makeEnvName <- function(name) paste0('.env_',name) ## already in modelBUGS.R for old system
makeNameName <- function(name) paste0('.name_',name)
makeRowName <- function(name) paste0('.row_', name)
makeLogProbName <- function(name) paste0('logProb_', name)
makeLogProbEnvName <- function(name) makeEnvName(makeLogProbName(name))
makeVecName <- function(name){
if(length(name) == 0) return(name) #This was causing a problem when we have blank modelValues (i.e. MCMCconf if we have no thinning monitors)
removeLogProbName <- function(name) sub('^logProb_', '', name)
is.indexed <- function(node) {
if(is.character(node)) return(grepl('\\[', node))
else return('[' %in% all.names(node))
is.vectorized <- function(node) {
if(is.character(node)) return(grepl('\\:', node))
else return(':' %in% all.names(node))
## getCalcADFunName <- function(){
## return('calculateWithArgs')
## }
is.blank <- function(arg) {
if(is.null(arg)) return(FALSE)
return(identical(arg, quote(x[])[[3]]))
removeIndexing <- function(nodes) {
return(gsub('\\[.*', '', nodes))
## this utility function is used in the setup code of conjugate sampler functions.
## the 'd' dimension variables used to come from nodeInfo object,
## but now we calculate it (from the targetNode name) using this function.
determineNodeIndexSizes <- function(node) {
if(!is.indexed(node)) return(numeric(0))
indString <- gsub('.*\\[', '', gsub('\\]', '', node))
indStringList <- as.list(strsplit(indString, ', ')[[1]])
indExprList <- lapply(indStringList, function(ind) parse(text=ind)[[1]])
sizes <- unlist(lapply(indExprList, function(ind) max(eval(ind)) - min(eval(ind)) + 1))
makeSizeAndDimList <- function(code, nodesToExtract, unrolledIndicesMatrix = NULL, allSizeAndDimList = list(), checkRagged = FALSE){
if(safeDeparse(code[[1]], warn = TRUE) == '[') {
if(safeDeparse(code[[2]], warn = TRUE) %in% nodesToExtract){
thisCodeExprList <- list()
numInds <- length(code) - 2
codeLength <- c()
for(i in 1:numInds){
if([[i+2]]) && safeDeparse(code[[i+2]][[1]], warn = TRUE) == ':'){
codeStartInds <- code[[i+2]][[2]]
codeStartInds <- unrolledIndicesMatrix[, safeDeparse(code[[i+2]][[2]], warn = TRUE)]
codeEndInds <- code[[i+2]][[3]]
codeEndInds <- unrolledIndicesMatrix[, safeDeparse(code[[i+2]][[3]], warn = TRUE)]
thisCodeLength <- codeEndInds - codeStartInds + 1
if(checkRagged && !all(thisCodeLength == thisCodeLength[1])){ ## checkRagged may not be used anywhere anymore. In early versions of AD, we had to exclude ragged arrays. Now they should work. Dynamic ragged arrays will not work.
stop("Error: AD not currently supported for ragged arrays in model code", call. = FALSE)
codeLength <- c(codeLength, thisCodeLength[1])
codeLength <- c(codeLength, 1)
thisCodeExprList$lengths <- codeLength
thisCodeExprList$nDim <- sum(codeLength > 1)
if(is.null(allSizeAndDimList[[safeDeparse(code[[2]], warn = TRUE)]])) allSizeAndDimList[[safeDeparse(code[[2]], warn = TRUE)]][[1]] <- thisCodeExprList
else allSizeAndDimList[[safeDeparse(code[[2]], warn = TRUE)]][[length(allSizeAndDimList[[safeDeparse(code[[2]], warn = TRUE)]]) + 1]] <- thisCodeExprList
if(length(code) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(code)){
allSizeAndDimList <- makeSizeAndDimList(code[[i]], nodesToExtract, unrolledIndicesMatrix, allSizeAndDimList)
makeSizeAndDimListForIndexedInfo <- function(code, nodeNamesToSkip,
unrolledIndicesMatrix = NULL, allSizeAndDimList = list()){
if((safeDeparse(code[[1]]) == 'getNodeFunctionIndexedInfo') && length(code) == 3) {
thisCodeExprList <- list(indexColumn = code[[3]])
thisConstName <- colnames(unrolledIndicesMatrix)[code[[3]]]
if(is.null(allSizeAndDimList[[thisConstName]])) allSizeAndDimList[[thisConstName]][[1]] <- thisCodeExprList
else allSizeAndDimList[[thisConstName]][[length(allSizeAndDimList[[thisConstName]]) + 1]] <- thisCodeExprList
if(length(code) > 1){
if(!((safeDeparse(code[[1]]) == '[') && (safeDeparse(code[[2]]) %in% nodeNamesToSkip))){
for(i in 2:length(code)){
allSizeAndDimList <- makeSizeAndDimListForIndexedInfo(code[[i]], nodeNamesToSkip, unrolledIndicesMatrix, allSizeAndDimList)
## This should add model$ in front of any names that are not already part of a '$' expression
addModelDollarSign <- function(expr, exceptionNames = character(0)) {
if(is.numeric(expr)) return(expr)
if(is(expr, 'srcref')) return(expr)
if( {
if((as.character(expr) %in% exceptionNames) || (as.character(expr) == '')) return(expr)
proto <- quote(model$a)
proto[[3]] <- expr
if( {
if(expr[[1]] == '$'){
expr[2] <- lapply(expr[2], function(listElement) addModelDollarSign(listElement, exceptionNames))
if(expr[[1]] == 'returnType')
if(length(expr) > 1) {
expr[2:length(expr)] <- lapply(expr[-1], function(listElement) addModelDollarSign(listElement, exceptionNames))
removeIndices <- function(expr, exceptionNames = character(0)) {
if( {
if(expr[[1]] == '['){
if(!deparse(expr[[2]]) %in% exceptionNames){
if(length(expr) > 1) {
expr[2:length(expr)] <- lapply(expr[-1], function(listElement) removeIndices(listElement, exceptionNames))
# Determine if a piece of code contains a '['
hasBracket <- function(code) {
if(length(code) < 2) return(FALSE)
if(code[[1]] == '[') return(TRUE)
evalBracketArgs <- function(code, constantEnv) {
if(hasBracket(code)) {
for(i in 3:length(code)) {
if(!is.vectorized(code[[i]])) {
## no vectorization; just evaluate it
code[[i]] <- as.numeric(eval(code[[i]], constantEnv))
} else {
## vectorized index. evaluate it, then set it to the resulting expression: MIN:MAX
indicies <- as.numeric(eval(code[[i]], constantEnv))
code[[i]] <- substitute(MIN:MAX, list(MIN=min(indicies), MAX=max(indicies)))
evalBracketArgsKnownBracket <- function(code, constantEnv, isVectorized) {
## Same as above but when hasBracket(code) is known to be true
for(i in 3:length(code)) {
if(!isVectorized[i]) {
## no vectorization; just evaluate it
code[[i]] <- as.numeric(eval(code[[i]], constantEnv))
} else {
## vectorized index. evaluate it, then set it to the resulting expression: MIN:MAX
indicies <- as.numeric(eval(code[[i]], constantEnv))
code[[i]] <- substitute(MIN:MAX, list(MIN=min(indicies), MAX=max(indicies)))
exprAsListDrop2 <- function(expr) {
lem2 <- length(expr) - 2
if(lem2 < 1) return(NULL)
ans <- switch(lem2,
list(expr[[3]], expr[[4]]),
list(expr[[3]], expr[[4]], expr[[5]]),
list(expr[[3]], expr[[4]], expr[[5]], expr[[6]])
if(is.null(ans)) as.list(expr[-c(1,2)]) else ans
getCallText <- function(code) safeDeparse(code[[1]], warn = TRUE)
parseTreeSubstitute <- function(pt, pattern, replacement) {
if(identical(pt, pattern)) return(replacement)
if(inherits(pt, 'name')) return(pt)
if(is.numeric(pt)) return(pt)
if(is.logical(pt)) return(as.numeric(pt)) # for now turn logicals into numerics until we propagate logicals to C++
for(i in seq_along(pt)) { pt[[i]] <- parseTreeSubstitute(pt[[i]], pattern, replacement) }
CppNameLabelMaker <- labelFunctionCreator('___TRUNC___')
# no longer documented in Rd
# Generates a valid C++ name from an R Name
# replaces [ ( $ and a few other symbols with underscores, and removes ] ) and spaces in a string
# @param rName A String
# @return returns a string representing the modified rName
# @author Jagadish Babu
# @keywords Name
# @seealso \code{\link{character}}
# @export
# @examples
# genName('theta[1]')
Rname2CppName <- function(rName, colonsOK = TRUE, maxLength = 250) {
## This will serve to replace and combine our former Rname2CppName and nameMashupFromExpr
## which were largely redundant
if (!is.character(rName))
rName <- safeDeparse(rName)
if( colonsOK) {
# Substitute single colons but preserve double colons.
rName <- gsub('::', '_DOUBLE_COLON_', rName)
rName <- gsub(':', 'to', rName) # replace colons with 'to'
rName <- gsub('_DOUBLE_COLON_', '::', rName)
} else if(grepl(':', rName)) {
stop(paste0('trying to do name mashup on expression with colon (\':\') from ', rName))
rName <- gsub(' ', '', rName)
rName <- gsub('\\.', '_dot_', rName)
rName <- gsub("\"", "_quote_", rName)
rName <- gsub(',', '_comma_', rName)
rName <- gsub("`", "_backtick_" , rName)
rName <- gsub('\\[', '_oB', rName)
rName <- gsub('\\]', '_cB', rName)
rName <- gsub('\\(', '_oP', rName)
rName <- gsub('\\)', '_cP', rName)
rName <- gsub('\\{', '_oC', rName)
rName <- gsub('\\}', '_cC', rName)
rName <- gsub("\\$", "_" , rName)
rName <- gsub(">=", "_gte_", rName)
rName <- gsub("<=", "_lte_", rName)
rName <- gsub("<=", "_eq_", rName)
rName <- gsub("!=", "_neq_", rName)
rName <- gsub(">", "_gt_", rName)
rName <- gsub("<", "_lt_", rName)
rName <- gsub("!", "_not_", rName)
rName <- gsub("\\|\\|", "_or2_", rName)
rName <- gsub("&&", "_and2_", rName)
rName <- gsub("\\|", "_or_", rName)
rName <- gsub("&", "_and_", rName)
rName <- gsub("%%", "_mod_", rName)
rName <- gsub("%\\*%", "_matmult_", rName)
rName <- gsub("=", "_eq_" , rName)
rName <- gsub("\\(", "_" , rName)
rName <- gsub("\\+", "_plus_" , rName)
rName <- gsub("-", "_minus_" , rName)
rName <- gsub("\\*", "_times_" , rName)
rName <- gsub("/", "_over_" , rName)
rName <- gsub('\\^', '_tothe_', rName)
rName <- gsub('^_+', '', rName) # remove leading underscores. can arise from (a+b), for example
rName <- gsub('^([[:digit:]])', 'd\\1', rName) # if begins with a digit, add 'd' in front
rName <- sapply(rName,
function(x) {
if(nchar(x) > maxLength &&
!length(grep("___TRUNC___", x)) &&
!length(grep("_Vec$", x))) ## when we add _Vec on we need it to stay on (issue #1216)
## Note this could break if a user has long syntax that ends in _Vec, but deal if it arises.
x <- paste0(substring(x, 1, maxLength), CppNameLabelMaker())
vectorIndex_2_flat <- function(index, strides){
return(sum((index-1) * strides) + 1)
extractFlatIndices_wVarInfo <- function(nodeNames, varInfo){
varName <- varInfo[['varName']]
numNodes <- length(nodeNames)
firstDropNumber <- rep(nchar(varName) + 2, numNodes)
lastDropNumber <- nchar(nodeNames) - 1
charIndices_wCommas <- substring(nodeNames, firstDropNumber, lastDropNumber)
charIndices_nCommas <- strsplit(charIndices_wCommas, ',')
numIndices <- lapply(charIndices_nCommas, as.numeric)
if(varInfo$nDim == 1)
return(unlist(numIndices) )
strides <- rep(1, varInfo$nDim)
for(i in 2:(varInfo$nDim) ){
strides[i] = strides[i-1] * varInfo$maxs[i-1]
flatIndices <- unlist(lapply(numIndices, vectorIndex_2_flat, strides = strides) )
expandIndexSet4sapply <- function(nextIndices, prevIndices, stride)
return(prevIndices + (nextIndices-1) * stride)
combineIndices2Flat <- function(prevIndices, nextIndices, stride)
as.numeric(sapply(nextIndices, expandIndexSet4sapply, prevIndices, stride) )
character2index <- function(thisChar){
splitValues <- strsplit(thisChar, split = ":")[[1]]
if(length(splitValues) == 1)
return(as.numeric(splitValues) )
begin = as.numeric(splitValues[1])
end = as.numeric(splitValues[2])
stop("Error: too many :'s in index")
#' @export
is.model <- function(obj, inputIsName = FALSE) {
if(inputIsName) obj <- get(obj)
return(inherits(obj, 'modelBaseClass'))
#' @export
is.Rmodel <- function(obj, inputIsName = FALSE) {
if(inputIsName) obj <- get(obj)
return(inherits(obj, 'RmodelBaseClass'))
#' @export
is.Cmodel <- function(obj, inputIsName = FALSE) {
if(inputIsName) obj <- get(obj)
return(inherits(obj, 'CmodelBaseClass'))
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