
Defines functions matrixToVolumeList .isExtension .concat4D .extract.array .gridToIndex3D .gridToIndex .indexToGrid .getRStorage .getDataStorage .getDataCode .getDataSize .getEndian .niftiExt .matrixToQuatern .quaternToMatrix

Documented in .concat4D .extract.array .getDataCode .getDataSize .getDataStorage .getEndian .getRStorage .gridToIndex .gridToIndex3D .indexToGrid .isExtension .matrixToQuatern matrixToVolumeList .niftiExt

#' @import abind

#' matrixToVolumeList
#' converts a matrix to a list of BrainVolumes with values filled at grid coordinates determined by the \code{vox} argument.
#' @param voxmat an N by 3 matrix of voxel coordinates
#' @param mat an N by M matrix of values where M is the number of volumes to create (e.g. one volume per column in \code{mat})
#' @param mask a reference volume defining the geometry of the output volumes. This can either be of type \code{BrainSpace} or \code{BrainVolume}
#' @param default the value that will be used for voxels not contained within voxmat (defualt is \code{NA})
#' @return a \code{list} of \code{BrainVolume} instances, one for each column of \code{mat}
#' @export  
matrixToVolumeList <- function(voxmat, mat, mask, default=NA) {
  if (nrow(voxmat) != nrow(mat)) {
    stop("mismatching dimensions: nrow(voxmat) must equal nrow(mat)")
  lapply(1:ncol(mat), function(i) {
    vol <- array(default, dim(mask))   
    vol[voxmat] <- mat[,i]
    if (is(mask, "BrainSpace")) {
      BrainVolume(vol, mask)
    } else {
      BrainVolume(vol, space(mask))

matrixToVols <- matrixToVolumeList

#' @export
#' @rdname splitReduce-methods
setMethod(f="splitReduce", signature=signature(x = "matrix", fac="integer", FUN="function"),
          def=function(x, fac, FUN) {
            callGeneric(x,as.factor(fac), FUN)

#' @export
#' @rdname splitReduce-methods
setMethod(f="splitReduce", signature=signature(x = "matrix", fac="integer", FUN="missing"),
          def=function(x, fac) {

#' @export
#' @rdname splitReduce-methods
setMethod(f="splitReduce", signature=signature(x = "matrix", fac="factor", FUN="missing"),
          def=function(x, fac) {
            if (length(fac) != nrow(x)) {
              stop(paste("x must be same length as factor used for splitting rows"))
            ind <- split(seq_along(fac), fac)
            out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(levels(fac), function(lev) {
            row.names(out) <- levels(fac)           

#' @export
#' @rdname splitReduce-methods
setMethod(f="splitReduce", signature=signature(x = "matrix", fac="factor", FUN="function"),
          def=function(x, fac, FUN) {
            if (length(fac) != nrow(x)) {
              stop(paste("x must be same length as split variable"))
            ind <- split(seq_along(fac), fac)
            out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(ind), function(lev) {
              apply(x[ind[[lev]],], 2, FUN)
            row.names(out) <- levels(fac)           

#' @export
#' @rdname splitReduce-methods
setMethod(f="splitReduce", signature=signature(x = "BrainVector", fac="factor", FUN="function"),
          def=function(x, fac, FUN) {
            if (length(fac) != prod(dim(x)[1:3])) {
              stop(paste("fac must have as many elements as the number of voxels"))
            ind <- split(seq_along(fac), fac)
            out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(ind), function(lev) {
              #idx <- which(fac == lev)
              mat <- series(x, ind[[lev]])
              apply(mat, 1, FUN)
            row.names(out) <- levels(fac)           

#' @export
#' @rdname splitReduce-methods
setMethod(f="splitReduce", signature=signature(x = "BrainVector", fac="factor", FUN="missing"),
          def=function(x, fac, FUN) {
            if (length(fac) != prod(dim(x)[1:3])) {
              stop(paste("fac must have as many elements as the number of voxels"))
            ind <- split(seq_along(fac), fac)
            out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(ind), function(lev) {
              rowMeans(series(x, ind[[lev]]))
            row.names(out) <- levels(fac)           

#' @export
#' @rdname splitScale-methods
setMethod(f="splitScale", signature=signature(x = "matrix", f="factor", center="logical", scale="logical"),
          def=function(x, f, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) {
            if (length(f) != nrow(x)) {
              stop(paste("x must be same length as split variable"))
            out <- matrix(0, nrow(x), ncol(x))
            ind <- split(seq_along(f), f)
            for (lev in names(ind)) {
              keep <- ind[[lev]]
              xs <- scale(x[keep,,drop=FALSE], center=center, scale=scale)
              out[keep,] <- xs         

#' @export
#' @rdname splitScale-methods
setMethod(f="splitScale", signature=signature(x = "matrix", f="factor", center="missing", scale="missing"),
          def=function(x, f) {
            callGeneric(x,f, TRUE, TRUE)

#' .isExtension
#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @keywords internal
.isExtension <- function(fname, extension) {
  last <- substr(fname, nchar(fname)+1 - nchar(extension), nchar(fname))

#' .concat4D
#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @keywords internal
.concat4D <- function(x,y, ...) {
	rest <- list(...)
	D <- dim(x)[1:3]
	lapply(rest, function(z) {
			stopifnot(length(dim(z)) >= 3)
			stopifnot(identical(D, dim(z)[1:3]))

	D4 <- function(vol) { if (length(dim(vol)) == 3) 1 else dim(vol)[4] }
	NVOLS <- D4(x) + D4(y)

	ndat <- abind(as.array(x), as.array(y), along=4)
	new.dim <- c(D, NVOLS)
	nspace <- BrainSpace(new.dim, origin=origin(x@space), spacing=spacing(x@space),
			axes=axes(x@space), trans=trans(x@space))
	ret <- DenseBrainVector(ndat, nspace)
  ## TODO fix me ridiculously slow
	if (length(rest) > 0) {
		for (i in seq_along(rest)) {
			ret <- concat(ret, rest[[i]])

#' .extract.array 
#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @keywords internal
.extract.array <- function(x, ..., drop=FALSE, indices=list(...)) {
  nindices <- length(indices)
  if (nindices == 0) {
    stop("Argument 'indices' is empty.")
  dims <- names(indices)
  if (is.null(dims)) {
    dims <- seq(length = nindices)
  ndim <- length(dim(x))
  if (any(dims < 1 | dims > ndim)) {
    stop("Argument 'dims' is out of bounds [1,", ndim, "]: ",
         paste(dims, collapse = ", "))
  if (is.null(ndim)) {
    stop("Argument 'x' is not an array: ", class(x)[1])

  args <- rep("", ndim)
  for (kk in seq(length = length(indices))) {
    dd <- dims[kk]
    ii <- sprintf("indices[[%d]]", kk)
    args[dd] <- ii

  if (ndim > 1) {
    args <- c(args, "drop=drop")

  args <- paste(args, collapse = ",")
  code <- paste("x[", args, "]", sep = "")
  expr <- parse(text = code)

#' .gridToIndex3D
#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @keywords internal
.gridToIndex3D <- function(dimensions, voxmat) {
	assert_that(length(dimensions) == 3)
  if (is.vector(voxmat)) {
    assert_that(length(voxmat) == 3)
    voxmat <- matrix(voxmat, 1,3)
  assert_that(ncol(voxmat) == 3)
  gridToIndex3DCpp(dimensions, voxmat)


#' .gridToIndex
#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @keywords internal
.gridToIndex <- function(dimensions, vmat) {
	D <- Reduce("*", dimensions, accumulate=TRUE)
	apply(vmat, 1, function(vox) {
		sum(sapply(length(D):2, function(i) {
		})) + vox[1]

#' .indexToGrid
#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @keywords internal
.indexToGrid <- function(idx, array.dim) {
  assert_that(all(idx > 0 & idx <= prod(array.dim)))
  assert_that(length(array.dim) <= 5)
  indexToGridCpp(idx, array.dim)

#' .getRStorage
#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @keywords internal
.getRStorage <- function(dataType) {
  if (any(toupper(dataType) == c("BINARY", "BYTE", "UBYTE", "SHORT", "INTEGER", "INT", "LONG"))) {
  } else if (any(dataType == c("FLOAT", "DOUBLE"))) {
  } else {
	  stop(paste("unrecognized data type", dataType))

# @nord
# .getMMapMode <- function(code) {	
#	if (code == "UNKNOWN") {
#		stop(paste(".getMMapMode: no memory map mode for UNKNOWN data type: ", code))
#	} else if (code == "BINARY") {
#		int8()
#	} else if (code == "UBYTE") {
#		uint8()
#	} else if(code == "SHORT") {
#		int16()
#	} else if(code == "INT") {
#		int32()
#	} else if (code == "FLOAT") {
#		real32()
#	} else if (code == "DOUBLE") {
#		real64()
#	} else {
#		stop(paste(".getMMapMode: unsupported data type: ", code))
#	}

#' .getDataStorage
#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @keywords internal
.getDataStorage <- function(code) {
  if (code == 0) {
  } else if (code == 1) {
  } else if (code == 2) {
  } else if(code == 4) {
  } else if(code == 8) {
  } else if (code == 16) {
  } else if (code == 32) {
  } else {
    stop(paste("nifti(getDataStorage): unsupported data type: ", code))

#' .getDataCode
#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @keywords internal
.getDataCode <- function(dataType) {
  if (dataType == "UNKNOWN") {
  }else if (dataType == "BINARY") {
  } else if (dataType == "UBYTE") {
  } else if(dataType == "SHORT") {
  } else if(dataType == "INT") {
  } else if (dataType == "FLOAT") {
  } else if (dataType == "DOUBLE") {
  } else {
    stop(paste("getDataCode: unsupported data type: ", dataType))

#' .getDataSize
#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @keywords internal
.getDataSize <- function(dataType) {
  if (dataType == "BINARY") {
  } else if (dataType == "UBYTE") {
  } else if (dataType == "UBYTE") {
  else if (dataType == "SHORT") {
  else if (dataType == "INTEGER") {
  else if (dataType == "INT") {
  else if (dataType == "FLOAT") {
  else if (dataType == "DOUBLE") {
  else if (dataType == "LONG") {

  stop(paste("unrecognized data type: ", dataType))

#' .getEndian
#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @keywords internal
.getEndian <- function(conn) {
  #try little endian
  endian <- "little"

  hsize <- readBin(conn, integer(), 1, endian=endian)
  if (hsize != 348) {
    # might be bigendian
    endian <- "big"
    seek(conn, 0)
    hsize <- readBin(conn, integer(), 1, endian=endian)
    if (hsize != 348) {
      stop("nifti(getEndian): header size is not 348, invalid header.")


#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @name .niftiExt
#' @keywords internal
.niftiExt <- function(filetype) {

  extensions <- list()

  if (filetype == "nifti-single") {
    extensions[["header"]]  <- "nii"
    extensions[["data"]] <- "nii"
  else if (filetype == "nifti-pair") {
    extensions[["header"]]  <- "hdr"
    extensions[["data"]] <- "img"
  else if (filetype == "nifti-gz") {
    extensions[["header"]]  <- "nii.gz"
    extensions[["data"]] <- "nii.gz"
  } else {
    stop(paste("unsupported filetype: ", filetype))


#' @rdname internal-methods
#' @keywords internal
.matrixToQuatern <- function(mat) {
  xd <- sqrt(drop(crossprod(mat[1:3,1])))
  yd <- sqrt(drop(crossprod(mat[1:3,2])))
  zd <- sqrt(drop(crossprod(mat[1:3,3])))

  if (xd == 0) { mat[1,1] = 1; mat[2:3,1] = 0; xd = 1; }
  if (yd == 0) { mat[2,2] = 1; mat[c(1,3),2] = 0; yd = 1; }
  if (zd == 0) { mat[3,3] = 1; mat[1:2,3] = 0; zd = 1; }

  rmat = mat[1:3, 1:3]
  rmat[,1] = rmat[,1]/xd
  rmat[,2] = rmat[,2]/yd
  rmat[,3] = rmat[,3]/zd

  ####### skipping orthogonalization of columns


  zd = det(rmat)
  qfac = 1

  if (zd > 0) {
    qfac = 1
  } else {
    qfac = -1
    rmat[1:3,3] = -rmat[1:3,3]

  # compute quaternion parameters

  a = rmat[1,1] + rmat[2,2] + rmat[3,3] + 1

  if (a > .5) {
    a = .5 * sqrt(a)
    b = 0.25 * (rmat[3,2]-rmat[2,3]) / a
    c = 0.25 * (rmat[1,3]-rmat[3,1]) / a
    d = 0.25 * (rmat[2,1]-rmat[1,2]) / a
   } else {
     xd = 1.0 + rmat[1,1] - (rmat[2,2]+rmat[3,3])
     yd = 1.0 + rmat[2,2] - (rmat[1,1]+rmat[3,3])
     zd = 1.0 + rmat[3,3] - (rmat[1,1]+rmat[2,2])
     if( xd > 1.0 ){
       b = 0.5 * sqrt(xd)
       c = 0.25* (rmat[1,2]+rmat[2,1]) / b
       d = 0.25* (rmat[1,3]+rmat[3,1]) / b
       a = 0.25* (rmat[3,2]-rmat[2,3]) / b
     } else if( yd > 1.0 ){
       c = 0.5 * sqrt(yd) ;
       b = 0.25* (rmat[1,2]+rmat[2,1]) / c
       d = 0.25* (rmat[2,3]+rmat[3,2]) / c
       a = 0.25* (rmat[1,3]-rmat[3,1]) / c
     } else {
       d = 0.5 * sqrt(zd) ;
       b = 0.25* (rmat[1,3]+rmat[3,1]) / d
       c = 0.25* (rmat[2,3]+rmat[3,2]) / d
       a = 0.25* (rmat[2,1]-rmat[1,2]) / d
     if( a < 0.0 ){ b=-b ; c=-c ; d=-d; a=-a; }

  return(list(quaternion=c(b,c,d), qfac=qfac))


.quaternToMatrix <- function(quat, origin, stepSize, qfac) {
  mat <- matrix(0, 4,4)
  mat[4,] <- c(0,0,0,1)

  a <- 1 - sum(quat^2)
  if (a < 1e-07) {
    a <- 1 /(sqrt(sum(quat^2)))
    quat <- quat*a
    a <- 0
  } else {
    a <- sqrt(a)

  stepSize <- ifelse(stepSize > 0, stepSize, 1)
  xd <- stepSize[1]
  yd <- stepSize[2]
  zd <- stepSize[3]

  if (qfac < 0) {
    zd <- -zd

  b <- quat[1]
  c <- quat[2]
  d <- quat[3]

  mat[1,1] <- (a*a+b*b-c*c-d*d) * xd
  mat[1,2] <- 2 * (b*c-a*d)     * yd
  mat[1,3] <- 2 * (b*d+a*c)     * zd
  mat[2,1] <- 2 * (b*c+a*d)     * xd
  mat[2,2] <- (a*a+c*c-b*b-d*d) * yd
  mat[2,3] <- 2 * (c*d-a*b)     * zd
  mat[3,1] <- 2 * (b*d-a*c)     * xd
  mat[3,2] <- 2 * (c*d+a*b)     * yd
  mat[3,3] <- (a*a+d*d-c*c-b*b) * zd

  mat[1:3,4] <- origin



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