
Defines functions mcmc_determineCalcAndCopyNodes mcmc_createModelObject mcmc_checkWAICmonitors mcmc_checkWAICmonitors_conditional mcmc_processMonitorNames samplesSummary extractControlElement mcmc_listContentsToStr mcmc_generateControlListArgument decide

Documented in decide extractControlElement mcmc_createModelObject samplesSummary

#' Makes the Metropolis-Hastings acceptance decision, based upon the input (log) Metropolis-Hastings ratio
#' This function returns a logical TRUE/FALSE value, indicating whether the proposed transition should be accepted (TRUE) or rejected (FALSE).
#' @param logMetropolisRatio The log of the Metropolis-Hastings ratio, which is calculated from model probabilities and forward/reverse transition probabilities. Calculated as the ratio of the model probability under the proposal to that under the current values multiplied by the ratio of the reverse transition probability to the forward transition probability.
#' @details The Metropolis-Hastings accept/reject decisions is made as follows.  If \code{logMetropolisRatio} is greater than 0, accept (return \code{TRUE}).  Otherwise draw a uniform random number between 0 and 1 and accept if it is less that \code{exp(logMetropolisRatio}.  The proposed transition will be rejected (return \code{FALSE}). If \code{logMetropolisRatio} is NA, NaN, or -Inf, a reject (\code{FALSE}) decision will be returned.
#' @author Daniel Turek
#' @export
decide <- function(logMetropolisRatio) {
    if(is.na(logMetropolisRatio)) return(FALSE)
  if(logMetropolisRatio > 0) return(TRUE)
  if(runif(1,0,1) < exp(logMetropolisRatio)) return(TRUE)


#' Creates a nimbleFunction for executing the Metropolis-Hastings jumping decision,
#' and updating values in the model, or in a carbon copy modelValues object, accordingly.
#' This nimbleFunction generator must be specialized to three required arguments: a model, a modelValues, and a character vector of node names.
#' @param model An uncompiled or compiled NIMBLE model object.  
#' @param mvSaved A modelValues object containing identical variables and logProb variables as the model. Can be created by \code{modelValues(model)}.
#' @param target A character vector providing the target node.
#' @param calcNodes A character vector representing a set of nodes in the model (and hence also the modelValues) object.  
#' @author Daniel Turek
#' @export
#' @details
#' Calling decideAndJump(model, mvSaved, calcNodes) will generate a specialized nimbleFunction with four required numeric arguments:
#' modelLP1: The model log-probability associated with the newly proposed value(s)
#' modelLP0: The model log-probability associated with the original value(s)
#' propLP1: The log-probability associated with the proposal forward-transition
#' propLP0: The log-probability associated with the proposal reverse-tranisiton
#' Executing this function has the following effects:
#' -- Calculate the (log) Metropolis-Hastings ratio, as logMHR = modelLP1 - modelLP0 - propLP1 + propLP0
#' -- Make the proposal acceptance decision based upon the (log) Metropolis-Hastings ratio
#' -- If the proposal is accepted, the values and associated logProbs of all calcNodes are copied from the model object into the mvSaved object
#' -- If the proposal is rejected, the values and associated logProbs of all calcNodes are copied from the mvSaved object into the model object
#' -- Return a logical value, indicating whether the proposal was accepted
decideAndJump <- nimbleFunction(
    name = 'decideAndJump',
    setup = function(model, mvSaved, target, calcNodes) {
        ccList <- mcmc_determineCalcAndCopyNodes(model, target)
        copyNodesDeterm <- ccList$copyNodesDeterm; copyNodesStoch <- ccList$copyNodesStoch  # not used: calcNodes, calcNodesNoSelf
    run = function(modelLP1 = double(), modelLP0 = double(), propLP1 = double(), propLP0 = double()) {
        logMHR <- modelLP1 - modelLP0 - propLP1 + propLP0
        jump <- decide(logMHR)
        if(jump) {
            nimCopy(from = model, to = mvSaved, row = 1, nodes = target, logProb = TRUE)
            nimCopy(from = model, to = mvSaved, row = 1, nodes = copyNodesDeterm, logProb = FALSE)
            nimCopy(from = model, to = mvSaved, row = 1, nodes = copyNodesStoch, logProbOnly = TRUE)
        } else {
            nimCopy(from = mvSaved, to = model, row = 1, nodes = target, logProb = TRUE)
            nimCopy(from = mvSaved, to = model, row = 1, nodes = copyNodesDeterm, logProb = FALSE)
            nimCopy(from = mvSaved, to = model, row = 1, nodes = copyNodesStoch, logProbOnly = TRUE)

#' Creates a nimbleFunction for setting the value of a scalar model node,
#' calculating the associated deterministic dependents and logProb values,
#' and returning the total sum log-probability.
#' This nimbleFunction generator must be specialized to any model object and any scalar model node.
#' A specialized instance of this nimbleFunction will set the value of the target node in the specified model,
#' calculate the associated logProb, calculate the values of any deterministic dependents,
#' calculate the logProbs of any stochastic dependents,
#' and return the sum log-probability associated with the target node and all stochastic dependent nodes.
#' @param model An uncompiled or compiled NIMBLE model.  This argument is required.
#' @param targetNode The character name of any scalar node in the model object.  This argument is required.
#' @author Daniel Turek
#' @export
#' @details
#' Calling setAndCalculateOne(model, targetNode) will return a function with a single, required argument:
#' targetValue: The numeric value which will be put into the target node, in the specified model object.
#' @examples
#' code <- nimbleCode({ for(i in 1:3) x[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1) })
#' Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code)
#' my_setAndCalc <- setAndCalculateOne(Rmodel, 'x[1]')
#' lp <- my_setAndCalc$run(2)
setAndCalculateOne <- nimbleFunction(
    name = 'setAndCalculateOne',
    setup = function(model, targetNode) {
        targetNodeAsScalar <- model$expandNodeNames(targetNode, returnScalarComponents = TRUE)
        if(length(targetNodeAsScalar) > 1)     stop('more than one targetNode; cannot use setAndCalculateOne()')
        calcNodes <- model$getDependencies(targetNode)
    run = function(targetValue = double()) {
        model[[targetNode]] <<- targetValue
        lp <- model$calculate(calcNodes)

#' Creates a nimbleFunction for setting the values of one or more model nodes,
#' calculating the associated deterministic dependents and logProb values,
#' and returning the total sum log-probability.
#' This nimbleFunction generator must be specialized to any model object and one or more model nodes.
#' A specialized instance of this nimbleFunction will set the values of the target nodes in the specified model,
#' calculate the associated logProbs, calculate the values of any deterministic dependents,
#' calculate the logProbs of any stochastic dependents,
#' and return the sum log-probability associated with the target nodes and all stochastic dependent nodes.
#' @param model An uncompiled or compiled NIMBLE model.  This argument is required.
#' @param targetNodes A character vector containing the names of one or more nodes or variables in the model.  This argument is required.
#' @author Daniel Turek
#' @aliases setAndCalculateDiff
#' @export
#' @details Calling \code{setAndCalculate(model, targetNodes)} or \code{setAndCalculate(model, targetNodes)} will return a nimbleFunction object whose \code{run} function takes a single, required argument:
#' targetValues: A vector of numeric values which will be put into the target nodes in the specified model object.  The length of this numeric vector much exactly match the number of target nodes.
#' The difference between \code{setAndCalculate} and \code{setAndCalculateDiff} is the return value of their \code{run} functions.  In the former, \code{run} returns the sum of the log probabilities of the \code{targetNodes} with the provided \code{targetValues}, while the latter returns the difference between that sum with the new \code{targetValues} and the previous values in the \code{model}.
#' @examples
#' code <- nimbleCode({ for(i in 1:3) { x[i] ~ dnorm(0,1); y[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)}})
#' Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code)
#' my_setAndCalc <- setAndCalculate(Rmodel, c('x[1]', 'x[2]', 'y[1]', 'y[2]'))
#' lp <- my_setAndCalc$run(c(1.2, 1.4, 7.6, 8.9))
setAndCalculate <- nimbleFunction(
    name = 'setAndCalculate',
    setup = function(model, targetNodes) {
        targetNodesAsScalar <- model$expandNodeNames(targetNodes, returnScalarComponents = TRUE)
        calcNodes <- model$getDependencies(targetNodes)
    run = function(targetValues = double(1)) {
        values(model, targetNodesAsScalar) <<- targetValues
        lp <- model$calculate(calcNodes)

#' @rdname setAndCalculate
#' @export
setAndCalculateDiff <- nimbleFunction(
    name = 'setAndCalculateDiff',
    setup = function(model, targetNodes) {
        targetNodesAsScalar <- model$expandNodeNames(targetNodes, returnScalarComponents = TRUE)
        calcNodes <- model$getDependencies(targetNodes)
    run = function(targetValues = double(1)) {
        values(model, targetNodesAsScalar) <<- targetValues
        lpD <- model$calculateDiff(calcNodes)

calcAdaptationFactor <- nimbleFunction(
    name = 'calcAdaptationFactor',
    setup = function(paramDimension, adaptFactorExponent) {
        ## optimal acceptance rates:  (dim=1) .44,    (dim=2) .35,    (dim=3) .32,    (dim=4) .25,    (dim>=5) .234
        acceptanceRates <- c(0.44, 0.35, 0.32, 0.25, 0.234)
        if(paramDimension > 5)     paramDimension <- 5
        optimalAR <- acceptanceRates[paramDimension]
        timesAdapted <- 0
        gamma1       <- 0
    run = function(acceptanceRate = double()) {
        timesAdapted <<- timesAdapted + 1
        gamma1 <<- 1 / ((timesAdapted + 3) ^ adaptFactorExponent)   ## need this variable separate; it's extracted for use in 'RW_block' sampler
        gamma2 <- 10 * gamma1
        adaptFactor <- exp(gamma2 * (acceptanceRate - optimalAR))
    methods = list(
        getGamma1 = function() {
        reset = function() {
            timesAdapted <<- 0
            gamma1       <<- 0

# for now export this as R<3.1.2 give warnings if don't

#' Class \code{codeBlockClass}
#' @aliases codeBlockClass
#' @export
#' @description
#' Classes used internally in NIMBLE and not expected to be called directly by users.
codeBlockClass <- setRefClass(
    Class   = 'codeBlockClass',
    fields  = list(codeBlock = 'ANY'),
    methods = list(
        initialize = function()     codeBlock <<- quote({}),
        addCode = function(expr, substituteList = NULL, quote = TRUE) {
            if(quote) expr <- substitute(expr)
            if(!is.null(substituteList)) {
                expr <- eval(substitute(substitute(EXPR, substituteList), list(EXPR=expr)))
            if(is.call(expr) && expr[[1]] == '{') {  ## expr is a block of code
                for(i in seq_along(expr)[-1]) {
                    codeBlock[[length(codeBlock) + 1]] <<- expr[[i]]
            } else {  ## expr is a single expression
                codeBlock[[length(codeBlock) + 1]] <<- expr
        getCode = function()     return(codeBlock)

mcmc_generateControlListArgument <- function(control, controlDefaults) {
    if(missing(control))           control         <- list()
    if(missing(controlDefaults))   controlDefaults <- list()
    thisControlList <- controlDefaults           ## start with all the defaults
    thisControlList[names(control)] <- control   ## add in any controls provided as an argument

mcmc_listContentsToStr <- function(ls, displayControlDefaults=FALSE, displayNonScalars=FALSE, displayConjugateDependencies=FALSE) {
    ##if(any(unlist(lapply(ls, is.function)))) warning('probably provided wrong type of function argument')
    if(!displayConjugateDependencies) {
        if(grepl('^conjugate_d', names(ls)[1])) ls <- ls[1]    ## for conjugate samplers, remove all 'dep_dnorm', etc, control elements (don't print them!)
        if(grepl('^CRP_cluster_wrapper', names(ls)[1]) && 'wrapped_type' %in% names(ls) &&
           grepl('conjugate_d', ls$wrapped_type)[1]) ls <- ls[!names(ls) %in% c('wrapped_conf')]
    if((names(ls)[1] == 'CRP sampler') && ('clusterVarInfo' %in% names(ls)))   ls[which(names(ls) == 'clusterVarInfo')] <- NULL   ## remove 'clusterVarInfo' from CRP sampler printing
    ls <- lapply(ls, function(el) if(is.nf(el) || is.function(el)) 'function' else el)   ## functions -> 'function'
    ls2 <- list()
    ## to make displayControlDefaults argument work again, would need to code process
    ## setup function of each sampler, find & extract the default control values, and pass
    ## them into this function.  Then set:
    ## defaultOptions <- [the default list for this sampler]
    ## (the commented function below, mcmc_findControlListNamesInCode, is a helpful start).
    ## old roxygen documentation for displayControlDefaults (from conf$print() method):
    ## displayControlDefaults: A logical argument, specifying whether to display default values of control list elements (default FALSE).
    ## -DT July 2017
    for(i in seq_along(ls)) {
        controlName <- names(ls)[i]
        controlValue <- ls[[i]]
        if(length(controlValue) == 0) next   ## remove length 0
        ##    if(controlName %in% names(defaultOptions))   ## skip default control values
        ##        if(identical(controlValue, defaultOptions[[controlName]])) next
            if(is.numeric(controlValue) || is.logical(controlValue))
                if(length(controlValue) > 1)
                    controlValue <- ifelse(is.null(dim(controlValue)), 'custom vector', 'custom array')
        if(inherits(controlValue, 'samplerConf'))   controlValue <- controlValue$name
        deparsedItem <- safeDeparse(controlValue, warn = TRUE)
        if(length(deparsedItem) > 1) deparsedItem <- paste0(deparsedItem, collapse='')
        ls2[[i]] <- paste0(controlName, ': ', deparsedItem)
    ls2 <- ls2[unlist(lapply(ls2, function(i) !is.null(i)))]
    str <- paste0(ls2, collapse = ',  ')
    ##if(length(ls2) == 1)
    ##    str <- paste0(str, ', default')
    str <- gsub('\"', '', str)
    str <- gsub('c\\((.*?)\\)', '\\1', str)

#' Extract named elements from MCMC sampler control list
#' @param controlList control list object, which is passed as an argument to all MCMC sampler setup functions.
#' @param elementName character string, giving the name of the element to be extracted from the control list.
#' @param defaultValue default value of the control list element, giving the value to be used when the \code{elementName} does not exactly match the name of an element in the \code{controlList}.
#' @param error character string, giving the error message to be printed if no \code{defaultValue} is provided and \code{elementName} does not match the name of an element in the \code{controlList}.
#' @return The element of \code{controlList} whose name matches \code{elementName}. If no \code{controlList} name matches \code{elementName}, then \code{defaultValue} is returned.
#' @author Daniel Turek
#' @export
extractControlElement <- function(controlList, elementName, defaultValue, error) {
    if(missing(controlList) | !is.list(controlList))      stop('extractControlElement: controlList argument must be a list')
    if(missing(elementName) | !is.character(elementName)) stop('extractControlElement: elementName argument must be a character string variable name')
    if(missing(defaultValue) & missing(error))            stop('extractControlElement: must provide either defaultValue or error argument')
    if(elementName %in% names(controlList)) {
    } else {
        if(!missing(defaultValue)) return(defaultValue) else stop(error)

#' @export
samplesSummary <- function(samples, round) {
    summary <- try(cbind(
        `Mean`      = apply(samples, 2, mean),
        `Median`    = apply(samples, 2, median),
        `St.Dev.`   = apply(samples, 2, sd),
        `95%CI_low` = apply(samples, 2, function(x) quantile(x, 0.025)),
        `95%CI_upp` = apply(samples, 2, function(x) quantile(x, 0.975))),
                   silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(summary, 'try-error')) {
        warning('Could not calculate the full summary of posterior samples, possibly due to NA or NaN values present in the samples array', call. = FALSE)
        summary <- array(as.numeric(NA), dim = c(ncol(samples), 5))
        rownames(summary) <- colnames(samples)
        colnames(summary) <- c('Mean','Median','St.Dev.','95%CI_low','95%CI_upp')
        if(ncol(samples) > 0) for(i in 1:ncol(samples)) {
            theseSamples <- samples[,i]
            if(isValid(theseSamples)) {
                summary[i, 1] <- mean(theseSamples)
                summary[i, 2] <- median(theseSamples)
                summary[i, 3] <- sd(theseSamples)
                summary[i, 4] <- quantile(theseSamples, 0.025)
                summary[i, 5] <- quantile(theseSamples, 0.975)
    if(!missing(round)) summary <- round(summary, digits = round)

## weed out missing indices from the monitors
mcmc_processMonitorNames <- function(model, nodes) {
    isLogProbName <- grepl('^logProb_', nodes)
    expandedNodeNames <- model$expandNodeNames(nodes[!isLogProbName])
    origLogProbNames <- nodes[isLogProbName]
    expandedLogProbNames <- character()
    if(length(origLogProbNames) > 0) {
        nodeName_fromLogProbName <- gsub('^logProb_', '', origLogProbNames)
        expandedLogProbNames <- model$modelDef$nodeName2LogProbName(nodeName_fromLogProbName)
    return(c(expandedNodeNames, expandedLogProbNames))

## As of 0.10.1 stop WAIC if not monitoring all parameters of data nodes
mcmc_checkWAICmonitors_conditional <- function(model, monitors, dataNodes) {
    parentNodes <- model$getParents(dataNodes, stochOnly = TRUE)
    parentVars <- model$getVarNames(nodes = parentNodes)
    wh <- which(!parentVars %in% monitors)
    if(length(wh)) {
        if(length(wh) > 10)
            badVars <- c(parentVars[wh[1:10]], "...") else badVars <- parentVars[wh]
        stop(paste0("To calculate WAIC in NIMBLE, all parameters of",
                    " data nodes in the model must be monitored.", "\n", 
                    "  Currently, the following parameters are not monitored: ",
                    paste0(badVars, collapse = ", ")))

## Used through version 0.10.0.
mcmc_checkWAICmonitors <- function(model, monitors, dataNodes) {
    monitoredDetermNodes <- model$expandNodeNames(monitors)[model$isDeterm(model$expandNodeNames(monitors), includeRHSonly = TRUE)]
    if(length(monitoredDetermNodes) > 0) {
        monitors <- monitors[- which(monitors %in% model$getVarNames(nodes = monitoredDetermNodes))]
    thisNodes <- model$getNodeNames(stochOnly = TRUE, topOnly = TRUE)
    thisVars <- model$getVarNames(nodes = thisNodes)
    thisVars <- thisVars[!(thisVars %in% monitors)]
    while(length(thisVars) > 0) {
        nextNodes <- model$getDependencies(thisVars, stochOnly = TRUE, omit = monitoredDetermNodes, self = FALSE, includeData = TRUE)
        if(any(nextNodes %in% dataNodes)) {
            badDataNodes <- dataNodes[dataNodes %in% nextNodes]
            if(length(badDataNodes) > 10) {
                badDataNodes <- c(badDataNodes[1:10], "...")
            stop(paste0("In order for a valid WAIC calculation, all parameters of",
                        " data nodes in the model must be monitored, or be", 
                        " downstream from monitored nodes.", 
                        " See help(buildMCMC) for more information on valid sets of",
                        " monitored nodes for WAIC calculations.", "\n",
                        " Currently, the following data nodes have un-monitored",
                        " upstream parameters:", "\n ", 
                        paste0(badDataNodes, collapse = ", ")))
        thisVars <- model$getVarNames(nodes = nextNodes)
        thisVars <- thisVars[!(thisVars %in% monitors)]
    messageIfVerbose('  [Note] Monitored nodes are valid for WAIC.')

mcmc_createModelObject <- function(model, inits, nchains, setSeed, code, constants, data, dimensions, check, buildDerivs = FALSE) {
    ## create the Rmodel object using arguments provided to nimbleMCMC
    if(missing(model)) {  ## model object not provided
        if(!missing(inits)) {
            if(!is.function(inits) && !is.list(inits)) stop('inits must be a function, a list of initial values, or a list (of length nchains) of lists of initial values')
            if(is.list(inits) && (length(inits) > 0) && is.list(inits[[1]]) && (length(inits) != nchains)) stop('inits must be a function, a list of initial values, or a list (of length nchains) of lists of inital values')
            if(is.function(inits)) {
                if(is.numeric(setSeed) || setSeed) { if(is.numeric(setSeed)) set.seed(setSeed[1]) else set.seed(0) }
                theseInits <- inits()
            } else if(is.list(inits) && (length(inits) > 0) && is.list(inits[[1]])) {
                theseInits <- inits[[1]]
            } else theseInits <- inits
            Rmodel    <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, theseInits, dimensions = dimensions, check = check, buildDerivs = buildDerivs)    ## inits provided
        } else Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data,             dimensions = dimensions, check = check, buildDerivs = buildDerivs)    ## inits not provided
    } else {              ## model object provided
        if(!is.model(model)) stop('model argument must be a NIMBLE model object')
        Rmodel <- if(is.Rmodel(model)) model else model$Rmodel
        if(!is.Rmodel(Rmodel)) stop('something went wrong')

## create the lists of calcNodes and copyNodes for use in MCMC samplers
mcmc_determineCalcAndCopyNodes <- function(model, target) {
    targetExpanded <- model$expandNodeNames(target)
    modelPredictiveNodes <- model$getNodeNames(predictiveOnly = TRUE)
    targetExpandedPPbool <- targetExpanded %in% modelPredictiveNodes
    targetAllPP <- all(targetExpandedPPbool)
    targetAnyPP <- any(targetExpandedPPbool)
    ## if a particular sampler is assigned *jointly to PP and non-PP* nodes, then we're going to bail
    ## out and quit, if the option MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations == FALSE.
    ## this is an extreme corner-case, which I think will lead to problems.
    if(targetAnyPP && !targetAllPP && !getNimbleOption('MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations'))
        stop('cannot assign samplers jointly to posterior predictive (PP) nodes and non-PP nodes, when MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations option is FALSE', call. = FALSE)
    ## if the sampler calling this, itself, is operating exclusively on posterior predictive nodes,
    ## then regardless of how the rest of the model is being sampled (w.r.t. inclusion of posterior predictive nodes),
    ## we'll include 'self' and all stochastic dependencies (the full markov blanket) in the calculations,
    ## which necessarily are taking place entirely within a posterior predictive network of nodes.
    ## this should lead to correct behaviour (consistent samples and joint posteriors) in all cases.
    if(targetAllPP) {
        ## when sampler is operating only on posterior predictive nodes,
        ## then always include all predictive dependencies:
        calcNodes <- model$getDependencies(target, includePredictive = TRUE)
        calcNodesNoSelf <- model$getDependencies(target, self = FALSE, includePredictive = TRUE)
        ##calcNodesPPomitted <- character()
    } else {
        ## usual case:
        calcNodes <- model$getDependencies(target)
        calcNodesNoSelf <- model$getDependencies(target, self = FALSE)
        ##calcNodesPPomitted <- setdiff(model$getDependencies(target, includePredictive = TRUE), calcNodes)
    ## copyNodes:
    copyNodes <- model$getDependencies(target, self = FALSE)
    isStochCopyNodes <- model$isStoch(copyNodes)
    copyNodesDeterm <- copyNodes[!isStochCopyNodes]
    copyNodesStoch <- copyNodes[isStochCopyNodes]
    ccList <- list(
        calcNodes = calcNodes,
        calcNodesNoSelf = calcNodesNoSelf,
        ##calcNodesPPomitted = calcNodesPPomitted,
        copyNodesDeterm = copyNodesDeterm,
        copyNodesStoch = copyNodesStoch

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