reg_seq=c("IS2_sample.list", "JFRC2_IS2.list")
#' xform(kc1, reg_seq)
#' # apply two registrations, swapping the direction of the second one
#' # i.e. sample -> IS2 -> FCWB
#' reg_seq=structure(c("IS2_sample.list", "IS2_FCWB.list"), swap=c(FALSE, TRUE))
#' xform(kc1, reg_seq)
#' }
xform.dotprops<-function(x, reg, FallBackToAffine=TRUE, ...){
  pointst=xform(points, reg=reg, FallBackToAffine=FallBackToAffine, ...)
  dotprops(x, ...)

#' @method xform neuronlist
#' @details With \code{xform.neuronlist}, if you want to apply a different 
#'   registration to each object in the neuronlist \code{x}, then you should use
#'   \code{VectoriseRegistrations=TRUE}.
#'   When \code{x}'s attached data.frame contains columns called x,y,z or X,Y,Z 
#'   then these are assumed to be coordinates and also transformed when 
#'   \code{TransformDFCoords=TRUE} (the default). This provides a mechanism for 
#'   transforming the soma positions of \code{neuronlist} objects containing 
#'   \code{dotprops} objects (which do not otherwise store the soma position).
#'   Note that if transformation fails, a warning will be issued and the points
#'   will be replaced with \code{NA} values.
#' @param subset For \code{xform.neuronlist} indices (character/logical/integer)
#'   that specify a subset of the members of \code{x} to be transformed.
#' @param VectoriseRegistrations When \code{FALSE}, the default, each element of
#'   \code{reg} will be applied sequentially to each element of \code{x}. When 
#'   \code{TRUE}, it is assumed that there is one element of \code{reg} for each
#'   element of \code{x}.
#' @param TransformDFCoords If the metadata \code{data.frame} attached to 
#'   \code{x} includes columns that look like x,y,z coordinates, transform those
#'   as well.
#' @inheritParams nlapply
#' @export
#' @rdname xform
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # apply reg1 to Cell07PNs[[1]], reg2 to Cell07PNs[[2]] etc
#' regs=c(reg1, reg2, reg3)
#' nx=xform(Cell07PNs[1:3], reg=regs, VectoriseRegistrations=TRUE)
#' }
xform.neuronlist<-function(x, reg, subset=NULL, ..., OmitFailures=NA,
                           VectoriseRegistrations=FALSE, TransformDFCoords=TRUE) {
  # first transform objects in the neuronlist
  tx=if(VectoriseRegistrations) {
    nmapply(xform, x, reg=reg, ..., subset=subset, OmitFailures=OmitFailures)
  } else {
    nlapply(x, FUN=xform, reg=reg, ..., subset=subset, OmitFailures=OmitFailures)
  # then check if there is an attached data.frame with things that look like
  # soma coordinates
  if(TransformDFCoords && !is.null(df<-as.data.frame(x))) {
    matched_cols=match(c("X","Y","Z"), toupper(colnames(df)))
    if(all(is.finite(matched_cols))) {
      # we have some data to transform
      if(VectoriseRegistrations) {
        stop("Not yet implemented")
      } else {
        # let's assume that if we were able to transform the neuron, then we
        # want to be able to transform the soma (but will warn on failure)
        # However we just keep rows for neurons in our result neuronlist
        # given that choice we need to convert our subset expression into rownames
        # because numeric indices will get out of register
        if(!is.null(subset) && !is.character(subset))
        data.frame(tx) <- xform(df, reg, na.action = 'warn', subset = subset)

#' Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data
#' \code{xyzmatrix} gets coordinates from objects containing 3D vertex data
#' @param x object containing 3D coordinates
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods
#' @return For \code{xyzmatrix}: Nx3 matrix containing 3D coordinates
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # see all available methods for different classes
#' methods('xyzmatrix')
#' # ... and for the assignment method
#' methods('xyzmatrix<-')
xyzmatrix<-function(x, ...) UseMethod("xyzmatrix")

#' @method xyzmatrix default
#' @param y,z separate y and z coordinates
#' @details Note that \code{xyzmatrix} can extract or set 3D coordinates in a 
#'   \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} that \bold{either} has exactly 3 columns
#'   \bold{or} has 3 columns named X,Y,Z or x,y,z.
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
#' @export
xyzmatrix.default<-function(x, y=NULL, z=NULL, ...) {
  if(is.neuron(x,Strict=FALSE)) {
  } else if(!is.null(z)){
  } else if(is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x)){
      matched_cols=match(xyzn, toupper(colnames(x)))
      if(!any(is.na(matched_cols))) x=x[, matched_cols, drop=FALSE]
      else stop("Ambiguous column names. Unable to retrieve XYZ data")
    } else if(ncol(x)<3) stop("Must have 3 columns of XYZ data")

#' @export
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
xyzmatrix.neuron<-function(x, ...) data.matrix(x$d[,c("X","Y","Z")])

#' @export
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
xyzmatrix.neuronlist<-function(x, ...) {
  coords=lapply(x, xyzmatrix, ...)
  do.call(rbind, coords)

#' @export
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
xyzmatrix.dotprops<-function(x, ...) x$points

#' @export
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
xyzmatrix.hxsurf<-function(x, ...) {
  # quick function that gives a generic way to extract coords from 
  # classes that we care about and returns a matrix
  # nb unlike xyz.coords this returns a matrix (not a list)

#' @rdname xyzmatrix
#' @export
xyzmatrix.igraph<-function(x, ...){
  xyz=sapply(c("X","Y","Z"), function(c) igraph::vertex_attr(x, c))
  if(is.list(xyz) && all(sapply(xyz, is.null)))
    xyz = NULL

#' @rdname xyzmatrix
#' @export
xyzmatrix.mesh3d<-function(x, ...){
  cbind(x$vb[1, ]/x$vb[4, ], x$vb[2, ]/x$vb[4, ], x$vb[3, ]/x$vb[4, ])

#' @description \code{xyzmatrix<-} assigns xyz elements of neuron or dotprops
#'   object and can also handle matrix like objects with columns named X, Y, Z
#'   or x, y, z.
#' @usage xyzmatrix(x) <- value
#' @param value Nx3 matrix specifying new xyz coords
#' @return For \code{xyzmatrix<-}: Original object with modified coords
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{xyzmatrix}}
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
#' @examples
#' n=Cell07PNs[[1]]
#' xyzmatrix(n)<-xyzmatrix(n)
#' stopifnot(isTRUE(
#'   all.equal(xyzmatrix(n),xyzmatrix(Cell07PNs[[1]]))
#' ))
`xyzmatrix<-`<-function(x, value) UseMethod("xyzmatrix<-")

#' @export
`xyzmatrix<-.default`<-function(x, value){
  if(ncol(x)==3) {
  } else if(!any(is.na(matched_cols<-match(xyzn, toupper(colnames(x)))))) {
  else stop("Not a neuron or dotprops object or a matrix-like object with XYZ colnames")

#' @export
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
`xyzmatrix<-.neuron`<-function(x, value){

#' @export
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
`xyzmatrix<-.dotprops`<-function(x, value){

#' @export
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
`xyzmatrix<-.hxsurf`<-function(x, value){

#' @export
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
`xyzmatrix<-.igraph`<-function(x, value){
  for(col in colnames(value)){
    x=igraph::set_vertex_attr(x, col, value=value[,col])

#' @export
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
`xyzmatrix<-.shape3d`<-function(x, value){
  x$vb=t(cbind(value, 1))

#' @export
#' @rdname xyzmatrix
`xyzmatrix<-.neuronlist`<-function(x, value){
  # find number of vertices for each neuron
  if (sum(nv) != nrow(value))
    stop("Mismatch between original and replacement number of vertices!")
  idxs=rep(seq_along(x), nv)
  b=by(value, INDICES = idxs, FUN = data.matrix)
  for(i in seq_along(x)) {
    xyzmatrix(x[[i]]) <- b[[i]]

#' Find the number of vertices in an object (or each element of a neuronlist)
#' @param x An object with 3d vertices (e.g. neuron, surface etc)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to methods (currently ignored)
#' @return an integer number of vertices (or a vector of length equal to a
#'   neuronlist)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nvertices(Cell07PNs[[1]])
#' nvertices(kcs20)
nvertices <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('nvertices')

#' @rdname nvertices
#' @export
nvertices.default <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
nvertices.neuron <- function(x, ...) nrow(x$d)

#' @export
nvertices.dotprops <- function(x, ...) nrow(x$points)

#' @rdname nvertices
#' @export
nvertices.neuronlist <- function(x, ...) {
  sapply(x, nvertices)

#' @rdname nvertices
#' @export
nvertices.igraph <- function(x, ...) {
  # as of igraph 2.0 this is numeric

#' Mirror 3D object about a given axis, optionally using a warping registration
#' @description mirroring with a warping registration can be used to account 
#'   e.g. for the asymmetry between brain hemispheres.
#' @details The \code{mirrorAxisSize} argument can be specified in 3 ways for 
#'   the x axis with extreme values, x0+x1: \itemize{
#'   \item a single number equal to x0+x1
#'   \item a 2-vector c(x0, x1) (\bold{recommended})
#'   \item the \code{\link{boundingbox}} for the 3D data to be mirrored: the 
#'   relevant axis specified by \code{mirrorAxis} will be extracted.
#'   }
#'   This function is agnostic re node vs cell data, but for node data 
#'   BoundingBox should be supplied while for cell, it should be bounds. See 
#'   \code{\link{boundingbox}} for details of BoundingBox vs bounds.
#'   See \code{\link{nlapply}} for details of the \code{subset} and 
#'   \code{OmitFailures} arguments.
#' @param x Object with 3D points (with named cols X,Y,Z) or path to image on
#'   disk.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods or eventually to 
#'   \code{\link{xform}}
#' @return Object with transformed points
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{xform}, \link{boundingbox}}
#' @examples
#' nopen3d()
#' x=Cell07PNs[[1]]
#' mx=mirror(x,168)
#' \donttest{
#' plot3d(x,col='red')
#' plot3d(mx,col='green')
#' }
#' # also works with dotprops objects
#' clear3d()
#' y=kcs20[[1]]
#' my=mirror(y,mirrorAxisSize=564.2532,transform='flip')
#' \donttest{
#' plot3d(y, col='red')
#' plot3d(my, col='green')
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Example with an image
#' # note that we must specify an output image (obviously) but that as a
#' # convenience mirror calculates the mirrorAxisSize for us
#' mirror('myimage.nrrd', output='myimage-mirrored.nrrd', 
#'   warpfile='myimage_mirror.list')
#' # Simple flip along a different axis
#' mirror('myimage.nrrd', output='myimage-flipped.nrrd', mirrorAxis="Y", 
#'   transform='flip')
#' }
mirror<-function(x, ...) UseMethod('mirror')

#' @export
#' @description \code{mirror.character} handles images on disk
#' @param output Path to the output image
#' @param target Path to the image defining the target grid (defaults to the
#'   input image - hard to see when this would not be wanted).
#' @rdname mirror
mirror.character<-function(x, output, mirrorAxisSize=NULL, target=x, ...){
    if(!file.exists(x)) stop("Presumptive image file does not exist:", x)
    fr=getformatreader(x, class = 'im3d')
      stop("mirror currently only operates on *image* files. See ?fileformats or output of\n",
           "fileformats(class='im3d',rval = 'info') for details of acceptable formats.")
    im=read.im3d(x, ReadData = FALSE)
  } else NextMethod()

#' @param mirrorAxisSize A single number specifying the size of the axis to 
#'   mirror or a 2 vector (\bold{recommended}) or 2x3 matrix specifying the 
#'   \code{\link{boundingbox}} (see details).
#' @param mirrorAxis Axis to mirror (default \code{"X"}). Can also be an integer
#'   in range \code{1:3}.
#' @param warpfile Optional registration or \code{\link{reglist}} to be applied
#'   \emph{after} the simple mirroring.. It is called warpfile for historical
#'   reasons, since it is normally the path to a CMTK registration that
#'   specifies a non-rigid transformation to correct asymmetries in an image.
#' @param transform whether to use warp (default) or affine component of 
#'   registration, or simply flip about midplane of axis.
#' @method mirror default
#' @export
#' @rdname mirror
mirror.default<-function(x, mirrorAxisSize, mirrorAxis=c("X","Y","Z"),
                         warpfile=NULL, transform=c("warp",'affine','flip'), ...){
  if(is.character(mirrorAxis)) {
  if(length(mirrorAxis)!=1 || is.na(mirrorAxis) || mirrorAxis<0 || mirrorAxis>3)
    stop("Invalid mirror axis")
  # Handle variety of mirrorAxisSize specifications
    if(lma==6) mirrorAxisSize=mirrorAxisSize[,mirrorAxis]
    else if(lma!=2) stop("Unrecognised mirrorAxisSize specification!")
  # construct homogeneous affine mirroring transform
  mirrormat[mirrorAxis, 4]=mirrorAxisSize
  mirrormat[mirrorAxis, mirrorAxis]=-1
  if(is.null(warpfile) || transform=='flip') {
    xform(x, reg=mirrormat, ...)
  } else {
    # Combine registrations: 
    xform(x, reg=c(reglist(mirrormat), warpfile), transformtype=transform, ...)

#' @method mirror neuronlist
#' @param subset For \code{mirror.neuronlist} indices
#'   (character/logical/integer) that specify a subset of the members of
#'   \code{x} to be transformed.
#' @inheritParams nlapply
#' @export
#' @rdname mirror
#' @seealso \code{\link{nlapply}}
mirror.neuronlist<-function(x, subset=NULL, OmitFailures=NA, ...){

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