
Defines functions unzipZipfileParallel

Documented in unzipZipfileParallel

#' @title Unzip a zip file either at just the top level or recursively through the file

#' @author
#' Christine Laney \email{claney@battelleecology.org}
#' Claire Lunch \email{clunch@battelleecology.org}

#' @description
#' Unzip a zip file either at just the top level or recursively through the file
#' @param zippath The filepath of the input file
#' @param outpath The name of the folder to save unpacked files to
#' @param level Whether the unzipping should occur only for the 'top' zip file, or unzip 'all' recursively, or only files 'in' the folder specified
#' @param nCores Number of cores to use for parallelization

#' @references
#' License: GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 19 November 2007

# Changelog and author contributions / copyrights
#   2017-07-02 (Christine Laney): Original creation of function
#   2017-09-28 (Claire Lunch): Addition of option for files downloaded using API (via zipsByProduct())
#   2018-04-03 (Christine Laney): Replacement of line-by-line message of unzipping files with a progress bar

unzipZipfileParallel <- function(zippath, outpath = substr(zippath, 1, nchar(zippath)-4), level="all", nCores=1){

  if(level == "all") {
    tl <- utils::unzip(zipfile = zippath, list=TRUE)
    if(any(nchar(tl)>260) & Sys.info()[["sysname"]]=="Windows") {
      stop(paste("Longest filepath is", max(nchar(tl)), "characters long. Filepaths on Windows are limited to 260 characters. Move files closer to the root directory."))
    utils::unzip(zipfile = zippath, exdir=outpath)
    zps <- listZipfiles(zippath)
    writeLines(paste0("Unpacking zip files using ", nCores, " cores."))

    if(length(zps) >= 1){

      cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", nCores), 

      pbapply::pblapply(zps, function(z, outpath) {
        o <- paste0(outpath, "/", basename(unlist(z)))
        l <- utils::unzip(o, list=TRUE)
        nl <- nchar(l$Name) + nchar(o) - 3
        if(any(nl>260) & Sys.info()[["sysname"]]=="Windows") {
          nll <- paste(substr(o, 1, nchar(o)-4), 
                       l$Name[which(nchar(l$Name)==max(nchar(l$Name)))][1], sep="/")
          stop(paste("Filepath", nll, "is", nchar(nll), "characters long. Filepaths on Windows are limited to 260 characters. Move files closer to the root directory, or, if you are using loadByProduct(), switch to using zipsByProduct() followed by stackByTable()."))
        utils::unzip(o, exdir=substr(o, 1, nchar(o)-4))
        if (file.exists(o)) {
          file.remove(o) }
      outpath=outpath, cl=cl)

    } else {
      writeLines("This zip file doesn't contain monthly data packages") }

  if(level == "in") {
    zps <- as.list(grep(list.files(zippath, full.names=TRUE), pattern = '*.zip', value=TRUE))
    writeLines(paste0("Unpacking zip files using ", nCores, " cores."))

    if(length(zps) >= 1) {

      cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", nCores),

      pbapply::pblapply(zps, function(z, outpath) {
        o <- paste0(outpath, "/", basename(unlist(z)))
        if(!file.exists(substr(o, 1, nchar(o)-4))) {
          l <- utils::unzip(z, list=TRUE)
          nl <- nchar(l$Name) + nchar(o) - 3
          if(any(nl>260) & Sys.info()[["sysname"]]=="Windows") {
            nll <- paste(substr(o, 1, nchar(o)-4), 
                         l$Name[which(nchar(l$Name)==max(nchar(l$Name)))][1], sep="/")
            stop(paste("Filepath", nll, "is", nchar(nll), "characters long. Filepaths on Windows are limited to 260 characters. Move files closer to the root directory, or, if you are using loadByProduct(), switch to using zipsByProduct() followed by stackByTable()."))
          utils::unzip(z, exdir=substr(o, 1, nchar(o)-4))
        } else {
          writeLines(paste0("Skipping ",  z, " because these files have already been unpacked."))
        if (file.exists(z)) {
        outpath=outpath, cl=cl)
    } else {
        writeLines("This zip file doesn't contain monthly data packages")

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