source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'AD_test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
EDopt <- nimbleOptions("enableDerivs")
BMDopt <- nimbleOptions("buildModelDerivs")
CCopt <- nimbleOptions("useClearCompiledInADTesting")
nimbleOptions(enableDerivs = TRUE)
nimbleOptions(buildModelDerivs = TRUE)
nimbleOptions(useClearCompiledInADTesting = FALSE)
# tested:
# 'dbeta' (although boundary at x=0 and x=1 not consistent between R and c++),
# 'dbinom' (works as long as wrt = prob and not x or size),
# 'dchisq' (inconsistencies at df = 0, incorrect R derivs at x = 0),
# 'dcat' #not implemented
# 'dexp',
# 'dgamma',
# 'dinvgamma',
# 'dlogis',
# 'dlnorm',
# 'dmnorm_chol',
# 'dmulti',
# 'dnegbin'
# 'dnorm',
# 'dpois',
# 'dt',
# 'dt_nonstandard',
# 'dunif',
# 'dweib''
# 'ddirch',
# 'dmvt',
# 'dwish'
distributionArgsList <- list()
distributionArgsList[['dbeta']] <- list(
distnName = 'dbeta',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
shape1 = quote(double(0)),
shape2 = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(# list(x = -1, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1), ## x below support
# list(x = 0, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1), ## x at boundary of support, currently not working
# list(x = 1, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1), ## x at boundary of support, currently not working
# list(x = 2, shape1 = 1,
# shape2 = 1),
#list(x = .3, ## first param not valid
# shape1 = -1,
# shape2 = 1),
# list(x = .3, ## second param not valid
# shape1 = 1,
# shape2 = -1),
list(x = .9, ## okay
shape1 = 12,
shape2 = .1),
list(x = .3, ## okay
shape1 = 10,
shape2 = 1))
distributionArgsList[['dbinom']] <- list(
distnName = 'dbinom',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
prob = quote(double(0)),
size = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, prob = .1, size = 1),
# list(x = 1.5, prob = .1, size = 1),
# list(x = 1.5, prob = .1, size = 2),
# list(x = 2, prob = .1, size = 1),
# list(x = 2, prob = .1, size = 2.5),
# list(x = 2, prob = -1, size = 3),
# list(x = 2, prob = 10, size = 3),
# list(x = 2, prob = 0, size = 3),
# list(x = 2, prob = 1, size = 3),
list(x = 2, prob = .1, size = 3),
list(x = 25, prob = .5, size = 50)),
WRT = c('prob') ## only take derivs wrt 'prob' argument, otherwise warnings
## from R, and inconsistencies between R and C++ will occur.
# distributionArgsList[['dcat']] <- list(
# distnName = 'dcat',
# args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
# prob = quote(double(1, 3))),
# argsValues = list(
# list(x = 3, prob = 1:3),
# list(x = 2, prob = 1:3*2)
# ),
# WRT = c('prob')
# )
distributionArgsList[['dchisq']] <- list(
distnName = 'dchisq',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
df = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, df = 1),
# list(x = 0, df = 1), #R derivs here are incorrect
# list(x = 1, df = -1),
# list(x = 1, df = 0), #slight inconsistency between R and C++
list(x = 1, df = 0.5),
list(x = 1, df = 2),
list(x = 12.5, df =22)
distributionArgsList[['ddirch']] <- list(
distnName = 'ddirch',
args = list(x = quote(double(1, 3)),
alpha = quote(double(1, 3))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = c(0,0,0), alpha = c(0,0,0)),
# list(x = c(0,-1,0), alpha = c(0,0,0)),
# list(x = c(0,0,0), alpha = c(-1,0,0)),
# list(x = c(.1,0,0), alpha = c(1,2,3)), # R and C Hessians don't match
list(x = c(1/3,1/3,1/3), alpha = c(1,2,3))
WRT = 'alpha'
distributionArgsList[['dexp']] <- list(
distnName = 'dexp',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
rate = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, rate = 1),
# list(x = -1, rate = 0), inconsistency between R and C++
# list(x = -1, rate = -1),
# list(x = 0, rate = 1), R derivs incorrect here
# list(x = 0, rate = 0), R derivs incorrect here
# list(x = 0, rate = -1), R derivs incorrect here
# list(x = 1, rate = 0), R derivs incorrect here
list(x = 1, rate = 1),
list(x = 12, rate = 13.2)
distributionArgsList[['dgamma']] <- list(
distnName = 'dgamma',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
shape = quote(double(0)),
rate = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, shape = 1, rate = 1),
# list(x = -1, shape = -1, rate = 1),
# list(x = -1, shape = 1, rate = -1),
list(x = .1, shape = 1, rate = 1),
list(x = 22.2, shape = 10, rate = 15.2))
distributionArgsList[['dinvgamma']] <- list(
distnName = 'dinvgamma',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
shape = quote(double(0)),
scale = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, shape = 1, scale = 1),
# list(x = -1, shape = -1, scale = 1),
# list(x = -1, shape = 1, scale = -1),
list(x = .1, shape = 1, scale = 1),
list(x = 22.2, shape = 10, scale = 15.2))
distributionArgsList[['dlogis']] <- list(
distnName = 'dlogis',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
location = quote(double(0)),
scale = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, location = 1, scale = 0),
# list(x = -1, location = -1, scale = -1),
# list(x = -1, location = 1, scale = 1),
list(x = .1, location = 1, scale = 2),
list(x = 22.2, location = 10, scale = 15.2))
distributionArgsList[['dlnorm']] <- list(
distnName = 'dlnorm',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
meanlog = quote(double(0)),
sdlog = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, meanlog = 1, taulog = 0),
# list(x = -1, meanlog = -1, taulog = -1),
# list(x = -1, meanlog = 1, taulog = 1),
list(x = .1, meanlog = 1, sdlog = 2),
list(x = 22.2, meanlog = 10, sdlog = 15.2))
distributionArgsList[['dmnorm_chol']] <- list(
distnName = 'dmnorm_chol',
args = list(x = quote(double(1, 2)),
mean = quote(double(1, 2)),
cholesky = quote(double(2, c(2, 2))),
prec_param = quote(double())),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = numeric(2), mean = numeric(2), cholesky = -diag(2), prec_param = F),
# list(x = numeric(2), mean = numeric(2), cholesky = -diag(2), prec_param = T),
# list(x = numeric(2), mean = numeric(2), cholesky = matrix(c(0,0,0,0), nrow = 2)) R and C inconsistency
list(x = numeric(2), mean = numeric(2), cholesky = diag(2), prec_param = F),
list(x = numeric(2), mean = numeric(2), cholesky = diag(2), prec_param = T)
# list(x = c(1.3, 4.1), mean = c(1,4), cholesky = chol(matrix(c(1.2, .14, .14, 2.7), nrow = 2))) # inconsistency between R and C++ hessians, hypothesis is that R finite element diff. is giving incorrect results for cholesky param.
WRT = c('x', 'mean', 'cholesky')
distributionArgsList[['dmulti']] <- list(
distnName = 'dmulti',
args = list(x = quote(double(1, 3)),
size = quote(double(0)),
prob = quote(double(1, 3))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = numeric(3), size = 0, prob = numeric(3)),
# list(x = numeric(3) - 1, size = -3, prob = numeric(3)),
# list(x = numeric(3) - 1, size = -3, prob = numeric(3) + 1/3),
list(x = 1:3, size = sum(1:3), prob = numeric(3) + 1/3)
WRT = c('prob')
distributionArgsList[['dnbinom']] <- list(
distnName = 'dnbinom',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
prob = quote(double(0)),
size = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, prob = .1, size = 1),
# list(x = 0, prob = .1, size = 1),
# list(x = 1.5, prob = .1, size = 1),
# list(x = 1.5, prob = .1, size = 2),
# list(x = 2, prob = .1, size = 1),
# list(x = 2, prob = .1, size = 2.5),
# list(x = 2, prob = -1, size = 3),
# list(x = 2, prob = 10, size = 3),
# list(x = 2, prob = 0, size = 3), #again issue with prob at boundaries
# list(x = 2, prob = 1, size = 3),
list(x = 2, prob = .1, size = 3),
list(x = 25, prob = .5, size = 50)),
WRT = c('prob') ## only take derivs wrt 'prob' argument, otherwise warnings
## from R, and inconsistencies between R and C++ will occur.
distributionArgsList[['dnorm']] <- list(
distnName = 'dnorm',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
mean = quote(double(0)),
sd = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, mean = 1, tau = 0), # same issue with inconsistent R/C++ derivs of un-logged prob wrt tau
# list(x = -1, mean = -1, tau = -1),
list(x = -1, mean = 1, sd = 1),
list(x = .1, mean = 1, sd = 2),
list(x = 22.2, mean = 10, sd = 15.2))
distributionArgsList[['dpois']] <- list(
distnName = 'dpois',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
lambda = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, lambda = -1),
# list(x = 0, lambda = -1),
# list(x = 1, lambda = -1),
# list(x = -1, lambda = 0),
# list(x = 0, lambda = 0), #some R and C inconsistencies here
# list(x = 1, lambda = 0),
list(x = 1, lambda = 1),
list(x = 14, lambda = 12)),
WRT = c('lambda')
distributionArgsList[['dt']] <- list(
distnName = 'dt',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
df = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, df = -1),
# list(x = -1, df = 0),
list(x = .1, df = .5),
list(x = 22.2, df = 10))
distributionArgsList[['dt_nonstandard']] <- list(
distnName = 'dt_nonstandard',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
df = quote(double(0)),
mu = quote(double(0)),
sigma = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, df = -1, mu = 0, sigma = 1),
# list(x = -1, df = 0, mu = 0, sigma = 1),
#list(x = -1, df = 0, mu = -1, sigma = 0), # R and C derivs don't align
#list(x = -1, df = 1, mu = -1, sigma = 0), # R and C derivs don't align
# list(x = -1, df = 2, mu = -2, sigma = 0), # R and C derivs don't align
# list(x = -1, df = 2, mu = -2, sigma = -1),
list(x = .1, df = .5, mu = 0, sigma = 1),
list(x = 22.2, df = 10, mu = 0, sigma = 1))
distributionArgsList[['dunif']] <- list(
distnName = 'dunif',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
min = quote(double(0)),
max = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, min = 0, max = 1),
# list(x = -1, min = 0, max = 0),
# list(x = 0, min = 0, max = 0),
# list(x = 0, min = 0, max = -1),
# list(x = 0, min = 0, max = 1), # R derivs problem at boundary
list(x = .5, min = 0, max = 1))
distributionArgsList[['dweibull']] <- list(
distnName = 'dweibull',
args = list(x = quote(double(0)),
shape = quote(double(0)),
scale = quote(double(0))),
argsValues = list(
# list(x = -1, shape = 0, scale = 1),
# list(x = -1, shape = 0, scale = 0),
# list(x = 0, shape = 0, scale = 0), #R derivs at x = 0 incorrect
# list(x = 0, shape = 1, scale = 1),
# list(x = 0.5, shape = 0, scale = 0),
list(x = 0.5, shape = 1, scale = 1),
list(x = 2, shape = 3, scale = 2))
# distributionArgsList[['dmvt_chol']] <- list(
# distnName = 'dmvt_chol',
# args = list(x = quote(double(1, 2)),
# mu = quote(double(1, 2)),
# cholesky = quote(double(2, c(2, 2))),
# df = quote(double()),
# prec_param = quote(double())),
# argsValues = list(
# # list(x = numeric(2), mu = numeric(2), cholesky = -diag(2), df = 1, prec_param = 1),
# # list(x = numeric(2), mean = numeric(2), cholesky = matrix(c(0,0,0,0), nrow = 2)) R and C inconsistency
# # list(x = numeric(2), mu = numeric(2), cholesky = diag(2), df = 1, prec_param = 1),
# list(x = c(1.3, 4.1), mu = c(1,4),
# cholesky = chol(matrix(c(1.2, .14, .14, 2.7), nrow = 2)),
# df = 3, prec_param = 0),
# list(x = c(12.1, 42.1), mu = c(10,40),
# cholesky = chol(matrix(c(13.2, 2.14, 2.14, 2.73), nrow = 2)),
# df = 3, prec_param = 0),
# list(x = c(1.3, 4.1), mu = c(1,4),
# cholesky = chol(matrix(c(1.2, .14, .14, 2.7), nrow = 2)),
# df = 3, prec_param = 1),
# list(x = c(12.1, 42.1), mu = c(10,40),
# cholesky = chol(matrix(c(13.2, 2.14, 2.14, 2.73), nrow = 2)),
# df = 3, prec_param = 1)
# )
# )
# distributionArgsList[['dwish_chol']] <- list(
# distnName = 'dwish_chol',
# args = list(x = quote(double(2, c(2,2))),
# cholesky = quote(double(2, c(2, 2))),
# df = quote(double()),
# scale_param = quote(double())),
# argsValues = list(
# list(x = matrix(c(1,.8,.8,1), nrow = 2),
# cholesky = chol(matrix(c(1.2, .14, .14, 2.7), nrow = 2)),
# df = 3, scale_param = 1)
# )
# )
lapply(distributionArgsList, function(x){
test_that(paste0('AD for distribution ', x$distnName),
runFun <- gen_runFunCore(makeADDistributionTestList(x))
methodFun <- gen_runFunCore(makeADDistributionMethodTestList(x))
thisNf <- nimbleFunction(setup = function(){},
run = runFun,
methods = list(
method1 = methodFun
buildDerivs = list(method1 = list()))
test_ADDistribution(thisNf, x$argsValues,
nimbleOptions(enableDerivs = EDopt)
nimbleOptions(buildModelDerivs = BMDopt)
nimbleOptions(useClearCompiledInADTesting = CCopt)
do_test <- function(x){
test_that(paste0('AD for distribution ', x$distnName),
runFun <- gen_runFunCore(makeADDistributionTestList(x))
methodFun <- gen_runFunCore(makeADDistributionMethodTestList(x))
thisNf <- nimbleFunction(setup = function(){},
run = runFun,
methods = list(
method1 = methodFun
buildDerivs = list(method1 = list()))
test_ADDistribution(thisNf, x$argsValues,
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