
Defines functions getTileUrls

Documented in getTileUrls

#' @title Get and store the file names, S3 URLs, file size, and download status (default = 0) in a data frame

#' @author
#' Claire Lunch \email{clunch@battelleecology.org}
#' Christine Laney \email{claney@battelleecology.org}

#' @description Produces a data frame that is populated by available tiles for the AOP product.
#' @param m.urls The monthly API URL for the AOP tile.
#' @param tileEasting A vector containing the easting UTM coordinates of the locations to download.
#' @param tileNorthing A vector containing the northing UTM coordinates of the locations to download.
#' @param include.provisional T or F, should provisional data be included in downloaded files?
#' @param token User specific API token (generated within neon.datascience user accounts). Optional.
#' @return A dataframe comprised of file names, S3 URLs, file size, and download status (default = 0)

#' @references
#' License: GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 19 November 2007

# Changelog and author contributions / copyrights
#   Claire Lunch (2018-02-19): original creation
#   Christine Laney (2018-03-05): Added functionality to get new list of URLs if the old ones expire, during the download stream.


# get and stash the file names, S3 URLs, file size, and download status (default = 0) in a data frame
getTileUrls <- function(m.urls, tileEasting, tileNorthing, 
                        include.provisional, token=NA_character_){
  url.messages <- character()
  file.urls <- c(NA, NA, NA)
  releases <- character()
  prov.message <- "no"
  for(i in 1:length(m.urls)) {
    tmp <- getAPI(m.urls[i], token=token)
    if(tmp$status_code!=200) {
      message(paste("Data file retrieval failed with code ", tmp$status_code, 
                    ". Check NEON data portal for outage alerts.", sep=""))
    tmp.files <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(tmp, as="text", encoding="UTF-8"),
                                    simplifyDataFrame=T, flatten=T)
    # check for no files
    if(length(tmp.files$data$files)==0) {
      url.messages <- c(url.messages, paste("No files found for site", tmp.files$data$siteCode,
                                            "and year", tmp.files$data$month, sep=" "))
    # get release info
    if(isFALSE(include.provisional) & tmp.files$data$release=="PROVISIONAL") {
      file.urls <- file.urls
      releases <- releases
      prov.message <- "yes"
    } else {
      releases <- c(releases, tmp.files$data$release)
      # filter to only files for the relevant tiles
      ind <- numeric()
      for(j in 1:length(tileEasting)) {
        ind.j <- intersect(grep(paste('_', tileEasting[j], '_', sep=''), tmp.files$data$files$name),
                           grep(paste('_', tileNorthing[j], '_', sep=''), tmp.files$data$files$name))
        if(length(ind.j)>0) {
          ind <- c(ind, ind.j)
        } else {
          url.messages <- c(url.messages, paste("No tiles found for easting ",
                                                tileEasting[j], " and northing ",
                                                tileNorthing[j], sep=""))
      ind <- unique(ind)
      tile.files <- tmp.files$data$files[ind,]
      file.urls <- rbind(file.urls, cbind(tile.files$name,
  if(all(is.na(file.urls)) & prov.message=="yes") {
    stop("All files found were provisional. Modify download query (dates and/or sites) or, if you want to use provisional data, use input parameter include.provisional=TRUE.")
  if(prov.message=="yes") {
    message("Provisional data were excluded from available files list. To download provisional data, use input parameter include.provisional=TRUE.")
  # get size info
  file.urls <- data.frame(file.urls, row.names=NULL)
  colnames(file.urls) <- c("name", "URL", "size")
  file.urls$URL <- as.character(file.urls$URL)
  file.urls$name <- as.character(file.urls$name)
  if(length(url.messages) > 0){writeLines(url.messages)}
  file.urls <- file.urls[-1,]
  release <- unique(releases)
  return(list(file.urls, release))

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neonUtilities documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:24 a.m.