## Actual symbolTable class is at the end
buildSymbolTable <- function(vars, type, size){
symTab <- symbolTable()
for(i in 1:length(vars) ) {
if(is.list(size) )
symTab$addSymbol( symbolBasic(name = vars[i], type = type[i], nDim = length(size[[i]]) , size = size[[i]] ) )
symTab$addSymbol( symbolBasic(name = vars[i], type = type[i], nDim = length(size) , size = size ) )
nimbleTypeList2argTypeList <- function(NTL) {
## convert a list of nimbleType objects to a list of type declarations suitable for `formals` of a function'c', lapply(NTL, nimbleType2argType))
nimbleType2argType <- function(NT) {
type <- NT$type
if(!(type %in% c('double','integer','logical'))) stop(paste0('Invalid type \"',type,'\"'))
nDim <- NT$dim
name <- NT[['name']]
structure(list(substitute(TYPE(NDIM), list(TYPE =, NDIM = as.numeric(nDim)))),
names = name)
nimbleTypeList2symbolTable <- function(NTL) {
## This is a lightweight analog to argTypeList2symbolTable but takes input in different format.
## NTL is a list of nimbleType objects. This allows programmatic construction of objects.
## Currently only basic types including 'double','integer', and 'logical' with an nDim are supported.
## Return object is a symbol table.
symTab <- symbolTable()
for(i in seq_along(NTL)) {
symTab$addSymbol(nimbleType2symbol(NTL[[i]]) )
## Convert one nimbleType object to a symbol object.
## Only basic types are supported.
nimbleType2symbol <- function(NT) {
type <- NT$type
if(!(type %in% c('double','integer','logical'))) stop(paste0('Invalid type \"',type,'\"'))
nDim <- NT$dim
name <- NT$name
size = as.numeric(rep(NA, nDim))
symbolBasic(name = name, type = type, nDim = nDim, size = size)
argTypeList2symbolTable <- function(ATL, neededTypes, origNames) {
## ATL is the argument-type list from run-time args to a nimble function
## This function creates a symbolTable from the argument-type list.
symTab <- symbolTable()
for(i in seq_along(ATL)) {
symTab$addSymbol(argType2symbol(ATL[[i]], neededTypes, names(ATL)[i], origNames[i]))
## This takes an unevaluated "argument type" expression as input (AT), such as
## double(), double(2), or double(2, c(5,5))
## The first argument is the number of dimensions, defaulting to 0 (indicated scalar)
## The second argument is a vector of the sizes, defaulting to rep(NA, nDim)
## If only some sizes are known, something like double(2, c(5, NA)) should be valid, but we'll have to check later handling to be sure.
argType2symbol <- function(AT, neededTypes, name = character(), origName = "") {
ans <- try(argType2symbolInternal(AT, neededTypes, name))
if(inherits(ans, 'try-error')) stop(paste0("Invalid type type declaration for ",origName,"."), call.=FALSE)
argType2symbolInternal <- function(AT, neededTypes, name = character()) {
if(!is.null(AT$default)) AT$default <- NULL ## remove the 'default=' argument, if it's present
type <- deparse(AT[[1]])
if(type == "internalType") {
return(symbolInternalType(name = name, type = "internal", argList = as.list(AT[-1]))) ## save all other contents for any custom needs later
if(type %in% c('double', 'integer', 'character', 'logical', 'void', 'constDouble')){
nDim <- if(length(AT)==1) 0 else AT[[2]]
if(!is.numeric(nDim) || nDim %% 1 != 0)
stop("argType2symbol: unexpected dimension, '", AT[[2]], "', found in argument '", deparse(AT), "'. Dimension should be integer-valued.")
size <- if(nDim == 0) 1 else {
if(length(AT) < 3)
as.numeric(rep(NA, nDim))
if(type == "character") {
if(nDim > 1) {
warning(paste("character argument",name," with nDim > 1 will be treated as a vector"))
nDim <- 1
size <- if(any( as.numeric(NA) else prod(size)
return(symbolString(name = name, type = "character", nDim = nDim, size = size))
if(type == "constDouble"){
type <- 'double'
return(symbolConstDouble(name = name, type = type, nDim = nDim, size = size, const = TRUE))
} else {
return(symbolBasic(name = name, type = type, nDim = nDim, size = size))
return(symbolUnknown(name = name, argType = AT))
resolveOneUnknownType <- function(unknownSym, neededTypes = NULL, nimbleProject) {
## return a list of the new symbol (could be same as the old symbol) and newNeededType
newNeededType <- list()
if(!inherits(unknownSym, 'symbolUnknown')) return(list(unknownSym, newNeededType))
## We need to resolve the type:
AT <- unknownSym$argType
type <- deparse(AT[[1]])
name <- unknownSym$name
## first see if it is a type already in neededTypes
## This would occur if the type appeared in setup code
existingNeededTypeNames <- unlist(lapply(neededTypes, `[[`, 'name'))
isANeededType <- existingNeededTypeNames == type
if(any(isANeededType)) {
listST <- neededTypes[[which(isANeededType)[1]]]$copy(shallow = TRUE)
listST$name <- name
return(list(listST, newNeededType))
##symTab$addSymbol(listST, allowReplace = TRUE)
} else { ## either create the type, or in the case of 'return', search recursively into neededTypes
possibleTypeName <- type
## look for a valid nlGenerator in the global environment
if(exists(possibleTypeName, envir = globalenv())) {
possibleNLgenerator <- get(possibleTypeName, envir = globalenv())
if(is.nlGenerator(possibleNLgenerator)) {
className <- nl.getListDef(possibleNLgenerator)$className
## see if it is a different name for an existing neededType by matching on the internal className
isANeededType <- className == names(neededTypes)
if( any(isANeededType) ) {
listST <- neededTypes[[which(isANeededType)[1]]]$copy(shallow = TRUE)
listST$name <- name
return(list(listST, newNeededType))
## symTab$addSymbol(listST, allowReplace = TRUE)
## for the case of 'return' only, see if it matches a type nested within a neededType
if(name == 'return') {
listST <- recurseGetListST(className, neededTypes)
if(!is.null(listST)) {
listST$name <- name
return(list(listST, newNeededType))
## symTab$addSymbol(listST, allowReplace = TRUE)
## can't find it anywhere, so create it and add to newNeededTypes
## Need access to the nimbleProject here!
nlGen <- possibleNLgenerator
nlp <- nimbleProject$compileNimbleList(nlGen, initialTypeInferenceOnly = TRUE)
className <- nl.getListDef(nlGen)$className
newSym <- symbolNimbleList(name = name, nlProc = nlp)
newNeededType[[className]] <- newSym
returnSym <- symbolNimbleList(name = name, nlProc = nlp)
return(list(returnSym, newNeededType))
} else {
stop(paste0("Can't figure out what ", possibleTypeName, " is."))
resolveUnknownTypes <- function(symTab, neededTypes = NULL, nimbleProject) {
## modify the symTab in place.
## return new neededTypes
newNeededTypes <- list()
existingNeededTypeNames <- unlist(lapply(neededTypes, `[[`, 'name'))
for(name in symTab$getSymbolNames()) {
unknownSym <- symTab$getSymbolObject(name)
result <- resolveOneUnknownType(unknownSym, neededTypes, nimbleProject)
if(!identical(result[[1]], unknownSym)) symTab$addSymbol(result[[1]], allowReplace = TRUE)
newNeededTypes <- c(newNeededTypes, result[[2]])
recurseGetListST <- function(className, neededTypes){
listST <- NULL
for(NT in neededTypes){
if(NT$type %in% c('nimbleList', 'nimbleListGenerator')){
if(!inherits(NT$nlProc$neededTypes, 'uninitializedField')){
if(className %in% names(NT$nlProc$neededTypes)){
isANeededType <- (className == names(NT$nlProc$neededTypes))
listST <- NT$nlProc$neededTypes[[which(isANeededType == 1)[1]]]$copy(shallow = TRUE)
else listST <- recurseGetListST(className, NT$nlProc$neededTypes)
symbolTable2cppVars <- function(symTab, arguments = character(), include, parentST = NULL) {
newSymTab <- symbolTable(parentST = parentST)
if(missing(include)) include <- symTab$getSymbolNames()
for(s in include) {
inputArg <- s %in% arguments
sObj <- symTab$getSymbolObject(s)
if(inherits(sObj$type, 'uninitializedField')) stop(paste('Error in symbolTable2cppVars for ', symTab, '. type field is not set.'), call. = FALSE)
if(length(sObj$type == 'Ronly') == 0) stop(paste('Error in symbolTable2cppVars for ', symTab, ', length(sObj$type == "Ronly") == 0'), call. = FALSE)
if(sObj$type == 'Ronly') next
newSymOrList <- symTab$getSymbolObject(s)$genCppVar(inputArg)
if(is.list(newSymOrList)) {
for(i in seq_along(newSymOrList)) {
} else {
symbolBase <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(name = 'ANY', #'character',
type = 'ANY' ), #'character'),
methods = list(
generateUse = function(...) name
symbolUnknown <- setRefClass(Class = 'symbolUnknown',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(argType = 'ANY'),
methods = list(
showMsg = function() {
if(inherits(argType, 'uninitializeField'))
paste0('symbolUnknown with no type declaration')
paste0('symbolUnknown with type declaration ', deparse(argType))
show = function() writeLines(showMsg()),
genCppVar = function() {
stop(paste0("Can't generate a C++ variable type from ", showMsg()))
## nDim and size are redundant for convenience with one exception:
## nDim = 0 must have size = 1 and means it is a true scalar -- NOT sure this is correct anymore...
## nDim = 1 with size = 1 means it is a 1D vector that happens to be length 1
symbolBasic <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolBasic',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(nDim = 'ANY', #'numeric',
size = 'ANY'), #'numeric'),
methods = list(
show = function() {
if(inherits(size, 'uninitializedField')) {
writeLines(paste0(name,': ', type, ' sizes = (uninitializedField), nDim = ', nDim))
} else {
writeLines(paste0(name,': ', type, ' sizes = (', paste(size, collapse = ', '), '), nDim = ', nDim))
genCppVar = function(functionArg = FALSE) {
if(type == 'void') return(cppVoid())
else if(type == 'integer') cType <- 'int'
else if(type == 'double') cType <- 'double'
else if(type == 'logical') cType <- 'bool'
else warning(paste("in genCppVar method for",name,"in symbolBasic class, type", type,"unrecognized\n"), FALSE)
if(nDim == 0) {
return(if(name != "pi")
cppVar(baseType = cType,
name = name,
ptr = 0,
ref = FALSE)
cppVarFull(baseType = cType,
name = name,
ptr = 0,
ref = FALSE,
constructor = "(M_PI)")
if(functionArg) {
return(cppNimArr(name = name,
nDim = nDim,
type = cType,
ref = TRUE))
} else {
return(cppNimArr(name = name,
nDim = nDim,
type = cType))
symbolConstDouble <- setRefClass(
Class = "symbolConstDouble",
contains = "symbolBasic",
fields = list(const = 'ANY'),
methods = list(
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolConstDouble', name)),
genCppVar = function(functionArg = FALSE) {
cppNimArr(name = name,
nDim = nDim,
type = 'double',
ref = functionArg,
const = TRUE)
symbolSEXP <- setRefClass(
Class = "symbolSEXP",
contains = "symbolBase",
methods = list(
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolSEXP', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
cppVar(name = name,
baseType = "SEXP")
symbolPtr <- setRefClass(
Class = "symbolPtr",
contains = "symbolBase",
methods = list(
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolPtr', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
if(type == 'integer') cType <- 'int'
if(type == 'double') cType <- 'double'
if(type == 'logical') cType <- 'bool'
cppVar(name = name,
ptr = 1,
baseType = cType)
symbolSEXP <- setRefClass(
Class = "symbolSEXP",
contains = "symbolBasic", ## inheriting from symbolBasic instead of symbolBase make initSizes work smoothly
methods = list(
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolSEXP', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
cppVar(name = name,
ptr = 0,
baseType = "SEXP")
## symbolADinfo <- setRefClass(
## Class = "symbolADinfo",
## contains = "symbolBase",
## methods = list(
## initialize = function(...) {
## callSuper(...)
## type <<- 'Ronly'
## },
## show = function() writeLines(paste("symbolADinfo", name)),
## genCppVar = function(...) {
## cppVar(name = name,
## ptr = 0,
## baseType = "nimbleCppADinfoClass")
## })
## )
symbolString <- setRefClass(
Class = "symbolString",
contains = "symbolBasic", ## inheriting from symbolBasic instead of symbolBase make initSizes work smoothly
methods = list(
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolString', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
if(nDim == 0) {
cppVar(name = name, baseType = "std::string")
} else {
cppVarFull(name = name, baseType = "vector", templateArgs = list(cppVar(baseType = "std::string")))
symbolNimbleTimer <- setRefClass(
Class = "symbolNimbleTimer",
contains = "symbolBase",
methods = list(
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolNimbleTimer', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
cppVar(name = name, baseType = "nimbleTimerClass_")
symbolNimArrDoublePtr <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolNimArrDoublePtr',
contains = 'symbolBasic',
methods = list(
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolNimArrDoublePtr', name)),
genCppVar = function(...){
if(type == 'integer') cType <- 'int'
else if(type == 'double') cType <- 'double'
else if(type == 'logical') cType <- 'bool'
else cat(paste0("Warning: in genCppVar method in symbolBasic class, type unrecognized: ", type, '\n'))
return(cppNimArrPtr(name = name, ## this is self-dereferencing
nDim = nDim,
ptr = 2,
type = cType))}
symbolVecNimArrPtr <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolVecNimArrPtr',
contains = 'symbolBase', ## Important that this is not symbolBase or it will be thought to be directly numeric
fields = list(
nDim = 'ANY', #'numeric',
size = 'ANY'), #'numeric'),
methods = list(
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolVecNimArrPtr', name)),
genCppVar = function(...){
if(type == 'integer') cType <- 'int'
else if(type == 'double') cType <- 'double'
else if(type == 'logical') cType <- 'bool'
else cat(paste0("Warning: in genCppVar method in symbolBasic class, type unrecognized: ", type, '\n'))
return(cppVecNimArrPtr(name = name, selfDereference = TRUE,
nDim = nDim,
ptr = 1,
type = cType))}
symbolNodeFunctionVector <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolNodeFunctionVector',
contains = 'symbolBase',
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) {
type <<- 'symbolNodeFunctionVector'
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolNodeFunctionVector', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
return(cppNodeFunctionVector(name = name))
symbolNodeFunctionVector_nimDerivs <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolNodeFunctionVector_nimDerivs',
contains = 'symbolBase',
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) {
type <<- 'symbolNodeFunctionVector_nimDerivs'
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolNodeFunctionVector_nimDerivs', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
return(cppNodeFunctionVector(name = name))
symbolModel <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolModel',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(className = 'ANY'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) {
## type == 'local' means it is defined in setupCode and so will need to have an object and be built
## type == 'Ronly' means it is a setupArg and may be a different type for different nimbleFunction specializations
## and it will be like a model in C++ code: not there except by extracted pointers inside of it
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolModel', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
return(cppVar(name = name, baseType = "Ronly", ptr = 1))
symbolModelValues <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolModelValues',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(mvConf = 'ANY'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) {
## type == 'local' means it is defined in setupCode and so will need to have an object and be built
## type == 'Ronly' means it is a setupArg and may be a different type for different nimbleFunction specializations
## and it will be like a model in C++ code: not there except by extracted pointers inside of it
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolModelValues', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
return(cppVar(name = name, baseType = "Values", ptr = 1))
symbolMemberFunction <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolMemberFunction',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(nfMethodRCobj = 'ANY',
RCfunProc = 'ANY'), ## added so that we can access returnType and argument types (origLocalSymbolTable)
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) {callSuper(...); type <<- 'Ronly'},
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolMemberFunction', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
stop(paste('Error, you should not be generating a cppVar for symbolMemberFunction', name))
} ))
symbolNimbleListGenerator <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolNimbleListGenerator',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(nlProc = 'ANY'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(...){callSuper(...); type <<- 'Ronly'},
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolNimbleListGenerator', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
return( cppVarFull(name = name,
baseType = 'Ronly',
templateArgs = nlProc$name) )
symbolNimbleList <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolNimbleList',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(nlProc = 'ANY'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(...){callSuper(...); type <<- 'nimbleList'},
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolNimbleList', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
pointeeType <- nlProc$name
if(is.null(pointeeType)) stop(paste('Internal error: nlProc is missing name:', name))
return( cppVarFull(name = name,
baseType = 'nimSmartPtr',
templateArgs = pointeeType) )
symbolNimbleFunction <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolNimbleFunction',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(nfProc = 'ANY'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) {callSuper(...)},
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolNimbleFunction', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
cppName <- if(name == ".self") "this" else name
return(cppVarFull(name = cppName, baseType = environment(nfProc$nfGenerator)$name, ptr = 1))
symbolNimbleFunctionSelf <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolNimbleFunctionSelf',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(baseType = 'ANY'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(name, nfProc) {
callSuper(name = name, type = "Ronly");
baseType <<- environment(nfProc$nfGenerator)$name
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolNimbleFunctionSelf', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
stop("Should not be creating a cppVar from a symbolNimbleFunctionSelf")
symbolVoidPtr <- setRefClass(Class = 'symbolVoidPtr',
contains = 'symbolBase',
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) callSuper(...),
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolVoidPtr', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
return(cppVarFull(name = name, baseType = 'void', ptr = 1))
symbolModelVariableAccessorVector <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolModelVariableAccessorVector',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(lengthName = 'ANY'), #'character'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) {
type <<- 'symbolModelVariableAccessorVector'
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolModelVariableAccessorVector', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
return(cppModelVariableMapAccessorVector(name = name))
symbolModelValuesAccessorVector <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolModelValuesAccessorVector',
contains = 'symbolBase',
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) {
type <<- 'symbolModelValuesAccessorVector'
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolModelValuesAccessorVector', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
return(cppModelValuesMapAccessorVector(name = name))
symbolGetParamInfo <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolGetParamInfo',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(paramInfo = 'ANY'), ## getParam_info, i.e. simple list
methods = list(
initialize = function(paramInfo, ...) {
paramInfo <<- paramInfo
type <<- 'Ronly'
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolGetParamInfo', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
stop(paste('Error, you should not be generating a cppVar for symbolGetParamInfo', name))
} ))
symbolGetBoundInfo <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolGetBoundInfo',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(boundInfo = 'ANY'), ## getBound_info, i.e. simple list
methods = list(
initialize = function(boundInfo, ...) {
boundInfo <<- boundInfo
type <<- 'Ronly'
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolGetBoundInfo', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
stop(paste('Error, you should not be generating a cppVar for symbolGetBoundInfo', name))
} ))
symbolNumericList <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolNumericList',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list( className = 'ANY', #'character',
nDim ='ANY'), # 'numeric'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) {
type <<- 'symbolNumericList'
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolNumericList', name)),
genCppVar = function(...){
if(type == 'integer') cType <- 'int'
else if(type == 'double') cType <- 'double'
else if(type == 'logical') cType <- 'bool'
else cat(paste0("Warning: in genCppVar method in symbolBasic class, type unrecognized: ", type, '\n'))
return(cppVecNimArrPtr(name = name,
nDim = nDim,
ptr = 0,
type = cType))}
symbolNimPtrList <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolNimPtrList',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(baseClass = 'ANY'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) callSuper(...),
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolNimPtrList', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
componentCclassName <- environment(baseClass)$name
cppVarFull(name = name,
baseType = 'vector',
templateArgs = list(cppVar(ptr = 1, baseType = componentCclassName) )
cppVarFull(name = paste0(name,'_setter'),
baseType = 'vectorOfPtrsAccess',
templateArgs = list(cppVar(baseType = componentCclassName) )
symbolCopierVector <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolCopierVector',
contains = 'symbolBase',
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) callSuper(...),
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolCopierVector', name)),
genCppVar = function(...) {
cppVar(name = name, baseType = 'copierVectorClass')
symbolNimbleFunctionList <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolNimbleFunctionList',
contains = 'symbolNimPtrList',
fields = list(nfProc = 'ANY'))
symbolEigenMap <- setRefClass(Class = 'symbolEigenMap',
contains = 'symbolBase',
fields = list(
eigMatrix = 'ANY', #'logical', ## or array
strides ='ANY' # 'numeric' ## NA for Dynamic. length(0) means no strides
methods = list(
show = function() {
writeLines(paste0(name,': Eigen ',if(eigMatrix) 'Matrix' else 'Array', ' Map of ', type, if(length(strides) > 0) paste0(' with strides ', paste(strides, collapse = ', ')) else character()))
genCppVar = function(functionArg = FALSE) {
if(functionArg) stop('Error: cannot take Eigen Map as a function argument (without more work).')
if(length(strides)==2 & eigMatrix) {
if(all( {
baseType <- paste0('EigenMapStr', if(type == 'double') 'd' else if(type == 'integer') 'i' else 'b' )
return(cppVarFull(name = name,
baseType = baseType,
constructor = '(0,0,0, EigStrDyn(0, 0))',
ptr = 0,
static = FALSE))
cppEigenMap(name = name,
type = type,
strides = strides,
eigMatrix = eigMatrix)
symbolIndexedNodeInfoTable <-
setRefClass(Class = "symbolIndexedNodeInfoTable",
contains = "symbolBase",
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) callSuper(...),
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolIndexedNodeInfoTable', name)),
## We need this to be copied, but it must be copied to a variable already declared in the nodeFun base class,
## so we don't want any genCppVar.
genCppVar = function(...) {
cppVarFull(name = name, silent = TRUE) ## this symbol exists to get a base class member data copied, so it shouldn't be declared
##stop(paste('Error, you should not be generating a cppVar for symbolIndexedNodeInfoTable', name))
## looks like if a copy type is created in makeNimbleFxnCppCopyTypes (based on the symbolXXXclass then it will be copied
## and if the type is Ronly then it will not be turned into a cppVar. So that bit of design worked out well
## it's in the nodeFun base class as vector<indexedNodeInfo>
symbolInternalType <-
setRefClass(Class = "symbolInternalType",
contains = "symbolBase",
fields = list(argList = 'ANY'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(...) callSuper(...),
show = function() writeLines(paste('symbolInternalType', name)),
genCppVar = function(functionArg = FALSE) {
if(length(argList) == 0) stop(paste('No information for outputting C++ type of', name))
if(argList[[1]] == 'indexedNodeInfoClass'){
if(functionArg) return(cppVarFull(name = name, baseType = "indexedNodeInfo", const = TRUE, ref = TRUE))
return(cppVar(name = name, baseType = "indexedNodeInfo"))
## nDim is set to length(size) unless provided, which is how scalar (nDim = 0) must be set
symbolDouble <- function(name, size = numeric(), nDim = length(size)) {
if(is.logical(size)) size <- as.numeric(size)
if(nDim != length(size)) {
if(nDim != 0 | !identical(size, 1)) stop('Error in symbolDouble, nDim must be length(size) unless nDim == 0 and size == 1')
symbolBasic(name = name, type = 'double', nDim = nDim, size = size)
symbolInt <- function(name, size = numeric(), nDim = length(size)) {
if(is.logical(size)) size <- as.numeric(size)
if(nDim != length(size)) {
if(nDim != 0 | !identical(size, 1)) stop('Error in symbolInt, nDim must be length(size) unless nDim == 0 and size == 1')
symbolBasic(name = name, type = 'int', nDim = nDim, size = size)
symbolTable <-
setRefClass(Class = 'symbolTable',
fields = list(symbols = 'ANY', #'list',
parentST = 'ANY',
dimAndSizeList = 'ANY',
dimAndSizeListMade = 'ANY'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(parentST = NULL, ...) {
symbols <<- list()
dots <- list(...)
if('symbols' %in% names(dots)) {
if(is.list(dots$symbols)) {
for(s in dots$symbols) {
if(inherits(s$name, 'uninitializedField')) stop(paste0('Error: all symbols in list must have meaningful name fields'))
if(identical(s$name, character())) stop(paste0('Error: all symbols in list must have meaningful name fields'))
symbols[[s$name]] <<- s
} else stop('Error: symbols provided must be a list')
parentST <<- parentST
dimAndSizeListMade <<- FALSE
## add a symbol RC object to this symbolTable; checks for valid symbolRC object, and duplicate symbol names
addSymbol = function(symbolRCobject, allowReplace = FALSE) {
## if(!is(symbolRCobject, 'symbolBase')) stop('adding non-symbol object to symbolTable')
name <- symbolRCobject$name
if(!allowReplace) if(name %in% getSymbolNames()) warning(paste0('duplicate symbol name: ', name))
symbols[[name]] <<- symbolRCobject
if(dimAndSizeListMade) {
dimAndSizeList[[name]] <<- {ans <- try(list(symbolRCobject$size, symbolRCobject$nDim)); if(inherits(ans, 'try-error')) NULL else ans}
## remove a symbol RC object from this symbolTable; gives warning if symbol isn't in table
removeSymbol = function(name) {
if(!(name %in% getSymbolNames())) warning(paste0('removing non-existant symbol name: ', name))
symbols[[name]] <<- NULL },
## symbol accessor functions
getLength = function() return(length(symbols)),
getSymbolObjects = function() return(symbols),
getSymbolNames = function() if(is.null(names(symbols))) return(character(0)) else return(names(symbols)),
getSymbolObject = function(name, inherits = FALSE) {
ans <- symbols[[name]]
if(is.null(ans)) if(inherits) if(!is.null(parentST)) ans <- parentST$getSymbolObject(name, TRUE)
symbolExists = function(name, inherits = FALSE) {
return(!is.null(getSymbolObject(name, inherits)))
initDimAndSizeList = function() {
dimAndSizeList <<- lapply(symbols, function(x) {
ans <- try(list(x$size, x$nDim))
if(inherits(ans, 'try-error')) NULL else ans
dimAndSizeListMade <<- TRUE
makeDimAndSizeList = function(names) {
if(!dimAndSizeListMade) initDimAndSizeList()
getSymbolType = function(name) return(symbols[[name]]$type),
getSymbolField = function(name, field) return(symbols[[name]][[field]]),
setSymbolField = function(name, field, value) symbols[[name]][[field]] <<- value,
## parentST accessor functions
getParentST = function() return(parentST),
setParentST = function(ST) parentST <<- ST,
show = function() {
writeLines('symbol table:')
for(i in seq_along(symbols)) symbols[[i]]$show()
if(!is.null(parentST)) {
writeLines('parent symbol table:')
areMVSymTabsEqual <- function(symTab1, symTab2) {
vN1 = symTab1$getSymbolNames()
vN2 = symTab2$getSymbolNames()
if(length(vN1) != length(vN2) )
for(i in seq_along(vN1) ) {
if(vN1[i] != vN2[i])
if(symTab1$symbols[[i]]$type != symTab2$symbols[[i]]$type)
if( !all( is(symTab1$symbols[[i]]) == is(symTab2$symbols[[i]]) ) )
if( inherits(symTab1$symbols[[i]], "symbolBasic")) {
nDim = symTab1$symbols[[i]]$nDim
if(nDim != symTab2$symbols[[i]]$nDim )
size1 = symTab1$symbols[[i]]$size
size2 = symTab2$symbols[[i]]$size
if(any(size1 != size2) )
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