
createStdNcdfFile <- function(
  ##title<< Create an empty netCDF file with standardized attributes and dimensions
    var.names            ##<< character string: name of the target variable in the file
    , file.name = c()    ##<< character string: name of the file. If not given, this
                         ##   is determined automatically in a standardized way from 
                         ##   the variable name and the dimension extends.
    , units = '[]'       ##<< character string: units of variable (should be compatible with udunits)
    , lat.values = c()   ##<< numeric values: coordinate values for the latitude
                         ##   positions.
    , long.values = c()  ##<< numeric values: coordinate values for the latitude
                         ##   positions.
    , time.values = c()                     ##<< POSIXct vector: time values for the time dimension
    , add.dims = list()
    , lat.length  = length(lat.values)      ##<< integer: length of the latitude dimension
    , long.length = length(long.values)     ##<< integer: length of the longitude dimension
    , time.length = length(time.values)     ##<< integer: length of the time dimension
    , year.start.end = c()   ##<< integer vector (length two): start and end year.
                             ##   If not given, this is determined from the time
                             ##   vector.
    , scale_factor = 1       ##<< numeric: scale factor
    , add_offset = 0         ##<< numeric: offset
    , type.var = 'NC_DOUBLE' ##<< character string: type of the data
    , missing_value = -9999  ##<< numeric: missing data value
    , con.atts = c()         ##<< RNetCDF file connection: Possible file to use as source
                             ##   for copying attributes to the new file.
    , data = c()     
##description<< This function writes an empty netCDF file with variable names, dimensions and
##              attributes formatted in a standardized way.
  #copy attributes etc from other netCDF file (if chosen)
  if (class(con.atts) == 'NetCDF') {
    atts.file <- infoNcdfAtts(con.atts, readNcdfVarName(con.atts))
    pars = c('units', 'scale_factor', 'add_offset', 'missing_value')
    for (par.t in pars) {
      val.var = atts.file[atts.file[,1] == par.t][2]
      if (!par.t == 'units')
        val.var = as.numeric(val.var)
      if (!is.na(val.var))
        assign(par.t, val.var)
    type.var = var.inq.nc(con.atts, readNcdfVarName(con.atts))$type
  if (length(year.start.end) == 0 & length(time.values) != 0)
    year.start.end  <- as.integer(format(time.values[c(1,length(time.values))], '%Y'))
  if (sum(c(lat.length,long.length,time.length) == 
          c(length(lat.values),length(long.values), length(time.values)))!=3)
     stop('lat(long/time.values need to have the same length as the respective length arguments!')
  if (length(time.values) > 0 && !is.element(class(time.values)[1],c('POSIXlt', 'POSIXct')))
     stop('time.values needs to be of class POSIXct!') 
  if (time.length > 0 && length(year.start.end)!=2)
     stop('Supply values for the start and the end year!') 
  if(length(file.name) == 0) {
     file.name = paste(var.names[1], paste(c(lat.length, long.length, year.start.end[1], year.start.end[2]),collapse='.'), 'nc', sep = '.')
  } else if (!grepl('[.]nc',file.name)){
    file.name <- paste(file.name, '.nc', sep='')
  createLatLongTime(file.name = file.name, lat.values = lat.values,
                    lat.length = lat.length, long.values = long.values,
                    long.length = long.length, time.values = time.values,
                    time.length = time.length, add.dims = add.dims, var.names = var.names,
                    scale_factor = scale_factor, add_offset = add_offset,
                    type.var = type.var, missing_value = missing_value)
  if (length(data) > 0 & length(var.names) == 1) {
    con.t           <- open.nc(file.name, write = TRUE)
    var.put.nc(con.t, var.names, data)
  ##value<< character string: name off the file created.

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ncdf.tools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:19 a.m.